Donate to DAP for PJ
The PJ Utara team has been greatly encouraged by the show of support shown so far.
Last night, we had 2 ceramahs, and the attendance was fantastic!
Tonight, our ceramah will be held at SS2, in front of MJ Cafe
The location is near the SS2 market. There are two entrances to the market, one from McD, and the other is from MJ Cafe, behind Hong Leong bank.

for tonight's ceramah, we have an excellent lineup.
The speakers are
Lim Kit Siang
Haris Ibrahim
Tony Pua candidate for Parliament Petaling Jaya Utara
Dr Cheah Wing Yin candidate for State Damansara Utama
Lau Weng San candidate for Kampung Tunku
Thank You
Starts at 8:00pm
Parking can be a bit of a problem on Monday nights as there is a pasar malam there.
Come early to find a place to park OR park at the open-air carpark. I think it's RM4, a bit price, but helps saves on your stress level.
It would be good if you could carpool cos it saves the environment and takes up less parking space.