Here's my set of 15 questions for the upcoming parliamentary session starting 19 October 2009. I haven't posted all the answers to the previous set up here yet. Will do so soon! ;-)
Parliamentary Questions for 2009 Session III
Soalan Jawapan Lisan
1.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan
(a)siapakah ahli pasukan petugas khas yang diketuai oleh Tan Sri Sidek Hassan, untuk menyiasat skandal Zon Bebas Pelabuhan Klang
(b)bila dan adakah hasil siasatan akan diumumkan ataupun diklasifikasi sebagai OSA?
(21 Oktober 2009)
2.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna menyatakan adakah ianya benar bahawa syarikat-syarikat stesen minyak tidak dibenarkan menjual petrol dengan harga yang lebih rendah daripada harga yang ditentukan oleh kerajaan, dan apa sebabnya.
3.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna menyatakan subsidi yang diberikan, ataupun cukai yang dikutip daripada pengguna untuk setiap liter petrol yang dijual, termasuk jenis RON98, RON95 dan diesel jika minyak mentah pasaran antarabangsa berharga US$60, US$70, US$80 dan US$100 mengikut kadar permintaan terkini.
4.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan sebab-sebab sekolah-sekolah, terutamanya di bandar-bandar, di mana pihak ibubapa bersetuju dan meminta supaya dasar PPSMI diteruskan, tidak dapat diberikan peluang untuk berbuat begitu.
5.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan secara terperinci, dasar biasiswa 1Malaysia yang mengikut prinsip meritokrasi termasuklah jumlah biasiswa yang ditawarkan, kriteria pemilihan dan perbezaannya dengan dasar biasiswa JPA sebelum ini yang juga mempunyai kuota biasiswa yang berdasarkan meritokrasi.
6.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan kerja-kerja dan pencapaian Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awan yang diumumkan sejak Jun 2008 dan kedudukan langkah-langkah yang telah dicadangkan oleh suruhanjaya ini untuk menaiktarafkan tahap sistem pengangkutan awam.
7.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pengajian Tinggi menyatakan kedudukan projek “MyBrain15” di bawah konsep Universiti Apex, termasuklah jumlah peningkatan graduan berkelayakan kedoktoran (PhD) sejak 2007.
8.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan sebab-sebab kakitangan kesihatan awam tidak diberikan peluang “undian pos” seperti askar dan polis, sekiranya dasar “undian pos” terus dikekalkan.
9.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kerja Raya menyatakan
(a)jumlah pemegang kad Touch'n'Go yang berlayak untuk menikmati diskaun 20% kadar toll, jumlah nilainya berbanding jumlah yang telah dibayar pada setiap bulan sejak skim ini dilaksanakan
(b)siapakah yang membiayai kos diskaun yang diberikan kepada pengguna
(14 Disember 2009)
10.Tony Pua meminta Minta Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi, Kesenian dan Kebudayaan mennyatakan pendirian kerajaan terhadap polisi 'Network Neutrality' untuk servis Internet di Malaysia dan sebab-sebab pendirian sebegitu?
Soalan Bertulis
11.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan secara terperinci jadual pengutipan cukai pendapatan individu dan syarikat/perbadanan mengikut negeri, berbanding denganperuntukan kerajaan persekutuan kepada setiap negeri pada setiap tahun sejak tahun 2000.
12.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan secara terperinci dengan jadual, jumlah pekerja Malaysia mengikut taraf pendapatan bawah RM1,000, antara RM1,000 dan RM2,000, antara RM2,000 dan RM3,000, dan setiap ribu yang berikutan sehingga RM10,000; ataupun mengikut kadar pendapatan yang sedia ada dalam kementerian.
13.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan dengan jadual, berapa ramai Pegawai Tadbir dan Dipomatik (M41) yang direkrut dan antaranya berapa ramai merupakan pemegang biasiswa JPA pada setiap tahun sejak 2000.
14.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan dengan jadual, jumlah penerima pelbagai skim biasiswa JPA ijazah muda luar negeri mengikut jumlah 'A1' yang dicapai dalam keputusan SPM bagi setiap tahun dari 2005 ke 2009. Misalnya, 13A1 10 penerima biasiswa, 12A1 25 penerima dan seterusnya.
15.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan:
(a)senarai projek sistem pengangkutan yang akan dilaksanakan bawah peruntukan sebanyak RM35 bilion dari tahun 2009 sehingga 2014, dan anggaran kos untuk setiap projek
(b)peruntukan pengangkutan awan setiap tahun dari tahun 2009 sehingga 2014 mengikut jumlah RM35 bilion.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Lone Ranger Hasan Ali Must Stop Shooting From The Hip
I wrote this statement a couple of days ago but decided on holding it back first to see how things pan out. But well, looks like it has been overtaken by events, with even Dr Hasan's fellow PAS colleagues coming out to criticise his outburst against SELCAT. So I'll just put it up on the blog here instead.
Dr Hasan Ali must decide if he is part of the governing Pakatan Rakyat coalition or a lone-ranger who shoots from the hip
Selangor state executive councillor, Dr Hasan Ali has once again decided to stir controversy by hitting out at the Selangor Competency, Accountability and Transparency (SELCAT) committee investigations into the allocation of constituency funds by both former and current Selangor state assemblymen.
The SELCAT investigations has to date revealed extensive irregularities and wrongdoings by various parties including the former Barisan Nasional assemblymen with the complicity of many of the DOs. It was also responsible for the revelations on the Balkis scandal when the state government-linked companies officers were questioned.
He has criticised the transparent and open manner of SELCAT investigations led by the state speaker, Teng Chang Khim, especially with regards to the questioning of the state district officers (DOs). Dr Hasan Ali has further suggested that these investigations be conducted behind closed doors by former judges and other “independent” personalities.
Dr Hasan Ali must be reminded that his proposed closed door investigations runs completely contrary to the key principles upheld by SELCAT and the Pakatan Rakyat government, that is of “Accountability” and “Transparency”. If the DOs or any other civil servants have not done anything wrong or against the law, there will be nothing to be ashamed of. Dr Hasan Ali's argument for “independent” personalities also does not make sense, for the Selangor state assembly has been elected by the people to ensure a competent, accountable and transparent government, and that responsibility must never be abdicated by the assembly.
More importantly however, without going into the merits of the Dr Hasan Ali's arguments, the bigger question is, why is he once again taking unilateral actions to criticise the Pakatan Rakyat admistration without any prior consultation with either the State Executive Council (EXCO) or the state Pakatan Rakyat secretariat of which he is a member?
Dr Hasan Ali certainly has his right to his views but would it not be better if they were raised in these consultative meetings first in order for a common decision to be made for the betterment of the state? This is not the first time he has completely ignored the EXCO and the PR secretariat before making highly controversial and questionable announcements, such as seeking the removal of a fellow Exco member, the confiscation of beer and the empowerment of mosque committee members to make arrests all within the past 3 months.
What is most hypocritical is the fact that Dr Hasan Ali did not utter a single word of objection when the issue of constituency fund allocation investigations was raised in a PR secretariat meeting which was held before the commencement of the SELCAT investigations! And now he has to act like the “hero” fighting for the rights of the “maligned” DOs.
Dr Hasan Ali must start behaving like he is part of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, especially since he insisted that he is committed to the coalition after the earlier controversies. The method of strengthening Pakatan is via consultative decision-making, and not via every EXCO member shooting from the hip as and when they feel like it. If however, Dr Hasan Ali so feels that he is for one reason or another, unable to consult and discuss with the EXCO and his coalition partners, then perhaps in the interest of Pakatan Rakyat, it is best that he gives way to another leader who can from his party.
Dr Hasan Ali must decide if he is part of the governing Pakatan Rakyat coalition or a lone-ranger who shoots from the hip
Selangor state executive councillor, Dr Hasan Ali has once again decided to stir controversy by hitting out at the Selangor Competency, Accountability and Transparency (SELCAT) committee investigations into the allocation of constituency funds by both former and current Selangor state assemblymen.
The SELCAT investigations has to date revealed extensive irregularities and wrongdoings by various parties including the former Barisan Nasional assemblymen with the complicity of many of the DOs. It was also responsible for the revelations on the Balkis scandal when the state government-linked companies officers were questioned.
He has criticised the transparent and open manner of SELCAT investigations led by the state speaker, Teng Chang Khim, especially with regards to the questioning of the state district officers (DOs). Dr Hasan Ali has further suggested that these investigations be conducted behind closed doors by former judges and other “independent” personalities.
Dr Hasan Ali must be reminded that his proposed closed door investigations runs completely contrary to the key principles upheld by SELCAT and the Pakatan Rakyat government, that is of “Accountability” and “Transparency”. If the DOs or any other civil servants have not done anything wrong or against the law, there will be nothing to be ashamed of. Dr Hasan Ali's argument for “independent” personalities also does not make sense, for the Selangor state assembly has been elected by the people to ensure a competent, accountable and transparent government, and that responsibility must never be abdicated by the assembly.
More importantly however, without going into the merits of the Dr Hasan Ali's arguments, the bigger question is, why is he once again taking unilateral actions to criticise the Pakatan Rakyat admistration without any prior consultation with either the State Executive Council (EXCO) or the state Pakatan Rakyat secretariat of which he is a member?
Dr Hasan Ali certainly has his right to his views but would it not be better if they were raised in these consultative meetings first in order for a common decision to be made for the betterment of the state? This is not the first time he has completely ignored the EXCO and the PR secretariat before making highly controversial and questionable announcements, such as seeking the removal of a fellow Exco member, the confiscation of beer and the empowerment of mosque committee members to make arrests all within the past 3 months.
What is most hypocritical is the fact that Dr Hasan Ali did not utter a single word of objection when the issue of constituency fund allocation investigations was raised in a PR secretariat meeting which was held before the commencement of the SELCAT investigations! And now he has to act like the “hero” fighting for the rights of the “maligned” DOs.
Dr Hasan Ali must start behaving like he is part of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition, especially since he insisted that he is committed to the coalition after the earlier controversies. The method of strengthening Pakatan is via consultative decision-making, and not via every EXCO member shooting from the hip as and when they feel like it. If however, Dr Hasan Ali so feels that he is for one reason or another, unable to consult and discuss with the EXCO and his coalition partners, then perhaps in the interest of Pakatan Rakyat, it is best that he gives way to another leader who can from his party.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Rumah Terbuka Kebangsaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri DAP
Salam Aidilfitri kepada rakan-rakan DAP,
Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) menjemput semua lapisan masyarakat ke majlis Rumah Terbuka Kebangsaan DAP sempena sambutan Aidilfitri pada 27hb September 2009 (Ahad) dari jam 11.30 pagi hingga jam 2 petang, bertempat di Dewan MPAJ Kg Cheras Baharu, Selangor.
Para tetamu turut berpeluang beramah mesra dengan saf pimpinan DAP selain menikmati juadah Hari Raya.
Majlis ini juga akan dihadiri pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat seperti Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, dan Presiden PAS Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang.
DAP dan Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda bersama-sama keluarga anda untuk meraikan perayaan Aidilfitri dengan penuh makna dan kemeriahan.
Maklumat Lanjut Rumah Terbuka Kebangsaan Hari Raya DAP
Tempat: Dewan MPAJ Kg Cheras Baharu, Jalan Kuari, Selangor
Tarikh : 27hb September 2009, Ahad
Masa : 11.30 pg - 2.00 ptg
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Waypoint (untuk GPS) : N3 06.512 E101 45.078
Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi atau
03-42951267, 016-2781190 atau 012-2468539.
Sekian terima kasih.
DAP Malaysia
Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) menjemput semua lapisan masyarakat ke majlis Rumah Terbuka Kebangsaan DAP sempena sambutan Aidilfitri pada 27hb September 2009 (Ahad) dari jam 11.30 pagi hingga jam 2 petang, bertempat di Dewan MPAJ Kg Cheras Baharu, Selangor.
Para tetamu turut berpeluang beramah mesra dengan saf pimpinan DAP selain menikmati juadah Hari Raya.
Majlis ini juga akan dihadiri pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat seperti Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng, Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, dan Presiden PAS Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang.
DAP dan Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng mengalu-alukan kehadiran anda bersama-sama keluarga anda untuk meraikan perayaan Aidilfitri dengan penuh makna dan kemeriahan.
Maklumat Lanjut Rumah Terbuka Kebangsaan Hari Raya DAP
Tempat: Dewan MPAJ Kg Cheras Baharu, Jalan Kuari, Selangor
Tarikh : 27hb September 2009, Ahad
Masa : 11.30 pg - 2.00 ptg
Facebook :
Rujukan Lokasi dan Peta :
Peta :
Google Maps :
Waypoint (untuk GPS) : N3 06.512 E101 45.078
Sebarang pertanyaan, sila hubungi atau
03-42951267, 016-2781190 atau 012-2468539.
Sekian terima kasih.
DAP Malaysia
Monday, September 14, 2009
Legal Action Against Tiong Halted?
Did the Prime Minister set up the new PKFZ “Super” task force to prevent the Ministry of Transport “Special” Task Force from commencing legal suits against Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd and other relevant parties?
The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has announced on the 9th September that a new Super task force led by the Chief Secretary of Government, comprising of the Attorney General, Treasurer Secretary-General and other officers from the Ministry of Transport and Finance will be set up to investigate further into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.
We have highlighted the fact that this “super” task force will be immediately rendered impotent from the fact that there will be enormous conflict of interest involved by the officials who are appointed to the task force as these officials are themselves involved directly or indirectly with the various decisions made and actions taken (or not taken) leading to the cost of the project ballooning from RM2 billion to RM7.98 billion and potentially to RM12.5 billion.
However Malaysians are still left in the dark as to whether the “special” task force as well as 2 committees set up by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) in June 2009 has been disbanded with immediate effect.
The Special Task Force comprises of preeminent lawyers, accountants, quantity surveyors and building cost consultants from top rated professional firms were appointed to assist in the legal review and financial restructuring of PKFZ.
Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, the Chairman of PKA had announced that the Board of PKA has already been briefed by the Special Task Force on the various possible fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, conspiracy, negligence, wrongdoings and irregularities discovered. The Board was also informed of various notices of payments which were believed to be false, erroneous or defective.
On behalf of the PKA board of directors, Datuk Lee emphasized that the PKA “legal team has been asked to commence legal action against KDSB and relevant parties” and to “use every legal means possible to challenge the disputed claims amounting to about RM1.4 billion” in his press statements dated 10th, 18th and 26th August.
The question now is whether the announcement by Datuk Seri Najib has effectively killed any attempts by PKA to immediately summon the parties found to have cheated and defrauded them, as the task of investigation the malpractices has been handed over to the Chief Secretary of Government?
The Minister of Transport, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat appears to be resigned to the above fact as he made the face-saving statement that he “consider(s) the new task force as the last lap in what has been a tedious and complicated marathon race” which could only mean that the previous lap by the “special” task force he set up has been stopped in its tracks.
The DAP calls for the Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to demonstrate boldness and a “performance now” culture by entrusting PKA to immediately pursue legal actions against parties who had acted against the interest of the Government based on the reports prepared by the “Special” task force led Mr Vinayak Pradhan from Skrine & Co. Mr Pradhan has impeccable credentials as a former Commissioner with the United Nations (UN) Compensation Commission and member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
The failure of the Government to do so can only mean a clear attempt by Datuk Seri Najib to cover up once again Malaysia's mother of all scandals, which will cost Malaysians up to RM12.5 billion.
The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has announced on the 9th September that a new Super task force led by the Chief Secretary of Government, comprising of the Attorney General, Treasurer Secretary-General and other officers from the Ministry of Transport and Finance will be set up to investigate further into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.
We have highlighted the fact that this “super” task force will be immediately rendered impotent from the fact that there will be enormous conflict of interest involved by the officials who are appointed to the task force as these officials are themselves involved directly or indirectly with the various decisions made and actions taken (or not taken) leading to the cost of the project ballooning from RM2 billion to RM7.98 billion and potentially to RM12.5 billion.
However Malaysians are still left in the dark as to whether the “special” task force as well as 2 committees set up by the Ministry of Transport (MOT) in June 2009 has been disbanded with immediate effect.
The Special Task Force comprises of preeminent lawyers, accountants, quantity surveyors and building cost consultants from top rated professional firms were appointed to assist in the legal review and financial restructuring of PKFZ.
Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, the Chairman of PKA had announced that the Board of PKA has already been briefed by the Special Task Force on the various possible fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, conspiracy, negligence, wrongdoings and irregularities discovered. The Board was also informed of various notices of payments which were believed to be false, erroneous or defective.
On behalf of the PKA board of directors, Datuk Lee emphasized that the PKA “legal team has been asked to commence legal action against KDSB and relevant parties” and to “use every legal means possible to challenge the disputed claims amounting to about RM1.4 billion” in his press statements dated 10th, 18th and 26th August.
The question now is whether the announcement by Datuk Seri Najib has effectively killed any attempts by PKA to immediately summon the parties found to have cheated and defrauded them, as the task of investigation the malpractices has been handed over to the Chief Secretary of Government?
The Minister of Transport, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat appears to be resigned to the above fact as he made the face-saving statement that he “consider(s) the new task force as the last lap in what has been a tedious and complicated marathon race” which could only mean that the previous lap by the “special” task force he set up has been stopped in its tracks.
The DAP calls for the Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to demonstrate boldness and a “performance now” culture by entrusting PKA to immediately pursue legal actions against parties who had acted against the interest of the Government based on the reports prepared by the “Special” task force led Mr Vinayak Pradhan from Skrine & Co. Mr Pradhan has impeccable credentials as a former Commissioner with the United Nations (UN) Compensation Commission and member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
The failure of the Government to do so can only mean a clear attempt by Datuk Seri Najib to cover up once again Malaysia's mother of all scandals, which will cost Malaysians up to RM12.5 billion.
Friday, September 11, 2009
How Many Task Forces Do We Need To Fix PKFZ?
This reminds me of the jokes about "how many people do you need to change a lightbulb?"
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's “performance now” government is fast becoming a farce with the set up of another 3 “high-powered” task forces to investigate into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) mega-scandal. The 3 new taskforces comprising of the Chief Secretary of Government, the Treasury Secretary-General, the Attorney-General and officials from the Transport and Finance ministries will look into (i) misappropriation, abuse of power and illegal acts, (ii) good governance and (iii) the financial feasibility of the PKFZ project respectively.
These 3 taskforces are set up 3 months after another “Special” Task Force and 2 committees were set up by the Ministry of Transport in June 2009 to deal with the exact same issues.
The Special Task Force comprises of preeminent lawyers, accountants, quantity surveyors and building cost consultants from top rated professional firms were appointed to assist in the legal review and financial restructuring of PKFZ.
Port Klang Authority (PKA) has also set up a Committee of Corporate Governance led by Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan, President of Transparency International Malaysia and Encik Nik Mohd. Hasyudeen Yusoff, President of Malaysian Institute of Accountants. In addition, an Executive Committee was formed to plan and monitor the business development of the trade zone.
The special task force and committees had been set up in response to a report which had been prepared by another Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) task force which had already revealed some major discrepancies, conflict of interest, abuse of power, the absence of governance as well as major incompetence in the management of the PKFZ project.
Now the Prime Minister, instead of acting on the detailed report prepared by the Special Task Force for the Cabinet, has decided yet again to set up another 3 task forces to “investigate” further. This is completely ridiculous on 2 separate levels:
Firstly, millions have been spent by the Ministry of Transport to hire the best in the industry to come up with the various detailed report including Mr Vinayak Pradhan from Skrine & Co, a former Commissioner with the United Nations (UN) Compensation Commission and member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Have the reports by Skrine and PwC been so incomplete and inconclusive that the Government must set up another task force to investigate further? If that is the case, then the Prime Minister should demand the Special Task Force to do their homework properly, especially since millions of public funds are being paid to them.
If however, the Special Task Force has done their investigations diligently and comprehensively, then why is there a need for a separate new “high-powered” task force?
Secondly, it defies logic completely that the task force will comprise of senior officials from the Ministry of Finance and Transport who were themselves involved both directly and indirectly with the project, some right from its very inception! How can we expect this new “high-powered” task force of Ministry officials to act impartially and professionally when they themselves are vested interest parties?
What's more, many of these officials have been summoned by the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to assist with the investigation of the PKFZ scandal, and the PAC has already found them to have failed or neglected to perform their duties in a responsible and competent manner, as revealed by the PAC chairman, Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid himself.
This leads to the next point that besides the task forces, PAC is also investigating the mega-scandal, and so is the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC). The latter has been investigating without anything to show since December 2004 when the first Anti-Corruption Agency report on PKFZ was lodged. This means that there are now 9 task forces, committees or agencies which are investigating or have investigated the PKFZ scandal!
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak should not be setting up any more task forces, especially not one led by civil servants with vested interests on PKFZ, but instead use the detailed report by the Special Task Force comprising of top notch professionals to take appropriate actions against those who has been singled out as having been criminally negligent, abused powers, corrupt or defrauded the Government.
If the Prime Minister still insist on another investigating task force, then let it be an Independent Royal Commission of Inquiry on PKFZ to ensure that all responsible parties are brought to book, regardless of whether they are current or former Ministers, senior or junior civil servants who caused Malaysia's ugliest scandal ever.
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak's “performance now” government is fast becoming a farce with the set up of another 3 “high-powered” task forces to investigate into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) mega-scandal. The 3 new taskforces comprising of the Chief Secretary of Government, the Treasury Secretary-General, the Attorney-General and officials from the Transport and Finance ministries will look into (i) misappropriation, abuse of power and illegal acts, (ii) good governance and (iii) the financial feasibility of the PKFZ project respectively.
These 3 taskforces are set up 3 months after another “Special” Task Force and 2 committees were set up by the Ministry of Transport in June 2009 to deal with the exact same issues.
The Special Task Force comprises of preeminent lawyers, accountants, quantity surveyors and building cost consultants from top rated professional firms were appointed to assist in the legal review and financial restructuring of PKFZ.
Port Klang Authority (PKA) has also set up a Committee of Corporate Governance led by Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan, President of Transparency International Malaysia and Encik Nik Mohd. Hasyudeen Yusoff, President of Malaysian Institute of Accountants. In addition, an Executive Committee was formed to plan and monitor the business development of the trade zone.
The special task force and committees had been set up in response to a report which had been prepared by another Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) task force which had already revealed some major discrepancies, conflict of interest, abuse of power, the absence of governance as well as major incompetence in the management of the PKFZ project.
Now the Prime Minister, instead of acting on the detailed report prepared by the Special Task Force for the Cabinet, has decided yet again to set up another 3 task forces to “investigate” further. This is completely ridiculous on 2 separate levels:
Firstly, millions have been spent by the Ministry of Transport to hire the best in the industry to come up with the various detailed report including Mr Vinayak Pradhan from Skrine & Co, a former Commissioner with the United Nations (UN) Compensation Commission and member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Have the reports by Skrine and PwC been so incomplete and inconclusive that the Government must set up another task force to investigate further? If that is the case, then the Prime Minister should demand the Special Task Force to do their homework properly, especially since millions of public funds are being paid to them.
If however, the Special Task Force has done their investigations diligently and comprehensively, then why is there a need for a separate new “high-powered” task force?
Secondly, it defies logic completely that the task force will comprise of senior officials from the Ministry of Finance and Transport who were themselves involved both directly and indirectly with the project, some right from its very inception! How can we expect this new “high-powered” task force of Ministry officials to act impartially and professionally when they themselves are vested interest parties?
What's more, many of these officials have been summoned by the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to assist with the investigation of the PKFZ scandal, and the PAC has already found them to have failed or neglected to perform their duties in a responsible and competent manner, as revealed by the PAC chairman, Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid himself.
This leads to the next point that besides the task forces, PAC is also investigating the mega-scandal, and so is the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC). The latter has been investigating without anything to show since December 2004 when the first Anti-Corruption Agency report on PKFZ was lodged. This means that there are now 9 task forces, committees or agencies which are investigating or have investigated the PKFZ scandal!
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak should not be setting up any more task forces, especially not one led by civil servants with vested interests on PKFZ, but instead use the detailed report by the Special Task Force comprising of top notch professionals to take appropriate actions against those who has been singled out as having been criminally negligent, abused powers, corrupt or defrauded the Government.
If the Prime Minister still insist on another investigating task force, then let it be an Independent Royal Commission of Inquiry on PKFZ to ensure that all responsible parties are brought to book, regardless of whether they are current or former Ministers, senior or junior civil servants who caused Malaysia's ugliest scandal ever.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Mahu Cari Angpow" Wants Apology
I'm sorry, I just found this really really really funny. "Senior" and "experienced" politicians sending legal notices to others for taking a mickey out of them! I've not been in the political circle for very long, just about 2 years. But I've seen enough before and after I've joined politics, both in Europe and in Malaysia, to know that political humour, i.e., taking mickey out (making jokes) of your political opponents is a political norm, accepted and enjoyed by those in the audience.
But now, "mahu cari angpow" MCA wants Lim Guan Eng to apologise for face a legal suit for making fun of MCA, which really is not only silly for pursuing a most trivial issue, but also politically stupid for continuing to publicise "mahu cari angpow", and hence ingraining the term in the minds of the masses (whenever people think of MCA).
She even went to the self-righteous extent having to emphasize that "MCA was one of the component parties that fought for the country’s independence."
She then makes the silly argument that "how can you go to a non-governmental organisation (NGO) function and say such things when we (the MCA) do not have a platform to rebut?"
Excuse me? The opposition, including the DAP gets attacked on a daily basis at both NGO and Government official functions by Barisan Nasional, as well as in the BN-controlled mainstream media without "a platform to rebut"!! What the hell is she talking about?!
MCA's focus on this issue really signals its irrelevance, when there are so many other bigger issues for us to focus on in the interest of the country. Political banter, with both sides taking the mickey of each other will always be there (or it'll be like "politics" in Singapore). At the end of the day, whether a "name" sticks or not, depends on the electorate who will make their own informed decisions on the issues at hand.
But now, "mahu cari angpow" MCA wants Lim Guan Eng to apologise for face a legal suit for making fun of MCA, which really is not only silly for pursuing a most trivial issue, but also politically stupid for continuing to publicise "mahu cari angpow", and hence ingraining the term in the minds of the masses (whenever people think of MCA).
Penang MCA has sent a legal notice to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, demanding an apology over his alleged derogatory and inflammatory remarks against the party.At least DAP knows how to enjoy political banter. When MCA Penang Wanita chief Tan Cheng Liang ridiculed DAP "Dapat Ang Pow", we thanked her for it for indeed on the March 8th elections last year, DAP "Dapat Ang Pow". MCA on the other hand took themselves too seriously!
“We have sent the A.R. Registered notice to Lim’s old house in Malacca to remind him that he is an outsider who has come to Penang.
[Deputy state MCA chief Eng Hiap Boon] said Lim, who is DAP secretary-general, had allegedly described the MCA as a “Money Collecting Agency” and “Mau Cari Angpow”, making fun of the party’s acronym (MCA) at a dinner in Taman Dedap, Raja Uda, on Aug 30.
She even went to the self-righteous extent having to emphasize that "MCA was one of the component parties that fought for the country’s independence."
“The party established the foundation for the settlement and development of the Chinese community in Malaysia. It also helped the Chinese, which includes Lim, to obtain citizenship besides providing the freedom to participate in politics, economy and education under the Consti tution,” she said.(Yawn! ... and we should henceforth be eternally grateful to MCA and give them all the ang pows they need to pursue their desired lifestyles)
She then makes the silly argument that "how can you go to a non-governmental organisation (NGO) function and say such things when we (the MCA) do not have a platform to rebut?"
Excuse me? The opposition, including the DAP gets attacked on a daily basis at both NGO and Government official functions by Barisan Nasional, as well as in the BN-controlled mainstream media without "a platform to rebut"!! What the hell is she talking about?!
MCA's focus on this issue really signals its irrelevance, when there are so many other bigger issues for us to focus on in the interest of the country. Political banter, with both sides taking the mickey of each other will always be there (or it'll be like "politics" in Singapore). At the end of the day, whether a "name" sticks or not, depends on the electorate who will make their own informed decisions on the issues at hand.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Shameless Racism
Excerpts from various reports on the town hall meeting to resolve the Hindu temple relocation in Shah Alam. What makes it even more disgraceful is that all these comments were made openly in front of their own Indian neighbours and comrades.
Insults againsts Selangor Menteri Besar and Pakatan Rakyat MPs:
Insults againsts Selangor Menteri Besar and Pakatan Rakyat MPs:
- "MB bodoh"
- "Khalid babi"
- "You should be ashamed of being a Malay"
- "Don't be like a cow led by a ring through the nose"
"I had been saving up for many years to buy a house in Section 23 and I have the right to object to this. And now we are speaking in anger... and don't make us look stupid by quoting Quranic verses to us," she told Khalid Samad.Racist remarks:
"It would disrupt traffic flow," said one female resident of Section 23 when asked what exactly these Muslim sensitivities are.
Ainul Hisham, who is a teacher, said she feared the relocation of the temple would create a "higher crime rate" in the neighbourhood.Blame the media:
"We don’t like the smells. It would be noisy and the temples would usually get bigger so we just don’t want it to be near our homes," said another resident, Roshan, 42, on why he was against the temple being built there.
[Mahyuddin, a leader of the cow-head protest] denied that he and other protesters last week had intended to step on the cow's head but instead blamed it on the media for encouraging by "asking us to step on it for photo purposes".The above reminds me of a famous phrase by our Minister in Prime Minister's department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz - "Racist! Racist! Racist!"
Sad Day For Malaysia
In my view, this racial extremism has been cultivated by UMNO and Barisan Nasional over the past 50 years, and its true colours is now overflowing into our lives. Malaysians live in peace and harmony, and sing happy songs like "1Malaysia"? Below is an excellent analysis by Syed Jaymal of Malaysian Insider, but read also the report in Malaysiakini on the relocation of a Hindu temple.
‘Muslim sensitivities’ an excuse for blatant racism?
Analysis by Syed Jaymal Zahiid
SHAH ALAM, September 5 — “Muslim sensitivities” was used by the Malay residents of Section 23 as the central reason to reject the Hindu temple relocation, but when some were asked today what these “sensitivities” really were, none of them could give a straight answer.
Yet Malay residents of Section 23 said they felt their religion, Islam, had been profoundly threatened by the temple relocation proposal by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government.
It prompted them to take to the streets with a cow’s head recently to defend their religion; it drove them to discard civic consciousness and adopt extreme measures, to go as far as insulting another religion, knowing full well such action could lead to physical confrontations.
“It would disrupt traffic flow,” said one female resident of Section 23 when asked what exactly these Muslim sensitivities are.
The female resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was one of the army of residents that attended a dialogue session held by the Selangor government this morning.
It was organised to resolve the deadlock but sadly, the event was fruitless after it transformed into a free-for-all verbal assault session, when the residents turned rowdy and began insulting Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and other PR leaders.
Residents threw racial insults towards the leaders. They rejected any alternative proposals even before the leaders had managed to raise them. Some accused the leaders of insulting Islam if they were to go on with the relocation.
“We don’t like the smells. It would be noisy and the temples would usually get bigger so we just don’t want it to be near our homes,” said another resident, Roshan, 42, on why he was against the temple being built there.
When suggested that Malays in other parts of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur have no problems with Hindu temples being built near their houses, even when these areas are predominantly Malays, Roshan rebutted gushingly.
“I am from the May 13 generation,” he said, referring to the infamous racial riots four decades ago. “(Malays in these areas are fine because) the land there is limited,” he said.
Throughout the “dialogue”, residents insisted their rejection of the temple relocation had nothing to do with racism and that they were not extremists.
They boasted of their harmonious ties with their Indian counterparts but blame the temple relocation proposal and its proposer, the PR government, as the cause of the strained interracial bond.
The temple, originally located in Section 19, had been proposed to be relocated after an agreement with the city council and other relevant authorities, to Section 23, some 300 meters from the residential area after residents in Section 19 complained.
But many Malay Section 23 residents will have none of it. For them, building a Hindu temple in the midst of an industrial area to provide their Indian counterparts, which make up about 10 per cent of the Section 23 population, the right to practice their religion is a threat to the sanctity of Islam.
Notwithstanding, almost all the replies given by residents when interviewed by The Malaysian Insider cited traffic congestion as the main reason behind their rejection of the temple relocation.
They failed to define how a Hindu temple built some 300 metres away from their houses was insensitive towards Islam but one cannot but feel that as the fiasco goes on, more and more of these Muslim sensitivities will be raised in their arguments.
Syed Jaymal Zahiid is a reporter with The Malaysian Insider, who covered this morning’s chaotic town hall meeting
‘Muslim sensitivities’ an excuse for blatant racism?
Analysis by Syed Jaymal Zahiid
SHAH ALAM, September 5 — “Muslim sensitivities” was used by the Malay residents of Section 23 as the central reason to reject the Hindu temple relocation, but when some were asked today what these “sensitivities” really were, none of them could give a straight answer.
Yet Malay residents of Section 23 said they felt their religion, Islam, had been profoundly threatened by the temple relocation proposal by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government.
It prompted them to take to the streets with a cow’s head recently to defend their religion; it drove them to discard civic consciousness and adopt extreme measures, to go as far as insulting another religion, knowing full well such action could lead to physical confrontations.
“It would disrupt traffic flow,” said one female resident of Section 23 when asked what exactly these Muslim sensitivities are.
The female resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was one of the army of residents that attended a dialogue session held by the Selangor government this morning.
It was organised to resolve the deadlock but sadly, the event was fruitless after it transformed into a free-for-all verbal assault session, when the residents turned rowdy and began insulting Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and other PR leaders.
Residents threw racial insults towards the leaders. They rejected any alternative proposals even before the leaders had managed to raise them. Some accused the leaders of insulting Islam if they were to go on with the relocation.
“We don’t like the smells. It would be noisy and the temples would usually get bigger so we just don’t want it to be near our homes,” said another resident, Roshan, 42, on why he was against the temple being built there.
When suggested that Malays in other parts of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur have no problems with Hindu temples being built near their houses, even when these areas are predominantly Malays, Roshan rebutted gushingly.
“I am from the May 13 generation,” he said, referring to the infamous racial riots four decades ago. “(Malays in these areas are fine because) the land there is limited,” he said.
Throughout the “dialogue”, residents insisted their rejection of the temple relocation had nothing to do with racism and that they were not extremists.
They boasted of their harmonious ties with their Indian counterparts but blame the temple relocation proposal and its proposer, the PR government, as the cause of the strained interracial bond.
The temple, originally located in Section 19, had been proposed to be relocated after an agreement with the city council and other relevant authorities, to Section 23, some 300 meters from the residential area after residents in Section 19 complained.
But many Malay Section 23 residents will have none of it. For them, building a Hindu temple in the midst of an industrial area to provide their Indian counterparts, which make up about 10 per cent of the Section 23 population, the right to practice their religion is a threat to the sanctity of Islam.
Notwithstanding, almost all the replies given by residents when interviewed by The Malaysian Insider cited traffic congestion as the main reason behind their rejection of the temple relocation.
They failed to define how a Hindu temple built some 300 metres away from their houses was insensitive towards Islam but one cannot but feel that as the fiasco goes on, more and more of these Muslim sensitivities will be raised in their arguments.
Syed Jaymal Zahiid is a reporter with The Malaysian Insider, who covered this morning’s chaotic town hall meeting
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Who Are These Cow-Heads?
Below is the video of the disgusting, racist and bigoted "cow-head" demonstration held 2 days before Merdeka, see for yourself if these people deserves "defending" as the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin has done today.
Now, who are these people? Are they from all parties - UMNO, PAS and PKR as alleged by one of the speakers?
Well read the excellent picture recognition analysis by Zainul Faqar, and the answer is obvious. These samsengs and thugs are all from UMNO, and understandably defended by UMNO.
Now, who are these people? Are they from all parties - UMNO, PAS and PKR as alleged by one of the speakers?
Well read the excellent picture recognition analysis by Zainul Faqar, and the answer is obvious. These samsengs and thugs are all from UMNO, and understandably defended by UMNO.
Kerishammuddin Defends Extremists

It is obviously not expected that an UMNO leader will come out to openly condemn the racist and bigotry displayed by the extremists who demonstrated with a severed cow's head protesting against the building of a Hindu temple near their residential area.
But to hear Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who is in-charge of our local police force to come out and openly defend the actions of these extremists (see Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider), it is downright abhorrent.
"They felt victimised and feel that there is another valid explanation on their part. There was no intention on their part to cause racial divide. They, the organisers, who are sitting left and right of me, didn’t even know that somebody was going to bring the head of the cow during that demonstration." [Hishammuddin] said.
He added that the residents only wanted their voices to be heard but it was unfortunate that "the publicity they received was negative because it was linked with racial and religious sentiments."
Can you believe that a cow-head would just drop from the sky? Did he not forget that the same guy who is protesting "innocence" over the cow-head is the same one who threatened bloodshed over the building of the temple?
"I challenge YB Khalid, YB Rodziah and Xavier Jeyakumar to go on with the temple construction. I guarantee bloodshed and racial tension will happen if this goes on, and the state will be held responsible," shouted Ibrahim Haji Sabri...
Never mind the double-standards in UMNO and police enforcement - you can only imagine that all hell would have broken loose if any non-Muslims had attempt the same stunt (and I pray that it will never ever happen) against the building of a mosque. Or the fact that peaceful demonstrators holding candlelight vigils are beaten up, spray with tear gas and water cannon, and arrested, but the police took absolutely no action against any of these extremist protestors.
But more importantly, is this the 1Malaysia spirit that our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak would like to promote as his vision?
Obviously Hishammuddin, infamous for his keris act which he had belatedly apologised for, has not learnt his lesson. Najib must openly rebuke his Home Minister, seek his open apology to all right-thinking Malaysians (sincerely this time) or sack him from the Cabinet for non-performance in his so-called "performance now" Cabinet.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Talk: New Policy Framework for Malaysian Economy
Speaker Profile :
Professor Woo Wing Thye
He is a Professor at University of California at Davis, Yangtze River Scholar at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, Director of the East Asia Program within The Earth Institute at Columbia University, and Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Wing Thye Woo has advised a number of governments on macroeconomic and exchange rate management, state enterprise restructuring, trade issues, and financial sector development. He was a member of Consultant Team to China’s Ministry of Finance that helped to design the tax and exchange rate reforms implemented in January 1994; and the report has been published as Fiscal Management and Economic Reform in the People’s Republic of China, Oxford University Press, 1995. During 1997-1998, Wing Thye Woo served as a special advisor to the U.S. Treasury; and from 2002-2005, he was the Special Advisor for East Asian Economies in the Millennium Project of the United Nations.
Wing Thye Woo was born in 1954 in Penang, Malaysia, where he was a member of the 2nd. Georgetown (S) Senior Scout Troop, out of Methodist Boys’ School.
FREE for students, Selangor state government officers, councilors, wakil rakyat and their assistants.
RM 50 for others and all payment can be made by cash or cheque to SSIC BERHAD.
For any enquiries, please contact Mr Farid / Ms. Siti Balqis / Ms Liyana at 03-5510 2005 or email / /
Date : 4th September 2009 (Friday),(You can also check out the Facebook event)
Time : 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Venue : Bilik Gerakan, 2nd Floor, Bangunan Annex, Pejabat Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan.
Speaker Profile :
Professor Woo Wing Thye
B.A., Economics, Swarthmore College, 1976
B.Sc., Engineering, Swarthmore College, 1976
M.A., Economics, Yale University, 1978
M.A., Economics, Harvard University, 1982
Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University, 1982
He is a Professor at University of California at Davis, Yangtze River Scholar at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, Director of the East Asia Program within The Earth Institute at Columbia University, and Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Wing Thye Woo has advised a number of governments on macroeconomic and exchange rate management, state enterprise restructuring, trade issues, and financial sector development. He was a member of Consultant Team to China’s Ministry of Finance that helped to design the tax and exchange rate reforms implemented in January 1994; and the report has been published as Fiscal Management and Economic Reform in the People’s Republic of China, Oxford University Press, 1995. During 1997-1998, Wing Thye Woo served as a special advisor to the U.S. Treasury; and from 2002-2005, he was the Special Advisor for East Asian Economies in the Millennium Project of the United Nations.
Wing Thye Woo was born in 1954 in Penang, Malaysia, where he was a member of the 2nd. Georgetown (S) Senior Scout Troop, out of Methodist Boys’ School.
FREE for students, Selangor state government officers, councilors, wakil rakyat and their assistants.
RM 50 for others and all payment can be made by cash or cheque to SSIC BERHAD.
For any enquiries, please contact Mr Farid / Ms. Siti Balqis / Ms Liyana at 03-5510 2005 or email / /
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