However, even in the context as a policy which aims to serve the interests of the Malays, has it achieved its objectives? The answer is obvious, and it is contained specifically in government documents.
No. The NEP, or its modern equivalent incarnates, the National Development Policy (NDP) or the National Vision Policy (NVP) have failed miserably in alleviating the plight of the middle-class and poor Malays.

The failure in the persistence of the NEP is obvious and clear for all to see. And the statistics is readily available in the Governments 8th and 9th Malaysia Plan. The perpetuation of NEP serves only in making the rich UMNOputras even richer, and the poor Malays, bumiputeras and other races poorer.
Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros' shennigans which aren't unique to Klang, the ruthless destruction of homes of the poor and the marginalised education system for the bumiputeras in Sabah serves as clear indications that the NEP has gotten it absolutely wrong for Malays and for Malaysia.
We need to promote a policy which is specifically targetted at the poor Malaysians, of whom the majority are Malays and bumiputeras such that they receive the necessary assistance from the government, society and community. We do not need a policy which serves only to protect the economic and political interest of the UMNOputra race.
1 comment:
Someone has to educate the poor so they won't fall for the bait laid by the UMNOputras.
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