The whole point of the article was to insinuate and accuse the fact that Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin was not a true Muslim but instead a closet Christian, but in doing so proceeded to hurl various hurtful, unfounded and grossly insulting remarks with regards to Christianity and its believers.
Raja Petra himself have responded to the article by rightly pointing out that if KPMU, whom Raja Petra accused of being the Cyber Troopers engaged by UMNO, has a bone to pick with him, then pick the fight with him, and not go one to hurl uncalled for insults using coarse language at others, including his family members and the Christian community.
I urge the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys to play fair. Call me a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, mother-fxxxer, or anything at all you so wish. I can take it.While the "insulting Agung and Islam" case against Raja Petra lodged by UMNO has been incredulously based on comments left on his blog, in this case, the owners and editors of the site have published KPMU's article which is really a direct insult to a multi-racial and multi-religion Malaysians.
I appeal to the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys to be a bit more sensitive to the feelings of Christians. By all means engage Malaysia Today. But please spare the Christians.
Hence we can only hope that the police will be equally efficient in calling up the Editor of KPMU, a Dato' Siddiq Akmal Ismail for interrogation within 2 days of the report being filed. So far, after a day, I've just been asked to make my statement at the Mutiara Damansara police post earlier this evening. (no
Like the cases of Malaysiakini in 2004 and Nathaniel Tan a month ago, their computers were confiscated, will the Police do likewise to KPMU since the hosting company is based in Kuching and the data centre is located in Telekom Malaysia?
For the police report, I've specifically taken the liberty of using the summary extracts compiled by 5xMom
Repot Polis Bertarikh 7hb Ogos 2007We look forward to the fair and just Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who has preached responsibility in blogging, who is also the Internal Security Minister, to act without fear or favour.
Saya, Pua Kiam Wee, yang beralamat 55-M Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, ingin membuat report mengenai laman web Kelab Penyokong Maya UMNO (KPMU) yang beralamat web
Dalam satu rencana bertajuk 'Riwayat Raja Petra II' tanpa tarikh yang baru diterbitkan di laman web -, KPMU telah membuat tuduhan yang teramat menghina terhadap kaum beragama Kristian. Penulis, penyunting, penerbit dan pemilik laman web KPMU perlu ditahan polis dan disiasat atas undang-undang hasutan (Sedition Act).
Penyunting laman web KPMU adalah Dato' Siddiq Akmal Ismail.
Rencana tersebut menuduh bahawa Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin, pemilik blog “Malaysia-Today” bukannya beragama Islam. Sebaliknya dia beragama Kristian. Antara seksyen-seksyen rencana tersebut yang jelas tidak bertimbang-rasa terhadap penganut agama Kristian in Malaysia, dan akan membawa keadaan cemas dalam hubungan antara rakyat berbagai kaum, adat dan agama di negara kita, termasuklah:Tuduhan-tuduhan di atas langsung tidak berasas dan diterbitkan bertujuan menghina penganut Kristian dan menghasut perasaan sakit hati, marah, kecemasan dan menimbulkan ketidak-tenteraman antara rakyat Malaysia.
- Tuduhan bahawa Tuhan agama Kristian palsu dan tidak wujud:
“Ada jugak yang I dengar pernah nampak dia singgah ke gereja bersama dengan isterinya. Buat apa lagi? Dah tentu lah itu cara dia mengingati tuhan nya yang palsu tu.”- Tuduhan bahawa penganut Kristian adalah pemabuk:
“Biasalah kalau dah kafir tu, mestilah dia dengan arak tak dapat dipisahkan. Umpama orang mabuk yang mengantuk tidur dengan botol arak-araknya. Confirm la bangun pagi wain dah tentulah dalam gengamannya.”- Tuduhan bahawa penganut Kristian di Malaysia berniat menghapuskan kaum Melayu:
“Orang macam ni memang tak boleh di percayai. Manusia yang bertopengkan Islam sedangkan pada dasarnya jiwanya masih kristian dan cuba untuk menjatuhkan bangsa melayu.”- Tuduhan bahawa penganut Kristian adalah orang liar dan "deviant":
“Keturunan yang mengalirkan darah kristian dalam tubuh anak-anak,cucu-cucu serta semua generasi petra yang akan datang akan terus menjadi songsang.”
Pihak polis mesti memberikan perhatian dan tumpuan terpenting dalam urusan kes ini supaya kesemua pihak yang bertanggungjawab akan dibawa ke mahkamah secepat mungkin.
Siasatan terhadap Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin dapat dilaksanakan dalam masa yang singkat sekali, dua hari selepas satu repot polis yang diserahkan oleh pihak UMNO di mana Raja Petra dituduh menghina Agung dan agama Islam. Kami berharap supaya pihak polis akan bertindak dengan kecekapan dan kepantasan yang sama.
Salinan rencana KPMU ada dilampirkan bersama report ini.
Halaman web tersebut dikendalikan oleh Hive Hosting Sdn. Bhd., yang beralamat 9A Lot 539 Section 10 KTLD Rubber Road Commercials, Kuching, 93400. Syarikat tersebut bertelefon +60.82234588 dan berfaks: +60.82234588. Manakala, server laman KPMU berada di pusat data, Telekom Malaysia. Matlumat di atas boleh diperolehi dari laman, seperti yang juga dilampirkan dalam repot ini.
ooo.. quite a bit of techie sleuthing..
personally, i think that it's unnecessary to drag the hosting company into this.. people who're blur about these things may think that the company is somehow involved..
Its important to lodge the police report knowing that it will not lead to anywhere.
This is the non-secular state that our PM think won't happen. His faith is admirable, his critical thinking the opposite.
I think our PM will say, "What report? Never heard of it."
i have checked out their website, and i tell you there are truck loads of racist there! dare to even declare themselves malay racist!
you should check out the debate about the NEP, theres where all hoods will be up, the KKK hood.
Dear citizens of Malaysia,
Do you want your hard-earned tax money to go into a BN government that
1. practices double standards, promises to fight corruption and yet covers up blatant corruptions
2. turns a deaf ear to the agony of the low-income groups while wastefully spent billions to buy fighter jets, VVIP aircraft and built sport complex in London
3. suppressed the media to cover up lies to fool its people
4. uses NEP as a tool to enrich it's fammiliy members and cronies, rather than truly helping the hardcore poor.
5. creates racial tensions and fears to win votes from the majority rather that serving the people sincerely
6. has a cabinet full of incompetent, inefficient, corrupt, hyprocrite, irresponsible, racist ministers.
7. promises transparency, but increases high-way toll rates unreasonably and uses OSA to cover up toll agreements to protect it's cronies
8. ....
9. .... other countless bad things of BN (someone please help complete the list)
If you answers are 'NO', say no the BN in the coming general election. Tell your family members, friends, neighbours, etc to do the same. This is the only solution we have!!
'We can have a better government if we give more support and power to the opposition parties'
God Bless
8. has its majority of brainless MPs who only know how to shout 'bodoh' and 'bocor' in reply to questions raised that are affecting your livelihood.
9. accuses the opposition of spreading lies and seditious comments while they themselves have committed tonnes of such offences
10. Led by a sleepy and irresponsible PM cum internal security mininster, who always enjoys holidaying in foreign countries and turns a blind eye to the country's escalating crimes.
11. ...
Wah Tony, your big name appears in New Strait Times (unbelievable!) and Malaysia Today (
Keep up the good work to reveal more lies and wrongdoings of UMNO, the party of BIG LIAR & BIG FAILURE.
You have my vote!
As usual from UMNO. Can say whatever they want and ended up praise as heroes. Stop the rot...sigh
Great work Tony...
Had the UMNO government not praticed double standards, Zakaria's palace would have been demolished long long time ago.
This is just another episode to prove that UMNO is above the law. They can commit any crimes they want, any yet they are protected by the police and law.
Do we still want this kind of hypocrite UMNO government?!! Say no to them in the coming general election!
just checked out the website and its forum and found the following:
1. extreme racist topics and anti chinese slogans(eg blame chinese for their failure in business)
2. most forum members are pro UMNO and like to lecture history without knowing the facts ( eg independence and communism in Malaya)
3. almost every forum member hates DAP and PKR but I don't think they understand the existing of opposition parties in parliament
3. stupid comments with hard to understand Malay short forms
Do u think that the goverment will take any action towards the UMNO ? frankly speaking .. they wun. if we ( other races ) disrimate them .. u will see there will be immediate action taken. BIAS..UNFAIR. But what to do.
tony, action or otherwise, may the good Lord bless you for your effort.
...and 'some' people can get away with writing/publishing articles like this? Good luck to the rest of us.
is hyprocrisy condone under islam hadhari? guess so, cause you are assured that your police report will be there to gather dust. and rightly so, cause the police priority is to uphold the law and protect the citizens from henious crimes instead of wasting resources to investigate bloggers.
was it not in the newspaper a day or two ago, that the Police said once a report is made, some answers/action should have been taken within two weeks from the date of the report. maybe it is time to follow up on your report?
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