Thursday, November 20, 2008


I've written a few times on public transportation in this country, but one of the issues which I'm extremely concerned about but have not really delve into is the issue of taxis in Malaysia.

I had the opportunity, and was in time (after being released from my arrest) to pose my question in Parliament during the oral question and answer session to the Minister of Entrepreneurship Development and Cooperatives (MEDC) on Monday last week on the state of affairs of the taxi system in the country at this point of time.
[PETALING JAYA UTARA] minta Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi menyatakan sebab kegagalan kerajaan melaksanakan dan menguatkuasakan kegunaan sistem tambang bermeter untuk perkhidmatan teksi, terutamanya di bandar-bandar pelancongan seperti Pulau Pinang, Melaka dan Johor Bahru dan juga tempat tertentu di Lembah Klang seperti Perhentian Bas Pudu Raya dan KL Sentral.
His response was the lengthiest I've received on the issue, as is also available from the Hansard here (pages 2-5).
Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi [Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar]: Tuan Yang di-Pertua, untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, kegagalan kerajaan melaksanakan dan menguatkuasakan kegunaan sistem tambang bermeter untuk perkhidmatan teksi terutamanya di bandar-bandar pelancongan seperti Pulau Pinang, Melaka dan Johor Bahru dan juga tempat tertentu di Lembah Klang seperti Perhentian Bas Pudu Raya dan KL Sentral adalah disebabkan perkara-perkara seperti berikut:

(i) sikap pemandu yang berasa mereka mempunyai pilihan untuk mengaut keuntungan dalam jangka masa pendek tanpa memikirkan kesan jangka masa panjang di mana kemungkinan pemilik lesen dikenakan tindakan gantung atau batal lesen sekiranya sabit kesalahan hasil aduan atau tangkapan penguat kuasa LPKP atau JPJ;

(ii) sikap penumpang yang masih mempunyai persepsi yang kurang tepat tentang konsep menggunakan khidmat teksi di mana penumpang masih bertanyakan pemandu tentang harga tambang dan lokasi, sedangkan mereka sepatutnya hanya perlu terus masuk ke dalam teksi dan meminta pemandu ke destinasi yang diingini; dan

(iii) sikap pengadu yang kurang memberi kerjasama dalam menyampaikan maklumat secara lengkap untuk laporan terperinci disediakan serta mengelak untuk menjadi saksi atas kesalahan melibatkan pemandu.

Walau bagaimanapun, pihak kementerian serta agensi-agensi penguat kuasa lain terus
menguatkuasakan sistem tambang bermeter melalui:

(i) operasi harian dan berkala di kawasan zon teksi dengan mengambil tindakan terhadap teksi yang terbabit oleh LPKP; dan

(ii) operasi penyamaran dengan menaiki teksi bagi memastikan pemandu menggunakan meter oleh JPJ.

Secara keseluruhannya bagi tempoh Januari hingga Jun 2008 sebanyak 1,298 kes
tangkapan dibuat untuk pelbagai jenis kesalahan melibatkan teksi di Semenanjung Malaysia oleh LPKP. Daripada jumlah ini sebanyak 771 kes atau 60% merupakan kes tangkapan terhadap kesalahan enggan menggunakan meter. Terima kasih.
It was lengthy but it still did not really answer the question as to why it's happening today. Hence in my supplementary question, I wanted to push my point that the Ministry has failed after all these years, and a new paradigm is required to resolve this issue:
[Petaling Jaya Utara]: Terima kasih Tuan Yang di-Pertua, terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri. Masalah ini adalah satu masalah yang agak lama sejak saya pertama kali datang ke Kuala Lumpur 20 tahun yang lalu. Pertama kali datang kena tipu oleh pihak polis - pihak polis pulak - pihak pemandu teksi dengan harga yang mahal. [Ketawa]

Tahun ini juga saya melancong ke Pulau Pinang, perjalanan yang agak pendek dari KOMTAR ke Padang Brown yang memakan masa tidak melebihi 5 minit pun kena RM10 juga. Masalah ini sudah lama. Kenapa sampai sekarang ini belum lagi dapat selesai? 
Kenapa bila saya pergi ke negara lain walaupun bukannya negara maju seperti Singapore dan Hong Kong, pergi Thailand, pergi Vietnam, pergi Jakarta, semua pakai meter. Semua dapat pakai meter.
Timbalan Yang di-Pertua: Baik, Yang Berhormat. Soalan, Yang Berhormat.

[Petaling Jaya Utara]: Soalan saya, berapa antara yang ditangkap kerana tidak menggunakan meter telah pun digantung lesennya. Adakah kementerian terlalu lenient terhadap pemandu-pemandu teksi yang tidak mengikut peraturan dan adakah kementerian benar-benar berhasrat untuk menghapuskan masalah ini? Kalau tidak, adakah ianya lebih baik jika tugas ini diserahkan kepada...

[Batu Pahat]: Panjang sangat itu.

[Petaling Jaya Utara]: ...Kementerian Pengangkutan dan kalau tidak, boleh jadi tugas ini boleh diserahkan kepada kuasa negeri-negeri untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.

Dato’ Dr. Mohamad Shahrum bin Osman [Lipis]: Patutlah kena pukul oleh polis.
Note the interjection by LIPIS displays the standard of government backbenchers you have in Parliament. The Minister's reply was as follows, and the little pandemonium in between:
Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar: Terima kasih Yang Berhormat. Seperti mana saya nyatakan tadi ada tiga sebab mengapa kita sukar mengambil tindakan. Salah satu sebabnya seperti Yang Berhormatlah, saya ingat. Ini masuk kategori yang ketiga iaitu sikap pengadu yang tidak memberikan kerjasama. Kalau Yang Berhormat sudah naik kereta teksi di Pulau Pinang, sepatutnya Yang Berhormat ambillah dia punya nombor – ambil nombor, ambil nama, beritahu jam pukul berapa – hantar kepada saya. Saya janji saya mesti ambil tindakan. Kita boleh gantung dan kita boleh batalkan. Tindakan kita sudah ambil.

Saya sudah kata tadi bahawa setengah daripada tangkapan yang kita buat, 771 kes kita telah ambil tindakan kerana tidak menggunakan meter dan soalan Yang Berhormat, kita di...

[Petaling Jaya Utara]: Ada digantung tidak?

Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar: Sabarlah. Itu yang polis pukul itu, belum habis jawab lagi sudah bangun. [Disorak]

Beberapa Ahli: [Menyampuk]

Tuan M. Kula Segaran [Ipoh Barat]: Apa ini cheap shotlah. What a cheap shot.

Tuan N. Gobalakrishnan [Padang Serai]: Menteri...

Dato’ Haji Lilah Yasin [Jempol]: Padan kena pukul.

Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar: Yang Berhormat...

Tuan N. Gobalakrishnan [Padang Serai]: Apa ini?

Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar: ...Yang Berhormat, patut Yang Berhormat nasihat dia. Ini my floor. Saya belum habis jawab lagi.

Tuan M. Kula Segaran [Ipoh Barat]: Ini jawab takutkah?

Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad [Kuala Selangor]: Tak betul, tak betul.

Tuan M. Kula Segaran [Ipoh Barat]: We must understand.

Dato’ Haji Lilah bin Yasin [Jempol]: Orang jahat mesti kena pukul. [Dewan riuh]

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar]: Baik Yang

Tuan M. Kula Segaran [Ipoh Barat]: We must understand the trouble went through.

Tuan N. Gobalakrishnan [Padang Serai]: [Bercakap tanpa pembesar suara]

Timbalan Yang di-Pertua [Datuk Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar]: Yang Berhormat Padang Serai, Yang Berhormat Ipoh Barat minta tolong. Yang Berhormat Menteri jawab teruskanlah.

Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar: Bukan understand. Sama-samalah kena understand. Janganlah suruh kerajaan sahaja faham, pembangkang tak nak faham. Sama-sama kena faham. Bagi saya habis dahulu.


Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar: Tindakan yang telah kita ambil ialah sebanyak 1,173 iaitu, kita sudah beri amaran - 80, kita gantung – 23, kita batalkan lesen – 700 dan kita kompaun – 1,063. Bermakna tindakan telah diambil. Akan tetapi saya percaya Tuan Yang di-Pertua, kalau ramai lagi pengguna-pengguna teksi tampil ke hadapan memberikan maklumat lebih terperinci, kita akan mengambil tindakan yang lebih tegas. Terima kasih.
There's plenty more to say here, but this post is long enough, so I'll leave the readers to make their comments first and make my comments later. Suffice it to say, there's still plenty of question marks, and placing the onus on the MP to report any intransigent taxi drivers to solve the problems is just a non-starter.  Of course, the "kena pukul" pandemonium provided the unnecessary distraction. ;-)


Anonymous said...

YB tony,
keep up the good work! u r like a beacon in the night for all of us faithfuls :-)

i posted this somewhere else. am i am posting this here also :

i've always kept on eye on that dumb noh omar (a minister?? ptui!! what the heck was bodohwi thinking??).

bumped into him once at a shopping centre. he's with wife & kids. but boy did he act like it was HIS shopping centre... our eyesight met, i gave him a stern look, just to et him know what i think about him ( a minister?? again, PTUI!!!!!! ).

this is how UMNO-goons act like anywhere! not only in parliament. especially that 6-million-dollar man and that bung mokhtar and that bakbenchertiong fella and that one more guy. all happens to be UMNO fellas. bullies. fcuking egoistic.

compare the likes of them and the likes new-age MPs like tony pua, nurul etc.. these UMNO-goons are dinosaurs!!!

they got voted in only in those contituencies consisting of lowly-educated voters...(i am not blaming these voters. after years of perverted conditioning by UMNO, all they got was a lousy deal....sigh).

if only ALL malaysians are educated, more aware of local and regional and international issues, then UMNO has NO fcking place in this modern age!


Anonymous said...


You shouldn't have organized that stupid candlelight vigil at PJ State. It made you look pathethic & foolish (worse than a clown).

For being a MP now, there's much more thing you should do rather than capturing cheap publicity with that candlelight thingy of which got you smashed like some MASH POTATOES. I can't agree to say "YOU DESERVE IT COS' YOU BROUGHT IT UPON YASELF".

I hope this would serve you a lesson & let's hope you become a much better MP from now on. There's abundance of things in PJU which needs attention but instead you choose some candlelight nonsense as your main priority.


Anonymous said...

I don't know who is Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi Dato’ Haji Noh bin Haji Omar. But he is a total waste of time.

On and on we saw this type of Menteri who is an underperformer and don't hold accountable for his own job. This type of Menteri forever go around blaming everybody else EXCEPT HIMSELF.

He should be sacked immediately !!

Anonymous said...


Stop barking like a dog. By calling the PJ vigil stupid, are implying that all good people who gone there are senseless & stupid? it is people like u who ask more for something & doing nothing from yourself that makes those bloody nonsense remarks. You are the ones that makes every malaysian sick! What makes u think u can demand an individual to do something that u perceive is right or wrong when u yourself is displaying such an idiotic response to Tony. I only hope one day u would have to go thru what all ISA family victims are going thru, maybe your attitude might be different. Tony, just do what's best for us & ignore people who talk rubbish! You have may full support!

Anonymous said...

Dear or dear, I just heard a MAD MAN screamed. However by chance, if this MAD MAN can still think straight, try digesting the following:

1)Those who participated in the recent PJ State candlelight vigil are NOT senseless & stupid. They're just DUMB. Knowing very well there's no police permit issued but yet wanna attend...don't you wanna call this "Being DUMB at the highest degree?".

2) It's PERFECTLY FINE if one insist of being a so-called moronic HERO participating in some illegal gathering. However if things turned ugly..."Don't lah cry like a spoilt brat & blame this & that. Just blame yourselves for being ignorant & foolish!!!" (Even a kid knows this *sigh*)

3) I don't intend to ask more of anything. All I'm asking is for these dudes who attended the candlelight thingy to be WISER & SMARTER. Some of the dudes who attended are old enough to be grandfathers/grandmothers but their mentality are equivalent to NEWLY BORN. What a shame!

4) I'm NOT demanding TONY PUA to listen to me. I'm just trying to advice him & I hope he listens. However, based on his foolish thoughts to even organize that nonsense candlelight thingy, I don't expect much from him. There's a saying which goes ..."Once a cow; forever a cow".

5) I will NOT face ISA becos' only idiots who can't think straight will go thru that. Knowing very well participating in any illegal gatherings are equivalent to threathening national security; dudes who participated in it might as well be doomed forever. No pity to all ISA detainess as they're just a bunch of wasted dudes who can't differentiate what is RIGHT & what is WRONG. ISA detainess have terrorist mentality.

6) Brother Tony, you're now a YB/MP & no longer fighting from the Opposition wings. You should do what a MP should do. It's time for you to live a MP's life & sort out more important things rather than organizing some stupid candlelight nonsense. It's more meaningful if you were to organize a PJU residents get-together fiesta or something which could improve your constituency. Organizing a gathering where donkeys holding candles WILL NEVER improve anything. It'll only make you & others look like some poor clown getting beaten up for being silly.


Anonymous said...


I SECOND & AGREE with PJU Voter's statement. After the recent 'Political Tsunami' of which we saw Pakatan Rakyat capturing new terrirtories, the least we expect is for these newly elected representatives do walk their talk & perform what they've promised.

Instead of organizing silly candlelight vigils of which brings NO PURPOSE, we expect our newly elected leaders to live like one. This means performing their duties diligently with genuine purpose.

I should have spoilt my vote rather than to vote for some newly elected representatives who are more interested to organize stupid & no-meaning events. The only people who benefited from these stupid candlelights thingy are the CANDLE SELLERS. Damn!!! does this makes sense???

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is just SoOoOo funny!!!

I never knew SELLING CANDLES can make such a fortune. Where & when will there be the next candlelight vigil??? I wanna setup a CANDLE STALL & I'll be soon called MALAYSIAN CANDLE TYCOON.

Please keep me informed. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Do all ISA detainees have terrorist mentality? YAB LKS, LGE, KS, TK are ISA ex-detainees. Are they terrorists or ex-terrorists? Are you suggesting that what they have been fighting for is wrong? So why did you vote for Tony Pua. Why did you vote for DAP. Think twice. You’re making fun of yourself.

Anonymous said...

PJU voter must have the mentality of "If-You-Can't-Fight-Rape-Just-Lay-Down-And-Enjoy". Candlelight vigil does serve some purposes. It shows to the people, how our government exactly is.

Starcraft_1976 said...

Well, i'm wondering why that some commentator here could have thought that a gathering without permit must be equivalent to "Threatening National security". Please lah.. strictly speaking, under the current law, any grouping of more than 3 persons is considered illegal. It is simply whether the police want to take action or not.

Thus, are you sure you never attend any "ILLEGAL GATHERING" under such definition?

Furthermore, we had known that its a commonly perceived that police simply bias / under pressure on not to issue the permit for the event, which deem to be unfavourable toward current government. Some might argued that this is just a common perception. But base on some past track record, this seems to be really the case.

I hope that somebody can prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear! a donkey calling a donkey stupid, besides, this donkey is mad! It just takes one to call the other one stupid. That's sums it all in this country if we have people like this! GOD BLESS Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! PJU Voter, Taman Megah Resident & Candle Tycoon.

A Taman Megah Resident who happens to be PJU Voter and daydreaming to become a Candle Tycoon !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony,

I am not of your constituent, but I think being an MP, you are more valuable to us rakyats staying in the parliament asking hard hitting question to the government rather than being in a lock-up.


P130 voter

Anonymous said...

After reading what PJU Voter posted, I think this guy insults everybody in PJU and thinks he/she is the smartest dude. Just like what all BN people think actually & SPEAK like one too.

Anonymous said...

PJU Voter said:
6)...It's more meaningful if you were to organize a PJU residents get-together fiesta or something which could improve your constituency....

Wouldn't that be illegal as well?? Need a police permit for that! Tell me how many household in Taman Megah has more than 3 persons? Does that mean the police can barge into the house and say it's an illegal gathering??

Anonymous said...

Hi Tony Pua,


2) Pls. refer back to your article entitled 'MPs & Mamak Stalls'. There are so much complaints & yet you don't bother sorting them out.

3) You placed some CANDLELIGHT VIGIL as your MAIN PRIORITY rather than solving PJU woes.

4) PJU dudes voted for you cos' we thought you'll bring about good changes. However, we're sad to see the changes you are bringing is just CANDLES, CANDLES & CANDLES.

5) People said you're some WHIZ KID but I think you're just ONE DUMBO. I'm suspecting the reason why you sold that IT company of yours is because you're near BANKRUPT.

6) If you fancy CANDLES so much, you might as well buy gallons of petrol & light-up your house with FIRE. That'll be one BIG CANDLE then.

7) Keep up doing nonsense, Keep up failing to perform what you should do & Keep up saying "I don't know how to reply"....You'll be GONE come the next G.E.

8) It's true to say DAP leaders only know how to TALK, TALK, TALK. When things needed to be done, they'll just HIDE, HIDE, HIDE.

9) Your poor work ethics is making everyone living in PJU fed-up with you.

Does DAP means Dumb Arse Party??? I hope not.

Anonymous said...

After 50 years Malaysians finally found out BN is one BIG TIME failure.

For Tony Pua's case, it doesn't even need 5 years to know he's ONE BIG TIME FAILURE.

"What a shame, Tony"

Shawn Tan said...

With regards to the taxi topic, I have never used taxis in KL so I'm not too sure how bad things are. I only stick to LRTs, buses and my own two legs.

However, wouldn't the best way to fix the problem be through a consumer revolt? Personally, I don't think that this is something that the government can enforce. We only have ourselves to blame. If the consumers are willing to pay the money, there is no incentive for the taxis to use the meter. If the taxis are unwilling to take on passengers who want meters, they can't win if the consumers all work together and insist on meters. There is always kereta sapu to use.

Golf Afflicted said...

Hi guys,

There's a thread going on here that I've given plenty of leeway, that is the obvious one which is bashing me upside down for whatever their motives and reasons.

As you all know, I've never censored such posts and always put them up for public scrutiny as I've got nothing to hide.

However, when the same thing gets repeated ad nauseam, then it becomes a nuisance to the blog and its readers.

Therefore, I will not entertain any more comments which doesn't add to what has already been said e.g., Tony Pua is a "one time big failure", which has already been posted plus of course, it has no relevance to the topic discussed on this post.

Comments which have been posted above will remain. Have fun!

Tony ;-)

Anonymous said...

We have heard alot of complaints about taxis in Malaysia. In fact it's just not from us. Our taximen's infamous reputation extends abroad!

As far as I am aware (newspapers, Ministers replies and speaking to taxi drivers) the problem needs to be mitigated with several parallel actions. Actions to consider:

1. Reduce barriers to entry - individual licences and permits. This will strip out middlemen and bad taxis

2. Reduce barriers to entry - a framework for individuals permit and licence holders to get loans to buy cars - I hear that the drivers can't get loans from banks to buy taxis

3. Get rid of middlemen, licence & permit holders. Also the ticket system which is just a rent-seeking, no value adding. Principle is money direct to drivers

4. Allow taxi fares increase to realistic levels

5. Effective and stringent enforcement - heavily penalise drivers, cooperatives and companies for breaches - hit them where it hurts, and be tough with it. (I have my doubts if RTD and CVLB are up to it)

6. Encourage driver owned cooperatives. Perhaps we should look at how Singapore's NTUC has done such a good job at being a taxi cooperative.

I know you are not the owner of this taxi problem. It's a problem for the Minister to solve. And with so many fingers in the pie (in this case, on the dodgy meter) I'll stick to taking taxis only if I can't avoid it.

Anonymous said...

dear YB

if u r doing this candle thingy in your own spare time i.e. after allocating time for parliament then it's fine by me.

i still say longkang issues should go thru the first level i.e. local councils, then SA, only then it reaches MP.

hit them BN-fckers hard in parliament.

and when, only when, u hv spare time, u participate in any extra-curricular activities (e.g. hobbies) as u wish.

support u all the way, YB!


guys, whatever the excuse of the police, you DO NOT rough up or hit any individual civilian, let alone an MP; get it?

Anonymous said...

wanna find goons in town? simple, there's aplenty in BN. throw a peeble while they are in meeting and surely it will hit a goon.
whats next from the bunch of goons? close one eye? skirt with tunnels? monkey faces? sleight of hand?
big problem for these goons to find employment in future as circus are closing down fast. its a perception problem? aha, ask the BN deputy minister lor.

Anonymous said...


For photo, see:

No candles? No problem:

1. Get a papercup.
2. Get a torchlight.
3. Use a pin or needle to poke holes into the paper cup.
4. Tape the papercup to the top of the torchlight with some duct or cellophane tape.
5. Done.

If you're taking LRT to get to the Anti-ISA Vigil at MBPJ (Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya), get off at Asia Jaya Putra LRT station. If you know the walking route, you can take a 15 minute walk to MBPJ. Otherwise, you can catch the T629 RapidKL shuttle bus which will pass Jalan Yong Shook Lin, where the MBPJ is situated. Just ask the bus driver to stop you at MBPJ.

Alternatively, if you know the walking route, you can stop at the Taman Jaya Putra LRT station and take a 15 minute walk to MBPJ.

MBPJ address:
Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya,
Jalan Yong Shook Lin,
46675 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
General Phone line: 79563544

Map of Petaling Jaya:

God bless and stay safe. See you all there!


Bentoh said...

Hmmm... to me... the person suggesting whatever dumb arse party thingy... sounds dumber to me... ;)

The police were TARGETTING specifically Tony in my opinion... and the people here are legitimizing the police's bully, interesting...~~

It is also quite interesting to know that while the "stand up and speak" is the new black/pink, many people still opt to "stay out of trouble", why? is it because it was "none of my business"? Will there be a March 8th if the people chose to "stay out of trouble" during BERSIH rally and HINDRAF rally?


It's been a long while I took taxi... Taxis in KL were actually better than those in Penang and JB... In KL, taking taxis from suburban to city centre was quite OK, they followed the meter... From City centre, ESPECIALLY Pudu Raya... is different story...

I think... I'll definitely fall asleep reading such a long transcript... being a YB in the House surely needs lots of patience and caffeine... :P

Oh BTW, it seems the government is blaming the taxi driver and the passenger?! Go conduct a survey and ask the drivers why they don't follow the meter! The normal working class citizens of Malaysia fought exceptionally hard to stay full in their stomach!

Manature said...

Berita baik!!!!! Dari hari ini, Good news everyone. From now on, Majlis Perbandaran akan bertanggung-jawab kepada penghuni!!!!!

Good news everyone. From now on, town councils will be accountable to residents!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bagaimana melaporkan aduan berkenaan pecah longkang di SS 2, PJ? Kepada siapa? Tel No.? Suah buat laporan tapi lama tak berjawab.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I think there are a lot of BN stooges trying to pass nasty comments about PR's YBs good works.We must not lose our forecast to make M'sia a better place for all!What go round will come round,one day they might taste ISA too and hope they can accept it!!!!

Anonymous said...

The kompaun could be too light or too cheap. Should be something like RM5000 or RM10000 fine.

Anonymous said...


just ignore those BN cybertroopers talking cock. they got nothing constructive to contribute and instead they starts attacking you personally.
they are just BN balls lickers with their own hidden agenda. if they got the guts they would have voice out loud how corrupt all BN ministers are.

Anonymous said...

talking taxi.. wat a wonderful questions
the fact our 50 yo gov failed to hv proper city planning, traffic planning, flood/landslide planning ... we must own a transportation
i m fresh grad.. living in PJ, and got a job in Shah Alam.. well.. inform me of wat kind of transportation getting to my work place in Shah Alam work place? i investigated, tried.. so, buses took about 1.5 hours... that's if they r on schedule, and pray no accidents happen in the mid ways... n i could be 'good' enuff to squeeze in with the rest illegal indon workers..
option 2, taxi.. so, i gotta call them n make reservations, that's about additional RM 2 per day, going there, without meters, cause they don't want to, complaining traffic jam, using highway, yadayada... hence, it's about RM 20 from kota damansara, using NKVE to about THE STAR plane in Shah Alam... so, calculating, 1 day RM 40 * 20.. that's about RM 800 a month.. compared with like RM 2.5 *20 = RM 50 for buses..
i rather sticks with taxi at that point due to the long time of traveling, pray to avoid jams, and worse, squeezing in with sooo much ppl like sardines..
so, stepping back, looking at my salary of about 2K a month, RM 800 IS a lot... well.. since it's sooo inconvenience and i can't afford them, i might as well get a local-made car and stays out of public transportation.. so, there u goes.. our 2 lanes road no longer enough... with additional cars on the road, with many more condos, houses, shopping malls built along the way of Kota Damansara... traffic getting worse, and i pay more for gas as i am stuck in traffic MOST of the time
so, the key might be.. fix public transportation, starting from taxi might be a good start, but never enough.. Tony.. kindly count how many shopping malls are around LDP alone.. from Giants at Taman Megah, to newly build Carrerfour near Uptown, to Ikea Ikano there... not counting huge 1 like One Utama nearby...those are not helping our economies,in turn benefiting the developers, businessmen, and hurting us and our next generations in terms of living condition, living standards and even our own culture.. i can't no longer ask my child take bus or cycle to school like i did when i m young, becoz it's soo dangerous out there, the traffic are so congested, the road are so poorly maintained for pedestrians and cyclists...i real do missed those days back then