Selangor State Assemblyman for Kg Tunku, Lau Weng San was seeking a situation update
from the police officers by their vehicles. For his troubles, despite having identified himself,
he was given two punches on the face and chucked into the police truck as well.
from the police officers by their vehicles. For his troubles, despite having identified himself,
he was given two punches on the face and chucked into the police truck as well.

A victim who was pulled from behind and fell with her head first onto the pavement,
resulting in a immediate visit to the hospital. Note her hospital gear.
resulting in a immediate visit to the hospital. Note her hospital gear.

And these are her blood-stained clothes.
Present here with her is the Selangor State Exco, Ronnie Liu.
Present here with her is the Selangor State Exco, Ronnie Liu.
A few more pictures of minor bruises are available at Penang Watch.
keep things up!
We don't even hurt the stray dogs and cats.
They said they will change.
Change worst?
Dear Tony,
U shd read my comments on Malaysia Today on Zorro's article on the police lying. I do not know whether you have read SM Lee Kuan Yew's Memoirs ... you will find the answers there, incl. Utusan M.
I think YB TONY, the state govt. puts its foot down and ask for the sacking and transfer out of the state , the CPO. fru dogs who brutalised and attacked all of you. file a case in court for 1 sen damages, shame these dogs. they are supposed to be protecting the rakyat, if this is not possible, if pakatan is not able to do anything, than why did we the rakyat vote for PAKATAN, WHY CAN'T THE PAKATAN STATE GOVT DO ANYTHING, ARE ALL OF YOU SO HELPLESS, DON'T GET ANGRY WITH ME, GET ANGRY AND EVEN WITH THE POLICE FORCE AND THEIR MINNIONS, we the rakyat know Pakatan is facing a lot of sabotage, STOP CRYING INTO THE SPILT MILK, YOUR NICE, NICE, DON'T WANT TO HURT THE FEELINGS OF THE CIVIL SERVANTS, HAS TO STOP HERE AND NOW. GROW UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, BE RUTHLESS AND SACK THE LOT OF THEM, YOU ARE THE ELECTED GOVT, if you say that oh, we are only the state govt, we can't touch the police, because they arefederally controlled, well let me tell you of preceddents, the SULTAN CAN MAKE THE PERSON NON GRATA IN THE STATE, GET THE SULTANS APPROVAL, OR WHOEVER IS IN CHARGE, AND PROVE YOUR POINT, if Pakatan is unable to handle the state police force, where they arrest you, ELECTED M.P., & ADUNS and beat-you up, than what use are you. show them who is boss. STOP CRYING, LIKE KINDY KIDS, AND KICK THEIR BLOODY BUTTS.
Ok... this is worst than i thought... the police force is really a bunch of bullies or perhaps BN's watch dog... they are not here to ensure the safety of Malaysian but instead just attack whoever is suspected to be a thread to Bn's property.... damn....
PS: YB, went to PenangWatch & saw your photo... you're damn sexy la... haha
When there's fear of not knowing how to act
There's always the tendency to really over react
When there's no sense of proper control
Then animal instinct comes out with violence to throw
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 111108
Tue. 11th Nov. 2008.
Immediate Action must be taken to make these men in uniforms accountable for acting like hooligans. What happen to the recommendations to setup an independent Commission to punish these gangster and liars in the polis force. Mr PM WHAT HAPPEN? Another failure? Look what you have done. Your incompetencies are making the rakyat suffer. Your failures are eroding the rights of the rakyat. We cannot expect hooligans to protect the rakyat.
If the poor woman's head injury had been fatal....???
If this goes on,it's only a matter of time before there's a fatality.Then what?????
A lying police head for a high density state like selangor is not good.
CPO should resign or be transferred.
seriously, you're not revealing enough of what we want....
i mean, man, u should shirtless !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to try to understand the Police's tactics.
Fact of the matter is they have been trained for what they do.
That training is based on what is to be expected in these kinds of demonstrations.
They train according to a manual and they conduct themselves according to a standard operating procedure.
Now, the problem is that SOP would have been from pre-colonial days maybe or the early days of Independence.
Now, when I sometimes see pictures of early day demonstrations, what I see is big burly protesters full or emotion and anger ready at a whim to get physical and destructive. There are of course those with their top shirt buttons off and looking threateningly menacing.
Would I be right to say that the FRU have been trained with such potential in mind.
Can you imagine their confusion when they come to any of the demonstrations since about last October?
I cannot imagine them having ever considered the possibility that they would be confronting educated, men, women and children, couples and families from middle to upper middle income groups. And you have young teenage to early 20 something girls hardly looking confrontational.
All this must be confusing for these police guys...and I am somewhat certain that it must all be helping to mellow them down.
For the moment they themselves must be feeling silly looking like the way they do, all dolled up for violence when absolutely no one amongst the protesting group looking any more then like they might be part of a church choir group.
Looks like our honorary PDRM S'gor CPO is not only deaf (did not hear over 300 rakyat singing Negaraku) but also buta (blind) not to see what happened.
Anonymous said…
WHY Razak Baginda, the fall guy, with no further obstacles or hindrances in sight for Najis in his ascending to the Top Power, has now been released??? The real murderers whose identities are obvious but are still at large, with RPK detained under ISA but just released and PI Balasundram exiled overseas there are no other major obstacles and hindrances to Najis’ ascendancy to the pinnacle of his power come March 2009. This is only obvious that UMNO has now the final say in justice with their man Zaki as the Chief Justice. This is the obvious Justice of Malaysia, the laughing stock of the whole world, Malaysia should be boycotted by the world communities for their greatest injustices towards human rights and common normal justices. THIS IS MALAYSIA’S MALAY SUPREMACY AT ALL COSTS BUT GOING DOWN THE SEWERS WITH NARJIS, THE NEW PRIME MINISTER IN WAITING AFTER THE 51ST YEAR OF INDEPENDENCE.
Anonymous said…
WHY Razak Baginda, the fall guy, with no further obstacles or hindrances in sight for Najis in his ascending to the Top Power, has now been released??? The real murderers whose identities are obvious but are still at large, with RPK detained under ISA but just released and PI Balasundram exiled overseas there are no other major obstacles and hindrances to Najis’ ascendancy to the pinnacle of his power come March 2009. This is only obvious that UMNO has now the final say in justice with their man Zaki as the Chief Justice. This is the obvious Justice of Malaysia, the laughing stock of the whole world, Malaysia should be boycotted by the world communities for their greatest injustices towards human rights and common normal justices. THIS IS MALAYSIA’S MALAY SUPREMACY AT ALL COSTS BUT GOING DOWN THE SEWERS WITH NARJIS, THE NEW PRIME MINISTER IN WAITING AFTER THE 51ST YEAR OF INDEPENDENCE.
Seeing the pictures from this catastrophe makes me awfully upset. The police's brutal, demeaning and unreasonable treatment on the citizens almost make me shed a tear.
It brings to mind what YB Lim Kit Siang asserted months ago in Parliament when supplementary questions were disallowed during Badawi's speech. He exclaimed that we don't have a first-world Parliament, we're a TENTH world Parliament. At this juncture, it is safe to say that the same applies to the executive and it's servants.
transfer ?? that mb fiddles while adun kena pukul by polis ...
btw, why you keep on organizing vigil when someone's getting hurt, will you only stop when someone's got killed ???? this is malaysia, not america you know - demo/vigil disallowed......
Pls sent d relevant pics n documents to suhakam, bar council, amnesty int.,ketua polis negara n home ministry. Show the Be eNd gov the prove they want in parliment!
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