Pak Lah, you have betrayed the trust of the people. I had plenty of faith in you when you first took over the prime ministership of this country. As I've blogged before, I had hope. Even when I lost faith in your leadership, I had thought that you were a pious and sincere person who lacked the necessary skills as a leader.
I'm sad to say that I was dead wrong. Clearly, many will tell me now that I'm such a terrible judge of character. Not only is our current prime minister a sleeping, absent, incompetent prime minister, his personal integrity and his sincerity in creating a better Malaysia is clearly in doubt.
When the Parliament, the symbol of people's democracy, where its members are themselves elected by the people, becomes a 'forbidden palace' to the people who want their grouses heard, it is the ultimate mockery of "democracy".
You would have read it here in Malaysiakini, where all roads to Parliament are blocked, preventing the people from handing their petition to the people who claim to represent them. Worse, Pak Lah ordered the leaders of BERSIH, the very people asking for clean and fair elections, arrested for attempting to hand the petition to the Parliament.
Pak Lah, you have declared in your BN mouthpiece, The Star, that you have ordered the arrests because "public safety above all". Pak Lah, do you bloody think that we are 3 year old kids? Are you trying to tell us that the rakyat, armed only with a few sheets of paper, approaching the Parliament on the edge of the city, is threatening the safety of Malaysians?

Pak Lah, please stop telling lies to our fellow Malaysians. You lied to the world when you declared that your cabinet comprised of 50% non-Malays.
Pak Lah, you promised us a less corrupt nation when you took over. Instead, we are more corrupt than ever, dropping a spot in international rankings for each year of your reign to 43rd this year.
Pak Lah, you also promised no more mega-bailouts, yet this year, you approved the biggest bailout ever in the history of Malaysia, attempting to rescue the unrescuable Port Klang Free Zone project with RM6.7 billion. And yet, the culprits for the fiasco has not been brought to book.
Pak Lah, you promised and boasted of greater press freedom, but interference in the mainstream media has never been more apparent! Malaysia crashed to its lowest ever press freedom ranking at 124th!
Pak Lah, most of all, you told us you wanted to hear the truth, no matter how much it hurts, but instead, you had your Minister of Misinformation, Datuk Zainuddin Maidin, tell the press editors that he'll only listen to Barisan Nasional component parties and not the media or the public. What's worse, there was never a denial that the instruction came from you!
Pak Lah, you said you were a Prime Minister for all Malaysians, but you declared Malaysia an Islamic state and concurred with your deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak that Malaysia was "never, never a secular state", a clear-cut defiance of the Federal Constitution, and discriminating against Malaysians' fundamental right to freedom of religion.
Pak Lah, you have clearly lost control of your administration. You have only demonstrated your utter incompetence, your lies and hypocrisy. Now, not only have I lost faith in your leadership, I have also lost faith in your integrity and piety.
Pak Lah, you are rubbish and you are a absolute disgrace to the nation.
What a great post! 100% agreed with what you said!
Pak Lah is:
1. A liar
2. A hypocrite
3. A corrupt and greedy leader that practices nepotism and wanting his evil son-in-law to be his successor (Najib, you can forget about your dream!!)
4. A sleepy Internal-Secutity Minister that sleeps on the job without doing anyting to combate the rising crimes rate (at least 200 people are robbed and 10 citizens are raped everyday!!)
5. A lousy Finance Minister that failed his statistics paper during high school and puts the country economy on auto-pilot
6. The worst PM of Malaysia that failed to unit the nation
7. The narrow-minded and short-sighted coward that turns the country into a police state
8. A dictator that uses the mainstream media to brainwash the nation
9. ....(you name it, we have it!!)
Time to vote BN out!! A vote for MIC/MCA is a vote for UMNO. A vote for UMNO is a vote for corruption, racial discrimination, police state, bankruptcy of the country's resources, nepotism, injustice!!!
Tell you family, friends, educate the young voters to read alternative media. We can do it! Time to vote BN out!!!
and you still call him "pak lah"
woe to him who chooses to remain in power by whatever means and by locking people up who just want to send a memo to Parliament.
Police state? no la, we are a communist state run by a bunch of punch and judy.
Sad day for Malaysia when "the government with the consent of the governed" is no more. He is a weak and inept leader, trying to boost his image. Who is Badawi trying to impress?
There is a huge difference between being strong and gutsy and being paranoid and threatened by his own fears.
cant agree more.
things are getting more ridiculous. esp with the restraining order obtain by the police.
and i was appalled to read in malaysiakini that police and FRU actually surround the PAS Building and so that they could stop people from coming out..what rights do the police have to do such thing?
the restraining order, the blockade of parliament and PAS HQ is a clear abuse of power.
the present lot of bigots must GO!
I feel shame of him because i am from Pg. Anyway, i never vote for BN.
Time to change, let's start from Pg.
I am deeply saddened that the incumbent administration has fallen to such deplorable standards of governance.
I am ashamed to call myself a Malaysian!
My God! Tony!
How will AAB take to your comment or blog?
He will definitely get pain in his big ears and stomach cramp
Ranking is misleading. You could have improved yourself but because others have improved much more resulted in you being ranked lower than before.
The cost of the PKFZ was not 6.7b. It was not the PM`s decision to approve a soft loan but it was the cabinet decision.
Press freedom and the issue of ranking as above. Personally I find the press now are so much free than the previous administration. You want to believe the view of a rakyat or the ranking?
The TRUTH? You are so sure that what ever is reported by the press before the alleged instruction are correct and not lies and propaganda by the opposition or certain parties. THIS statement of yours isnt consistent with your alleged absent or deterioriting press freedom in Malaysia.
Declaring this to be an islamci nation dosent rstrict choice of freedom of religion. Are you being rstricted to practise a religion of your choice? If you are talking about converts, you must understand the islamic laws.
I am agree with you!
Wah, such a hard hitting entry - sometimes, the truth hurts. I am concerned whether you have consulted the lawyers on the words used - I am just genuinely concerned.
So now for Hishammuddin to say that he would use the keris again in 2007 as a protector of all Malaysians – not just Malays – is disingenuous. Any intelligent Malaysian can see through the doublespeak.
What is even worse – and insulting – is what he said about “desensitizing” non-Malays to the issue of the keris. Only a person with a supercilious attitude would behave that way. What he implies by that statement is that non-Malays must accept what he does, no matter how revulsed they are by it. It’s like slapping someone in the face and then slapping him again and again, and telling him that he has to tolerate it each time until he gets used to it. What arrogance!
Website - http://www.jeffooi.com/2007/11/kee_to_playing_the_foll_again.php
Warrior2 said:warrior2 said...
Ranking is misleading. You could have improved yourself but because others have improved much more resulted in you being ranked lower than before.
>>> Are you trying to say we should stay where we were and never improve? Or are you trying to say we should make promises to improve and then eat our very own words?
The cost of the PKFZ was not 6.7b. It was not the PM`s decision to approve a soft loan but it was the cabinet decision.
>>> And the leader of the cabinet is? And the one who made soft promises is?
Press freedom and the issue of ranking as above. Personally I find the press now are so much free than the previous administration. You want to believe the view of a rakyat or the ranking?
>>> If "feel" is the truth, then I say I feel you are an idiot.
The TRUTH? You are so sure that what ever is reported by the press before the alleged instruction are correct and not lies and propaganda by the opposition or certain parties. THIS statement of yours isnt consistent with your alleged absent or deterioriting press freedom in Malaysia.
>>>chicken and egg argument ... plain silly
Declaring this to be an islamci nation dosent rstrict choice of freedom of religion. Are you being rstricted to practise a religion of your choice? If you are talking about converts, you must understand the islamic laws.
>>>From what I can observe from the recent court cases, I see our "freedom" is a restricted one and contrary to what my forefathers have socially contracted
what a sad day. The govt so called elected by the people for the people is screwing the same people o want to turn up to disgaree with what the govt is doing.
Pak Lah you make me sick.
what this bodowi's intention are not only trying to create something for himself n his gang,besides he is trying to tickle those umno goons sitting on the divisions n branches in the vicinity of concerned!! nothing new as far as umno is concerned;bodowi is jus another stereotype product of umno all these years for as long as memory lane could recall.they are jus a bunch of greedy dogs that can plug anything into their already bankrupt speeches n statements;needn't any data of thorough studies to substantiate their "barks"!!jus as what a badly trained pipe fitter would adopt to their work:
terlalu panjang?potong!
terlalu pendek?sambung!
dah tak boleh pakai?buang!
after all it is rakyat's n hard earned tax payers' money!!besides,why not??he could then create more so called "projects" for himself n the gang to rob!big time.it is been like this for decades as far as umno is concerned!!to these umno thieves,malaysia do not belong to the rakyat,our beloved malaysia belong to BODOWI'S FAMILY n the umno goons,they are treating malaysia as their private property!!wake up bangsa malaysia,u got to wake up n save malaysia!!!!!!
Badawi is a sell out and a liar.
warrior 2 - you comments show that you are indeed and ill-informed, hate changes and stupid malaysian! why should others improve and not we? are we just suppose to be better than indonesia and vietnam and pakistan? aren;t we suppose to be chasing Korea now that China and Vietnam has passed us... pls reflect... don't be like our ministers who keep saying we are still better than burma, indonesia and pakistan because we were better than them 50 years ago under the British!
Pak Lah, you are screwed. So so screwed.
/// warrior2 said...
Ranking is misleading. You could have improved yourself but because others have improved much more resulted in you being ranked lower than before. ///
It is exactly this type of denial, self-satisfaction and rationalization that will get Malaysia nowhere fast.
Unless the ranking is biased or wrong, why is it misleading. Even assuming what you said is true, that you have improved but others improved much more, then how does it make the ranking misleading? You are still correctly ranked as last. And this is precisely why ranking is important - you may have improved, but others are racing ahead which, relative to the world, you have regressed. Because of ranking, we can see this sad state of affairs. Without ranking, we would be self-satisfied, knowing that we have improved.
warrior2, unfornately we live in the real world where we have to compete with the rest of the world, and not live as a frog under the coconut shell.
Take your Maths score in school. You have improved from 38 marks to 40 marks, but the rest of the class has improved from 88 marks to 90 marks. You are still ranked last. Are you saying that the ranking is misleading?
The evolution of your views, sadly has been repeated time and again among non-bumis in this country. As a public person now of course your evolution is important but only so far as correcting the damage you caused by your misguidedness in the first place.
For someone of your calibre among us, I expect more frankly. What is your political idea to move forward? Where do you see the opportunity to change this cycle of delusion that BN purported on to the people?
Here is something to note: What Badawi has done, fooling the non-bumis and ampflying the threats to the Malays, Dr. M only resorted to at the end of his career. It should tell you what his options are going forward.
What is next? Its really in Anwar's court now. He has to be a real threat to UMNO and indirectly create an opportunity for someone to challenge Badawi. Its the only way...
I find those who commented upon my comment to be quite amusing in the sense that they dont understand what I meant at all.
Ranking is a very misleading indicator.To determine a ranking, the total variables are added up and then a comparision of the totals is made between all participants.
For example, if you are a student in a particular school and your total marks for the final exam last year was 450 (4A 1 B)out of 700 and you were placed at number 20 out of 40 students but for this year, your mark is 500 (5A) out of 700 but your placing is 22, are you saying you are worse this year compare to last year and that you havent improved?
I dont think I need to response to the other comment because they are just not worth any response
To warrior2,
Quoting your post,
"Ranking is a very misleading indicator.To determine a ranking, the total variables are added up and then a comparision of the totals is made between all participants.
For example, if you are a student in a particular school and your total marks for the final exam last year was 450 (4A 1 B)out of 700 and you were placed at number 20 out of 40 students but for this year, your mark is 500 (5A) out of 700 but your placing is 22, are you saying you are worse this year compare to last year and that you havent improved?"
We haven't improved and we have indeed regressed.
What is important in these rankings is the position/rank and not the points/variable values used in the calculations as you argued.
Even a student knows this, if you scored 99 points and there are hundreds that scored 100 points, it is true that you have improved if your previous points are less but you still won't get into the best class, you still won't get admission into the university and you won't get any academic prizes because simply there are a lot MORE people that are BETTER than you. Simple logic, right ?
Same for a country, if Malaysia is perceived as MORE CORRUPT, LESS TRANSPARENT and DIFFICULT for business. Investors will flock to countries that are LESS CORRUPT, MORE TRANSPARENT and EASY for business.
No matter how you argue and console yourself, the reality remains the same, WE ARE LOSING OUT !!!
It's about time Malaysians stopped using coconut trees as measuring sticks and measure ourselves against Californian Redwood or Amazonian rainforest trees and see how minuscule we are.
It's about time we acknowledge our weaknesses and work on improving rather than coming up with excuses or ignorance.
That is exactly the point I am trying to make. It is not misleading. You have improved. But your ranking has dropped, because other people have improved EVEN further. What is misleading here? Nobody says you have not improved. The ranking says you have dropped in your ranking.
As I said, this is a real world. Every one has to keep on running just to stand still. What good is the fact that your marks have gone up, but others have gone up even more and you are still at the bottom of the class?
Malaysia's GDP per capita has gone up from US$12,800. But South Korea, which used to be poorer than Malaysia, has seen its per caital GDP gone up to US$24,500. So, warrior2 you are happy because Malaysia has improved. But I am not happy because Korea has improved even further and Malaysia's ranking had dropped. Malaysia with its oil wealth and bountiful resources should have done even better.
But semua-nya okay. As long as I improve a bit, I am okay. I am living in a world of my own. FDI into Malaysia is US$6 billion - okay what, slight improvement. But it is a few times higher in other countries.
The only way to have change is to boot out the BN.
Don't expect any change as long as it is in power.
Remember, the laws that we have are the laws of the ruling party and are skewed towards their interests.
With their two-thirds majority, they can pass any laws they like or change any that they don't like.
The constitution can be similarly be altered.
Like it or not the electorate have to go along because they have no say whatsoever in its promulgation.
So, spread the word, far and wide, that that the BN should be dumped at the next GE.
It;s time to change for THE GREAT CHANGE in the democracy of our nation!
Let this coming election be the epoch making moment of our nation
I'm once an ordinary youngster who never care of any political topics... until I read your blog.
I'm not originally raised in KL, now I just realized that how people outside of capital can be so easily influenced by mass media.
Well, I personally think that we really need people who willing to stand up and let us know more about the truth.
Sincerely wish you luck on your career!
If you are fed up with your stagnant salary over the years, vote opposition!!
If you are not happy with the high inflation rate and low purchasing power, vote opposition!!
If you monthly salary is less than RM10,000, vote opposition!!
If you want our country FDI to triple within the next 5 years, vote opposition!!
If you want true democracy, vote opposition!!
If you want a government that is accountable, transparent, clean, fair, honest, sincere, vote opposition!!
If you want a country with low crime rate, vote opposition!!
Last but not least, if you really love this country, vote opposition!!
Yo Tony,
Ouch! I think this is the hardest you have hit since you stepped into politics. But careful, the wall have ears. You don't want to get yourself arrested looking at the current trend at how easily you can be charged for sedition, corruption, flying a plane,walking etc...
You would be no good to the rakyat if you are behind bars..
Damn straight! Good lord, Tony P, truer words were never said. It pisses me off when we know what is going on, and then he comes out and says something like this:
Petaling Jaya, Dec 13 (Bernama) -Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Thursday that those who defame the country overseas are people who do not love their country.
How can he talk about loving this country, when his party is the one that is systematically taking it apart for their own ends?
How can he talk about loving this country when he abuses the very people he has sworn to protect?
How can he talk about loving this country when himself is overseas so much, sailing or opening some Nasi Kandar shop his family owns when parts of our country is halfway under the sea by now?
I should stop here. Better not get you in trouble with a comment I might - and probably will - make :)
Dear all malaysians, we must not have such attitude that if our ranking is better (regardless of whatsoever type of calculation) we welcome the result / survey. On the other way, if our ranking fall or worsen, we question on the calculation and quoted that the result / survey is misleading. We must be more open to the opinions and alway ask how can we do to be better? Globalisation will kick us to no-way if we continue to do not change to be better. We must stay competitive and always alert on changes and do not only compete among ourselves inside the country, compete with others outside the country.
Hi Tony,
Cool Down! The Op Lalang II is on the way.
When a country is having an Idiot leader, the country is moving toward the direction of collapse!Unfortunately, our country is managed by a Coalition of Idiot
Apa Pak Lah buat dalam masa 4 tahun ni?
- Tidur and makan gaji buta!
The people must rise and act now by throwing their supports behind the opposition. We must have the moral courage to institute change. Do not be petty or attach too many conditions before you pledge the support. Despite some shortcomings and weaknesses, I’m sure the opposition front is way better than BN. UMNO and BN WILL NEVER CHANGE. They have brainwashed us for 50 odd years into thinking that everything that happen in this country are all race-related issues and only BN can ensure the safety and stability of our multi-racial society. We must resist this kind of stereotyping. We have the opportunity now to build something better together minus BN. It is either now or never!
Rakyat mesti bangun dan bertindak sekarang dengan memberi sokongan kepada pembangkang. Kita semua perlu ada keberanian untuk memulakan perubahan. Janganlah terlalu remeh temeh atau meletakkan banyak syarat sebelum memberikan sokongan anda. Walaupun terdapat sedikit kelemahan dan kekurangan, saya yakin barisan pembangkang adalah jauh lebih baik daripada BN. UMNO dan BN TIDAK AKAN SEKALI-KALI BERUBAH. Mereka telah membasuh otak kita selama 50 tahun kepada berfikir bahawa setiap yang berlaku di negara ini adalah berkaitan dengan isu perkauman dan hanya BN dapat memastikan keselamatan dan kestabilan masyarakat kita yang berbilang kaum. Kita mesti menentang bentuk “stereotyping” ini. Kita mempunyai peluang sekarang untuk membina sesuatu yang lebih baik bersama tanpa BN. Samada ia sekarang atau tiada langsung!
Anak Bapa: Pooooooorah! Pak Lah
blogosphere is getting too serious. have a break and enjoy asian idol tonite!
It is time that they the govt wake up or otherwise the people have wake them up by showing our feelings thru the coming elec tion.the votes is going to against them thats for sure. the grassroots are fed up.If u ask them for anything, they will get angry.
Badawi I detest you and your Evil Son-in-Law. Now, i really feel like migrating.
Somehow I must. Bring my whole family and friends over.
Not safe at all.
Last time, i am very respect him!
But, after 2 years i see all the unfair things but nothing take action! So dissapointed!
1. Sami Vellu, because of his mistake and cause the Highway at Kepong break. But, nothing action on him. Fair?
2. Rafidah, because she mis use her power about the AP. But, nothing action on her. Fair?
3. Zakaria, because he corruption and build an instana and etc. But, nothing action on him. Fair?
4. 2 stupid fellow who represent malaysia people at Parlimen, said "Kamu wanita tiap-tiap bulan pun bocor". Just a sorry and solve all? But, nothing action on them. If i am PM, i will fire them!
5. 1 stupid fellow at Parlimen, said "If you dont like here, you "cina" dont come to here Balik china!" But, He still in the parlimen now. Fair?
6. 1 of girl who jailed and somebody take her nude movie...
Now, not any news about it because pengawai always protect thems people! It is Unfair to our rakyat!
7. How much is one pen? Normally, it cost only rm1. But, someone can buy it with one pen cost rm10 or more. What action taken now?
8. About the Toll, why we need to pay alot? Why we cannot see the contract? Who is the own of the Toll company? They only protect themself... They never care about people. Dont think you reduce the road tax from rm30 to rm10, i will very happy... every day i need to pay rm3.20 x 20 x12 = rm768. Fuck YOu!
I hope someone can put more here if i miss liao...
I am not sure whether anyone out there who is 100% sure of what he/she see or believe is the truth or an illusion, even myself... blur off. One moment I see this group of people is being bullied, the next moment I see like 'satu macam je/ macam lebih lebih je'. Sometimes it is just hard to be sure 'siapa yang dibuli, siapa yang membuli'... Very funny and the truth is always unexpected. X-files...
Here is the list of Top 10 leaders that we do not want in the next General Election:
1. Aduhai Amat Bodohwi, “I don’t know” PM Malaysia
2. Najis C4, “I don’t know her” DPM Malaysia
3. Ong Nothing, "say nothing, do nothing" Malaysia Cowards Association (MCA) President
4. Chan Mari Chan, runaway ‘Transported’ Minister
5. Semi Value, half-past-six Work & Toll Minister, President of Malaysian Indian Crooks (MIC)
6. Hisap Puting aka Kerismudin, violence-prone Education Minister
7. AP Fat Lady aka Drama Queen who broke her high heel, shrieking “No! No!” when Dr M announced his resignation, cried and swore on the Koran, and shamelessly gave Tun a bear hug in public in a vain attempt to mend fences with the latter
8. Jasin Tutup Satu Mata aka "Batu Gajah tiap-tiap bulan bocor!"
9. Klang Sate Ria aka Happy Dick (Zakar Ria) for walking scot-free from 37 charges
10. Kera Jantan (KJ), son-in-law of PM Malaysia, Oxfart graduate & aspiring Bapa Mat Rempit Malaysia
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