
Friday, June 27, 2008

Billboard in SS2

For those staying in SS2 or who passes SS2 regularly might have noticed the above billboard right opposite RHB Bank, at the traffic light junction.

It's huge billboard, initially put up with just the mugshot of the Selangor Menteri Besar, the Selangor Government crest, and the backdrop of the Shah Alam mosque, and interestingly enough, Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel (whom I had initially thought paid for the billboard).

When newspapers covered the story, with concerns that the state government was extravagant with its expenses, it was found that the billboard company, Setia Media was the one who put it up.

And when residents complained that the billboard would have been more useful if the representatives' numbers were published, the company put up both Dr Cheah Wing Yin (ADUN for Damansara Utama) and my contacts almost immediately.

I don't have a problem having my service centre hotline and email details published. But I thought it was rather odd for the billboard company not to have the courtesy to inform us in advance. Hence I wasn't aware of it till I saw it for myself last week as I was passing by. Worse, they even got Dr Cheah's constituency wrong - it is published as "Damansara Damai".

And possibly more importantly, the billboard company should state clearly on the advertisement that it was sponsored by the company, and the state did not pay for anything for it. This will certainly go a long way towards clarifying to residents that the local politicians did not waste precious tax-payers money to "glorify" themselves.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Deputy Minister Denies Labuan Blacklisted

If you have read my earlier post on Labuan International Business and Financial Centre (IFBC), then you would have noted that amongst the criticism I had was that the Government has not put in sufficient effort to ensure recognition of Labuan as an offshore financial centre as it has been excluded from the Malaysian double-taxation treaties with 11 countries and has been "blacklisted" by the South Korean government. An excerpt of my speech (pg 48) from the Hansard is as follows:
Labuan ingin menjadi sebuah pusat yang lebih menarik syarikat pegangan ataupun holding companies dengan dasar cukai yang rendah, 3% sahaja. Akan tetapi Labuan telah dikecualikan daripada persetujuan double taxation daripada 11 negara termasuklah negaranegara penting seperti Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Jepun, Sweden dan Netherlands.

Apatah lagi negara Korea Selatan telah pun menetapkan Labuan sebagai pusat pelindungan cukai dalam satu senarai hitam ataupun dengan izin black list. Negara-negara Eropah melalui organisasi OECD atau Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development juga telah mengesyaki Labuan sebagai satu pusat pelindungan cukai yang boleh mendatangkan keburukan. Kerajaan Malaysia telah lalai dalam tugasnya mempertahankan Labuan sebagai satu pusat kewangan luar pesisir yang berintegriti dan bersifat bertanggungjawab supaya Malaysia tidak dimasukkan di dalam senarai hitam.
The Deputy Finance Minister, Dato' Haji Ahmad Husni bin Mohamad Hanadzlah however, insisted that Malaysia has not been "blacklisted" by any government and the South Korean allegation has arisen out of a misunderstaning or misperception created by a report by Financial Times. The excerpt from the Hansard (pg 78) is as follows:
Yang Berhormat Petaling Jaya Utara juga menyentuh tentang isu antara Malaysia dengan Korea Selatan yang dikatakan bahawa Korea Selatan telah blacklist Labuan Offshore Financial Centre ini...

Di mana wujudnya blacklisted tadi? Sebenarnya ini adalah datangnya daripada media iaitu yang menggunakan perkataan blacklisted tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Malah pada hari ini sebanyak 123 buah syarikat Korea masih beroperasi di Labuan Offshore Financial Centre. Sekarang ini kita tidak panggil Labuan Offshore Financial Centre kerana hasil daripada rebranding ia dipanggil Labuan International Business and Financial Centre.
Firstly, I would like to clarify that being "blacklisted" does not mean that Korean companies cannot continue to remain in Labuan but it means that they will not be able to enjoy the low tax regime in Labuan and at the same time they may be subjected to additional witholding tax by the South Korean government.

Secondly, the term "blacklisted" was not coined by Financial Times as alleged by the Deputy Minister. Baker Mckenzie, one of the largest and most reputable international law firms in the world, have reported in its circular update in 2006 that Korea has implemented special withholding procedure for "blacklisted" countries:
As part of the Korean government's efforts to combat perceived abusive tax avoidance structures used to channel investments into Korea, a new special tax withholding procedure was adopted... This new provision authorises the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MOFE) to designate countries or regions that it believes are frequently exploited for tax avoidance purposes. Entities located in a country or region placed on this "blacklist" by the MOFE are presumed to be tax treaty treaty shopping...

On June 30, 2006, MOFE placed Labuan, Malaysia on the blacklist of countries/regions presumed to be a jurisdiction used for tax avoidance purposes. To date, only Labuan has been placed on the blacklist.
Not only have Malaysia been blacklisted, we had the (dis)honour of being the first country/ region to have made it into the list.

It is unfortunate that in the passing of the amendment to the bill, the Minister have either misled the House or was ignorant or was misinformed of certain facts relating to the issue. The information I have was based on a report by an international and reputable legal practice which would have taken more than necessary due care and diligence to ensure that the statements made are true and accurate (or the Malaysian government can choose to sue them).

It is hence important that the Minister made the necessary clarifications in the House and inform the House on the remedial steps being taken by the Government to restore the integrity and credibility of the Labuan IBFC.

Labuan International Business & Financial Centre

This is not a topic which will interest many people but we were debating the Labuan Offshore Financial Services (Amendment) Bill 2008 yesterday. You can get an idea of the bill (which I won't go into here, you can read the Deputy Minister of Finance's statement in the Hansard here, page 35).

I got my chance to debate the Bill, and thankfully this time, I didn't need to read at Rocket speed ;-). Below is the text of my speech, for those who are interested. The Deputy Minister had a subsequent response, which I will comment on, in a subsequent post. ;-)
Terima kasih Tuan Yang DiPertua dan Yang Berhormat Menteri.

Saya ingin mendahului ucapan saya dengan satu petikan ucapan yang diberikan oleh Perdana Menteri yang lalu, TUN DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD pada 29hb Ogos 1996, iaitu 12 tahun lalu, dan 5 tahun selepas Labuan Offshore Financial Centre ditubuhkan.

Beliau berkata “Kita berkeyakinan penuh bahawa Labuan akan berjaya sepenuhnya sebagai sebuah IOFC dalam jangkamasa lima hingga sepuluh tahun yang akan datang... Bagi kita di Malaysia, kejayaan Labuan bukan sahaja akan memberi manfaat kepada pulau Labuan, tetapi boleh juga dirasai kesannya di kawasan seberang di Sabah. Bandar Menumbok di Sabah adalah lebih kurang lapan kilometer jauhnya dari Labuan, di mana sudahpun terdapat perkhidmatan feri di antara kedua-dua tempat tersebut. Ini akan meredakan tekanan fizikal ke atas Labuan dan sekaligus dapat membangun kawasan pendalaman Sabah yang berhampiran sama seperti pertumbuhan Johor Bahru kerana Singapura.

Apa yang dijelaskan di atas mungkin merupakan satu mimpi lima tahun yang lepas. Sekarang ini ia merupakan satu kemungkinan. Dalam sepuluh tahun akan datang ia mungkin menjadi satu kenyataan.”

Dekat 12 tahun telah berlepas sejak ucapan Tun Dr Mahathir di Labuan. Adakah Labuan Offshore Financial Centre (LOFC) ataupun nama barunya, International Business and Financial Centre (IBFC) telah mencapai matlamat seperti yang dimimpikan oleh perdana menteri yang lalu?

Hakikatnya, LBFC masih merupakan sebuah mimpi yang begitu manis.

Mengikut Laporan Tahunan yang baru saja diterima pada hari ini, jumlah syarikat di Labuan IBFC berkembang sebanyak 11%, iaitu sebanyak 619 syarikat luar pesisir baru ditubuhkan. Walaupun mengikut peratusan, 11% nampaknya kredible, akan tetapi berbanding dengan pusat kewangan luar pesisir, seperti British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Dublin dan lain-lain di mana beratus-ratus syarikat luar pesisir ditubuhkan setiap hari, dan bukannya setiap tahun.

Labuan ingin menjadi sebuah pusat yang boleh menarik lebih syarikat pegangan ataupun “holding companies” dengan dasar cukai yang rendah, 3%. Akan tetapi, Labuan telah dikecualikan daripada persetujuan “double-taxation” daripada 11 negara, termasuklah negara-negara penting seperti Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden dan Netherlands.

Apatah lagi, negara Korea Selatan telahpun menetapkan Labuan sebagai pusat pelindungan cukai dalam satu senarai hitam ataupun “blacklist”. Negara-negara Eropah, melalui organisasi OECD juga telah mensyaki Labuan sebagai satu pusat perlindungan cukai yang boleh mendatangkan keburukan. Kerajaan Malaysia telah lalai dalam tugas mempertahankan Labuan sebagai satu pusat kewangan luar pesisir yang berintegriti dan bersifat tanggungjawab, supaya Malaysia tidak dimasuk senarai hitam.

Dengan tekanan perbadanan antarabangsa yang lain, termasuklah Financial Action Task Force (FATF), yang memberikan tekanan kepada pusat kewangan jenis luar pesisir, potensi perkembangan Labuan nampaknya terhad dan cabaran yang dihadapi amat besar.

Kerajaan telahpun memperuntukan perbelanjaan yang besar untuk membangun kawasan Labuan dengan kemudahan bangunan, pejabat dan lain-lain. Akan tetapi, pulangan pelaburan kerajaan nampaknya amat kurang. Walaupun saya tidak ada statistik yang terkini, bolehjadi Yang Berhormat Menteri boleh menjelaskan, pada tahun 2000, bidang servis kewangan hanya menyumbang sebanyak 10% kepada ekonomi ataupun GDP Labuan yang bernilai RM300 juta. Ini bermakna, sumbangan sektor servis kewangan kepada GDP negara hanya sekitar RM30 juta sahaja, satu nilai yang teramat rendah.

Bidang kewangan memerlukan ramai orang pekerja yang berilmu dan berpengetahuan. Oleh kerana itu, kekurangan pihak pakar menjadi satu lagi faktor yang menjejaskan impian kerajaan menjadikan Labuan sebagai pusat kewangan yang menarik bagi pihak pelabur, terutamanya dari luar negeri.

Baru-baru ini, pada tahun 2006, kerajaan mengambil langkah untuk memajukan perbankan Islam di Labuan di mana perbankan Islam luar pesisir diberikan hak menawar perkhidmatan ke seluruh Malaysia. Akan tetapi dasar ini bercanggah dengan dasar perbankan Islam bukan luar pesisir, dan telah menimbul perselisihan dan pergentengan antara kuasa agensi kerajaan Bank Negara Malaysia dan LOFSA.

Akhir sekali, untuk mencapai taraf pusat kewangan yang cemerlang di dunia, kita perlu menyediakan infrastruktur dan perkhidmatan asas yang dapat diharap. Akan tetapi pihak pelabur masih sering mengadu-adukan perkhidmatan telekomikasi yang kurang sempurna, bekalan elektrik dan air yang sering putus di Labuan.

Oleh itu, saya ingin supaya Yang Berhormat Menteri dapat menjelaskan pendirian kerajaan terhadap isu-isu yang telah dibentangkan. Jika kementerian mengambil pendapat bahawa Labuan sebagai pusat kewangan luar pesisir masih lagi relevan dalam pembangunan Malaysia, apakah langkah-langkah revolusi yang akan dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan untuk memulihkan pelaburan besar yang telahpun dibelanja kerajaan selama 17 tahun ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.
Will blog more about the Minister's response later, but you can also read it in the same issue of the Hansard, page 78.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Discrepancy in MBPJ Council List

This is an update to the post I wrote a few days ago with regards to a press statement issued by my DAP colleague, ADUN for Kg Tunku with regards to certain potential discrepancy in the local council appointments in MBPJ.

In MBPJ, it was announced that there will be a total of 24 new councilors of which four of them are from PAS, seven from PKR and six from DAP, with the remaining seven councilorship to be appointed from non-partisan nominees, i.e. NGOs and RAs in Petaling Jaya.

It is an important change, when compared to the previous Barisan Nasional Government, that NGO members are appointed to the local council to ensure increased transparency and good governance, and to ensure special and needy interest groups are taken into account, such as the appointment of Anthony Thanasayan, president of the Animal Assisted Therapy for the Disabled and Elderly Association.

However, I have been informed that a member of a political party replaced a non-partisan local Petaling Jaya residents' association president under the NGO quota in MBPJ. In addition, I've been made to understand that this was done at the very last minute to avoid possible objections to the move.

I'd like to express my regret and disappointment that such action has blemished an otherwise excellent step taken by the Selangor state government to include NGO participation while waiting for the local government to be democratically elected in the near future.

I'd like to call upon the Selangor state government to review its decision, to ensure that all party members are placed strictly within the party quotas i.e., 7 from PKR, 6 from DAP and 4 from PAS and only genuine and reputable NGO members as well as leaders of local residents' associations are given strict priority.

I would also be interested to find out if the above is happening to other local councils as well in Selangor.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Vote on Price Hike Policies

A vote has just been called on the Government's motion by the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs to move his motion on the recent oil price hikes. (Warning: Long Post)
Bahawa mengikut peruntukan Peraturan Mesyuarat 27(3) Dewan ini mengambil ketetapan-ketetapan berikut:
"Bahawa Dewan ini,

Prihatin akan kenaikan mendadak harga minyak, makanan dan komoditi lain di pasaran dunia, yang merupakan fenomena global di luar kawalan Kerajaan.

Menyedari bahawa fenomena kenaikan harga ini membawa impak negatif yang besar kepada kesejahteraan rakyat serta kemajuan ekonomi negara.

Memahami dan menyokong langkah Kerajaan untuk menstruktur sistem subsidi minyak dan gas yang menjejas kewangan Kerajaan dan tidak dapat ditanggung tatkala harga minyak di pasaran global terus meningkat tinggi, agar beban ke atas ekonomi negara dapat dikurangkan dan subsidi dapat diagihkan dengan lebih saksama kepada mereka yang benar-benar memerlukannya yakni golongan miskin dan berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.

Menyokong langkah-langkah yang dilaksanakan oleh Kerajaan untuk mengurangkan beban ke atas rakyat yang disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga minyak, makanan dan komoditi, agar kesejahteraan hidup rakyat terus terjaga.

Menyedari keazaman dan usaha Kerajaan untuk terus mempertingkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan memperjuangkan agenda pembangunan nasional, walaupun persekitaran di peringkat global semakin mencabar.

Bahawa Dewan yang mulia ini menyeru kesemua lapisan rakyat Malaysia termasuk pekerja dan pengusaha agar tabah dan bersatu padu dalam menghadapi cabaran global ini serta memelihara keamanan, kestabilan dan kesejahteraan kita bersama”.
I have voted against the motion together with my other Pakatan Rakyat colleagues. The Government won the vote with 129 votes against 78 votes. The high profile pair from SAPP were missing from the Parliament.

My reasons to vote against the motion was to be expressed in my speech, attached below, which unfortunately didn't get to see the light of day as I didn't get a chance to speak. 9 MPs from the opposition got to speak - 4 from PAS, 2 from PKR, 2 from DAP and 1 supposed Independent.

My speech is as follows (a large part of which I have taken from my earlier blog post here.)
Tuan Yang DiPertua,

Saya ingin menyatakan bahawa walaupun kenaikan harga minyak sudahpun dijangka dan memang susah dielakkan, kerajaan tidak mengambil langkah yang mencukupi untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat Malaysia dalam menghadapi masalah kenaikan harga petrol dan elektrik.

Saya akan membangkang usul yang dikemukakan kerana Kerajaan tidak menyediakan mekanisme yang sempurna dan mencukupi untuk membantu rakyat Malaysia yang memerlukan bantuan dan menghadapi cabaran yang besar dan payah.

Kerajaan telah menggurangan subsidi minyak yang menyebabkan kenaikan harga minyak dan elektrik setinggi 63%.

Pada masa ini, Kerajaan telah mengumumkan pemberian wang tunai mengikut saiz kenderaan. Ini menglibatkan pemberian setahun sebanyak RM625 untuk kenderaan dengan kapasiti engine 2L ke bawah, RM150 untuk motorsikal dengan kapasiti engine 250CC ke bawah. Cukai jalan juga diturunkan sebanyak RM200 bagi kenderaan 2L ke atas dan sebanyak RM50 bagi motorsikal 250CC keatas.

Walaupun cara ini nampaknya adil dan innovatif, cara penyelesaian ini adalah untuk jangka pendek dan tidak dengan sepenuhnya menyelesaikan isu-isu lain yang penting sekali:

1.Usaha-usaha ini akan terus menggangu (distort) corak pengangkutan, harga-harga, dan kemahuan tetapi tidak menggalakan kegunaan pengangkutan awam. Tiada insentif bagi rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya rakyat di kawasan urban, untuk berubah kepada pengangkutan awam, yang akan mengurangkan kegantungan kepada minyak, mengurangkan kesesakan jalan raya, dan juga mengurangkan impak terhadap persekitaran apabila subsidi diberi mengikut pemilikan kenderaan.

Sebaliknya, terdapat khabar bahawa subsidi bas akan dikurangkan dan kos pengangkutan awan akan dinaikkan. Negara kita dijangka menjimat RM13.7 billion daripada pengurangkan subsidi-subsidi, tetapi kejimatan ini telahpun dirancangkan bagi kepelbagaian guna kecuali memperbaiki pengangkutan awam yang akan menolong Negara kita dalam jangka masa panjang.

2.Kenaikan harga minyak seharusnya diumumkan seiring dengan pelan-pelan konkrit untuk mempercepatkan pembinaan rangkaian pengangkutan awam (mass transportatation networks), seperti membesarkan rangkaian LRT dan "bus feeder system" ataupun memperbaiki rangkaian sedia ada. Kekurangan pelan-pelan tersebut adalah sesuata kemuradaratan kepada penduduk Lembah Klang dan juga kawasan bandar di mana kesesatan jalan raya adalah kebiasaan dan system pengangkutan awam kurang baik.

Kerajaan telah lama membincangkan dan menjanjikan pelan system pengangkutan awam komprehensif. Namun, tiada langkah-langkah konkrit telah dilaksanakan dan negara kini kian bergantung kepada kenderaan-kenderaan persendirian. Akibat kelalaian kerajaan dalam merancangkan pembangunun, peningkatan harga minyak baru-baru ini sangat menyusahkan raykat Malaysia, terutamanya rakyat berpendapatan rendah.

Namun, kerajaan hanya mengumumkan RM100 juta untuk mereka yang ingin mengambil pinjaman untuk menjadi pemandu teksi. Tiada lagi langkah konkirt buat masa ini. Raykat tidak berdaya menunggu sehingga tahun depan untuk kerajaan mengumumkan pelan serta langkah pelaksanaan untuk memantapkan pengangkutan awam Malaysia. Rakyat memerlukan reaksi positif dari kerajaan sekarang juga.

3.Akhirnya, kenaikkan harga tenaga akan menyebabkan inflasi sekunder barang-barang penggunaan dan servis harian. Pemberian wang tunai kenderaan yang disyorkan cuma membantu mereka yang memiliki kereta atau motorsikal tetapi tidak membantu mereka yang masih menghadapi masalah-masalah kenaikan harga keperluan harian.

Secara kebetulan, golongan ini lebih mungkin adalah dari golongan berpendapatan rendah yang paling memerlukan pertolongan dalam menghadapi kesan-kesan sekondari inflasi yang disebabkan reduksi subsidi.

Saya mengulangkan pengesyoran DAP untuk menimbangkan skim geran sebanyak RM3000 kepada setiap pekerja ataupun RM6000 bagi setiap keluarga yang kurang keupayaan dan pendapatan. Wang ini boleh diberi melalui mekanisme EPF (KWSP) di mana kita terus dapat maklumat gaji pekerja.

Konsumer-konsumer seterusnya akan mempunyai pilihan untuk mengguna wang dengan sebaik mungkin mengikutan keperluan masing-masing. Di samping itu, konsumer-konsumer ini akan mendapat wang gran ini sama ada mereka memiliki kenderaan.

Membantu rakyat melalui sistem yang sedia ada juga lebih murah dan kurang bermasalah untuk menghantar wang balik kepada rakyat, jauh lebih murah dan effisien berbanding dengan skim money order ataupun kad subsidi yang dibentang kerajaan.

Kerajaan memang mampu memberikan bantuan yang dicadangkan ini kerana sumbangan Petronas kepada kerajaan kian meningkat, dan mencapai sebanyak RM55 bilion tahun lalu. Wang Petronas adalah wang kepunyaan rakyat dan ianya perlu dikongsi supaya beban rakyat dapat diringankan.

Negara Hong Kong dan Singapura dan, dua-dua ekonomi yang langsung tidak ada sumber semulajadi seperti minyak, gas, balak, tanah untuk tanaman komersil seperti minyak sawit, dapat mengendalikan polisi grant tunai kepada rakyat mereka yang kurang berupaya dari segi kewangan. Malaysia sebagai antara sebuah negara yang terkaya dengan sumber minyak di seluruh dunia, patut mengikut teladan yang baik dimana nasib rakyat diutamakan, apatah lagi minyak yang digali Petronas adalah minyak kepunyaan semua rakyat Malaysia.

Akhir sekali, saya menyeru supaya kerajaan memberikan kuasa persaingan harga kepada setiap syarikat petrol. Dua belas tahun yang lalu, apabila sebuah syarikat petrol memberikan diskaun kepada pengguna, pihak Petronas membantah langkah tersebut and kerajaan mengambil keputusan menyokong bantahan tersebut dan persaingan harga petrol dilarangkan.

Demi meringankan beban rakyat, kerajaan mesti membatalkan larangan tersebut supaya persaingan harga minyak antara syarikat seperti yang ada di luar negara boleh digalakkan. Hanyan dengan kebabasan persaingan, rakyat jelata Malaysia akan bermanfaat.

Tuan Yang Dipertua, saya memohom menolak usul yang dikemukakan oleh Menteri.
Despite voting enbloc with my other opposition colleagues, I voted with my consciences with only the interest of Malaysians in my mind. We could only have hoped that our honourable members on the other side of the fence can do the same.

Teachers & Students Threatened

In the face of widespread public criticism, particularly on the Internet with regards to the issue that my DAP colleague, ADUN for Subang Jaya, Hannah Yeoh has been "banned" from the school prefects reunion which is being held outside of the school as blogged here earlier.

Now, the teachers and prefects of the school are threatened further by the school authorities that action will be taken if they were to attend the event and Hannah is present. Hannah has updated on her blog that:
I have just received a call informing me that a meeting has been held in their school this morning further threatening the prefects and even the teachers - if they attend the reunion, they will be sacked. Some people think this is a minor issue.

This is not a petty or a political issue. Teachers who want to attend the function to see their ex-students also face the threat of losing their jobs. Looks like the leadership style of the principal or the education ministry is nothing but suppression.
This is becoming a complete farce and I'll definitely find the appropriate opportunity in Parliament to berate the Minister of Education on this issue. What a farce.

Inflation Rate Not A Reflection of Reality

I have argued, and so have most of my opposition colleagues that the Government's inflation rate calculation is faulty and needs to be desperately revamped as it has failed to reflect the real world.

Throughout the campaign period, we have ridiculed the 2% inflation index as announced by the Government. Can you believe that inflation is only 2%?

Today, to a supplementary question posted by BAGAN, the Second Finance Minister, Nor Mohamed Yaacob admitted as much that the inflation index published by the Government does not reflect reality. He announced that the current make up of the inflation index is being revamped to better reflect what is on the ground.

It's a big admission, for the Government has been measuring its "excellent performance" and praised the health of the economy by quoting the "low" inflation index. Will try to extract the Hansard text tomorrow.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Malaysian Oil Dilemma

Yes, DAP organised forums - which were frequently held in the months before the elections are back. This time, the DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) is organising an English forum on "The Malaysian Oil Dilemma". The details are as follows:
Date: 24th June 2008 (Tuesday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
And the invited speakers include:
  • Anthony Loke Siew Fook, Member of Parliament for Rasah
  • Tony Pua, Member of Parliament for Petaling Jaya Utara
  • Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, ADUN for Seri Setia
  • and other distinguished panelists...
To register in advance, please call 03-7957 8022 / 017-6099 963
or email: leefuhaw (at) gmail (dot) com

I'll be speaking again on the related topic of fuel price hikes at the same venue, same time on Thursday 26th on the fuel price hikes. There's plenty to discuss on the issue and I'll assume that 80% of my content will be different between the 2 forums ;-) See you there!

Banned From School Reunion?

No, I haven't yet been banned from any official school reunions in Malaysia, well, it can only be from my primary school in Batu Pahat as I studied in Singapore for my secondary school. (Incidentally, my fellow alumni will include Sdr Lim Guan Eng, now Chief Minister of Penang as well as (if I'm not wrong), Sdr Lim Kit Siang)

But my colleague, the DAP state assemblywoman for Subang Jaya, has not only been prevented from stepping into official school functions (all DAP, PKR and PAS representatives will have problems getting into schools), she has even been "banned" from attending a school prefects' reunion to be held outside the school!
Few months ago, I was invited to the Prefects' Reunion of SMK Subang Utama to be held next week. I just received news that I could no longer attend the function because I'm an assemblyman from Pakatan Rakyat.

Two prefects have confirmed that the teachers have issued a threat to the prefects to withdraw their invitation to me and if not, the event would be cancelled.
She was actually the Head Prefect for her school back in 1995. Read her full comments on her blog here.

This clearly comes from a Barisan Nasional government mentality which obviously has not come to terms with the fact that they have lost the trust of the people in these constituencies and these voters/residents have a right to meet and hear from their elected representatives.

I think the responsible administrators are still stuck in dinosaur age, and are obviously not helping the country move forward, particularly in creating a first class education system. I'm pretty disgusted actually.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Petaling Jaya Councillors List Out?

I've received several calls from reporters and friends after reading a leaked list of councillors in The Star Metro yesterday. I couldn't comment much on the list as I wasn't directly involved in the final selection process.

However, my colleague, ADUN for Kampung Tunku has issued a press statement as copied below from his blog, and it's makes for some concerned reading.
A mockery for PR if partisan nominees appointed as councilors under NGO quota

It has been negotiated that there will be an average of 6 non-partisan councillors in each local council in Selangor excluding Orang Besar Kaya Besar Daerah (OKBD). In Selangor, there are altogether nine OKBDs in each local councils except for Petaling Jaya City Hall (MBPJ), Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) and Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ).

In Petaling Jaya City Hall, there will be a total of 24 new councilors of which four of them are from PAS, seven from PKR and six from DAP, with the remaining seven councilorship to be appointed from non-partisan nominees, i.e. NGOs and RAs in Petaling Jaya.

The Star Metro has published a list of councilors for MBPJ today and I was requested to comment on it. For a city with various active NGOs in town, political parties should not hijack councillorship reserved for NGOs and RAs in MBPJ.

Sad to say, from the list of unconfirmed names reported in the Star Metro today, I can notice that there are efforts by certain party to insert party members as councilors in MBPJ under NGO quota as there are only six NGO and RA councilors in the list, namely Richard Yeoh (TI), Anthony Thanasayagan (Coordinator of Malaysians Against Discrimination of the Disabled), Dr Melasutra bt Md Dali (Town Planner), Cynthia Manonmani a/p Michael Gabriel (Suaram), Derek Fernandez (prominent lawyer on local governance) and Paneer Sivam (labourer activitist) with no representatives from residents association.

It is my stand that the seven non-partisan nominees should be purely reserved for non-partisan nominees, i.e. NGOs and RAs in Petaling Jaya. Else it will be a mockery for Pakatan Rakyat.
Will possibly blog more should I obtain more information.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Free Water

This topic has been hanging in the air for a fairly long time, but I've yet to comment on it - partly because, the DAP MP for Klang, Charles Santiago has repeatedly given his views on this issue which I share wholeheartedly.

The Selangor Government has made it a point as one of the first 100 days target and achievement to be providing 20 cubic metres of free water to all households. And the Selangor Government achieved it through the simplest of means, the state government footing the bill for it to the water concessionaire.

I do not believe that this is the right policy prescription towards creating a more compassionate state, particularly for the lower-income groups - an objective which I share wholeheartedly. And providing free water to all households, without conditions, is a fairly inefficient way of achieving such an objective.

First of all, everyone, whether they can afford it or otherwise, gets the free water and hence the solution isn't targeted at all towards the lower income group. Secondly, so a policy typically encourages wastage despite water (particularly in Selangor) being a precious and scarce resource.

I remain consistent in my position that the best way to approach the problem of assisting the lower income group is to provide the cash benefits directly to them. That way, they can choose to spend the benefit according to their own personal needs, be it water, fuel or other basic necessities. Overall, for the same amount of money poured on subsidies, the poor will benefit more (as the wealthier groups will not get the subsidy). Or alternatively, for the same amount of subsidy per individual, the state will save more as they don't have to subsidise the wealthier households.

The government, both federal and state must re-look into the traditional ways by which we have forked out subsidies, their distortionary impact and untargeted mechanism in meeting their welfare objectives.

Below are some quotes from Charles, as reported in The Star and The Sun:
Coalition Against Water Privatisation (CAWP) coordinator Charles Santiago said the Selangor government should have done a comprehensive study before carrying out the move as the cost to be borne by the government would be too high.

“To subsidise 1.5 million households in Selangor, the government would have to fork out almost RM11mil per month and more than RM132 million a year,” he said.

He suggested that that the Selangor government should consider rain harvesting instead as it would save the people more than the RM11 they enjoy with the rebate.

“Through water audits, the water bills can also be reduced by up to 30-40%,” he said.

Santiago, who is also Klang MP, added that the rebate would also cause people to waste water as “people would waste anything that comes free”.

“In five years time, we will be facing a water crisis just as how we are facing an oil crisis now. We can live without petrol, but we can’t live without water,” he pointed out.


DAP’s Klang MP Charles Santiago said Selangor government’s first 20-cubic-metres (20,000 litres) free water policy was not properly well-thought before it was announced.

Santiago, who is also Coalition Against Water Privatisation (CAWP) coordinator, said: “I will maintain that households earning a monthly income of RM1,500 and below should still get free water. No question about it. I think those in the rich category would consider it an insult for not being charged.

“But the monies may have been better used for other facilities like helping buildings set up rain-harvesting systems which encourages conservation of processed water,” he told theSun when contacted.
It is worth noting that this "free water" policy will cost the Selangor state government RM10.4 million per month, or RM128 million a year. State governments are not known for their wealth, despite Selangor being the richest state in the country. RM128 million works out to a little more than 10% of the state's annual income. Is that the best way to expend a very substantial portion of the state's very limited funds and resources?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dress Code Again?

There's a serial love affair between PAS and dress codes, particularly those of the fairer sex.

We have heard the Kelantan Menteri Besar raised the issue many a times in the past, and now, the PAS Youth Movement wants the same thing implemented in the Pakatan Rakyat state governments.

Malaysiakini reported that "PAS Youth moots Islamic law in Pakatan states".
PAS Youth is keen on implementing hardline Islamic laws that ban gambling, limiting sale of liquor and introducing dress code for office workers in all Pakatan-ruled states.

In taking the first step towards introducing such laws, PAS Youth will organise a seminar in August to discuss the possibility of doing so.
And the Deputy Youth Chief, Azman Shapawi Abdul Rani went to the extent of saying that DAP will be willing to consider such laws since "not all leaders in DAP have the same position (against such laws)". He quoted the example that:
“If we look at the DAP leadership in Penang, they are very open and tolerant. They also raise the allowances of religious teachers,” he said.
Ummm... sir, the DAP leadership in Penang is indeed "very open and tolerant". We have raised the allowances of religious teachers because we believe in religious freedom, we recognise that Islam is the official religion in this country, and religious teachers have their place in society.

Hence by the very very same reason that we are "very open and tolerant", it'll necessarily mean that we cannot implement laws which are clearly "closed and intolerant", e.g., Malaysians fined up to RM500 for wearing "offending clothes" such as tight fitting blouses, jeans, shorts and mini-skirts as per Kota Bahru.

There are a lot of common issues which Pakatan Rakyat component parties can focus their energies on, including ethical and moral issues such as fighting drug abuse, crime and Mat Rempit menace, as well as building a kind and compassionate society which are clearly more important than issues such as "how tight is your blouse".

If there is continued and increased lobbying by PAS leaders for implementation of laws such as the above, it will at some point make Pakatan Rakyat coalition untenable. I for one, dare say that despite having won Petaling Jaya Utara parliamentary seat with nearly 20,000 majority, it will be among the first to fall in the next elections, should an "open and tolerant" society which we strongly believe in is threatened.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Fair Wage & Malaysia Bonus

The "FairWage" and Malaysia Bonus proposal was first raised in the DAP Alternative Malaysia Budget 2008 announced in September last year. Given the recent changes in the fuel subsidy system, I thought it's an idea to put up the section on the above here on this blog for discussion.

But before proceeding to share your 2 sen, let me first share the key assumptions behind the policies suggested:
  1. Welfare provision is a key responsibility of the government for the less fortunate in the country. (Otherwise, it'll just mean no subsidies or grants at all)

  2. The policies below are formulated based on the principle that product subsidies tend to be very distortionary and unevenly distributed, hence a more targeted approach is required.

  3. The exact quantum of award/bonus suggested below may require further adjustment with more precise data from Government.

  4. Please also read the following in conjunction with the other posts I've put up on this blog. It may make more sense that way ;-)
The EPF is a social security institution formed according to the Laws of Malaysia, Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 (Act 452) which provides retirement benefits for members through management of their savings in an efficient and reliable manner. With rising costs of living, extended life expectancy and more expensive medical treatments, it is critical that Malaysians save as much as possible to ensure sufficient funds for retirement. It is also important for as many Malaysians as possible to be included in the system.

However, as studies have shown, low-income Malaysians are facing significant difficulties in saving enough via EPF. As a result, the Government must act to assist this group of Malaysians who face various challenges in the face of globalisation, particularly with a stagnant or declining real wages. This is clearly reflected in the 9th Malaysia Plan Gini coefficient statistics where by income disparity among Malaysians has widened substantially. Malaysia ranked highest in terms of income inequality in Southeast Asia.

To assist low and medium-waged workers, DAP proposes to raise the Employer EPF Contribution Rate from the current 12% of total wages to 15%, representing a 25% increase. This will in turn raise the total contribution from the employer and employee to the fund to a total of 26%.

At the same time, in view of the increase in cost for the employers, which may in turn affect the competitiveness of Malaysian companies, it is proposed that a limit of RM8,000 per month or RM96,000 per annum be set to Employer contributions to the EPF. That means that for employees earning above the limit, their EPF contributions will continue to be calculated at the limit level.

However, for middle-age workers who are earning below RM1,400 per month , it is clear that they will continue to face severe challenges despite the increase in employer’s EPF contribution. Whilst younger workers may be learning the ropes and learn new skills to upgrade their income level, older workers will face difficulties in our fast-changing economic environment and are in the greatest need of assistance from the state to make ends meet.

With the oil and gas sector contributing handsomely to the state coffers, it only makes social sense to share part of these gains with the less fortunate and lower income tiers within our society. However, at the same time, we still need to continue to incentivise these workers to secure employment to avoid over-dependence on the state. Hence, DAP proposes “FairWage”, an integral component of MENUS in promoting social justice. FairWage has a 3-prong strategy for implementation:
  1. To increase that take-home pay, workers will contribute a lower rate to the EPF. For with pay below RM900 per month, employee contribution to the fund will be waived while for those with income of not more than RM1,400 per month, the employee's contribution to EPF shall be reduced from the current 11% to 5%.

  2. To make them more employable, employers will reduce their rate of contribution to the EPF. For workers above the age of 35 to 55, earning between RM900 to RM1,400 per month, the employer contribution shall remain at the current 12%. For those earning less than RM900 per month in the same age group, the employer contribution shall decline to 10%.

  3. To compensate for the above, the Government will give workers FairWage income supplements to achieve a higher level of income. For workers aged 45 and above, receiving monthly income below RM900 per month, they will receive an annual income supplement Proposed 2008 Malaysian Budget Democratic Action Party of RM2,400. For those workers above the age of 35 earning less than RM1,400 per month will receive RM1,600 per annum. Of the supplement, a quarter shall be in cash form, while the balance will be channelled into the EPF accounts. By channelling a larger portion into the EPF, it will help the workers save for their future needs. An additional 10% on top of the income supplement shall be applied to those who live in the Klang Valley, Johor Bahru as well as on the Penang Island to cope with the higher cost of living.
As an example, a 48 year old worker in Muar earning RM800 per month used to take home RM712, will find his take-home pay increased by 19.4% or RM138 (RM88 + RM50) to RM850. At the same time, despite a reduction in employer contribution to 10%, the overall contribution to the EPF account will increase from RM184 to RM230, representing a 25% increment. His total monthly income will hence be RM1,080, an increment of 19.5% from before.

As a separate example, a 42 year old worker in Kuala Terengganu earning RM1,200 per month will find his take-home pay increased by 9.9% or RM105.33 (RM72 + RM33.33) from
RM1,068 to RM1,173. At the same time, the overall contribution to the EPF account will increase from RM276 to RM316 monthly, representing a 14.5% increment. His total monthly income will hence be RM1,489, an increment of 10.8% from before.

“FairWage” is not an original idea but an adaptation of best practices successfully implemented in other advanced countries. For example, in the United States, “Earned Income Tax Credit” acts like a negative income tax for low-wage workers, supplementing their earned income. Similarly, the UK has implemented a “Working Tax Credit” which has helped to reduce poverty and encourage work. While most recently, Singapore has introduced “Workfare” which supplements the income of older low-wage workers.

In addition to assisting current workers registered with the EPF, FairWage will also provide incentives for more workers, particularly odd-job or ad hoc labourers to insist on registration with the EPF by their employers due to higher pay. As a result, the overall system will be more inclusive for Malaysians, particularly those from lower income groups.

On top of that, DAP would introduce a “Malaysia Bonus” which will vary in accordance to the performance of the economy whereby poorer Malaysians will be able to share the fruits of the country's wealth. For 2oo8, the Malaysia Bonus shall be paid to those who have worked at least 6 months in 2007 based on their last drawn pay in December 2007. The Malaysia Bonus shall be channelled directly into the worker's EPF account and shall be available for immediate withdrawal.
  1. Those earning less than RM3,000 per month but at least RM2,400 will receive RM300
  2. Those earning less than RM2,400 per month but at least RM1,800 will receive RM600
  3. Those earning less than RM1,800 per month but at least RM1,200 will receive RM900
  4. Those earning less than RM1,200 per month will receive RM1,200
We will review the above schemes annually to determine the best mechanisms to achieve a better living quality for all Malaysians without detrimental effects to a person's incentive to seek work. As an integral part of MENUS, the above policies will ensure that all Malaysians in need are taken cared of by the Government, the country's wealth is shared equitably and no community will be left behind.

(The above policies form the foundation of DAP's call for up to RM3,000 be granted to deserving Malaysians to help them achieve a fairer deal. By our estimates, the above policy will cost substantially less than what the Government currently spends on subsidies but it goes directly to the people who needs it.)

Friday, June 06, 2008

Job Vacancies @ The Rocket

The Rocket is the monthly newspaper published by the Democratic Action Party (DAP). While the standards and quality have improved in the months leading to the March 8th elections, financial contraints meant that we had to rely heavily on volunteers and freelancers to do a fair bit of the work, plus the publishing schedule often getting out of whack.

Well, I've been tasked to take the Rocket forward and create a professional outfit which will further raise the bar for the DAP. The Rocket publishes regularly in English and Chinese, and occasionally in Malay. Now and then, a Tamil edition will appear. I'd like to change that, and we are now looking to hire a young (we'll take the young-at-heart as well ;-)) and dynamic team to make this happen all within the next few months. Longer term ambitions will include online and broadcast capabilities.

For those interested, you may apply for the available positions here via Jobstreet:
Be quick - we are trying to finalise the team if possible, before the end of the month. ;-)

P.S. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

Lost My Phone

Sigh. My brains must be getting totally scrambled. Lost my wallet which contains everything I had, IC, passport, cards etc. 2 months ago, and now I just lost my phone as well. Thank goodness I did a sync with my notebook about 2 weeks ago, which means that the bulk of my data remains intact.

Took a flight out to Ho Chi Minh City to celebrate the missus' birthday for the weekend after returning from the trip to Hong Kong. I must have dropped my phone in a taxi earlier. Anyway, I'm now "stuck" here in Saigon, and I'd be incommunicado til Tuesday morning after I get myself a new SIM card.

For those who needs to reach me urgently, email will now be the best method.

Prices Take A Hike: Where To?

The Government is not doing enough to alleviate the plight of ordinary Malaysians facing substantial increase in prices of essential goods after the fuel and electricity price hikes.

The Government has announced drastic reduction in fuel subsidies which will result in substantially higher fuel and electricity prices yesterday. As a result, there will be 78sen increase in petrol prices to RM2.70/liter from RM1.92/liter. Diesel is now RM2.58/liter up RM1 from RM 15.8/liter. Electricity tariffs are also expected to rise in the coming months.

While the increase in prices are expected and in all probabilities, unavoidable, what is perhaps more important is the Government's mechanism to redistribute the savings from the subsidies to ordinary Malaysians who are in need of assistance.

For now, the Government has announced cash payments by vehicle size. This involves annual payments of RM625 for vehicles below 2L engine capacity, RM150 for motorcycles below 250CC engine capacity. Road tax is reduced by RM200 for vehicles above 2L and by RM50 for motorcycles above 250CC.

While these measures seem fair and innovative at first look, they are clearly short-term in nature and have clearly failed to address the key pressing issues below:
  1. These efforts continue to distort transportation patterns, prices and preferences without encouraging or promoting the use of public transport. There are no incentives for Malaysians particularly those in urban regions to switch to public transportation which reduces our dependency of petrol, unclogs roads, and reduces impact on the environment as subsidies are given to vehicle owners. There is even talk about subsidies for buses to be reduced.

    The country is expected to save RM13.7B from the reduction in subsidies but the savings are earmarked for everything except improving public transport which will help us in the long run.

  2. Increase in fuel prices should be announced concurrently with concrete plans to expedite the construction of mass transportation networks, such as extending the LRT and bus feeder system or to improve the existing networks. Without such plans, it does not bode well for the Klang Valley and other urban centres where traffic congestion is common place and public transport is poor.

  3. Finally, energy prices will result in secondary price increases of all our daily essential goods and services. The proposed vehicle-based cash rebates will only benefit those owning cars or motorcycles but not help those without who will still suffer from the price increase of everyday items. Incidentally, the affected will more likely belong to lower income group who need help to combat the effects of secondary inflation caused my reduced subsidies.
I am repeating DAP's call on the government to adopt the grant scheme of up to RM3000 per working individual depending on income levels to be paid through the EPF mechanism. Consumers will then have the choice to utilize the grant in a manner which best meets their needs and will receive the grant whether they currently own cars, motorcycles or otherwise. Aiding the rakyat using the EPF is also cheaper and less cumbersome because it is an existing avenue for channelling funds back to the people.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Prices Take A Hike

I won't have enough time to do a complete post on the issue of oil price hike at this point of time. I'll be issuing a statement on it soon enough. But in a gist, I believe that the fuel price hike is economically unavoidable, and persistence in existing low fuel prices will have major detrimental impact on the country's economy in the medium and longer term. The question isn't so much the hike, but what the government does with the savings.

I've written from various angles the issue (subsidies, oil and gas) on this site previously. You can read them here:
I've added here below excerpts from a post by Shin Liang, who is waiting to pursue his PhD overseas in 3 months time, which I thought was interesting food for thought.
I think almost all blogs in Malaysia will be about the increase in petrol price today. But I think my stand on this issue will be different from the rest, because I'm in favor of the price increase!

Yes, all the arguments against the price hike has its merit. And as a consumer myself, I can feel the pain too. But from a country point of view, it was necessary.

For long, our country's economy has relied on exports of raw material. In particular, oil export has proven to be a lucrative business. However, our dwindling oil reserves means that we can continue to enjoy this business for only another 10 years (or so). This means we need to plan ahead and 10 years is pretty short from a country's economy point of view.

For every cent of subsidy in petrol price, we are in fact taking away funds that could be use to prepare our country for the years after our oil reserves are depleted. The profit obtained from the price hike should be invested in building infrastructure, transportation and help building more research centers and improve our university such that we are still competitive when our oil reserves are gone.

The ratio of income per capita and the petrol price is Malaysia is obviously unreasonable and the price hike will definitely have a short term impact. But to improve this ratio, the govt. have to either reduce/maintain the price or to improve the income per capita. As of the current situation, it'd be difficult to improve the income per capita without having to resort to the increase in petrol price. Hence, this price hike is a necessary short term pain for a long term gain.


This petrol price hike could be a good thing for Malaysians, really. But if and only if the profits from this increase in price is put into good use. And knowing our govt., this should be our grave concern. Out of the 70 cents increase, how much of it will go to corruption and how much will go to developing our nation? Unfortunately, without transparency, we can only hope.

If the funds are used to build another twin towers, then please "kill me". I'd rather if the govt. use the funds to build infrastructures that could promote economic activities, to build things that will be catalyst to economic growth. For example, improving our transportation system, communication system, research centers etc.
Feel free to give or share your 2 sens ;-)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Questions for Parliament 2008 (II)

The deadline for the submission of questions has just elapsed. And no, I won't get my mugshot splashed on the front page of the national newspapers for not having submitted my questions, much as the publicity might have been nice ;-).

As usual, the list of 15 questions submitted are below, with a greater emphasis placed on the Ministry of Finance, and the rest split between the education ministries, the prime ministers' department as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Thank you so much to those who have offered good suggestions both here and via email - believe me, they were all compiled and tabled and considered in depth before being shortlisted. And some questions which were not taken up by me were forwarded to some of the other DAP MPs.

They have also hopefully been drafted to extract quality and informative responses from the Ministers, as opposed to questions which will just secure a rhetorical answers which serves little purpose. Bear in mind the 40 word limit, which is being enforced strictly this time round, which often limits the extent to which you can push or "clarify" in detail the questions.

Well, here's my list and lets hope we get good answers from the Ministers:

Questions for Oral Response:
  1. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan butir-butir perbelanjaan subsidi harga minyak dan gas berjumlah RM45 bilion seperti yang dikemukakan oleh kerajaan. Apakah langkah-langkah yang akan diambil oleh kerajaan untuk mengurangkan subsidi, dan pada masa yang sama tidak membebankan rakyat yang miskin?

  2. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan perkembangan bidang perbankan Islam di Malaysia berbanding dengan pusat kewangan antarabangsa seperti London, New York, Dubai, Hong Kong dan Singapura. Mengapa pengaruh Malaysia dalam bidang ini kian merosot? Apakah tindakan yang akan diambil untuk mengatasi kelemahan kita?

  3. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan:-
    1. peratus pelaburan RM14 bilion yang diperolehi untuk Iskandar Malaysia yang merupakan perjanjian kontrak dan bukan sekadar perjanjian persefahaman (MOU);
    2. pecahan pelaburan berasal kerajaan atau syarikat GLC, pelabur tempatan dan pelabur asing. Berapa peratus pelaburan yang telah dijanjikan tersebut telah dilaburkan?

  4. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan apakah peratusan sumbangan daripada sektor petroleum dan gas, dan sektor minyak sawit kepada perkembangan GDP negara pada setiap 5 tahun yang lalu?

  5. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan sebab butir-butir bangsa dan agama perlu dibekalkan dalam kertas peperiksaan semasa mengambil peperiksaan awam. Adakah Kementerian akan membatalkan pendekatan tersebut seperti yang dijanjikan sejak tahun 2006, supaya tiada perasaan bimbang mengenai kesaksamaan akan dibangkit?

  6. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan berapa kali Majlis Penasihat Iskandar Malaysia (Iskandar Malaysia Advisory Council) yang termasuk tokoh usahawan negara telah bertemu sejak ditubuhkan pada tahun 2006. Apakah cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh jawatankuasa tersebut yang telah diterima dan dilaksanakan oleh pihak kerajaan?

  7. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan:-
    1. indeks jenayah mengikut kategori untuk negeri Selangor mengikut daerah sejak tahun 2003;
    2. apakah tindakan yang perlu diambil oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia untuk mengurangkan indeks sebanyak 25% dalam masa 2 tahun.

  8. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan:-
    1. apakah jumlah anggota polis mengikut daerah dalam negeri Selangor sejak tahun 2003;
    2. apakah nisbah anggota polis berbanding dengan penduduk bagi daerah Petaling Jaya dan Subang Jaya sejak 2003.

  9. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Koperasi dan Pembangunan Usahawan menyatakan bila perkhidmatan teksi di Malaysia akan sepenuhnya diwajibkan untuk menggunakan meter perjalanan. Apakah langkah penguatkuasaan yang akan diambil terutamanya di bandar di mana trafik amat sesak dan sektor pelancongan amat penting, seperti di Pulau Pinang.

  10. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan samada Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam akan merombak semula cara biasiswa ditawarkan supaya kriteria terpenting adalah mengikut keputusan STPM, Matrikulasi, 'A' Level, UEC dan IB yang diterima oleh universiti tempatan dan luar negeri, dan bukannya pada peringkat SPM, yang nyata terlalu awal.

Questions for Written Response:
  1. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan purata dan median markah ko-korikular yang diperolehi oleh pelajar-pelajar mengikut (I) bangsa dan (II) mengikut aliran STPM berbanding dengan matrikulasi.

  2. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Pengangkutan membekalkan statistik bilangan pengguna sistem pengangkutan awam untuk menganggar kejayaan usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan penggunaan sistem pengangkutan awam. Penggunaan sisten pengangkutan awam mengurangkan kegantungan negara terhadap minyak.

  3. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Pengajian Tinggi menyatakan kriteria dan gred pencapaian akademik minima yang melayakkan pelajar-pelajar untuk diterima masuk dalam setiap IPTA untuk bidang perubatan, farmasi, kejuruteraan elektronik, kejuruteraan mekanikal, undang-undang, perakaunan dan sains komputer.

  4. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Menteri Pengajian Tinggi menyatakan pecahan akademik dan pensyarah di setiap IPTA Malaysia mengikut taraf pekerjaan, kaum dan kewarganegaraan. Apakah langkah yang akan diambil terutamanya bagi Universiti Apex untuk untuk menarik akademik dan pensyarah tanpa mengira bangsa supaya kualiti akademik universiti dapat ditingkatkan?

  5. Tony Pua Kiam Wee [Petaling Jaya Utara] meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan:-
    1. bilangan biasiswa kerajaan yang ditawarkan mengikut kaum serta kos terhadap Kerajaan;
    2. bilangan pemegang biasiswa yang berkhidmat dalam sistem perkhidmatan awam, terutamanya dalam bidang perguruan selepas tamat pengajian. Mengapa ramai pemegang biasiswa tidak berkhidmat dalam sektor awam secara wajib?

Monday, June 02, 2008

Overseas Business Networking Trip

Hi guys. My access to internet is terrible at the moment as I'm on in working business networking trip to Hong Kong with the Penang Chief Minister. Should be back in action again next week, hence apologies for the lack of posts as well as slower replies to emails and comments. ;-)