
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Banned From School Reunion?

No, I haven't yet been banned from any official school reunions in Malaysia, well, it can only be from my primary school in Batu Pahat as I studied in Singapore for my secondary school. (Incidentally, my fellow alumni will include Sdr Lim Guan Eng, now Chief Minister of Penang as well as (if I'm not wrong), Sdr Lim Kit Siang)

But my colleague, the DAP state assemblywoman for Subang Jaya, has not only been prevented from stepping into official school functions (all DAP, PKR and PAS representatives will have problems getting into schools), she has even been "banned" from attending a school prefects' reunion to be held outside the school!
Few months ago, I was invited to the Prefects' Reunion of SMK Subang Utama to be held next week. I just received news that I could no longer attend the function because I'm an assemblyman from Pakatan Rakyat.

Two prefects have confirmed that the teachers have issued a threat to the prefects to withdraw their invitation to me and if not, the event would be cancelled.
She was actually the Head Prefect for her school back in 1995. Read her full comments on her blog here.

This clearly comes from a Barisan Nasional government mentality which obviously has not come to terms with the fact that they have lost the trust of the people in these constituencies and these voters/residents have a right to meet and hear from their elected representatives.

I think the responsible administrators are still stuck in dinosaur age, and are obviously not helping the country move forward, particularly in creating a first class education system. I'm pretty disgusted actually.


  1. Just have that teacher fired.

    Get rid of these parasites in schools.

    If schools are not free from politics, the rot will just continue.

    Talking and no actions --> better don't talk at all!

  2. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Angry Prefect:
    If we have such dinosaurs administrator.
    Aren't they afraid if Pakatan takes over and follow their kind of "law" then they will be sack from school and ban from attending anything.

    Yes even public toilet cannot because there are from "Dacing".

    Then only they know. an Eye for an Eye.

    An Angry Prefect.

  3. Anonymous8:07 pm

    If I am not mistaken our famous Lee Hwa Beng was invited a few times to that school.....

    What a sore loser this existing government is!

    Keep doing this and the next election will see the ruling party voted out 100% from the country!

  4. Anonymous8:24 pm

    you're not the only one who's disgusted.

  5. wah.. like little kids only..
    dun wan fren fren dy..

  6. Anonymous8:50 pm

    Dear Tony,
    I feel extremely disgusted by the behaviour of these shallow minded ignoramuses. What can possibly be the reason for banning politicians especially from Pakatan Rakyat to attend a school reunion? They are not there to make political speeches or canvassing for votes, for heaven's sake!
    The education ministry is still in denial of what happened on March 8th and their attitude speak volumes of intolerance and narrow mindedness.
    I'm sure if it's from BN, they will adopt a completely different attitude. It's time to chuck 'em all out. It's time for Pakatan Rakyat to take over the Federal Government and "flush" these ignoramuses & ignorabimuses OUT!

  7. I'm currently refraining from speaking vulgar words in other to receive approval for this comment.

    I'm also an ex-student from that school, albeit I've graduated at the year 2005. And I felt that I should speak up because I'm a product of the recent education system.

    I did a short interview with her during the nomination week for my journalism assignment. Like her, I do not stand being oppressed. Although if I thought about it, the school had never actually taught us to think on our own. Never to critically analyse situations. Most of us were self taught to how to determine what was right and wrong. And even then, we couldn't expand it till we entered the higher institution. Like many others who were the same, they only became aware about the situation after entering the university.

    I remembered vividly that my essay was not awarded good marks simply because when the English essay was titled "Local Universities vs Foreign Universities", I was not supposed to condemn the local ones so badly.

    But, the school had never stopped me from doing what I'm doing now and I hope Hannah Yeoh could read this because even if there are restrictions in the past, it should never stop us from achieving your definition of a "first-class education system" or rather "first class mentality".

    I'm not angry for my school's decision, because it was an oppression by the government. In personal terms, most teachers I know are actually proud of what Hannah had become. =)

  8. What a stu*** reason...

  9. Anonymous10:25 pm

    reflective of the mess in the education system. and with such teachers around, its gonna be almost mission impossible to turn around the pathetic state of our education system.
    shame on those teachers.

  10. Anonymous11:13 pm

    Yes, I read it earlier and was totally outraged.
    I have e-mailed Wong Chun Wai (The Star) and Terence Fernandez (The Sun) to ask them to check the story.
    If true, we cannot let these little Napoleons get away with such crap. What does our Minister of Education have to say about this, I wonder!

  11. Anonymous11:46 pm

    The PTA or PIBG should protest the teacher's action!! For goodness sake... This is just an prefect alumni activity and those in the alumni have every right to attend, whether they are from PR or BN. Being in PR doesn't make her a criminal... who are they to stop her

  12. Anonymous11:59 pm

    2003 Ex-Form5 over here!

    Well, during my 5 years there, I remember political figures who came by for official visits were given the whole package - kompang, bunga raya, sofa set, front seats of the hall.

    Hannah should be getting the same treatment! Imagine if Lee Hwa Beng were to visit the school when he was still in office. He'd be getting some kompang slapping too, that's for sure. So why discriminate against Hannah?

  13. These are not even little Napoleons, they are probably mess hall officers in charge of cleaning up.

    Teachers like these should be sanctioned. Shame shame.

  14. This is really pathetic!

    Tony, bring this matter up in Parliament today!

  15. Anonymous1:27 am

    When I first heard about this from Edward Ling, I was angry and sad at the same time.

    Now, instead of being proud of a student's achievement (being elected as a Wakil Rakyat is truly something to be proud of) they have chosen to BAN her. hmmmm

    Well, I think the PR should go on an education drive. Educate the public and of course the civil servants that the "OPPOSITION" is indeed a part and parcel of DEMOCRACY!

    The opposition is not something dirty, non-halal.....

    It is only through education that we can proceed to progress. Counter what the BN is doing.....

  16. Anonymous11:25 am

    You guys now have contorl of the area. Just tell the teacher, if they dare ban any of you from reunion on private land, then you take away their school land.

    They last time also threaten people sama sama. Time to pay them back.

  17. stupid! stupid! stupid!

    The DCM2 of Penang is prevented from visiting any "gomen" schools although all he wants to do is to help the poor and neglected vernacular schools esp the Tamil schools which in Penang are really in poor shape. Do something quicj PR! Don't you also be NATO.

  18. Anonymous12:04 pm

    read the latest posting by Hannah?
    Updates : I have just received a call informing me that a meeting has been held in their school this morning further threatening the prefects and even the teachers - if they attend the reunion, they will be sacked. Some people think this is a minor issue. This is not a petty or a political issue. Teachers who want to attend the function to see their ex-students also face the threat of losing their jobs. Looks like the leadership style of the principal or the education ministry is nothing but suppression.

    Something must and has to be done...we must bring us all back to the right direction - EDUCATION and POLITICS cannot mix - at least at the primary /secondary school levels

  19. Anonymous12:26 pm

    "here you have a 29 year old assemblyman who is speaking up against corruption for the sake of our nation and they're told that this is not a welcoming figure and that she is not accepted at school or private functions."......exactly what i had in mind....
    There are some people whose minds work in different mechanism...
    So besides we gotta bear with not give up fighting for your rights!
    Hannah....i stand firm for you!

  20. Shoe us the teacher(S) photo,shame them in our blogs.

  21. Anonymous1:28 pm

    The PIBG are full of Leehwaboing's men or UNMO and BN...
    I doubt they will go against the ruling

  22. Anonymous3:59 pm

    I understand the ruling is that for any function in schools,the Principal has to inform (and get approval from)the Education Office that who will be giving speech. If YB of Pakatan Rakyat is not to give speech at that function, attendance is not a problem.

  23. Anonymous5:14 pm

    Double standard, I saw BN politician giving speech and attending school functions in my secondary school.

  24. Anonymous5:39 pm


    Can we have the names of the people who uttered such "elitist" remarks?

    No, we are not going to use their names to perform voodoo tricks, but we just want to know who they are in case we happen to bump into these "society rubbish", we can give them a piece of our minds...

    The Malaysia education system is failing us...and the future for our next generation is in their darkest hours...

  25. Tony,

    I have taken the liberty to update SMKSU's wikipedia entry. Read the last paragraph :-)
