Donate to DAP for PJ here.
It was a fantastic ceramah last night. The turn out and the number of calls at the hotline blew us away. Malaysiakini and the evening edition of some of the Chinese papers have featured the talk.
The battle is far from over. Bring your friends who are fence sitters/still deliberating on the issues to come listen to our ceramahs. For more ceramah updates, check out out the events page on our election website.
Full house at DAP ceramah
Soon Li Tsin Feb 26, 08 1:24pm
What do you get when you put three political rookies together on a stage next to a bustling night market?A political rally so loud that the words, cheers and applause bounced right off the walls disrupting traffic.This was the scene at the SS2 night market yesterday when the Petaling Jaya DAP team took the stage to address voters in the area.

"I want my MP to be intelligent and to talk about issues I am concerned with. Things like crime is definitely an issue," the accountant said.
She noted that PJU would be an interesting fight because Pua is up against incumbent Barisan Nasional's Chew Mei Fun who was "pretty good herself".
Disillusioned voter
Another resident in the area, Karamjit Singh, 42, said he had always voted for BN but would vote for DAP for the first time in the coming general election. "I'm disillusioned over BN's promise to fight against corruption and our security is at stake. All this affects the competitiveness of the nation and it directly affects our children's future," said the father of two.
A government servant and voter from Sabah who stood on the sidelines appeared captivated when Kampung Tunku state seat candidate Lau Weng San spoke, Describing her first time attendance at a ceramah as an eye-opener, the 25-year-old civil servant said: "It is interesting because I get to know things like what the government has done that goes unreported in the newspapers."
Another PJU voter who identified himself only as Ong, 46, said he came to the ceramah with an open mind to hear what the speakers had to say.

"This is the only way voters could make an informed choice. These ceramahs serve a purpose and people migh be swayed by them to a certain extent," he said.
Good for fence-sitters Johor voter Brian Fernandez, 37, said the ceramah are informative and it would help fence-sitters make up their minds. "For fence-sitters, it would help but for people like me who have decided already, I'm just here to listen," he said.
Asked what issues he was concerned with, he replied: "Crime, Islamisation, Malay-isation, corruption and lack of national unity."
"The past three years have helped shaped my political views. BN made many promises then but the prime minister (Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) had not fulfilled any of the major ones.
"He has not made Malaysia a Malaysia for all," he said.
The crowd of about 200 had gathered when newcomer Dr Cheah Wing Yin who was the Damansara Utama state seat candidate spoke about making local councils accountable.
The crowd swelled to about 500 when guest speaker lawyer Haris Ibrahim took the stage and drew applause after almost every sentence as he called for equality and an end to racial politics.
Next was Lau who presented a bilingual speech highlighting crime and corruption being the main focus of DAP's campaign.

By then the crowd spilled over to the nearby parking lot, hundreds packed into the tiny corner of SS2 awaiting DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang to arrive.
When he did, the atmosphere was almost concert-like as the DAP election campaign song 'Just Change' blared from the huge speakers and the crowd clamoured to shake Lim's hand.
It was DAP's night at the SS2 corner as the voices echoed across the buildings with a single message - it is time for change.
good work. keep it up. Malaysia needs you more than that bunch of nuisance under BN alliance.
My vote will definitely goes to you.
YES! I was there! I witnessed the huge crowds and the waves of support.
It was indeed moving! I believe this time finally DAP hammered the nails to the BN coffin
Reports like this can lift up the drooping spirits of Opposition supporters and fence sitters. The story is very inspiring and uplifting. Do give us all reports on your ceramahs for those who live far far away from where the action is. Good Luck to you and the DAP. But remember the Malay vote is not easy to win.
Not the most polish speech but for a virgin you got the basic right. Bit more practise to get better.
If you have time after the election, look at LKY old speeches. Full of fire and brimestone in Malay/Hokkien/English. Sdr. Lim will remember how LKY even get a larger crowd than him.
I chanted your name last night too.
Many people still think that your chances of winning is hardly anything. They should've been at ss2 to see CMF's crowd.
Anyone have pics of CMF's crowd at ss2? Put up your link!
Make us proud Tony, and when you're in PARLIAMENT, don't just do longkang checks or set up lights in the padang for dancing aunties ;)
4 votes from my household for you.
PJU voters, sign up as polling agents to ensure a clean election there!!
Tony, definitely it was a great night and the ceramah was fantastic, I read about you from newspaper and blogs, heard about people recommended you from radio program, yes, after attending the ceramah, just want to let you and others know, you are definitely great!!! I want this type of MP, you are the one, I am spreading the message around to help you win in order to help all of us for a better Malaysia!!
Please keep exposing yourself in whatever media or ceramah to give people a chance to make an informed choice. I think now is the tipping point. You have my full support!! Because you deserve it, and we deserve it!!
Bless you with all the Best!!
Chew, PJ
Job well done yesterday! I've blogged about it as well :-)
Although I'm joining PKR and votes in PJS, I have decided to join your campaign. What's your greatest need now? 016-256 3369
Dear Tony,
Great show!! It seems that CMF of MCA is bankrupt of ideas to fight with you.
Every morning when I wake up, I pray to God that you win this Parliment seat and save our country!
Dear PJU folks,
It's would be a pity if you don't cast your votes to Tony, who has sacrified so much to join opposition for a better Malaysia, unlike the MCA politicians who work 'very hard' for their own wealth!
If you are thinking of casting your votes to CMF, ask yourself this question: 'Can she be a better MP as compared to Tony in the parliment? Does she dare to voice out for Malaysians?'
Don't forget that CMF, as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry for Women, Family & Community Affairs, could not even defend the dignity of women in the parliment when the bocor MP insulted women!
God bless you! You deserve the MP you vote for.
remember machap ? remember ijok where thousands turn up for anwar speech ? apa macam at the end - ijok and machap still fell under bn rules. and ronnie made fiery speeches in 2004 but yet lose to cmf 10000++ votes!
i'm not sure damansara utama, but i guarantee majority staunch supporters in kampung cempaka (and ss23 where michael chong lives)......
Hey Tony, wanted to travel to SS2 to see your ceramah as I have learned alot from your exposure online. However failes to make it and certainly felt sad that i missed it. You've got my vote, i viewed your ceramah speech from youtube. Say 'NO' to mee hun goreng ...CMF...
I attended your ceramah last nite at Section 17. Your speech was cut short when Anwar Ibrahim arrives.
You may or may not have included in your speech elsewhere, I suggest that you highlight your point cleary when you tackle your opponent ie. BN's Chew Mei Fun
I know many people staying in PJ including the professional commment to me that Chew Meu Fun is good, hardworking, and blah blah.
The voters are seeing something tangible to them only and miss the bigger picture.
In one conversation with them, I ask can Chew Mei Fun dare to raise any IMPORTANT issues which are sensitives but relevant to rakyat but AGAINST the spirit of BN in the Parliment? These voters were silence!!!!! You see, they were awaken by my conversation.
Please quote MP of BN who are reprimanded eg, Sothianathan etc
SO, what is the purpose of MP when she or he cannot speak or raise issue in Parliament.
Tony, I hope you see my point and suggest to use this angle to "attacked" Chew Mei Fun.
MP is not merely working on longkangs and drains. MP MUST be concern about issues, policies, rules, laws and regulation, which are dealt with in Parliment.
We have many Indon or Bangla who can do the longkangs and drains jobs.
Tony , you are the future of Malaysia Political scene!
Voters wishing for better Malaysia
hey tony, can pls upload some ceramah on you tube that at least the rest of us can watch?
its hard to see you guys in action when we are all they way down here in JB la. here is BN fortress as you know.
theres many more ppl you can reach out to if you can direct them to hear ceramah from the comfort of their own computer if they are not motivated enough to go out to a ceramah!
Excellent Speech. PJU Voters, don't be fooled by BN anymore. March 08, Landslide victory for Tony Pua.
Hi Tony,
Your popularity in PJU is amazing! Let the picture do the talking:
On the contrary, CMJ is finding it hard to draw the crowd.
Keep up the good work!! Can't wait to see Tony as our YB!!
Cheers :)
现在只要你喊一声“再转变”,必定有人会接下一句——“投火箭” :)
when and where is Tony Pua's next ceramah????
Tony I've missed the speech but I promise I will definitely make myself presence in the coming campaign speech.
Even though I am not voting in PJU but DAP has my vote. In fact u guys have all my family members' votes for sure.
Keep it up and the people won't let you down!
A good start. Hope you still have your feet planted firmly on the grown.
Don't get cocky and complacent...
Nevertheless, a good start!!!
Hi Tony,
I was an MCA supporter, but now after viewing the following clip, I have decided to vote for DAP this round:
I am totally disappointed with MCA!! I now realise that they are the just a running dog for UMNO!
Guys, do you what works even better?
Do a play/skit during ceramah as a starter before speeches.
The play should be realistic to reflect the struggles of the folks. It also must have some humour and catchy slogans so that the people can remember you and what the party will stand up for. You get in touch with the people sentiments.
Ideas for the play: Re-enact people's struggle from the rising prices. Re-enact talented students ignored by the govt. Re-enact the sloppiness of our govt services. There are so many issues that can be played out!
Quick, form a crack drama team now and tour the constituencies!
I am coming back from Singapore to vote for you Tony. You have my support for the PJU seat. I will spread your words to our malaysian friends currently working in Singapore.
Cheers =D !!!!
Hi Tony,
I have seen you in actions for the last two ceramahs in SS2 and Kg. Cempaka. I too have spoken to you about the old aunties and uncles whom I believed are the die hard supporters of your opponent. In order to win them over may I suggest that you and your DAP supporters should go campaign around the PJU constituency from house to house if possible to introduce yourself to these voters. The reason is that you are still a very new to the voters.
Keep up the good works.
God Bless You
Dear Tony,
I do support the opposition, but when you are talking about islamisation, malay-isation it really got me. You yourself should respect the special advantage of the malay you can't simply bend it or dispose of the rights of malay....If you remember this is agreement that had been established a long time ago with all the races in order for non malay to get citizenship. But again this is just my point of view and do hope that you will end the corruption at PJ Utara and also please end the crime there. I will surely vote for you if you could not just promise but realize it.
After listening to you and other DAP speakers, not only MCA, Gerakan, MIC, and Umno supporters will vote for DAP for CHANGE, CMF herself is also convinced to vote for DAP for a better future for all Malaysians!
You see, that night, CMF had no heart to deliver her speech. She was attentively listening to DAP ceramah!
MCA candidates only good at karaoke singing.
You've done a good job! By the way, we should let others know the importance of denying the BN 2/3 majority.
Vote DAP for a better future Malaysia!!!
go, tony go! my 1-year old daughter's vote is for you!!
(she shook hands with your daughter at cheow yang pasar malam last nite)
I was there.
The atmosphere was electrifying and the people want change. For those who missed the ceramah go to the following link
You can watch Tony, Kit Siang and Haris Ibrahim.
Poor Chew MF had to provide drinks and finger food and yet only 50 people turned up at her ceramah. DAP announced that they collected over RM15,000 during the ceramah from donations. This is definitely not enough. Contribute generously using credit cards or Maybank2U
Hi Tony. I really enjoyed the ceramah on Monday and would be proud to have someone like you to represent PJU. Because of that, you are getting my vote and also a small contribution of $2K which has already been deposited into the DAP Damansara account today.
For all who read this... Support Tony!
hi tony
i hate chauvinism of any kind. and somehow you tend to attract many of these!
hi there! I m now logging in to your website after I have logged in to Chew Mei Fun's. You have lots of interesting points here. Personally I like multi-racial parties & a good people's representative. If u r elected, I hope dat you will look after the needs of the people, irrepective of race & status. Good luck!
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