
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Home Minister Supports KPI Minister

We saw here how our KPI Minister, Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon claimed that the crime index has risen not because there's actually increased crime, but because the people has gotten more confident with the police force, and hence are reporting crime which would not have been reported previously.

This issue popped up again during the budget policy debate wrap up by the Home Minister on Wednesday night (along with many other issues of course), and he defended the views of our KPI Minister.
Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein:[...] Memang seperti Menteri KPI Tan Sri sebut baru-baru ini, memang dijangkakan kalau dengan keyakinan rakyat kepada keseriusan kita untuk melihat kepada kadar jenayah menurun dengan tindakan-tindakan yang proaktif ini.

Sememangnya kita menjangkakan bahawa indeks ini akan meningkat kerana mereka ada banyak kes jenayah di mana tidak ada laporan polis yang dibuat dan pengalaman daripada... Mereka yang telah melalui usaha ini telah menunjukkan dalam masa yang terdekat selepas pengumuman NKRA tadi. Memang kita akan menjangka untuk sedikit masa di mana indeks itu akan meningkat. Akan tetapi insya-Allah SWT ia akan menurun kerana itu merupakan satu perkara yang suka atau tidak suka, telah pun kita janjikan dan akan kita tunaikan.
We were obviously in clear disagreement over this view - first, the crime index has increased significantly annually over the past 7 years, does this mean that the confidence with the police must be sky high now? And secondly, as MP for Serdang, Teo Nie Ching argued, the Ministry's own survey on its website has shown a total lack of confidence in the Police by the respondents.
Puan Teo Nie Ching [Serdang]: Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri. Saya hendak bertanya sedikit. Rasanya dalam pandangan Yang Berhormat Menteri bahawa indeks jenayah kita meningkat bukan kerana kes-kes jenayah kita meningkat. Akan tetapi adalah kerana PDRM kita adalah lebih berkesan.

Jadi saya hendak bertanya sekiranya memanglah rakyat kita merasa, “Wah! PDRM sekarang lebih efisien lebih berkesan”, kenapa ada 97% pengundi di laman web Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang merasakan bahawa mereka tidak rasa selamat? Kenapa? Sekiranya memanglah PDRM kita adalah sangat efektif, sangat berkesan, kenapakah kebanyakan rakyat akan merasa bahawa keselamatan mereka adalah tidak terjamin.
Hence how can the Home Minister argue that confidence with the police has increased? Good question by Serdang, and for the "shake your head in disbelief" type answer by the Home Minister, catch the next blog post.


  1. LOL ! Did he think about the reverse ?

    Using this UMNO/BN logic, it would also mean a fall in crime rates is a sign that the people are losing confidence in the police and are not reporting crime as they think it is a waste of time. And this also means the actual crime rate is higher than reported!

    I would not have worried if I heard this kind of logic from my local Ketua Kampung or local UMNO Branch chief, but this is a cabinet minister !

  2. State of denial.

    Trying to comfort themselves...hehe!

    I think some people rather go to the "samseng" if they have connections rather than go to the police.

  3. Anonymous10:11 pm

    Kosukoon BN's logic:
    1) Women get raped b'coz they have great beauty
    2) People got robbed b'coz they have too much money
    3) Someone got killed b'coz of high birth rate
    4) People take bribes b'coz they have sympathy
    5) BN people cannot shit b'coz the earth is too hard
    6) BN people cannot urinate b'coz of strong wind

    What loads crap u guys are!

  4. Anonymous12:01 am

    Some More to add: to "their logic answers"
    Kadar ibu-tunggal meningkat kerana kaum lelaki tak dapat tanggunng lagi akibat ekonomi merosot mendadak..!

    Kadar mat-rempit meningkat kerana polis kami terlalu bersungguh-sungguh membuat operasi setiap siang-malam hari..!

    Kadar graduan menganggur meningkat kerana terlalu ramai graduan keluar dari Local & oversea university..dan ramai org tua nak terus berbakti utk negara..!

    Kadar jenayah meningkat kerana semua Rakyat Negara insaf akan kewajipan sebagai 1Malaysia..membuat laporan setiap kali kena Org Luar Masuk cari rezeki di mana-mana bumi tuah Negaraku..!

    Kadar rasuah meningkat kerana orang-awam kaya-miskinpun selalu nak kasi duit bila dikesan oleh cap-logo saya-anti-rasuah..!

    Kadar Pelaburan-Langsung-Orang Luar tak dapat meningkat..kerana negaraku Tak Cukup pakar-pakar jurutera-jurutera tempatan.....!
