
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sheer Arrogance

Arrogance amongst some UMNO and BN personalities continues despite having become opposition members in certain states. Sometimes it just defies belief.

Former deputy menteri besar (my apologies, should read chief minister) of Penang who was also in-charge of land matters, Datuk Abdul Rashid Abdullah had the gall to challenge the new government to come up with proof of impropriety with regards to land alienation exercises during the previous administration. He even lambasted...
...the new state government for not knowing how to run its administration and suggested that Lim “take lessons on land administration before making allegations about land discrepancies”.
Well, it looks like he may just get his wish with the impending disclosure of land with abnormal premium discounts given to certain quarters and state land alienated to big companies.

Steps are also taken to discover how some of the Penang Municipal councils are able to deplete their cash reserves at an unbelievable rates - such as Seberang Perai Municipal Council which saw their reserves dwindle from RM227m to RM25.6m within 7 years.


  1. Not sheer arrogance, Tony. But sheer stupidity, or maybe just plain scared, looking at the prospects of what Guan Eng and his team will dig up. Look at what's happening in Selangor with the pig farm issue? I really hope that DAP and PR will not hesitate to bring these perpetrators of corruption to justice.

  2. Anonymous3:39 pm

    Its actually more rational than you think. You see when the evidence comes out, unless its 150%, shouting and screaming ridiculous counterpoint is one way to throw off a less confident jury especially among his less-discening rural audience

  3. more than sheer arrogance... what comes to mind is whether there was misuse of entrusted power for private gain ?

  4. Tony, Pls disclose all the fact to public. This is the only best way to deal with this kind of no moral people.


  5. Ah, the bombast and arrogance from those who are actually running scared with their tails between their legs.

    It is just the expected response from those who have something to hide. They hope that their bravado will be able to sweep everything under the carpet.

    They forget that the world is different now. It is becoming increasingly difficult to hide government wrongdoings nowadays.

    Oh, well, hopefully justice will prevail and those who have broken the law will be brought to book.


  6. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Not only sheer arrogance...BUT He is AN IDIOT!!!

  7. Anonymous6:19 pm

    i am from PJU and my family is from PENANG..
    and i dont know why PJU's people choosed you....
    Sorry if my english is not so good but i am not a fool and stupid leader like you...
    Penang are the state that never had MENTERI BESAR or TIMBALAN MENTERI BESAR...
    Even Datuk Rashid was not the former PENANG DEPUTY MENTERI BESAR..
    he was the DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER or in Malay called as TIMBALAN KETUA MENTERI...
    i also think that LIM GUAN END should learn something from the last state goverment..
    and i also want to see the PROOF if the new state goverment are right..
    SHOW it to the people in MALAYSIA..

  8. Anonymous7:58 pm

    on another note read this about asian universities

  9. Anonymous11:00 pm

    The arrogant of power by the former Deputy Chief Minister (not Deputy menter Besar )of Penang is very shameful.I believe he thought that he would be shielded by Pak Lah even Lim Guan Eng would go ahead to open up the can of worms.I hope Lim Guan Eng would leave no stone unturned and let Penangites to see how corrupt UMNO was in the previous administration.

  10. Anonymous11:12 pm


    Have the courtesy to address your intellectual superior in the form of Tony Pua as Yang Berhormat instead of spitting out moronic statements like "but i am not a fool and stupid leader like you..."

  11. Anonymous3:36 am

    What is wrong with him demanding evidence? Sure, it's stupid if it may implicate him which looks like it might, in all probability, be the case.

    However, I don't see anything wrong with challenging the new government to come up with proof of impropriety.

    Perhaps he may be smug in suggesting that Lim "take lessons..." but, demanding proof is always a good thing, isn't it?

    After all, isn't that what we all want? Greater transparency?

    Perhaps I am missing a point somewhere here. If I am, I would like to know what it is that I'm missing.

    Personally, I am slightly disappointed with your tone in this post. ..."Datuk Abdul Rashid Abdullah had the gall to challenge the new government to come up with proof of impropriety..." In the past, wouldn't you say that opposition party members "had the gall" to challenge the ruling party in certain issues? Would you say that was arrogant or demanding transparency and parity?

    "Arrogance amongst some UMNO and BN personalities continues despite having become opposition members in certain states."

    Also, while this arrogance may indeed be appalling, as I am inclined to agree, there is no need for the condescending tone in the last part of the sentence "...despite having become opposition members in certain states." Surely, just saying that they're arrogant already gets your point across.

    Once again, I might be missing out on something here and if I am, it would be much appreciated if someone pointed it out to me.

    Have a good week.

  12. Anonymous10:32 am

    Their sheer arrogance works to your camp's advantage. Don't remind them of their weaknesses. Just let them continue their arrogance and ignorance. Don't wake them from their slumber yet...

  13. Anonymous11:01 am

    Arrogance should be met with painstaking forensic investigation into the land deals. Spend some money if required on outside expertise to ferret out wrongdoing. This culture of non-accountability and festering corruption must be put to an end. Cut off the heads at the top to show an example.

  14. Anonymous11:45 am

    Lim Guan Eng doesn't have to accuse, he just have to reveal all the facts, and the facts will be enough to convict the guilty!get th

    Just like in Selangor, a single photograph is enough to shut up all the hypocrites!

    It will be easy to track down most of the misdeeds perpetuated by the administrators of the previous state governments because the misdeeds are too many. It is hard for them to cover up everything they had committed.

  15. Anonymous2:20 pm

    to anonymous at 7:58pm who said:

    "on another note read this about asian universities"

    i dun like what he said in the blog. it seeths of arrogance and ignorance americans have been very keen on showing in recent days. the response they had for the tibet-china issue is evidence enough of their stupidity and gulliblity.

  16. Anonymous4:30 pm

    just govern properly. if theres wrong reveal it, the rakyat are sick of loud mouthed ploticians. we want clean efficent ones who get the job done with the minimum of fuss. let umno shot itself in the foot, the pr should release the details and blow their vover, if it has the proof. dont play charades witht he rakyat.

  17. Anonymous12:21 am

    Dear YAB

    Don't let all these media sensations get into your head. Pls tell the same to all PR leaders. Why all want to be in newspapers & tv nowadays? Don't become like the BN. Dig out the facts & figures before saying anything. Must know how to play poker. Don't tell what you are doing or what you have, esp your enemies. Only tell them what they need to know...or sometimes, give them the wrong hint. Otherwise, it will be a slap in the face (char-tou). Don't forget who has over 50 years experience in all the hanky-panky with our tax-$$$.

  18. Anonymous2:38 pm

    The Dewan Melinium project in Kepala Batas was a Federal Govt Project, managed by JKR Federal & Putrajaya but I was surprised to know that the funds were drawn from the local council.
    This would be a case of somebody spending your money without a care in the world.

  19. Anonymous3:55 pm

    Sheer arrogance in desperate moments is a very natural knee jerk reaction especially when you want to deflect attention back to your opponent/s. All or nothing kinda stance, "sai lang" in poker because our dear friend is in quick sand. Either that or he has overly underestimated what the current administration in Penang will dig up.......hmmmmmm get my drift here, missing files,documents etc etc etc. Arrogance is what brought BN and UMNO to its knees and it looks like some old habits are hard to rid off, like the saying goes "Hard to teach old dogs new tricks".

  20. Anonymous7:09 am

    “Out of the seven “NGO” reps actually appointed to the councils on the island and on the mainland, five represent corporate interests.”

    Very dissapointing! I'm really pissed off! This is the worst thing DAP has done since the elections!

  21. Anonymous3:10 pm

    Hi YB, this might be a little off topic from the post, but it is still relevant to DAP/PR and the country's future.

    Would it be possible to present your views on the economic future of Malaysia and what can be done given the current global economic slowdown? And if Malaysia successfully steer out of this, what is the plan to propel the country to be a real developed country?

    We need something really workable and not just plain promises. Let us know what DAP/PR think.

  22. Anonymous11:54 am

    Let's see what the recently elected South Korean President Lee has in mind. I am particularly interested with his Plan 747. South Korea is currently the world's 12th largest economy in GDP terms. Will Malaysia continue to fall behind these once third world countries?


    Plan 747: Achieve 7% annual growth and $40,000 per capita income and make South Korea the world’s 7 th largest economy in 10 years.

    Create 3 million new jobs.

    Assist 50,000 innovative small and medium-size enterprises.

    Implement tax reform and reduce corporate regulations to induce business investment.

    Reduce discriminatory practices to stimulate increased foreign direct investment.

    Ease property development restrictions and reduce new apartment prices by 10%.

    Strengthen government measures to combat illegal labour strikes.

  23. Anonymous5:16 pm

    The only lesson you have to take is to study ways and means of getting around the laws and guidelines to acheive your corrupt intension. Get the land surveyor, architect, planner and lawyers to sit together and they will be able to dig out the shit.

  24. We the rakyat demand the TRUTH!!!!

    Let BN swim and drown in their own faeces

  25. Anonymous10:35 pm

    YB, get the DYMM to confer him a "TUN" (spelt backwards)!

  26. It is time the corrupt, arrogant and downright disgusting politicians and so-called civil servants be brought to justice ... starting with this ex-deputy CM of Penang! Send him to the slammer and let him have a good taste of life in the slammer.
