
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Petaling Jaya Blood Donation Campaign

DAP Petaling Jaya is organising a blood donation campaign together with the National Blood Centre (Pusat Darah Negara) to replenish supplies to help save lives. The event will be held over 2 days and we hope to collect at least 300 bags of blood to help those in need.

We would like to strongly encourage all able-bodied Malaysians, particularly those working and staying in Petaling Jaya to contribute generously. (And seriously, it's next to painless ;-))

The details of the campaign are as follows:
  1. 18 April 2008 (Fri) - 10.00am - 4.00pm
  2. 19 April 2008 (Sat) - 9.00am - 3.00pm
SS2 Rukun Tetangga Hall,
Jalan SS2/63 (Opposite Maybank, next to Food Street, by the park)
The blood donation campaign will be launched by the Member of Parliament and State Assemblymen of Petaling Jaya Utara constituencies, Tony Pua, Cheah Wing Yin and Lau Weng San on 18th April 2008, 10.00 am.

Please help spread the message!


  1. Anonymous2:59 am

    Dear Freedom Fighters, both Online & Offline...

    I have been supporting the boycott the newspapers initiative for sometime & I have done my push & pull marketing rather we'll around my circle of family, friends & contacts. A few have stopped buying, some don't already. A lot whom still want to purchase the papers, I passed on the info - which was the worst in all mediums & urged them to switch to the least worst. For English papers, the worst was the The Star (Spinning & BN coverage). Data can be found on the People's Parliament.

    Now, the story. I have noticed that some, are still purchasing the newspapers, especially "The Star" every now & then, especially on Saturday's for... "The Recruitment Section!"

    So, I urge all those whom support this cause to pass the word. Only get your recruitment information online. Do not purchase the msm & even browse through it.

    PR & others (mid-long term effort), get more beginner computer classes up. Teaching people to use the comp, get the news, browse & apply for jobs, using the email, etc. Keep the fees very low, give it free to the very poor, catch the young, educate! PR, set up a IT centre in the poor areas, with news printed out & pasted there regularly. Put up a few PCs with internet connections for the poor to share & use for free during office hours.

    Check out MT article "My Version of the Truth" by RPK, for some related info.

    Thanks, please pass the word!

  2. Anonymous8:47 am

    Noted Tony, but too bad that I dun have enuf to donate, jus discover that I have anaemia last week when I got my blood test report. >.< Will help to circulate to my relatives and frens in PJ.

  3. OK1 My 450ml whole blood is ready for donation on Saturday 9.00am

    Please update your post to remind the blood donor to ensure the following:

    1) at least 6 hours sleep,
    2) didn't take any anti-biotic
    3) drink more water
    4) exercise more if possible (for better blood circulation)

    one day before the blood donation

  4. Please do not eat too much one hour prior to blood donation


    Please do not use this blood donation opportunity to test whether you have inflicted with HIV or AIDS

  5. Hi Tony,

    Would like to donate, but was an ex sufferer of hyperthyroidism and in remission for 2 years. So wondering if should donate.

    Anyway, I have in my possession about 12 to 15 bottles of 1 litre Dutch Lady sterilised Full Cream Milk that I need to give away. These are given by the Dutch Lady (section 14) themselves to the staff (a fren of mine) and will expire in the coming 2 months.

    If you have any place or anyone to pass it to, do let me know.

  6. I see needle & blood 'PENGSAN', will ask my family member to donate.

  7. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Read the news that Penang state Govt appointed members from Chinese/ India/ Malay. Chamber of Commerce to become town councillors. Agreed with what DAP claims that MP and ADUN should not look at the longkang issues. That is local councillors job spec. Do you think businessmen (Chamber of Commerce) will check the longkang? My suggestion is Residents Association members will do better job.Please appoint them (and also those healthy retired persons) to be the municipal councillors. Businessmen are too busy to make money only. If DAP MP and ADUN cannot get local councillors to assist on the local welfare issues, then finally DAP MP and ADUN will have to do as what MCA MP and ADUN were doing. Then voters will laugh at you.

  8. For donations in kind, please bring the items (e.g., nutritional drinks, biscuits etc.) to the donation site on the days itself ;-)



  9. Dear YB Tony,
    Could you please call for a motion to stop the farce called the National Service so that no more kids have to die to line the pockts of cronies in the BN. Pls do this in the the first session of parliament on the 28th April 2008. I am sure many parents wold be very grateful to you.

  10. Hi Tony,

    The Four YB's will be at the place on 18/04/2008. I can only go there on 19/04/2008 (Sat), so I miss the chance to see you FOUR heros.

  11. Anonymous12:10 am

    Dear YAB Tony

    Parliament haven't begun & asking for "blood" already! Just kidding. Will try to be there...coming back from outstation trip. Hope to make it there @Sat before 3pm. Hope my blood won't get rejected!

    Think we all know that the NS is just another wasting tax-$ scheme by BN: purchase of uniforms, boots, food (catering), transport, medical, etc.

    The tax-$ should be used/focused on putting school drop-outs (or lost-sheeps) into something like the NS to train (psycho) them to be more productive to society & nation. Rather than neglect them & then what do these guys/gals do when they can't put rice on the table?

    Most of these lost-sheeps are from hardcore poor families whom their parents can't even feed themselves. If the child is nurtured in another more conducive environment, it will not only take away the financial burden of the family but also give them a sense of hope.

    After all, we are part of ASEAN. Are we not suppose to protect each other in terms of military defence? In this day & age, who want to attack Malaysia...our oil will run out soon & we have no massive manpower. Not saying we let our guard down but surely, there are other measures available. We are wasting good $.

    Go back to basics, start from the schools, start from kindergarden even to instill to the young the importance to stay fit & healthy. In Finland, I was told they teach kids as young as 3 to start recycling! What is wrong with that!!!

    Sorry to have sidetracked...someone mentioned about NS earlier. Couldn't help it...sorry-ah.

  12. Anonymous12:13 am

    Tomorrow I will cancel The Star. Read other news on the internet instead. Save paper, save a tree. The chemicals used for paper processing also not very environmental friendly. Go for paperless media!

    When will DAP start e-newsletter? Send via email to subscribers or web-posting. Sorry, should be PR e-newsletter now.

  13. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Dear Tony.

    I am not an economist. Today I read in the newspapers that government servants will have their service extended until 60.

    In my opinion, is this move wise?
    1 There are lots of young people out there ( some with degrees that have no jobs trying to start their lives)
    Wont they be denied job opportunities by this extension?
    2 Is this the ploy of government delaying payments of gratuities and EPF to government servants which are massive in number?

    Cam you give your views to laymen like us and the consequence and implications if this proposal is executed?

  14. Anonymous12:04 am

    i will donate 2litres...

    please reserve a place for me!

  15. Anonymous11:06 am

    Hey tony,

    Since you are interested in all thing education, perhaps you should be looking into complains about UNITAR or UMNO university as its euphemistically called. It sounds like a mess...

  16. ly i visit this blog :p neway cant go all the way to PJ now

    hope it went well.
