
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Malaysia Belongs To The People

DAP has launched its official campaign videoclip tied to the campaign slogan
"Just Change It" announced a week earlier. (Click here for the Bahasa Malaysia version)

It's time. For a better Malaysia, Just Change It!

(p.s., if you like this clip, please distribute and share it with friends)


  1. Not trying to be disrespectful, but the voice-over was weak. Might have been better to just leave it out.

    Also, not quite sure about the use of the "swoosh".

    Overall, a bit too cheesy for me. d:

    If you want to copy the American style of campaign videos, you should really watch this one.

  2. Anonymous10:02 am

    nike swoosh?

    this is "just copy it"...

    such branding strategy will cause confusion... people will only remember you copy nike but not the message itself...

  3. Anonymous10:15 am

    I feel odd about the clip. Why the rakyat has to run around, to deliver a request/concern to the ahli parlimen who are dressed smartly? The visuals do not tally with the audio comments.
    The clip should be sending the message "We're in this together", instead of "Ok, what've you got?"

  4. Anonymous11:45 am


    We, the rakyat want change. As such, PKR, DAP & PAS must work together.

  5. Anonymous12:19 pm

    i understand the meaning of passing the "message" all around and getting response from everyone... this concept is not that bad... however, i totally agree with shawn... the voice over is too weak and not attention catching...

    really copying nike swoosh... helping nike to have advertisement... you are promoting nike or telling us you are going to nike in this war(like the meaning of nike)? DAP strategy on this is quite disappointing... just change it... haha~ really so funny...

    to me i think is wasting money and efforts(doesn't create brand awareness)... like the DAP newsletter... how come there's mistake in printing(repetition)... such mistake is avoidable...

  6. Eh, that Obama propaganda seems to have gotten everywhere suddenly. It's pretty good at appealing to the emotion regardless of what you actually think, but I'm not sure how you could accomplish that.

    Some comments on the video - the captioning's English was off at one point (I think it read "you" instead of "your"). If you want to change the perception of DAP as predominantly Chinese/non-Malay, it might be wise to use a Malay narrator (I know, it's racial since in an ideal world it wouldn't matter what accent the narrator has, but let's be realistic lah).

    I also agree that the imagery used might be off-putting. The closing frames call to mind a Chinese emperor or some other sort of imperial delegation - though this is just my personal impression.

  7. Anonymous2:31 pm

    just change it!!!
    we all need a new life

  8. Anonymous2:48 pm


    i doubt malaysian artists are as brave as their counterparts to do a video such as the one that was done for the obama campaign.

    tony, good effort lah... but seriously... u guys need to target those below the age of 45.. why dont u younger people from DAP get together and do a video la.. sure meletup one.

  9. Anonymous3:44 pm

    well, personally i do not see the impact of the video, it does not bring an impulse to 'just change it'... ha.. probably KennySia's funny DAP video is a better one..:p

  10. Wah! So many comments but very few of them are coming forward and get involve with this painful process.

    Most Malaysian is still "Talk Only No Actions"

  11. Anonymous5:57 pm


    Perhaps you can ask help from namewee (the famous negarakuku rap artist to create a better video for us :)

  12. Anonymous10:18 am


    The good thing with this video is that I can sense the sincerity from the voice of YB Lim, unlike those of Pak Lah, which is full of lies and hypocricy.

  13. Anonymous7:29 am

    UMNO has been harping ketuanan melayu. Does it cover over those Sabah and Sarawak bumi who opt to form Malaysia??

  14. Anonymous1:33 pm

    Badawi promises us everything yet he accomplishes nothing. Here is a “leader” who acts not on the basis of firm convictions or set of well founded beliefs, but out of expediency and duplicity. His 4 year rule— he is now desparately pleading to be given another 5 years to complete his mission— is a story of mismanagement of the economy, poor public service performance, rampant corruption, rising crime rate and unemployment, inflation, wasteful public expenditure and a judicial scandal. It will be a major catastrophe if voters are again deceived by Badawi’s promises.

  15. Anonymous2:45 pm

    I say, we better be careful of copying other people marketing campaign. Nike can sue us for this. It is an infringement.

    That said, another thing is also, we have been duped as "copiers" and "low class, non originals" by many people in the region. Let's not provide fodder to further ingrain that image.

  16. Anonymous5:13 pm

    What is this about little kids running around highways on their own delivering messages to MPs? This is lame. Cant you get a proper ad campaign? We want to know what you are doing about inflation, income gaps, crime etc?

  17. Anonymous1:12 am

    Should EC Chief be taken to court as he is far from independent and competent for a Fair GE when
    a) NO complete electoral roll for phantom checking
    b) some 4 million remain unregistered but no sufficient effort for EC to act
    c) Postal Votes remain
    d) All Candidates not been listed and have sufficient time and media to expose to the voters.

    The court has to sort out the matter within 60days!
    Prove EC Chief can be challenged in Court and Opposition are still fighting for a Fair GE!
    Before Voters should be encouraged to Vote!!
