
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hopefully it'll be a great Year of the Rat for Rats like me! ;-) Gong Hee! Gong Hee!


  1. Anonymous7:53 pm

    Gong Xi Fa Cai to all PJ folks.

    Lets us all step up and vote for change. Lets give the Opposition a chance for 5 years. And if they are no good, we change again.

  2. Anonymous8:18 pm

    GONB XI FA CAI to you Tony and DAP!
    May the Lions jump high this year of the Rat with the DAP and all the opposition winning all the seats in the Election!

    Doong! Doong Chei!

  3. Hi Tony,

    Wishing you and your family Happy Chinese New Year!

  4. Anonymous11:27 pm

    Hello. Watched you on " what sayeth thou ". I think you are a sporting person.

    Gong See Far Chai
    Sing Nien Gin Bu

  5. Anonymous12:13 am

    Kong Hei Fatt Choi to Tony Pua and family =) and may we all be smarter rats in this 2008 Rat Year.

    ...greetings from just curious

  6. Hi hi,

    Gong Xi Fa Cai. Hope you have a great time celebrating the Lunar New Year. The Vietnamese and Chinese are celebrating on the same date.

    May next year bring you luck, wealth and prosperity


  7. Anonymous10:14 am

    Hi Tony,

    Wishing you and your family lots of happiness, good health and prosperity next year. I also sincerely hope that you will be voted as an MP by the PJ north residents!

    Thanks for everything you have done to the community. Can't wait to call you YB Tony Pua :)

  8. Hi Tony,

    Happy new year to you and your family. I m rooting for you! make a change, and all the best to the election...

  9. Anonymous3:43 pm

    Happy New Year to all you in DAP. I really hope that you guys will be able to make a difference this year. I have enough of the BN nonsense & it's time to kick their ass:)

  10. Anonymous6:13 pm

    Hi Tony..Just saw you in TV news regarding the coming election. All the best to you! Hope you and the opposition party will bring the ‘change’ to Malaysians because we need this ‘change’!!

    Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

  11. Anonymous8:00 pm

    hi,tony HAPPY LUNAR YEAR
    ANG PAO ???

  12. Anonymous8:47 pm

    kong hei fatt choi tony!
    stay strong and keep on fighting for the rakyat! word is spreading and DAP is on the rise!

  13. Anonymous10:05 am

    So, that makes you 36 years old this year. May the Year of the Rat bring you lots of mice…


  14. Hi Tony,

    Just wanna wish you & your family a very happy & prosperous chinese new year!!! :)
