
Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Heartbreak

We sought for a Christmas gift from Pak Lah, that the printing and publications permit for the Catholic Church's internal newsletter, The Herald be renewed without conditions.

Well, Pak Lah is certainly no Father Christmas, for clearly, there will be no joy delivered. Malaysiakini has reported today that the Internal Security Ministry, despite the furore over the past week or so, has "sent a directive to the Herald to remove its Bahasa Malaysia section and this will be effective when the new permit is issued."

While earlier, some may blame the Deputy Internal Security Minister for being a mini-warlord in putting forth unreasonable conditions for the renewal of the permit, it is crystal clear now that the real man behind it is none other that the Minister himself, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The deputy minister was only his spokesperson:
“Only Muslims can use ‘Allah’. It’s a Muslim word. It’s from (the Arabic language). We cannot let other religions use it because it will confuse people,” he said when contacted.

“We cannot allow this use of ‘Allah’ in non-Muslim publications, nobody except Muslims. The word ‘Allah’ is published by the Catholics. It’s not right,” he told Malaysiakini.
Of course, in front of others, the Prime Minister will preach the "spirit of tolerance". I've already written about tolerating Pak Lah, so I won't go on another bout of rant here. But I'm certain readers will be able to make their own judgements.

The Herald aren't the only victims of abuse of the country's laws by the Prime Minister. The Evangelical Church of Borneo in Sabah has also sued the Government for a similar issue on the 10th December. The Herald has now done the same.

I am certain that the Government's actions will not stop here. After all, the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has already stated Malaysia is an Islamic State, and was "never, never a secular state" and Pak Lah defended it.

Check out Jeff Ooi's story on how MCA leaders, who couldn't even stand up to the UMNO Youth Chief, have been tasked to ask the Churches to withdraw their suit. Do you want to vote for a party that does UMNO's bidding and not fight for your rights as defined under the law?


  1. Anonymous6:07 pm

    But, Tony, you maybe barking at the wrong tree! I don't see him wearing a deep red cloak, with two small horns growing on his forehead. Neither do I see him with a spear tipped tail or holding a long metal fork?

  2. Anonymous11:00 am

    Letters to Santa from---
    Ahmedinejad: All I wish for Christmas is enriched uranium

    Dollah the Bad: All I wish for Christmas is an islamic state

  3. Anonymous6:58 pm

    They buckled under pressure and gave back the rights to produce The Herald.
    Yet I can't understand why Dompok has to show much gratitude for the permission to publish the Herald!?

    It has always been their rights to publish and read the Herald

  4. Anonymous1:45 am

    What is the new issue?
    Political & Religious not rested,
    Constitutional it will be addressed!!

    Great! but haha!!

    Is KL Court or Syariah Court?
    Another Subashini case to watch?
    A "show hand" is needed even on a Permit to take!!

    To keep the face?
    Or to turn pale after the vote?
    Have those ministers ever considered the consequences they have to look?
