
Saturday, August 18, 2007

In Solidarity with Wee Meng Chee

Thanks to the hapless MCA and Barisan Nasional Government, my schedule this weekend and next week will turn upside down. We had already planned a general election pre-preparatory committee meeting in the morning tomorrow. We have the Merdeka Dialogue in the afternoon at Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya.

And yesterday (Friday), my boss who works us really really hard (for a good cause), called for a Mandarin forum "In Solidarity with Wee Meng Chee" in the same Sunday evening at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall. Being part of the organising committee for the above, plus having to speak in the evening as well, will pretty much drive one nutty ;)

(And I'm supposed to finish my weekly column for Oriental Daily tonight!)

For those living in Melaka, the same forum will be held on Monday evening as well at the DAP Melaka State Headquarters.

Anyway, here are the details of the forum, for those who found time to read my blog, as well as those who can make it:

1. Klang Valley
Date: 19 August 2007 (Sunday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (No. 1, Jalan Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur)
2. Melaka
Date: 20 August 2007 (Monday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Dewan Rakyat, DAP Malacca State Headquarters (Jalan Pandan, Malacca)
The distinguished panel of speakers includes:
* Lim Guan Eng, DAP Secretary-General
* Lim Kit Siang, Parliamentary Opposition Leader
* Josh Hong, Political Analyst
* Yeo Yang Poh, Former Bar Council Chairman*
* Tony Pua, Economic Advisor to DAP Sec-Gen
* Jeff Ooi, DAP General Election E-Campaign Director
Hope to see you there! Below is the forum write up in Chinese.










  1. Amidst the current furore over Wee Meng Chee's rendition of the national anthem and other works, we should also take a look at one other piece of his work. This piece is a documentary style work, posted in two parts in youtube, introducing his hometown, Muar (in Johor). Those who has seen these two clips will agree with me that, it was professionally shot with well-crafted story line touching upon the history, industry and attractive places in Muar. But what is more important for us to realize is that, Meng Chee is not just a loose cannon, as many would probably accuse him of now. That, he is also capable of producing good quality media with mature and rationale story telling.

  2. Anonymous7:45 am

    The current questioning of what whether Meng Chee apology is genuine is pivotal if you ask me. It reflects a dangerous desire to control the truth no matter what reality is. Those who want to go after Meng Chee don't care for the truth, they just want their own version of it no matter what. This is what Meng Chee was fighting for in his video and his gift to Malaysian.

    If Meng Chee prosecution was to go through, my vote is to get the hell out of this country as the fascist has taken over for sure..

  3. Anonymous1:41 pm



    馬來媒體如臨大敵文攻筆伐萬箭齊發;內閣部長男女老少輪番上陣窮追猛打;《內安法令》、《煽動法令》、《愛國法令》爭先出閘張牙舞爪;“褫奪公民權!” 、“不道歉就報警!”、“道歉後還是要被對付!”喊得比“默迪卡”更響徹雲霄震耳欲聾,其對象不是安華,不是林吉祥,是這位只有24歲的年輕學子,以及他那首《Negarakuku》。








    50年的春風化雨,如果單憑一個年輕學子唱一唱就能造成族群關係緊張 、國民團結被破壞,首先該檢討的,是誰呢?

