
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Criminal evidence implicating 1MDB clear not only to Arul Kanda, but to all Malaysians

Arul Kanda is one joker of a Chief Executive.  First, the Sarawak Report, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the Edge Publications have all published documents exposing billions of ringgit in misappropriations, embezzlement and criminal breach of trust relating to the debt laden 1MDB.

The tonnes of leaked information and documents were continually published since January until today, including 1MDB’s US$1.83 billion investment with Petrosaudi, 1MDB’s US$2.318 billion investment in Cayman Islands, 1MDB’s dodgy option agreements with Abu Dhabi’s investment arm and even documents from agencies investigating the 1MDB shenanigans.

1MDB and its President, Arul Kanda and the Barisan Nasional Ministers cheerleading team made all sorts of allegations and insinuations that the documents published were doctored or falsified.

Many parties, including myself have pleaded with 1MDB to point out the specific instances where the documentary evidence leaked have been allegedly tampered with.  However, they did not and obviously could not reproduce even a single authentic document, which purportedly falsified.

1MDB then changed strategy by shifting to the hysterical witch hunt gear.  Every time a new incriminating document is exposed, 1MDB’s Arul Kanda screamed “catch the culprit who leaked it!” At the same time, he refused to entertain the wrong doings which took place in 1MDB exposed by these documents.

I then asked Arul yesterday, as the President of 1MDB, which is more important, catching the perpetrators behind the multi-billion ringgit crimes which took place in 1MDB as exposed by the leaked documents, or catching the parties who leaked these documents incriminating the people who scammed the tax-payers.

Arul Kanda then responded with one of his now infamous twist and turn, alleging that I’m making wild allegations without proof or evidence.  He even urged me to “walk the talk” and provide “clear cut evidence” to the lawful authorities for further investigation.

One can see clearly how Arul is merely going in circles.  The documentary evidence have already been leaked and published all over the Internet.  They are as “clear cut” as you can get.  To “walk the talk”, I have even previously made a police report with the relevant documents.

And where’s the “criminal breach of trust, abetting misappropriation and embezzlement”, 1MDB asked?

1MDB never disputed the fact that in 2009, the then CEO, Datuk Shahrol Halmi transferred US$700 million to Good Star Limited, a company unrelated to the intended beneficiary of the funds, Petrosaudi International Limited.  It has also been exposed that Good Star Limited is controlled by 1MDB’s official advisor, Low Taek Jho.  Bank Negara Malaysia has also revoked its approval for the above fund transfer as 1MDB provide false information in its application to the Central Bank.

I have also previously outlined how 1MDB successfully misled their international auditors, Deloitte Malaysia on the proceeds from 1MDB’s redemption of its US$2.318 billion investment parked in Cayman Islands.  1MDB executed a fraudulent round-tripping exercise by taking a unreported US$975 million loan from Deutsche Bank to cover up for the non-existent or missing proceeds from the Caymans fund.

Interestingly, 1MDB which is very prompt in responding to various criticisms these days, refused to respond to the above allegations which were solidly backed by publicly available documents such as 1MDB and Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Corporation financial statements, their media statements and other news reports.

The above are a mere fraction of the damning evidence of fraud and other criminal wrong doings in 1MDB, on top of dozens of other questions pertaining to dodgy deals carried out by the state owned firm.

Arul Kanda’s refusal to be open and transparent about all of the above shenanigans while relentlessly deflecting them against 1MDB’s critics goes to show that his primary job is to cover up for those who have committed wrong doings.

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