
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

DAP PJ Election Fund-Raising Dinner 2013

We would like to invite you to join us in our 2013 DAP Petaling Jaya Utara Election Fund Raising Dinner. You may check out the Facebook event page here.
Theme: "Ini Kali-lah... the Final Countdown to Putrajaya"Venue: Petaling Jaya Hockey Stadium, Jalan Selangor, Seksyen 3, Petaling Jaya
Date: 19 January 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 7.30pm
The speakers will include:

  • Lim Guan Eng, Penang Chief Minister 
  • Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Parliamentary Opposition Leader
  • Mohd Sabu, PAS Deputy President
  • Tony Pua, MP Petaling Jaya Utara
  • Lau Weng San, ADUN Kg Tunku
  • Kasthuri Patto, DUN Bukit Gasing Co-ordinator
  • Yeo Bee Yin, DAP Social Media Strategist

The primary language for this dinner will be English and Bahasa Malaysia. Halal food is available upon request.

The cost of the dinner will be RM60 per pax or RM600 per table. Gold and Platinum sponsorship tables are available for RM1,500 and RM3,000 per table respectively.

For reservations, please email to or to me directly with your name, contact number, which dinner(s) and number of seats or tables (Platinum, Gold or Silver) required.

If you have any more questions, you can call Chew 016 8782472.

For those who are not able to make the dinner, donations are also very much welcome ;-). Cheques should be written to "DAP Damansara Branch" or cash can be deposited at DAP Damansara Maybank account: 5141 9634 2008.

The funds raised from the dinner will be used for the upcoming election campaign for Petaling Jaya Utara parliamentary seat; and Bukit Gasing, Kg Tunku and Damansara Utama state seats. Any excess from the fund will be contributed to contested seats which require additional support.


  1. It really does puzzle me why DAP dinners/ceramahs always involve the inevitable "asking for donations" routine???? DAP seems to do it via the smart & cunning way whereby it forces people to contribute to them becos entries are purely based by dinner/pax. Such a cunning so-called "robbery method" would mean people who wish to attend have got no choice but to 'pay-up' or it's a 'no go' for them. Shouldn't donation be a volunteer thingy??? Or had DAP "UBAH" the meaning of volunteer into ultimatum??? Can't DAP make it in a way where-by participants donate based on their freewill instead of dinner/door charges??? Gosh!!! doesn't this sound like some Dance Club Disco whereby people gotta pay for "cover charges" or risk getting kicked out by bouncers/doors men??? How amusing but yet puzzling!!!

    Come on TONY & other DAP dudes!!! Based on previous fundraising events, I believed you fellas had already pocketed enough. How much more money would you want to pocket before calling it off??? What difference does such a practice have compared to the idiotic BN stooges??? It seems to me BN suck 'the rakyat's' money discreetly, while, DAP suck' the rakyat's' money openly via deceptive mode.

    Dearest DAP's a shame & stop screwing your chances up as G.E. is drawing closer or unless you dudes want DAP to be labelled...

    D.A.P. = Donation Asking Party.

    Give a freaking thought & buck up!!!

  2. Anonymous4:58 am

  3. Anonymous12:03 pm

    Some people do not understand what " fundraising" means?

  4. Anonymous4:18 pm

    TOKZ how much they paid u for this comment ???

  5. Anonymous1:11 pm

    The difference between BN and DAP is that BN robs you of your money without you knowing it while DAP gives you a choice to part with your money. The choice is yours whether you want to attend the fund-raiser or not.

  6. Anonymous10:20 am

    TOKZ... Nobody force you to go. Nobody even force you to donate. At least I know where is my money goes rather than KENA corrupted buta buta. I dont have much money but I am willing to donate it WILLINGLY.

  7. Anonymous10:24 am

    Dear TOKZ, 1. Nobody force you to donate. 2. Nobody force you to go. Up to you to decide. I dont have much money but at least I know where is my money goes rather than KENA corrupted BUTA-BUTA lo...

  8. Anonymous11:20 pm


    help pas organise more fundraising dinners lah. urban seats are all sealed and done.

    what more do u want? u want to increase your majority achieved in 2008? what for?

    u want to win the war or r u and ur supporters in it for personal glory?

    umno's lifeline is in the rural areas. u all know it.

    all these urban fundraisers especially by dap were ok, up to a certain extent. and by now, we shld concentrate more on rural areas.

    all who are going to attend your dinners are alrady hardcore pr supporters.

    we need more action and help and funds for pas, ezpecially the rural malay folks. they are not it savvy. and these rural pr supporters, though they want to reach further and wider into the kampung pendalamans, they jv limited funds.

    want to round the kampungs also must have petrol money and lunch money. but funds are lacking there....

    and here we have a bunch of urban clowns going in and out the same types of urban events; forgetting totally the crucial rural votes.

    u know what rm60 can do in the kampungs? rm60 for urban folks like tony may mean another 20 posters, so that tony can increase his majority.

    what a total waste of resources.


  9. 4Rakyat you are totally right! DAP should focus on helping PAS in the rural to really show your Malaysia Malaysian spirit!

  10. Anonymous1:21 am

    TOKZ comment is obviously pointless. In fact DAP use the best way to raise fund through voluntary donation. They don't force you to pay RM60 for the dinner/pax. It's solely up to you & every individual whether to participate or not. So don't talk nonsense & try to tarnish DAP image. No one here should act like a coward hiding behind BN firewall to attack DAP & Tony.
