
Monday, August 27, 2012

Welcome Dr Ong Kian Ming & Yeo Bee Yin!

Welcome Dr Ong Kian Ming and Yeo Bee Yin, both Cambridge alumni into the DAP family!

I'm absolutely confident that they'll contribute immensely to the Party and Malaysia's political future! ;-)

Everyone knows Dr Ong Kian Ming who has been extremely vocal in socio-economic and political issues in Malaysia. You can read why he joined the DAP here. As for fresh face Bee Yin, her decision is no less admirable, and her statement is as follows: Why Join Politics?

Media Statement by Yeo Bee Yin on joining the Democratic Action Party on Monday 27 August 2012 in Kuala Lumpur:

My mom has rightly asked, “you can have a decent and comfortable life now already, why choose such a hard life?” The reason is because I love this nation and desire to see a better Malaysia.

I have met just so many young and bright Malaysians who left home for better opportunities abroad. If all of these continue, we’ll soon reach a point of no return.

Therefore I decided to join DAP to make a change. I do not want to be a bystander as my country is going through one of the most important turning points of history, either for the better or worse future. I do not want to regret at the latter part of my life, seeing my country at peril, just because people of my generation have not done enough and have chosen comfort over sacrifice. To quote Edmund Burke (埃德蒙·伯克), “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

I believe that Malaysian youths can make a difference, and am always encouraged by Apostle Paul who wrote in a letter to his spiritual son, Timothy, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set an example in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, faith and purity.”

Yes, young Malaysians are on Facebook and Twitter most of the time and we do watch YouTube videos quite ‘a bit’ but we too are concerned about our environment, the welfare of fellow Malaysians and the future of our children. We have different opinions on how our country should be governed.

Therefore I want to make young voices heard and hope that more young Malaysians can join us or at their respective positions do their part, to make Malaysia a country that is free from corruption, united regardless of race and religion as well as competitive in the global economy.

How I hope to contribute to DAP

I will continue to use my expertise in social media to help DAP to reach out to the young and internet savvy whose support are critical in the next general election. I believe strongly that the social media will add a completely different dimension to political campaigning in the very near future.

At the same time, I have a strong interest in environmental, sustainability and energy policy and believe that this has been an area generally neglected by politicians. I will take part actively in policy-making when the opportunity arises by contributing my knowledge in this field constructively towards a greener Malaysia, as we move forward in economic development.

** Bee Yin was born in 1983 and grew up in Segamat, Johor.

After she completed my secondary school education in SMJK Seg Hwa, Segamat, she obtained the Petronas Scholarship to study Chemical Engineering in Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). Bee Yin graduated with First Class Honours and was the top student for the year 2006.

She worked for 2 years with Schlumberger (斯伦贝谢公司), an international oil and gas engineering company as a field engineer in Turkmenistan before going on to complete her MPhil (Masters in Philosophy哲学硕士) in Advanced Chemical Engineering with Commendation from University of Cambridge in 2010. Bee Yin was fortunate enough to be a recipient of the prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship.

Since her return to Malaysia, she has started her own business in Social Media Strategy in helping clients to maximize their marketing reach via the increasingly influential internet and social media tools.

Bee Yin currently serves as DAP HQ Social Media Strategy Advisor

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