
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Forum: Economic Transformation Programme - Genuine or Good PR?

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Prime Minister Najib Razak's administration has promised an ambitious program of fundamentally restructuring the country's economy so that we will be able to escape the 'middle income trap' and catapult ourselves to the rank of a high income nation. The New Economic Model (NEM) and the Economic Transformation Program (ETP) are supposed to be the key drivers of Najib's economic policy.

Three years into his premiership, how has Najib fared on the economic front? Has the ETP been as successful as PEMANDU claims? Have the recommendations of the New Economic Model (NEM) been implemented fully? Is our economy heading on the right track? To answer these questions and more, please join us in a public forum entitled:

"Najib's Economic Transformation Record: Are we on the right track?"
Venue: Crown Crystal Hotel, Petaling Jaya.
Date: Monday, 16th April 2012
Time: 8pm to 11pm

  • YB Tony Pua, MP for PJ Utara, 
  • YB Lau Weng San, ADUN for Kampung Tunku, 
  • Dr. Ong Kian Ming, UCSI Lecturer, 
  • Mr Teh Chi Chang, Executive Director at REFSA

Organized by Kampung Tunku ADUN's Service Centre and Refsa (Research for Social Advancement)

Admission is free. All are welcomed!

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