
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

2011 DAP Internship: Last Call

"...I did a 1½-month internship with Tony Pua and Dr Ong Kian Ming (UCSI lecturer, political analyst, consultant). And everything that I did within that time span felt right. It didn’t matter whether I took three flights in two days between Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. It didn’t matter that I had to be at Taman Jaya station at 8 in the morning everyday to head to the many districts in Selangor, only to do the simple task of note-taking during the town hall meetings which will contribute to the Selangor Blueprint. On these days, I’ll reach home at about midnight, only to have that few hours of sleep, and repeat the whole routine again.

I worked with people on the ground, learned their way of life, their morals, their culture. I heard their heartbreaking stories about how all they want is a Sibu that doesn’t flood, a Kuching that has its land distributed fairly among its people, an education system that doesn’t brainwash their children... I saw these people, and had this surging desire to educate the uneducated, to give jobs to the poor, to speak for the voiceless.

I felt that I would be doing injustice if I were to use my abilities and resources for myself. It just wasn’t right. I want the aunts and uncles who sell fruits by the street to not have to worry whether they’ll be able to make a good sale tomorrow. I want the children of these uncles and aunts to know that they have an equal opportunity to achieve their heart’s desires in the future. I want UM to find its place on the world stage again. I want teachers to have pride in their work. I want Malaysia to be the place where people are proud to be a part of; a place where people will want to come home to.

Hi, my name is Michelle. Forsake my generation, I shan’t."

See full article in The Malaysian Insider here.

Well, here's a last call for internship applications from Malaysia's best and brightest to come in by 7th May 2011 for this summer's intership programme. For those keen for a year end internship, feel free to put in your application as well ;-)

  • Closing date of application: 30th April 2011 (extend to 7th May)
  • Start date of programme: Anytime after 1st June 2011
  • Successful candidates will be informed via email

Application procedures:

Email resume / curriculum vitae (CV) and cover letter expressing interest to Include in your application the following:
  • Preferred location (ie. which state/city in Malaysia)
  • Preferred duration of your attachment (minimum 1 month)
  • MP/ADUN of preference (if any)
See here for more details.


  1. Anonymous4:43 pm

    A bit off topic; just thought of a good slogan to put on a PR/DAP t-shirt during election time:

    "We are Malaysian, we say no to Racism"

    How's that?


  2. Anonymous9:29 pm

    YB Tony, To launch the Internship Programme is the right step to make an inroad in spreading PR's influence in the rural interior constituencies especially Sabah and Sarawak, and put to good use in GE13. Hope you every success.

  3. Anonymous7:54 pm

    06th June 2011 - Hong Kong MTR

    17th May 2011 Wesak Day .... When Vegetables Price Will Down ???

    Tony Pua Facebook .... knows desperation has set in when Najib threatened the Chinese community
    to vote MCA or essentially forget "1Malaysia"April 30 at 7:31am

  4. Anonymous7:04 pm

    Hi YB, when the results will be announced?
