
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Zahid Must Apologise

I read with shock and horror the report in Utusan Malaysia today, quoting the Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who said:
“Dia [Tony Pua] dulu ditangkap di Singapura, dibawa ke mahkamah, tetapi sebab hubungan dia mungkin baik dengan pejabat tertentu di sana, beliau dilepaskan (dan) tidak dapat jadi ahli Parlimen (di sana)”
I cannot believe that a senior ranking Minister and the highest ranking vice-president of Umno would stoop so low as to spin venomous lies beyond imagination against me and my character.

The above falsehoods is clearly an attempt to divert the public and the media’s attention away from the mega-procurement deals which the Defence Minister signed last month, amounting to RM13.55 billion.

Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has to date failed to provide clear and detailed explanation for the RM6 billion purchase of 6 offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) from Boustead Holdings Bhd as well as the RM7.55 billion purchase of 257 8x8 armoured wheeled-vehicles (AWVs) from DRB Hicom Bhd, whether to the media or in Parliament.

I had at various times called the Minister to explain in detail what exactly are we purchasing, at prices seemingly much higher than other countries. What’s more, both of these contracts were awarded without any competitive tenders.

However, instead of being accountable to the rakyat, the Minister has chosen to spread malicious lies to tarnish my character and reputation as a diversionary tactic. In fact, his attempt to deflect the call for answers on the above military transactions with frivolous personal accusations leads me to believe that the Minister has something to hide from the people.

Let me make it clear in no uncertain terms that:
  1. I’ve never ever been arrested in Singapore, not even for jay-walking.
  2. I’ve never ever been charged in Singapore, for civil or criminal cases.
  3. I have no relationship whatsoever with the Government of Singapore
  4. I’ve never been interested in taking part in politics in Singapore, what’s more as a Member of Parliament in that country.
Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi also claimed that I studied in Singapore from primary to tertiary level, which is factually wrong for I completed my primary school in SRK Montfort, Batu Pahat and for my Bachelor’s degree at Oxford University. I was only in Singapore for my secondary education at Raffles Institution as a recipient of the ASEAN scholarship.

What’s more I’ve never even taken up permanent residency in Singapore or any other country, unlike certain Barisan Nasional Ministers.

The insinuation by the Minister that I am now a “Singapore agent” due to a deal with Singapore authorities is downright evil. The story painted by the Defence Minister is so outrageous and incredible that perhaps he will make a better spy fiction writer like John Le Carre, than he is as the country’s defence minister.

I call on Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to retract his statement and make an unreserved public apology within 24 hours or I will instruct my lawyers to file a defamation suit against him next week.


  1. Anonymous9:42 am

    am not sure how much effort u wanna to spare to deal with such idiot and such moronic statements.

  2. Anonymous10:01 am

    Sue the hell out of Zahid!!! Teach this man a lesson!

  3. Don't know why you bother.
    Zahid Hamidi is a racist bigot with shit for brains.
    So, he is incapable of any logical thoughts.
    When PR takes over Putrajaya next year, please put him in Tanjung Rambutan for rehab.

  4. Great, sue the bugger. I am waiting for the moment for politicians to sue each other so that we can have clean politicking in Malaysia. No more slandering nor falsehood. sue YB sue...

  5. Anonymous2:54 pm

    You can't believe? What are you doing in politics? There is no level low enough for politicians especially in Malaysia and UMNO/BN.

    The whole crux of 'The Malay Delima' is dependency to politics that destroys the soul, perverse the heart, creating the most sordid of creatures that does not even deserve the godly gift of being a being on this earth..

  6. Anonymous3:00 pm

    i do agree with you that zahid is spreading malicious rumours about you!

    however,it is still not as bad as saying the Pm's wife was present and witnessed the bombs being strapped to altantuya!

    in politics (at least in malaysia) one day you do things to your opponents and the next day your opponents will do the same!

    so, tony don't get so upset and stop whinning.

    you shall be judged by what is your ACTUAL contribution to the rakyat and not by what other people say about you BECAUSE THE RAKYAT KNOWS!

  7. Anonymous3:16 pm

    You don't ask a crazy animal to apologize. If you are kind, you lock it up and throw away the keys. Otherwise, you shoot it..

    Only UMNO/BN let it run and lead their organisation..

  8. Great sorrow to see BN got such low quality minister, worse still he is in the defence portfolio. One day if Indonesia military attacks Malaysia, doomsday for all malaysians.

  9. Anonymous7:12 pm

    i would say this kind of irresponsible action shouldn't be even given any chances to apologize given his important position and status.

    Sue him immediately.

    His apology will be so low profile that no one will know.

  10. Yes, Zahid must apologise!

  11. RAKYAT10:04 pm

    This Defence Minister give me an impression that he is thug-like(or samseng)not by his look but also the way he reacts to things(just like that minister,Noh Omar,in the incident of the Tanjung Karang padi farmers).
    Only people with such thug-like thought will resort to false accusation in trying to switch attention away from his responsibility to answer questions related to these defences purchase or either they have some hidden agendas which cannot be revealed.
    Is this you called 'govt for the people,by the people'?

  12. Anonymous10:45 pm

    yb, sue that b**tard!

    some of us can contribute to the legal expenses.


  13. Sue the moron.I can act for you for free.

  14. Anonymous1:30 am

    Dear Tony,
    If I were you I wouldn't ask him to retract and apologize.I will straightaway take legal action against him for defamation for those wild and unfounded allegation.
    Malaysia is doom having this sort of moron minister. In fact we have one too many of them in the cabinet. Pathetic.

  15. It is not a fair statement by the minister concerned. What is so wrong studying in Singapore? There are many politicians from the ruling parties sending their children to study in Singapore? It is not a question of loyalty, it is a practical approach to educate oneself.

  16. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Unfounded claims by a seemingly un-educated man, not to worry Tony. UMNO & Zahid will come to know that diverting the issue will not make it go away.

  17. john tan12:24 am

    no need 24hrs.....if you got balls just sue him...dont talk big...

  18. Anonymous11:37 am

    singapore agent not famous maaa, time join KGb or Nazi...ho!...

  19. kl_boy11:54 am

    Don't think it'll be any use at the moment as well. BN is sourcing their political fund/supporters for the coming election. Zahid's camp must be short on cash hence all this expensive national security items. Everytime you make noise, it draws attention to him, must be very leceh if i were him.

  20. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Apologise my foot! We must vote them out come 13GE, period.

  21. Anonymous2:49 pm

    OMG Minister not giving the right facts and threatening to sue pulak. what a shame.

  22. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Of great interest would be for the S`pore Govt to protest as Zahid implies that S`pore authorities are "untrustworthy".
    A police report should be made in S`pore by one of their nationals.

  23. Anonymous12:03 am

    Kalau cakap pasal "Singa" .. " Harimau "pasti dilema...tak seberapa suka..! Bila sambut..macam beradap..Bila saman tentu biadap..MalaysiaBoleh Dilema......!

  24. Anonymous7:18 pm

    Our defense minister really has "good" intelligence i must say. Did he get it from Wikileak or our bolehland CIA agents?

    Gosh, so much money spent on transactions that cannot be explained? Gosh, all our hard-earned tax-payers money going down someone's pockets!!! Teoh Beng Hock died for some transaction of a few hundred bucks. I say we must send Zahid to hell!!
