
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Contribute to DAP Sarawak Election Campaign!

Dear fellow Malaysians,

The Sarawak general elections will be held soon on 16 April 2011.  NOW is the time for the brave people of Sarawak to make their voices heard. NOW is the time for the people of Sarawak to send a loud and clear message to the incompetent and corrupt BN state government. NOW is the time for the people of Sarawak to send a clear signal to the entire nation in preparation of the upcoming 13th Malaysia general election.

The DAP will be playing a major role to fight the Barisan Nasional hegemony in Sarawak, specially the end the autocratic rule of Malaysia's longest serving Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

The DAP offers the promise of change to Sarawak by fighting the rampant abuse of power, cronysim and corruption by the BN leaders, who have enriched themselves at the expense of the rakyat, especially the poor and the marginalized, during their 50 years in power.

However, we need your help to make change happen. We need your financial contribution to print
leaflets, hold campaign rallies, run operating centres and access remote regions of Sarawak. We call upon you to donate generously to help our cause.

You can donate using credit card, internet-banking, MEPS @

Or you can also bank funds directly with TT, cash or cheque, details here.

All the monies donated now till the end of elections will be used for the Sarawak campaign.

For those who are keen to volunteer time for the campaign, please email us at

On behalf of the people of Sarawak, thank you so much for your support to make change possible.


  1. Anonymous8:42 am

    all u gung-ho talkers, now is the time to contribute something.

    soldiers need to eat too.

    so, do something. now.


  2. Leithaisor10:45 am

    Heading to Public Bank to bank in my contribution to account No. 306 382 8309 later today, once I have some free time!

    Have just e-mailed the funds appeal, together with the information from the "Financial Contribution" webpage < > to my friends...

    THANK YOU to all the frontline Pakatan folks.

    Semoga perjuangan demi masa depan Sarawak khasnya, and negara Malaysia amnya berkaya. It is time, nay it is long overdue, for a major seachange.

    End corruption, nepotism, sectarian division and racism!

  3. Anonymous9:10 pm

    I will also ask my daughter, who is working to also contribute even though we are from west malaysia. My dear Sarawakian brothers and sisters, let's ensure the HORNBILLS can run and fly freely in your native land.

  4. Anak Swak10:34 pm

    Tried the website - down? Kena hacked by BNazis ah?

  5. Anonymous2:45 am

    DAP so poor ah asking for fund?where have all the party monies gone too????hahahha...suspicious...

  6. Anonymous11:21 am

    already contributed

  7. I want to contribute too. Everytime I see the DAP booth for voter registration at pasar malam I will drop some money in the collection box. It is just a very very small way to give support to the very hardworking team. We must all contribute in every way we can, be it time and/or money.

  8. Anonymous3:35 pm

    In today's 'The Star', Wong Soon Koh is indeed speaking like a puppet/stooge of Taib. He said Taib had given land to churches and schools, but the land does not belong to Taib. It's Sarawak land.
    He fails to see that much more could have been done. Look at the state of the roads in Sibu and in Kuching towns. The frequent floods in Sibu. The delapidated schools in the rural areas (as stated by the Deputy Minister of Education during his recent visit. So much logs have been taken and so little given back. The rural folks are still isolated and remoye.

  9. Anonymous10:36 pm

    Status: Successful
    Reference number: 1486269655
    Transaction date: 31 Mar 2011
    Transaction time: 22:31:43

    Done! A small token YB

  10. Anonymous9:44 pm

    hahaha DAP so poor liao asking for money. How can you convince us Sarawakians that you have capabilities to rule Sarawak when your party is financially incapable???? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
