
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Forum: Budget 2011 - Change or Continuity?

Date: 20 Oct 2010 (Wed)
Time: 8pm
Venue: Poolside Cove, Sunway Lagoon Club, No. 3, Jalan Lagoon Timur, Bandar Sunway

  • MP for PJ Utara, Tony Pua
  • Chief Executive of Selangor Economic Advisory Office, Rafizi Ramli
  • MP for Klang, Charles Santiago
  • MP for Kuala Selangor, Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad
  • Political analyst Dr. Ong Kian Ming

Admission: Free
Enquiries: 019-2865858



  1. Anonymous10:37 am

    Continuity? Its a freaking step backward..

  2. Anonymous4:17 pm

    Doesn’t really matter, change or continuity.

    Change is important. New things need to be done. Things that we never done before.

    However, continuity is also important, especially issues regarding economics. Some things need to be continued. If halted, we can never see the expected result. Some project does take a long time to be completed.
    So for me personally, the 2011 budget consists of both, change & continuity. The government did a good job in balancing the country’s spending. It’s very hard to please everybody, but some got more than they bargain for.

  3. Hi TONY,

    It's indeed a GOOD BUDGET despite the claim of an ELECTION BUDGET from the other side of the fence.

    NAJIB's budget left many OPPOSITION leaders stranded in their comments when interviewed by the MEDIA after the budget announcement cos' all these OPPOSITION leaders could give was lame comments without any CONSTRUCTIVE ELEMENTS in it.

    I can see BN heading back to VICTORY come the next G.E.

    "Keep up the good work, dear PM!!!"

  4. KY must be a learned scholar to think this budget as good. Where line in the budget that really manifest his NEM or ETP spirit ? If building a skyscraper can transform the economy and elevate into income nation, Obama will not be stranded in a confused state now. Oh no, I miss the point that u may be sub crony in the BN rent seeking chain. Money is rolling, no wonder so happy.

  5. How AMUSING!!!

    Perhaps, the defination of a BETTER MALAYSIA this dude called CYC wants is....

    "Malaysians living in a land with NO SKYSCRAPERS & HIGH RISE BUILDINGS. CYC's ULTIMATE DREAM is to have Malaysia ending up like the once famous 'cowboy town' of the WILD, WILD WEST. Now, Bring on BILLY THE KID, will ya???"

    Pathetic!!! The mentality of this CYC is classically BACKWARDS instead of PROGRESS.

    Katak dalam tempurung???

  6. Dear Mr. Tony,

    Hi, good day.

    I feel disappointed why do we Malaysia not even been invited to G20 as invited states?

    Our neighbour countries, Singapore and Vietnam been invited?

    Do you feel that Malaysia may not have big influence to the global economy?

    Do we really need to introspection how good and how bad we are?

    Malaysia, "bangun la, jangan tidur lagi"....

  7. Ya, those countries without skyscrapers are all BACKWARDS as defined by KY. All Norway, Sweeden, Finland all are 3rd world countries ? Prosperity of a nation is not measured by the number of tall buildings lone. Wake up boy, don't sleep bawah tempurung too long.

  8. We have been wasting lots of tax payers' money in project blunders such as leaning arch, collapsed buildings, sinking roads, undermined river barrages, and many other distressed structures and projects. But we have many retired experienced engineers who have much expertise in public works planning and design. The government should form a project review committee comprising such retired engineers to review all government projects before construction. It's much cheaper to pay for their service than lose millions in technical blunders.
