
Sunday, August 29, 2010

DAP Strengthens Relations with Malay-Muslims; Umno Edgy

Mosque visits reflect deeper PAS-DAP ties, makes Umno edgy
By Neville Spykerman August 29, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 28 — The furore over Lim Guan Eng’s name being mentioned in Friday sermons and now the visit of a DAP MP to a surau is a reflection of deeper PAS-DAP ties that has made Umno uncomfortable ahead of the next general elections, say analysts and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) politicians.

PAS has stoutly defended both incidents and point out that only Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia and state news agency Bernama are championing the issues but not by others on the ground.

“Umno is afraid of deeper PAS-DAP ties so the only way is to wreck it where possible,” Harakahdaily website editor Zulkifli Sulong told The Malaysian Insider.

He pointed out that PAS leaders see nothing wrong with the twin issues, adding even PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat has backed the outreach to non-Muslims.

“There is nothing wrong except in the eyes of Umno and Utusan,” said the editor of the PAS news portal.

Klang MP Charles Santiago agreed with Zulkifli’s assessment of the issue that began at the onset of the Ramadan fasting month.

“The uproar in the Umno-owned press are calculated moves to drive a wedge between DAP, PAS and the Malay community,” Santiago said..

The DAP MP described the issue as “high level bigotry” and said Umno was concern by the party’s growing acceptance by PAS and the Malay community.

His sentiments were echoed by Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua who pointed out that DAP was working well not only with PAS but PKR.

He added Umno was wary because DAP has been breaking down the perception it was a Chinese chauvinist party concern with only Chinese or Indian issues.

“Umno is clearly worried,” said Pua.

For the full article, click here.


  1. seriously, is it strenghtening relationship with Malay Moslems? Or is it what people call "fishing the vote"?


  2. Anonymous3:25 pm

    No YB Tony. DAP was working well not only with PAS and PKR, but with the Muslim community too.

  3. Dear Tony Pua

    Whether visiting a place or worship or not is a goodwill gesture is up to God to decide. God sees our hearts while we only can see the outer acts of man.

    In the spirit of Merdeka, let us all Malaysians unite in praising God for the bountiful harvest of peace, goodwill, health and prosperity that He has bestowed on Malaysia despite the turmoils and challenges that we as a nation have to endure and may continue to endure in the years ahead.

    Let us all praise God for His goodnes in keeping us sane and loving towards the helpless, the orphans, the widows, the oppressed foreign workers and the less fortunate.

    If we praise God for all the good things we can think of about Malaysia on Merdeka day, we shall reap great changes and blessings in this country.

    Let us not have a complaining and critical heart but one of boundless gratefullness. We will be pleasantly surprised beyond our wildest dreams.

    Have a great Merdeka holiday!

  4. Anonymous9:23 am

    May be, but honestly time is running out for such big picture thinking.

    If speculation is right GE 13 is not long away and its may be do or die for PR this time around. Its time to think imaginatively about how to help PAS and Keadilan get a big chunk of Malay vote.

    Right now the key to getting Malay vote is the Felda issues and state level politicking by UMNO. Its not enough. Its way not enough.

    Honestly, PAS and Keadilan while they have their strength, lacks the imagination that DAP has. DAP should be helping them in that regard. It would he really helpful for all grassroot door-to-door campaigners use IPADs and mini/micro projectors. Show the mansions of Taib and Khir Toyo on any screens possible to the interiors of Sarawak. If you can show pictures of Rosmah shopping on a screen, cow-head incident, (if you can) the racist Prncipals live, Bung Mokhtar getting away with breaking Syariah marriage law, the note and live bullet sent to you, etc, it will go a long way

  5. Anonymous1:15 am

    "Kepercayaan" bukanlah dibina atas " Duit & Status" oleh sekelompok Yang Kaya lagi Berkuasa lebih-lebih lagi sesebuah negara pemerintahan kerajaan demokrasi berparlimen yang maju-jaya dan aman-damai..!

    Malangnya sekelompok sekian lama mungkin dah "addicted to" kepalsuan Hidup yang berpakat-pakat nak senang-senang saje..tanpa dapat kenal lagi dunia cyber informasi generasi baru yang kini sekian mencabar minda setiap hamba Tuhannya...sampai binggung-keliru "siapa benar..siapa palsu..siapa buat drama..siapa buat impian..siapa tengah mimpi.. ayuhai macam-macamlah "!

    Hanya "Masa akan bagi jawapan..."!Doa-doakanlah

  6. Anonymous1:17 am

    "Drama-drama terus berkeliaran sini-sana.."
