
Saturday, July 03, 2010

KDSB 13 Years Never Pay Oustanding Taxes, Can Ah?

Pua wants IRB to seize KDSB assets
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani June 30, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR, June 30 — Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua today suggested the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) should seize assets of Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) to pay off its debt.
It was reported that KDSB’s outstanding taxes to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) amounting to RM328.4 million was from 1997 to 1998.

KDSB CEO Datuk Faisal Abdullah has refuted the allegations and said that the amount owed to IRB was “ridiculous.”

But Pua said that KDSB has the assets to ease the outstanding taxes based on Companies Commission of Malaysia’s (SSM) key financial information of the company.

“There are more assets in there for IRB to demand from KDSB. So legally they can enforce and even seize assets if required to pay for the debt. IRB didn’t even have to go to PKA to claim the outstanding debt. There is enough assets in KDSB that IRB can go and collect. I think that IRB should immediately do that,” he told reporters during a press conference in parliament.

The DAP publicity chief added that if IRB is not able to seize the assets from KDSB then it should charge the company.

“The directors are 100 per cent responsible for the taxes payable by the company. 13 years, not a single action done by them and I don’t accept the excuse by Kuala Dimensi that they are disputing the amount. It is the responsibility of the company to go solve it out and settle the dispute,” he said.

According to the document, KDSB’s assets for 2007 was worth RM971.7 million while it was RM932.6 million in 2008.

Pua questioned why the company was allowed to operate for 14 years without paying any taxes.

“Why is the company allowed to not pay its taxes? Whether the amount is disputed or otherwise for 13 years and the amount is not small. We know that the IRB is very efficient in taking taxes to ensure that every company pay their taxes. Why were they allowed to continue for 13 year without paying their taxes?

“This company is owned by Barisan Nasional Backbencher president and MP for Bintulu Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing. He is a director and shareholder of the company. Does it mean that a prominent member of Barisan Nasional is allowed to get away from paying taxes from so long before IRB finally says that they are going to collect through PKA,” he said.


  1. Anonymous2:43 am

    Mr Pua,

    May I humbly suggest that you guys MPs) work to find ways to stop the cheating-thiefing-robbing cabinet from carrying out anymore ridiculous new construction project, lest you be left with no money, worse, debt-ridden, should Pakatan take-over Putrajaya in the next GE. Then all blame will be shouldered by you guys, and we will be left with little chance of true reform when the money is gone and you lose the mass support with the mess.

  2. Anonymous11:35 am


    Excellent work for exposing this blatant of abuses by BN cronies.

    IRB knows how to go after small petty traders, but close one eye on BN big fish.

    Right minded Malaysian should open up their skull and think clearly before they cast their vote in next GE.

    I will definately bring up this story to enlighten my friends who is paying taxes.

  3. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Are there provisions in the law that allows a citizen to cite the IRB for not following their own procedures?

  4. Anonymous5:54 pm


    I have been an ex-auditor with one of the four fabulous international accounting firms & have been doing tax for many years.

    The law is clear on tax liability. IRB is not so easy in most cases to allow deferment of such tax liability. They will insist on paying up first then we talk.

    Why so special on this case, IRB has to answer.

  5. This Tiong King Sing(sic tong kong song) son of a gun clearly has the law in his hands and way above UMNO.

    For decades UMNO speaks of being champions of the race but in reality, it is worthless criminal scums such as Tiong and Vinny Tan who are dictating 'terms' to the criminally hopeless Tuan's of UMNO.

    I've often cited the way in which DAP has managed to remain true to the cause and with admiration ie. keeping a distance between business and politics where as there isn't much distinction "in business with politics" anywhere in UMNO, PKR and even PAS. And let's not forget the participation of the 'Cina/India UMNO' - equally rotten thieving bunch.

    I'll be very suggestive(and something for you to keep up your sleeves) and hope that you'll be able to raise the matter of Adun's and MP dabbling in business amongst Pakatan Rakyat coalition. Spell it out - the do's and don't or better yet - keeping the entire matter off limits to keep everyone honest.

    Make the above a promise in a common manifesto to be presented to the people(going into GE 13th).

    It is my hope that Pakatan members are able to reach consensus to teething problems and as I've stressed in other postings, it would not be too difficult to propose policies beneficial to the people, while striking a balance to cut back public expenditure in name of austerity.

    The ways of old have to go, so lead the charge bright star of DAP.
