
Sunday, January 03, 2010

'Saints' Family Day Out

The Saints Go Marching In...

I had the privilege of being invited to join the Nuffnang - Friso Gold 'Family Day Out' for 80 blogging families at Kidsports & Gym, 1Utama this morning, so the least I could do is to 'blog it' ;-)

The missus even made my day for offering to outfit in Saints jerseys ;-) (Just don't ask where they are in the league ;-)) So Tony, Ting Fong, Totto and little 'Peter Parker' Pua made it to 1U @ 10am in the morning and the kids certainly had a good time courtesy of Nuffnang and Friso Gold.

Mommy & Yi Zhe

Yi Zhe fiddles with his ride

Xin Ying hits the bottom of the slide

Yi Zhe enjoying the floor time

Daddy trying to get Yi Zhe to smile at the camera

Xin Ying looking after little brother (who obviously needs his nap!)

Xin Ying concentrates on her sand art


  1. Dear Tony

    Thanks for sharing a bit of your private life activities with us. Glad to make the e-acquintance of your two children and missus, Ting Fong - hi! your hubby, Tony is a good man and a towering Malaysian; God Bless you all and keep you safe and strong to lead Malaysians to fight to reclaim our beloved homeland, Malaysia.

  2. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Life can always "CHOOSE" to do what is right..!

    Rakyat Malaysia will definitely earn the RESPECT by choosing "The Right Man & The Good Man" to lead our beloved homeland..Malaysia..!

    The TIME is waiting for us to make it a reality...!Inshallah

    May God bless you and family forever..!
    Happy New Year 2010..Malaysia!

  3. woah i didn't know u attend nuffnang event also. LOL

  4. They are at a not too respectable 14th in CC League 1 (ie 3rd Division). Should've switched to Newcastle when you had the chance.

  5. SOuthampton fan? OMG! Oxford had done its Permanent Head Damage on you, even without the doctoral dissertation.

  6. cat is outta the bag. Tony Pua is a Southampton supporter! Jamie Yeo's ex-partner in crime in Nokia Football Crazy, Saints-fanatic Alan Panders, must be thrilled!

    and yeah, let's see if there are any cybertrooper turn this into a political sandiwara


  7. yi zhe 是以哲嗎?如果是,就跟我的小兒子同名啦!世界真小真巧!


  8. Oiy HJ,

    14th because of 10pt penalty la, otherwise a respectable top 6 in a less than respectable league 1 ;-)

    But we are thru to the 4th round of FA Cup! Counts for something, no?


    Not Oxford la, it was since Kevin 'Mighty Mouse' Keagan days in the mid-80s

    Loyalty counts for something, no?


  9. It is very touching to see our MP having a family day just like this! ^^

    Keep it up ya Tony. We are always behind you. Oh yeah, The Saints used to be the bogey team for Man Utd when they were in the Premier League. ^^

  10. YB u need to dye your hair!

  11. Peter Parker Pua is so cute!

  12. TsuChong, in real life, tony's metallic hair glitters under the spotlight. i think iz very cool. ;-P
