
Friday, January 22, 2010

Ayah! Ayah!

I got this joke via an email which is making its rounds of the internet. While not entirely correct as an allegory, it's certainly instructive ;-)

A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out ‘Ayah! Ayah!’.

His neighbor got very upset and said to him, “Can you please tell your children not to call you ‘Ayah’?”

The man asked, “Why?”

The neighbor retorted, “Because my children call me ’Ayah’ too. They might get confused and mistake you to be their father.”


  1. let me retell the story, changing the word children to wife, ayah to sayang

    A man came home from work and his wife ran to him and called out ‘sayang! sayang!’.

    His neighbor got very upset and said to him, “Can you please tell your wife not to call you ‘sayang’?”

    The man asked, “Why?”

    The neighbor retorted, “Because my wife calls me ’sayang’ too. She might get confused and mistake you to be her husband.”

    thankfully, we dont see this happening

  2. Anonymous7:40 am

    Hahahahahaa YB!!!
    "ayah, ayah:!!!

  3. so

  4. Anonymous8:24 am


    That's so spot on!

  5. This is just soooo funny!

  6. Anonymous10:34 am

    A thought came to my mind.Religion supposed to teach love,forgiveness,way of life,righteousness.So you should be proud if your religion can be preached to other than your own race.But resorting to barbaric actions and use of religion for ulterior motives is a no no!

  7. Anonymous11:53 am

    a good one!!

  8. Anonymous1:04 pm

    Mr.Tony,what you post is part of the mail.There is the second part to it.

  9. Anonymous1:15 pm

    well... but the first man's son can call his father "daddy" "bapa" "abah" and just because the son decided that it is his constitutional rights to call his father as "ayah" knowing that this will upset the neighbour -- so what we can say about this son?

    well it reminds me what Ghandi once said

    "I like the father but i dont like the sons because the sons they are so unlike their father.

    or something like that.

  10. Anonymous3:59 pm

    1. Sebelum ada Anak, Ayah dan Hantu suci siapa yang buat dunia?

    2. Macam mana Mariam boleh melahirkan Tuhan? Jadi Tuhan kamu adalah anak kepada manusia?

    Aku bukan nak gadoh, aku juga tak peduli siapa kamu sembah, tetapi kebelakangan ini kamu banyak sangat mempersoalkan tentang hukum dalam ugama ku, jadi aku terpasa bertanya pada kamu wahai penganut Kristian tentang hal ini. Aku menghormati Nabi Isa. Ia adalah nabi, itu ada dalam Quran.

    Kalau tak suka orang kata tentang ugama kamu, jangan ambil tahu tentang ugama orang lain.

    Aku percaya 100% apa yang terkandung dalam Quran.

  11. anak malaysia keturunan-412:02 am

    1. Anda ingin membincang soal ini dari sudut agama, falsafah, atau sains?

    2. Sila buat kerja rumah tentang latar belakang n konsep dalam agama lain.

    (Sekurangnya Buddha tidak memtafsirkan beliau sendiri sebagai Tuhan tapi seorang pendeta yang mencapai penerangan yang sempurna.)

    eh brader, kami bukan nak cari pasal jugak.

    Cuma kami nak kritik terhadap satu isu yg mengelirukan orang ramai dalam negara kita.

    Bukan tak suka, hanya tak berapa faham! Jadi kami ingin tahu dan menyoal terhadap sesuatu yang kita tak pasti.
