
Monday, November 09, 2009

PKFZ: Investigate Tun Ling!

Tun Ling Liong Sik must also be investigated for his role in the approval and implementation of the Port Klang Free Zone project which commenced under his watch

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal released last Wednesday has received ample media attention, with its specific references to the former Minister of Transport, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, the former Port Klang Authority general manager, Datin Paduka O C Phang, and to a lesser extent, the secretary-generals of the Ministry of Transport, Dato’ Zaharah binti Shaari (Jun 1999 to Jul 2005) and Dato’ Muhd. Safaruddin Bin Muhd. Sidek (Jul 2005 – Oct 2006).

However, based on the details and testimonies provided in the full report, the Government and its agencies such as the newly set up super task force headed by the Chief Secretary Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, the police force as well as the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission must also initiate detailed investigations against the other former Minister who initiated the PKFZ project, Tun Ling Liong Sik.

During his testimony to the PAC, when Tun Ling was posed certain key questions with regards to the project, he had answered “I can't remember” or its equivalent at least 11 times which raises doubts with regards to the veracity of his answers. The situation even reached a point of incredulity when Deputy Public Accounts Committee Chairperson, Tan Seng Giaw asked “Tun, did you know of Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd. atau KDSB, before you left the ministry..., did you know about it?” and Tun Ling responded with “I may have heard about it.”

Hence a thorough investigation must be conducted on the role that Tun Ling Liong Sik played in the entire project, especially with regards to the following points:

  1. Tun Ling had denied that the Ministry of Transport had any role in the finalisation of the land purchase agreement with KDSB, placing the responsibility on the Treasury which was headed by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad then in 2001-02.

    However, the testimonies of the government officers, and the letters by the Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta have confirmed that it was at the Ministry of Transport which has constantly requested the value of the land be revised upwards, from RM17 psf (with reclamation and basic infrastructure) in 1998 to RM18 psf in May 2000 to RM21 psf in Sep 2000 and finally RM25 psf (with interest for deferred payments).

  2. Despite Tun Ling's claims to the contrary, the Port Klang Authority and Ministry of Transport had signed the land purchase agreement at an even higher effective price of RM25 psf without interest and RM41.76 psf after interest for deferred payments. No such authority was given by the Treasury for the revision in purchase price.

  3. The Ministry of Transport under Tun Ling has either defied a Treasury order dated 12 Jun 2001 and advice from the Attorney-General for the land to be acquired compulsorily or have strongly argued against doing so in securing the Cabinet approval for the project. This has resulted in a loss to the government amounting to RM646 million.

  4. The Ministry of Transport under Tun Ling has also awarded the initial development contract to KDSB with no tender, open or closed, despite a specific Treasury order dated 12 Jun 2001 requiring an open tender for development works. To the question posed to Tun Ling by PAC on this issue, he said “I am not prepared to comment because I really cannot remember the circumstances.”

  5. In the same Treasury order, the Ministry of Transport under Tun Ling was also required to secure funding via bonds raised by the Treasury for the purchase of the land which will be at a lower interest rate of 4%, instead of the 7.5% incurred via deferred payments to KDSB. When this question was posed to Tun Ling at the PAC meeting, he responded with “I can't remember”.

  6. Tun Ling also issued a letter of support on the project to Malaysian International Merchant Bankers Bhd (MIMB) and Pacific Trustees Berhad dated 28 May 2003. The Attorney-General has confirmed that the contents of the letter signed by Tun Ling was a statement of fact.

    However, when probed further by the PAC as to why the Government had decided to retrospectively approve the guarantee for the 4 letters of support, including the 3 issued by Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Patail informed the PAC that the word of the Government is worth its weight in gold (my paraphrase).
Tony Pua: Tan Sri, you mentioned the three letters, they got AAA because the so-called letter of support that we give has got obvious unsur-unsur jaminan. Akan tetapi bagi surat yang pertama yang tidak ada unsur-unsur jaminan, kenapa pula mereka juga bagi 3A? Mereka juga bagi 3A rating bagi surat yang pertama. Adakah kerajaan for that portion at least, tidak mempunyai obligasi to complete the guarantee.
    Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail: [Menanyakan soalan kepada pegawai yang mengiringi] I must admit, I am not sure on the first letter whether they were given AAA rating or not.
      Tony Pua: It is for about RM1.3 or RM1.4 billion.
        Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail: Yes. [Berbincang dengan pegawai-pegawai pengiring] May I explain that? Yes, my colleague has confirmed. Yes, they were given AAA rating for that, but at also the same time as I explained just now, when the government issues a letter of support, how loosely it is, the rating agency will give you a AAA.
        Because whatever it is, when the government says, I support this project or so on. There is no way the government is going to back out. We will still perform and the rating agency and everybody knows that. Macam mana pun the government credibility cannot be torn down in that sense.
        Hence even if the letter did not specifically contain elements of guarantee, the Government is obliged to honour its words. Therefore, Tun Ling has also committed the Government to bearing the cost of the project amounting to RM1.31 billion as the amount that was raised by KDSB based on his letter of support.
        There are many other instances of wrongdoings which are highlighted in the PAC report which occurred during the period in which Tun Ling Liong Sik was the Minister of Transport. It defies believe that for a project which is claimed to be of such great importance to the Ministry and country, Tun Ling had little knowledge or can't remember at all what happened during the period.

        The minutes of the Port Klang Authority Board meetings have shown that the Board acted or was rendered impotent in the decision making process with regards to issues relating to PKFZ. Approvals and decisions were made between the General Manager of PKA, Datin Paduka OC Phang and the Ministers of Transport directly, and hence the latter must be held accountable to the entire fiasco.

        We call upon Tun Ling to be fully investigated by the relevant authorities, and no stones must be left unturned including the Cabinet meeting minutes which was inaccessible to the Public Accounts Committee to determine the full extent of Tun Ling Liong Sik's involved since the project was first mooted in the mid-1990s. At the very least, Tun Ling must be investigated for wilful negligence in the carrying out of his responsibilities as the Minister of Transport.


        1. PJU Voter7:09 pm

          Hi TONY,

          I strongly disagree for calling a GREAT MAN like Tun Ling Liong Sik to testify in the PKFZ saga. My reasons so are becos:

          1) Tun Ling had been a great leader & he is perhaps the BEST President MCA have ever had.

          2) For all the BRILLIANT contributions Tun Ling had given during his time, he has also made the Chinese united under 1 party (MCA).

          3) During Tun Ling's tenure as the MCA President, DAP was virtually NOTHING but a group of stray dogs barking without whatsover purpose & direction.

          4) Although Tun Ling was the Transport Minister during the time when PKFZ was first launched, this GREAT MAN retired shortly after its' launch.

          5) Tun Ling has retired & his health is NOT too good. I'll appreciate if everyone could leave him alone & wish him "Get Well Soon" instead.

          6) Should past Transport Ministers be investigated, then, it should be CHAN KONG CHOY who should face the music. Kong Choy took over from Tun Ling & made a mess of out the PKFZ project.

          7) TUN must NEVER be prosecuted, detained or be charged in court. TUN must be respected & they have should be given TOTAL IMMUNITY.

          8) The reason why DAP is biting on this issue (just like a mad dog biting its' bone) is becos' DAP hates Tun Ling like SHIT.

          9) Lim Kit Siang was badly bashed & hated by many Chinese during Tun Ling's era. So much so, Kit Siang was perceived WORSE than CHIN PENG among the Malaysian Chinese then.

          10) The PKFZ episode should be CLOSED for good. The reason being so is becos' it had been around for such a long time & it's better to just FORGET & MOVE ON.

          TUN LING LIONG SIK is a GREAT MAN & his name should NOT be tarnished by idiots like TONY PUA who is now harping on the PKFZ saga on behalf of his MASTER (Lim Kit Siang).

          Tony is just the dog & should let his master do the UGLY WORK instead.

          Now...WOOF!! WOOF!!! Shut up & Sit!!!......Good TONY (sorry, I mean good dog)

        2. Dear Sir,
          NO only PAC got damaged with him, a lot of old folk in coffee shop got damaged with him as well.
          As a true politician, did he think that he got the social duty to emanate answer in detail whatever question put upon him?
          He had chosen to play senile himself as though people in the public did not know how to differential his pretending and reluctant?
          Was he naff or what?
          Could PAC suggest to nail him nicely at the end of investigation? Many had wondered.
          No! He played dumb himself. One of the old men said this.
          Eventually, MACC would find no proof against him. He would be let go without harm. A younger man answered in a smiling face.
          Is that can be true, Sir?
          Public fund was embezzled. Right? Government doesn't have the responsibility to find out the truth?
          Government participation of involving investment in PKFZ is proved to be failure at last. Should government take up the job to amend it and upright the wrong?
          Is that so no body has to be responsible for it?
          This is called " Collective Political Amnesia" be media. All ill minded politicians have this symptom of disease. It can be said bad luck upon Malaysia in a way.
          People talked and talked, smoking blurred their eyes. Some of them having the watery eyes under the broad light vividly could be seen clearly. I didn't believe they were tearing. I believed they were exciting when talking about the moneys were corruptly sucked off. How easy to be rich as a politician? They might think it that way as conclusion.
          To recapitulate it, a band of mediocre of non-conscientious obviously corrupt recidivist of government minister could be easily elusive away and exonerating official impunity. Impenitently, they walked away happily without a sign of immorality mean.
          How unlucky we had chosen them to be our representatives and eventually were honored by PM to appoint them as important post of minister in government. Sigh!
          A mad dog is calling someone respected as dog. Why? Is it because of insanity? This has made me wonder why people have this type of conclusion that Ling is a great man. Is it because he is tall and fat? Did he corrupt? Let MCAA gives the answer. Even the title of conferred "Tun Sri" could help him escape to be punished by court, consciences would haunt him down to nadir.

        3. kl_boy10:19 am

          Hahaha.... this PJU voter is really something eh Tony ? Anyway let's provide him more space to comment when you disclose further 'entertaining' news for PJU to chew on. I don't get angry nowadays reading this kind of posting cause i think it shows what sort of mentality a person has in visiting the dog house. Right PJU ? Must be a dog yourself to come visit Tony's blog..woof ! woof !

        4. Anonymous2:56 pm

          No point wasting time and money.

          You will call for Royal Commission and some idiots will get paid to do investigation.

          At the end of the day, he will be cleared.

        5. I agreed with Kl boy.
          The records speak for itself.
          Remember "the rotting fish head"?
          Remembered Nanyang that caused the split in MCA, it was proven correct that Ling was 'warehousing' it for Tiong as it was eventaully sold to Sin Chew.
          Remembered his son, and this Ling said RH trusted him to lend him billions and looked at what happened when all his PLCs collapsed?Pity the poor Chineses who bought those shares. Oh yes, he really unite the hate MCA !
          Keep up the works, Tony, you represent the future we all want.

        6. I have tended to agree with KL Boy's well saying that he won't be angry on this kind of comment.
          I don't angry as well.
          But, I can't help wanting to pity this PJU. When he read Tony's report and put a comment on it, using his mouth thoughtfully emanate dungs of dog. He is disgracing his own poor parent.
          A man doesn't know how to appreciate another person who is supposed commonly respected by public at large, is a little bit too far of childishness.
          Normally we may support and accept someone, and practically we also may not fond of some others, but we don't use animal to maliciously attack the one we don't like. This isn't the right to treat a gentleman like Tony Pua, a respectful distinguishable man of DAP.
          PJU, may I give you a piece of advice that whatever comment you want to put in his blog, but please don't use abusing and filthy word to derogate him. This is an unwanted ill manner.
          Did Ling corruptly do the wrong act of commitment himself, he knew it. We don't know.
          Let MACC and MCAA does the investigation to find out. OK? Tony Pua is just doing his job as selected member of PAC in parliament. Did he do the wrong thing mistakenly? Ponder please!

        7. Anonymous4:42 pm

          PJU Voter,

          Tun Ling a great man? Its amazing how delusional people are. I got drunk with the man and his friends and my family is close to most veterans of MCA and Ling is nothing more than a sly idiot who got LUCKY time and again.

          If Tan Koon Swan had not been so greedy and too full of himself, Ling would not even smell the shoes of Presidency of MCA. He had wanted to get rid of him in fact. After he got in, the problems of team A and B still got managed crises after crises simply because everyone got drunk out of their minds with the loot provided by Mahathirism.

          Ling a great man? Sheesh. My hardworking maid from Indonesia who is putting her kids through schools is by far a greater person than he will ever be.

        8. classic example of PJU Voter being pro-MAC..Anyone can forget such a BIG projet meh? maybe those small scale project like upgrading roads etc..ok la...but PKFZ is a whopping 10++ BILLION project..please la..

        9. Anonymous6:56 pm

          When probe for an answer, the so called great TUN answered "I MAY have heard about it" " I can't remember". What kind of answeres are those. Obviously he's denying,playing ignorant or just plain lying. And he was so quick to get himself the title Tun upon retiring, for what? He knows very well.
          PJU Voter should sign himself off as Son of Tun Ling, doesn't that sound much better, you must be a joker or just plain ignorant.

        10. This "I can't remember" line sounds familiar ...

          PS PJU voter must be Tun Lin's #1 fan !

        11. PR Man7:41 pm

          There are many the likes of PJU who luckily is the minority! LLS great? My foot! He is no better than Sam Vel who once mentioned on tv after the Nov.25th Hindraf demo, I quote" Kemaluan saya cukup besar". LOL hahaha, I guess it is people like PJU that SV is referring too.

          Congratulations Tony for bringing up such issues and backed up with solid facts and figures! This is what we want, not, what PJU suggested, forget the matter la! To forget a RM12.5 billion scandal? Just imagine what these RM12.5 billion can do if poured into the economy correctly, unlike the RM 30 billion used for economy stimulus 1? Where has the sum gone to? Forget it is it, PJU?

          Syabas Tony, syabas and we look forward to hearing from you in Parliament for a long long time to come! Definitely, Chow Mee Fun must look for another constituency to contest, come the next election!

        12. Anonymous3:30 am

          Now the "I can't remember syndromes is contagious" This disease can save you from going behind bars, and detected common to Ex-PM, Ministers,lawyers and judges.
          WHO journal medical reports year 2009, the disease is very rampant and to have known to originate in malaysia only.
          Take care & Good luck malaysians!!!

        13. Well, I have to agreed with PJU in one point. TUN cannot be touched lol. Maybe that's why he quickly step down and accept the TUN title. Unlike Samy, still trying to hold on to his presidency.

        14. Anonymous12:38 pm




