
Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sad Day For Malaysia

In my view, this racial extremism has been cultivated by UMNO and Barisan Nasional over the past 50 years, and its true colours is now overflowing into our lives. Malaysians live in peace and harmony, and sing happy songs like "1Malaysia"? Below is an excellent analysis by Syed Jaymal of Malaysian Insider, but read also the report in Malaysiakini on the relocation of a Hindu temple.

‘Muslim sensitivities’ an excuse for blatant racism?
Analysis by Syed Jaymal Zahiid

SHAH ALAM, September 5 — “Muslim sensitivities” was used by the Malay residents of Section 23 as the central reason to reject the Hindu temple relocation, but when some were asked today what these “sensitivities” really were, none of them could give a straight answer.

Yet Malay residents of Section 23 said they felt their religion, Islam, had been profoundly threatened by the temple relocation proposal by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat government.

It prompted them to take to the streets with a cow’s head recently to defend their religion; it drove them to discard civic consciousness and adopt extreme measures, to go as far as insulting another religion, knowing full well such action could lead to physical confrontations.

“It would disrupt traffic flow,” said one female resident of Section 23 when asked what exactly these Muslim sensitivities are.

The female resident, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was one of the army of residents that attended a dialogue session held by the Selangor government this morning.

It was organised to resolve the deadlock but sadly, the event was fruitless after it transformed into a free-for-all verbal assault session, when the residents turned rowdy and began insulting Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and other PR leaders.

Residents threw racial insults towards the leaders. They rejected any alternative proposals even before the leaders had managed to raise them. Some accused the leaders of insulting Islam if they were to go on with the relocation.

“We don’t like the smells. It would be noisy and the temples would usually get bigger so we just don’t want it to be near our homes,” said another resident, Roshan, 42, on why he was against the temple being built there.

When suggested that Malays in other parts of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur have no problems with Hindu temples being built near their houses, even when these areas are predominantly Malays, Roshan rebutted gushingly.

“I am from the May 13 generation,” he said, referring to the infamous racial riots four decades ago. “(Malays in these areas are fine because) the land there is limited,” he said.

Throughout the “dialogue”, residents insisted their rejection of the temple relocation had nothing to do with racism and that they were not extremists.

They boasted of their harmonious ties with their Indian counterparts but blame the temple relocation proposal and its proposer, the PR government, as the cause of the strained interracial bond.

The temple, originally located in Section 19, had been proposed to be relocated after an agreement with the city council and other relevant authorities, to Section 23, some 300 meters from the residential area after residents in Section 19 complained.

But many Malay Section 23 residents will have none of it. For them, building a Hindu temple in the midst of an industrial area to provide their Indian counterparts, which make up about 10 per cent of the Section 23 population, the right to practice their religion is a threat to the sanctity of Islam.

Notwithstanding, almost all the replies given by residents when interviewed by The Malaysian Insider cited traffic congestion as the main reason behind their rejection of the temple relocation.

They failed to define how a Hindu temple built some 300 metres away from their houses was insensitive towards Islam but one cannot but feel that as the fiasco goes on, more and more of these Muslim sensitivities will be raised in their arguments.

Syed Jaymal Zahiid is a reporter with The Malaysian Insider, who covered this morning’s chaotic town hall meeting


  1. They forgot history as well.
    Once upon a time their ancestors were Hindus.
    Of course this is never stated explicitly in our history books.

    If they are allow to go on , sooner or later there will be community against building of mosques,temples,churches .
    This is like telling that this street or town is only for a certain race and religion. Anybody not from this race or religion will be ask to get out.

    We already seen 2 types of mosque.
    People from Pas will not go to federal mosque and umno people will not go to Pas surau.
    We have Malay Muslims who cant stand each another too when it comes to prayers praying to the same entity.

    If they (the lembu) can voice out
    , i/we also can voice out.
    What is the meaning of setting Ramadan stalls for buka puasa in a non Muslim area?
    It is creating traffic jams too and creating heaps of garbage.
    What is the meaning of having a masjid in a non muslim area?
    However non of us did voices out in that manner. As it is for our Muslim friends , our neighbours , our own relatives and visitors.

    Throw the question back to them.
    If the non muslims can and are able to accept so why cant they?
    Unless it is clearly a political reason.
    Only for political reason they are creating a fuss.

    Somebody did said that he wanted Selangor really desperately and is willing to do anything and at any cost using whatever means.

  2. True Fiction9:24 am

    There will always be varying degrees of extremism, intolerance, xehophobia, etc everywhere. These are traits of humanity that have their roots in greed and selfishness.

    In Malaysia people from all race and beliefs have some form of intolerance, xenophobia, etc (save perhaps the Orang Asli, for now....). Racists, extremists have been around and will continue to be around. Malaysia is no Utopia and we know it.

    Two aspects come to my mind if we are serious about moving forward as one:
    1. Eradicating and managing such views through education and conditioning starting with the Government (politicians and the civil service) leading by example. Challenge is for the Government be fair, transparent and consistent.

    2. For those with moderate views to speak up, to challenge those inciting hatred, in a concerted effort. Will they and are there many of them? Is there a medium to take their moderate views to the masses?

  3. We can't question them for building Mosque/surau at non-malay area. That would tantamount to insulting the Rulers, insult Islam, insult the Malays, insult someones mother in law and it's a sure way to win some holiday packages to Kamunting! Who are we to question them.... for us are only pendatang, same as Parasmewara.

    These are just racist thugs that were given 'shelters' by some taikos. Otherwise, they won't be so gung-ho.

  4. Anonymous11:43 am


    I think what these section 23 residents are suggesting is counter productive to PM's 1 Malaysia "slogan". It sounds as if they want to return to the time when Malaysia was ruled by the British...with thier Kampung Melayu and Suraus, Kampung Cina and Temples, Kampung India and Kuils; and the churches in predominantly Expat areas?? Is that what they are looking for???

    All this while, the bumiputras have been trying to reduce the socio-economic gap between them and the non-bumis, but they fail to realize that socio-economy does not only mean "the money". It comes with the culture, the religions, the people. If they want to be integrated with the economic part...they sure have to live with the integrated social part as well.

    You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Live with it!!!! We have......
