
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Utusan kills 1Malaysia

I've taken English quotes of the Malay opinion column "Melayu jangan dibacul" published in Utusan Malaysia from The Malaysian Insider. Then judge for yourself how racially skewed the article is, in a paper which is owned by UMNO, headed by the Prime Minister himself, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
Based on the number of non-Malay candidates which could win the next general elections, it can be imagined which ministries they will want. Who will hold the position of Chief Secretary. Secretary-generals, department director-generals. Senior officers and district officers? Who will be senior officers in the police and military? Witness what has happened in Penang, Perak and Selangor. The Malay special rights and the NEP is no more.
Malay special rights no more in Penang, Perak and Selangor? All top government posts including Chief Secretary, secretary-generals, department director-generals are the monopoly of Malays?
Strangely there are many Malay-Muslims who are also expressing hatred for the powers held by their own race. The Malay race has become a race of stupid cowards, and people who are cowards will die before even their deaths.
So, Malay must die die support Malay, whether the latter is corrupt, unjust, incompetent or downright evil? I will support anybody of any race, as long as he/she will bring good governance and take care of the interest of ALL Malaysians in the country.
The attacks and the hatred shown by the opposition and Chinese and Indian political activists towards the Malays has worsened. They are purposely showing their bravery and rude actions. Except they have not started marching and unzipping their trousers as they did during the May 13 tragedy.
Whoa... no need to comment there.

Yes, whatever credibility 1Malaysia has left after the anti-ISA march events, is now completely smashed to smithereens by Utusan Malaysia - remember, owned by UMNO, headed by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak himself.


  1. Anonymous6:04 pm

    Utusan seemed to singing the same tune as Dr M...wonder what is the PM going to DO? Is the PM losing grip of UMNO as the "biggest UMNO warlord? ISA the Utusan writer for "his own safety???"

  2. Anonymous6:26 pm

    They are doing this and playing this tune because they are running out of political ammo. The thing is more and more Malays realised that umno is taking them for a ride. The only people they are helping are themself and their cronies. Stop insulting the Malays wisdom. Yes, I will support anyone as long as he fights for justice.

  3. No one has attacked the Malays.

    This is a figment of the
    imagination of these MSM whose agenda is clearly to provoke racial disharmony.

    Crticising corrupt and/or inefficient public owned institutions is not an attack on any race. It is the duty of all Malaysians to take an interest in these taxpayer maintained bodies and to monitor them closely.

    If we back off niw, we will have ourselves to blame when it all collapses around our bodies!!

    Power to the People!

    We are all of 1 Race, the Human Race. That is all that really matters.

  4. Anonymous6:48 pm

    but don't forget, i am one of the MALAY youth that will ensure the malay will lead Malaysia in future!!! and i also hope the multi racial society in this country living in harmony.

  5. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Mr. Phua, yesterday you were praising PAS leaders like anything? They are not heroes; but Islamist fanatics hoa re opportunists. The only reason they are campaigning against ISA is to free the suspected Islamist terrorists especially under that Islamist Jemaah Al-Islamiyah group (the Indonesian branch was suspected to be involved in recent terrorist attacks on the Western five star hotels in Jakarta); DAP and PKR should be very wary of this double-faced PAS. I met the wife of the founder of this group who was my old school classmate and could not believe her radical Islamist view - that include hatred of multiculturalism, depsite that she's a Prof in top M'sian Uni! Look at PAS today; issuing ultimatum to PR to ban alcohol - so they are going to enforce brutal punishment such as the flogging if Muslims defy that such as the case of Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno who have been convicted by flogging under Sharia Law, with six strokes of the rotan for drinking a glass of beer with her husband in a hotel in Cherating two years ago? If DAP care about justice; they must fight it equally for everyone, not justs for non-Muslims; and leave liberal or any oppressed Muslims, especially women/girls like Kartika to suffer!

  6. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Why not zip the mouth ?

  7. Anonymous7:42 pm

    Sorry, I forgot to mention my nam eon my previous comment, juts sent: Katharina Sri (former: Noor Aza, Germany.

  8. Anonymous8:25 pm

    Wht is uttered by Utusan is seditious as it incite hatred. For them to say such words are acceptable but not from PR? DAP Sawarak must lodge a What a sad case for Sarawak and North Borneo from the British are now under the Tanah Melayu institutions when they all agreed to form Malaysia? So Malaysia is UMNO Malayness or Malaysia with rights of the Dayaks, Ibans and other East Malaysian Natives? If it is UMNO Malayness, then the natives who are the orginated in Borneo have to follow others. They are reduced other status.

  9. I am not surprise with all these Tony. I have always doubted the 1Malaysia thing as rhetoric and this article in Utusan confirmed what I have long suspected. I believe I am not alonein this.

  10. Immediately after the general election there was some talk that state governments can issue printing permits? Is this the case?

  11. Perhaps the Editor-In-Chief and the journalist who wrote this article have already "unzipped their pants" in front of their Commander-In-Chief, Najib himself, before they got to where they are today!!!!!! They have not only sold their souls but their asses as well, high class Malay asses at that!!!!!!


  12. Anonymous9:56 pm

    damm what has race got to do with qualifications???????
    that why malaysia is sooooooooooo backwards?

  13. Hi Anon 7.40

    There are exemplary leaders in PAS, there are obviously those who still need some adjustment in mindset.

    I never spoke of PAS as a homogeneous entity. And for us, we need to support them when we do what is right e.g., seeking to abolish ISA, and justice for the people but checking them if we are looking at 2 queues at the supermarket.


  14. Anonymous10:43 pm

    Who the f**k are all these utusan people? They think their points of views represent Malay point of view ha? To f**k with those utusan d*gs!

  15. Anonymous11:26 pm

    rubbish in, rubbish out. from day one, we all malaysians know that 1-malaysia was just a gimmick primarily to wash-away more tax payers $$$. has anyone asked how much our PM have wasted away in all those publicity, promotions, adverts, celebrities, etc etc. All these are f.o.c? Hundreds of millions I dare say. Is it accounted for? Is it justified? This was all a scam from day one.

    btw, utusan melayu = UM = utusan mahathir. the PM has no balls to go against TDM.

  16. Anonymous8:45 am

    I don't think you are getting it.

    I have said it before that when the chips are really down, Najib screws up and this is exactly what I mean. This is SO STUPID. Its screwing up big time and HE does not get it. It does not work and worst it insults Malays. He is doing it while people like Zaid Ibrahim, Khalid Ibrahim and Nik Aziz is saying its NOT true.. It has no milleage AND make him/UMNO look PATHETIC.

    People can can smell the blood. Those who had thought BN could not fall, are now thinking otherwise because it sounds of desperation to go back so far and use the same tired old ways with NOTHING NEW at a time of great changes. People can see that PR, despite problems and setbacks, is gaining momentum, moving forward. Last week ISA demo showed it - not only the size, but the method and ideas were new, better. BUT UMNO/BN is not only NOT matching it, its actually going backwards - the methodology is old and tired.. Even the kampung people know things are changing and UMNO/BN is NOT..

    Najib screws up, its in his track record several times. Put enough pressure, and he does dumb things and for the first time, there is no one to cover for him - he will find those around him are hanger ons, not daddy figures that can bail him out when he screws up...

  17. Anonymous11:15 am

    to anon 11.40

    you stupid fool

    what makes u think everything that dap does is always correct and we need to say yes.

    u really need to do a lot of reading and open yr mind.i do agree wt u about certain pas leaders but to some up everthing about pas just like that shows that u r living in yr own world.

    dap member kajang

  18. How about we post all these articles to Najib's 1malaysia website and ask him for explanations? Then at least those who read his website (if any) gets to know the other side of 1malaysia...

  19. wow a very racist comment, who is the author? lets ISA him haha, this fella have no moral values in himself, always complaint that we chinese rude or whatever when we are really just want to help out the country. No one will be thankful for what we did here, always condemn...

  20. Anonymous8:52 am

    There is a valid point about supporting PAS-led anti-ISA movement. The issue is really does supporting anti-ISA movement is letting the cat out of the bag later to create havoc?

    It could be, but not necessarily so..While there are extremist among them, the answer in the end is not force but dialogue and process. Majority of Malays are against extremism.. But like masses anywhere especially poor massses, they get can be swept away by unrefined popularism and extreme ideology..

    To deal with the extremist is NOT guantanamo bay BUT a proper system of police and courts.. So when PR gets into power, yes abolishing ISA is doable BUT it must be followed up by very high investments in courts and enforcement agency..Make it completely meritocratic especially key areas like home security..In fact a whole new separate court with a new cross-border enforcement agency for terrorism will be absolutely necessary.. That will keep things from getting out of hand AND allow dialog which will be difficult for a long time to continue...

  21. ibrahim anwar11:09 am

    This was what Anwar said about the ISA on 24 May 1994 when he was Deputy Prime Minister while officiating a "Mesyuarat Agung Antarabangsa ke 27, Majlis Ekonomi Lembangan Pasifik (PBEC)" in Kuala Lumpur, Anwar Ibrahim said:

    “Walaupun keadaan dalam negara sekarang adalah baik, namun tidak dapat dinafikan kemungkinan berlakunya ketegangan. Dalam keadaan seperti itu kebijaksanaan untuk mempertahankan ISA adalah perlu demi keamanan negara. Adalah tidak wajar untuk menghapuskan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) yang terbukti berkesan membawa keamanan dan kemakmuran di negara ini.”

    On 28th Oktober 1987, Anwar's statement when he was Education Minister on the arrest under ISA of both BN and Opposition members during Operation Lallang:

    “The goverment’s decision to ban all public rallies showed that it placed national security above the aspirations of certain politicians and political parties…..The government’s actions were carefully planned and placed priority on national interest not that of any particular group. There can be no compromise on national security in a multiracial country like ours.”

    Fast forward to 1st August 2009, this is what Anwar Ibrahim defacto Opposition Leader and wannabe PM said in the anti ISA demonstration:

    “We gather today to fight a cruel law under a cruel administration..”
