
Monday, July 13, 2009

Sinar Harian 'Gula-Gula' Cover

It's rare that we opposition politicians get on the front cover of a Malay newspaper, not unless of course we are being accused of being anti-Malay, anti-Consititution, anti... you get the idea. The last time I was on the cover of Utusan Malaysia, it was courtesy of Khairy Jamaluddin who accused me of "insulting the Malays" back in May 2007.

So I was a little surprised when I got a copy of Sinar Harian yesterday from Gobind with my big mug on the front page, juxtaposed against the "new" prime minister, no less! What's more, I think it was the only mainstream newspaper yesterday to have an "opposing" voice on its cover.

On the 100 days Najib premiership celebrations and policy announcements, he called his ofers "Hadiah", while I called it "Gula-gula".
Ini hanya adalah 'gula-gula', bukanlah satu pengumuman yang besar seperti yang kita kehendaki selama ini. 'Gula-gula' ini tidak akan memberi kesan kepada PR.
Well, I certainly can't complain! (Except the fact that they flipped my face so that I'd be viewing right ;-))


  1. Well, at least they flipped you right. By inference, Najib is looking at the "wrong" side.

    No wonder you looked, erm, a little different in the picture. Can we make a police report that they distorted your "views"?

  2. Anonymous11:30 am

    ais says:

    Sinaran merits approval =)

  3. Anonymous2:21 pm

    I have NOT and will NOT read sinar harian. The BOSS of that paper cakap tak serupa bikin punya.

  4. Anonymous5:27 pm

    Wow!!! what a handsome looking MP.
    You look better than PM who is looking confused.
    Nobody bothers of his "gula gula" of low quality that make people vomit.

  5. Anonymous6:20 pm

    You are smiling and Najib is not.. Najib just look so worried. Lol this is very funny.

  6. Anonymous7:11 pm

    He's like lost in somewhere ! You look refresh!

  7. Makan banyak gula-gula, gigi rosak! Kencing manis pun jadi!

  8. left: the current pm
    right: the potential and insya'allah future pm

  9. Anonymous10:35 pm

    as far as i am concerned, it's all cakap only. even the road sweeper can also come out with something like that. it's not only gula-gula, it's "wap masuk, angin keluar". until all on the list is really executed, i am among the many "tak caya sama lu".

  10. Sinar is the most objective Malay language paper around

    have the pleasure to know 1 of their reporter. bright fellow, know what is black and what is white

    shame about the editors at other Malay language newspaper.

  11. do they even know that i refuse to read the WHOLE PAPER just because of those stupid GIFTS. does he really believe that we're gonna LOVE his gifts???? are we kids or what?

    i stop here b4 i start swearing. wasted RM1.20 for throwing the paper away. RM2.40 actually, the other one was the 100 days thing. BAH!!!

    OK OK....i go

  12. Anonymous1:01 am

    No differences between these two leaders who champion the capitalists' causes.

    One is old and another is young. Both have economics background, both are spawned from foreigner institutions.

    One from UK and another Singapore.
    Playing bad cop and good cop, eh..?

  13. Anonymous10:59 pm

    you guy out there..why are you so anti malay..i cant really tolerate all this nonsense..whenever i opened up your blog,there must be some bad thing about malay..maybe one day the malay will ran amok..

  14. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Hi Tony and All, I am not an expert in financial world, but lately I notice Government (PNB) has a few round of unit trust fund raising through all sort of "Amanah" unit trust fund including those use "1Malaysia" as the name of it. Rakyat queue up since morning to purchase such units and it seems like the best return fund in the world! The total amount PNB raised is comparable or may be more than certain Government stimulus package in terms of CASH. And recently the KLCI has increased significantly. Who is fund manager that pushed up the market? (PNB, KWSP..., all Rakyat's money and investment right?) Does this reflect the real economy of this country?
    As I said, I am not good in finance, just wonder why during this tough time, PNB still very keen to raise fund whereby I heard generally it is not easy to raise fund in any capital market in other countries during the down turn like what we experience now, unless the business is really fantastic viable. Another point from me is both PNB and KWSP fund should be managed directly or indirectly by Government agency BUT why so many people upset with the performance of KWSP. The Rakyat why think PNB is better (as many try to withdraw as much mney as possible from KWSP for house and other purchase). Why both Government managed fund cannot have similar performance?

  15. Anonymous10:59 pm

    from the Chinapress:


    If the Government has really managed the Government fund (mostly from Rakyat's taxation) properly for the past 30-50 years, they do not need to create so many units trust fund lately. Looks like PNB become the KLCI stimulus agent using Rakyat's investment fund!!!

  16. Being a private Paper for any political party is still acceptable as long you stay away from Utusan crap.

    I found Sinaran acceptable while I was down in Taiping for Gantang By E in April. A better shade than BH and Bernama.

  17. Anonymous4:41 am

    YB Tony Pua is one of the best pakatan leaders...
    U rockssss!!
