
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Justice for Beng Hock Memorial Vigil

Venue : Stadium Kelana Jaya
Date : 19 July 2009, Sunday
Time : 4.30pm
Attire : Black
Enquiries: 03-79578022
Top Pakatan Rakyat leaders - Lim Guan Eng, Khalid Ibrahim etc., NGOs leaders will be present.

Please forward the message and come to demonstrate solidarity and our complete disgust with the powers that be.


  1. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Wanna hear jokes of the day?

    Selangor Deputy Polis Chief, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar sai phatologist's initial report said TBH died of injuries due to high fall. This got to be the biggest joke of the day. Perhaps this polis Datuk Khalid will not die if he falls from 14th floor to 5th floor. Really love to see that.

    He also said he would conduct several raids and checks to get evidence. Emphasis 'WOULD'. That means he has not done any raid and checks yet. Wow!! Amazing!! Someone died and no work done for 2 days.

    And donno why he contradicts himself that Polis Raja Di Selangor have viewed CCTV footings and ccompare with statements but then said POlis cannot get CCTV recordings. Really amazing.

    Polis Raja Di Malaysia is so amazing!!

    Read this:

  2. Anonymous6:17 pm

    ais says . . .

    Disgust ? I don't know ; maybe more than that. Kinda feel that . . . or rather, feelings of some kinda depression are slowly creeping up on me for reasons nondescript ( of no recognized, definite, or particular type or kind ) for I don't even know Mr. Teo Beng Hock at all. Why do I feel this way, strange, why am I be feeling so affected ?

  3. please be careful with your comment.

    this issue has got nothing to do with race and please stop offending each other.

    they are just as sad and angry as you and many are crying their hearts out with deep condonlences to the deceased family and wife to be.

    this is the time for all malaysians to be united on this one issue and not let TBH death be in vain.

  4. Anonymous7:08 pm

    Isn't it high time d ppl r mobilised in a big way to protest these injustices? They are trivialising cherished human lives with their blatant actions and brazen comments. They seem to have no fear of the Almighty, that they have blood on their hands. If this had been one of the more politically mature countries like India or those of the West, such things would meet the fierce and fearless outburst of condemnation and not rest till their demands for accountability are met, marked usually in the very first instance, by the resignation of the top officer. When YB when?

  5. tony, does the death of Beng Hock cause you to tremble in fear? I am worried with people like you and hannah yeoh....

    Please take good care of yourself and ensure someone know where you are and what you are doing...

    politics nowadays can kill....but i hope you can be strong and courageous...

    God bless.


  6. bring in Dr.Porntip Rojanasunand as an independant pathologist.this will send shivers to macc,pdrm umno and bn..ohhh..not to forget AG chambers.we need to do it right from the beginning.

  7. Anonymous8:24 pm

    If we participate in that demonstration, can you guarantee that we will not get caught by the police?

  8. commentators ,

    please be careful with your comment.

    this issue has got nothing to do with race and please stop offending each other.

    they are just as sad and angry as you and many are crying their hearts out with deep condonlences to the deceased family and wife to be.

    this is the time for all malaysians to be united on this one issue and not let TBH death be in vain.

  9. Anonymous10:27 pm

    Chua Jui Meng will be there?

  10. Anonymous1:02 am

    ~Ideas & action to solve ASAP~

    MACC office should be sealed and trace every single footprint on the carpet.

    may be we can seek help from US for the satelite service to zoom in the recorded video on that building.....that goes the same for Althantuya case.

    MACC should record audiovideo of every process of interrogation for fair, justice & transparency.

    by Sad & Angry Rakyat

  11. I Must Speak Out for Teoh Beng Hock !!!!

  12. Anonymous7:21 am

    Corruption, Crime, Injustice No. BN must go!

    Rasuah, Jenayah, Tidak Adil Tak Nak, BN Tak Nak.

  13. Anonymous9:54 am

    Vigils, ceramahs and commenting on blogs from the comfort of our homes wont change a single thing.

    BN will still be in power.

    BN will not be toppled with ceramahs, candlelight vigils, protests, memorandums. You guys can shout, moan and whinge all you want here, it wont change a single thing.

    Change is not going to happen thru the ballot box either.

  14. Deepest condolences to Teoh’s family

  15. Li Huat Chai10:35 am

    My heart aches and pains to the core. I could no longer take it... Damn the govt, let's protest !!!

  16. Anonymous12:40 pm

    a. Why YB Gobind accuse Khalid Abu Bakar the Police only allow 15 minutes for Selangor to find a pathologist ?

    b. And Khalid AB said they had informed Ronnie Liu and allow Selangor state government 3 hours.

    c. Isn't Selangor state government supposed to be represented by Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim ?

    d. Why Ronnie Liu never defend Gobind ?

  17. Anonymous2:20 pm

    Wee Choo Keong will be there?

  18. Anonymous3:16 pm

    Do you believe in the power of curse? I wish that cursing the 'murderers' will bring about ill fate to those people who have caused Beng Hock's tragic death !!!! If justice cannot be done right now, it would definitely and surely be done some time later..... Those people should for ever live with the conscience that they have murdered an innocent person and that they will go to HELL !!!

  19. Anonymous3:21 pm

    I am as big a sceptic as anyone with Malaysian politics especially UMNO hold over the Malay heartland.

    But this is different. I dare to say that if election were to be held in the next few months, BN/UMNO is finished.

    Why because its about shame - Maruah Melayu. BN promised change after 308 and MACC is symbolic of the changes THAT have not be fufilled. Not only that, its actually worst. Innocent people dying without knowing why? What maruah Melayu can accept such a thing? Its just shameful to have people like that called your leaders and represent you. No race would.

    This is different, mark my word..

  20. Anonymous5:26 pm

    If a person is given any sort of power, they are likely to become corrupt in the area in which they are given power.

    When a person is given complete and total control and the final say in everything.

    This is so called absolute power and corrupts absolutely.

  21. Anonymous11:31 pm

    why so slow action by police when an innocent MALAYSIAN is found dead at macc compound? macc behave like business as usual. already 2 days. enough time to get rid of potential evidence. police should shut it down & sealed off the building for forensics. macc are ex-police. why an rci taking so long to set up?

  22. Anonymous12:41 pm

    Any more goodies

  23. My deepest condolences to Beng Hock's family. May your soul rest in peace and justice be brought to you.

  24. At the very least MACC should be held responsible.

  25. Anonymous1:34 pm

    Can you please ask your father to keep his big mouth shut.
    His comment in his blog didn't do good to the nation.
    He simply give comment just to prolong his life.
    Dia sudah nyanyok.

  26. Anonymous4:27 pm

    is this Dr M control and decision? or chinese control?

    sudah nyonyak.... then dont talk so much... the more talk... the most people hate you(DrM)

  27. Anonymous9:34 pm

    Have you seen this ...

  28. Anonymous11:00 pm

    alleged rm 2400 graft report = 10 hours interrogation by macc.

    so, alleged rm 24 million graft report should = 100,000 hours interrogation by macc. we all know who we are talking about here.

  29. Anonymous11:03 pm

    our pm taking us as fools?

    rci only to check if macc conduct was according to human-rights? & to check if macc procedures were ok???

    wake up people. this is not rci for teoh. this is rci to say that macc did nothing wrong & that macc should continue to persecute pakatan leaders.

    the boss of macc is the pm himself. the macc reports to pm, not parliament. what more can we expect?

  30. Anonymous11:48 pm

    we don't need the rci for obvious misdeeds like the interrogation & human rights issue. the rci should be looking into the cause of death. our pm thinks by mentioning 'rci' only will satisfy the people. he is not the only one educated in uk.

  31. Anonymous2:16 pm

    hope someone in pakatan shadow will be archiving (library) all these events under BN rule. all these must be highlighted again in the next GE - or else forgotten. just too many scandals, tragedies & misdeeds by BN to remember.

    think it is also time pakatan have a common website or links. together we stand, separated we fall. these should also apply in the cyberworld.
