
Monday, June 15, 2009

Parliamentary Questions 2009 (II)

The 10-day second parliamentary session has just commenced today. Here is my set of 15 oral and written questions which have been submitted for reply this session. Toll, economy, oil and gas, crime, education, public transport issues are all touched upon.

Soalan Jawapan Lisan

1.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kerjaraya menyatakan

i.apakah bayaran yang dikenakan jikalau kerajaan mengambil-alih Lebuhraya Damansara-Puchong (LDP) mengikut terma ekspropriasi dalam perjanjian konsesi. pampasan sebanyak RM150 juta yang telah dibayar adalah untuk penangguhan peningkatan harga tol LDP sehingga tahun apa?

2.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan anggaran terkini bagi pendapatan kerajaan daripada sektor petroluem dan gas untuk tahun 2009 dan 2010 setelah mengambil kira harga pasaran yang jauh lebih rendah daripada apa yang dijangkai.

3.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna menyatakan sebab syarikat-syarikat stesen minyak tidak dibenar bersaing secara terbuka dan dibenarkan menjual petrol dengan harga yang lebih rendah daripada harga yang ditentukan oleh kerajaan.

4.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna menyatakan subsidi yang diberikan, ataupun cukai yang dikutip daripada pengguna untuk setiap liter petrol yang dijual, termasuk jenis RON98, RON95 dan diesel.

5.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan sebab Lembaga Perlesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) telah dialihkan kepada Jabatan Perdana Menteri walaupun Kementerian Pengangkutan merupakan kementerian yang lebih wajar untuk menghasilkan satu sistem pengangkutan di Malaysia yang lebih menyeluruh dan holistik.

6.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan langkah-langkah yang akan diambil untuk memperbaiki ekonomi Malaysia mengikut kenyataan yang diberikan kepada wartawan in Singapura bahawa “The traditional way of imposing quotas, for example, and equity restrictions, seems to be hampering restrictions and growth.”

7.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan sama ada Menteri bersedia menghenti bantahan terhadap penggunakan perkataan “Allah” oleh agama lain seperti Sikh dan Katholik kerana perkataan tersebut telahpun digunakan beratusan tahun dan bukannya untuk mengelirukan penganut agama lain.

8.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pendidikan menyatakan tahap pencapaian dasar mengajar bahasa ibunda – Cina dan Tamil, dalam sekolah kebangsaan berbanding dengan matlamat Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan 2006-2010.

9.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pelancongan menyatakan tindakan tegas yang akan diambil terhadap pekerja, pengurus dan pengarah Syarikat Pempena dahulu dan kini yang telah didapati menyeleweng, dan menyebabkan kerugian sekurang-kurangnya RM34 juta dalam laporan audit yang telahpun disiapkan.

10.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pengangkutan menyatakan kedudukan pembinaan sebuah lapangan terbang kos rendah yang baru di KLIA, adakah ia akan disiapkan pada tahun 2011 seperti yang diumumkan dan berapakah kos pembinaan, kapasiti dan kelengkapan yang akan disediakan.

Soalan Jawapan Bertulis

1.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kerjaraya menyatakan wang pampasan yang perlu dibayar kepada setiap syarikat konsesi lebuhraya untuk mengekspropriasi konsesi mengikut syarat kontrak.

2.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan langkah-langkah yang akan diambil untuk menyusun semula sektor perkhidmatan awam yang telah menjadi terlalu kembung dengan 1.2 juta pekerja dan mengurangkan perbelanjaan emolumen sebanyak RM41 bilion pada tahun 2008 pada tahun-tahun yang akan datang.

3.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pengangkutan menyatakan:

i.Kos pembinaan lapangan terbang kos rendah (LCCT) yang asal di KLIA dan kos operasi dan penyelenggaraan setiap tahun sehingga 2008

ii.Pendapatan setiap tahun sejak permulaan sehingga 2008

4.Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri menyatakan dengan terperinci senarai universiti-universiti di Amerika Syarikat, Australia dan United Kingdom ke mana pemegang biasiswa JPA dihantar mengikut jumlah penuntut di setiap universiti pada tahun 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 dan 2008.

5.Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menyatakan di bawah dana jaminan RM25 bilion dalam pakej rangsangan ekonomi kedua,

i.jumlah pinjaman yang telah dipohon oleh syarikat Malaysia
ii.jumlah pinjaman yang telah diluluskan dan
iii.jumlah pinjaman yang telah dikeluarkan ataupun “disbursed”


  1. Anonymous12:52 pm

    The debate in Parliament is not benefiting the people. Most of the time being ignored by BN and nothing much Pakatan Rep can do except a walk out and just symbolic.
    So YB, the best option now is to act as terrorist since UMNO/BN is behaving like one.
    Bet you that BN/UMNO will just ignore it - so time to be prepared.

  2. Anonymous2:46 pm

    We still need some of you in the Parliament to press on PKFZ, One Malaysia, and other urgent agendas.


  3. Anonymous 1...if BN behaves like monkey, then you behave like one as well?

  4. Anonymous11:22 pm
    Rasuah: MB Perak sepatutnya lulus projek, bukan exco PKR

    Another interesting story to read!!

    i just dont understand how can this two person been caught under "rasuah"? now it change to MB hand?

    how they been caught? if not wrong i read a article that said about received some million RINGGIT!

    why the case change? it talk about approval of land?

    Dont the police need to check their BANK ACCOUNT? money transaction? if this money is really received by this two person then THAT IS "RASUAH" la!!!

    why talking about approval land????
    Did MB receive this money????
    if so they catch him with evident!!

  5. Anonymous11:27 pm

    This is malaysia la.... UMNO way...
    what we can do?

    Just to advise people of malaysia... stand up... use your vote in next election...

    Vote it properly....

    We just pray everyday.... hope everyone vote properly...

    Got rasuah take rasuah.... still vote properly...

    dont cause a RM200 and sell away your soul....

    You, him and everyone all are tax payer.... where your TAX gone? how many % gone to project and how many % gone to certain people POCKET?????

  6. tony.

    please train your guns on the postgraduate scholarships offered by JPA, universities (lecturer training scheme) etc.

    from my experience, it is very racial, and non-bumis have little chances of success in applying.

    what are the statistics?


  7. Anonymous12:33 pm

    YB Tony,

    Who is supposed to look into The Central Bank of Malaysia Bill 2009 presented for reading ?

    Anwar Ibrahim or from PAS especially those familiar with Syariah ?

  8. Anonymous9:02 pm

    Sorry, not so relevant to your blog post...

    Just wondering anyone will ask:
    Malaysia on the human trafficking black list with Myanmar, Zimbabwe, North Korea and etc..Malaysia BOLEH for the wrong reason.

  9. Anonymous9:43 am

    BN too busy in Perak - to make sure their invasion is kept firmly - & now busy stirring things up in Kelantan.

    Anyway, I heard from the street that the moment unlawful Perak MB stepped into office, changed the carpets of his office. Is this is not abuse of power & wasting tax-$? Who knows, the carpet may have cost a whopping 100K after all the mark up. How true?? Maybe just khabar angin.

    But most people will perceive as true as this is the formula created by BN to siphon tax-$ into their pockets. Spend & mark-up up to 10x. That's why we need transparency. The same problem is going on now in the UK. If there was no transparency, family trips to Disneyland & Botox jabs go unknown under the BN eye.

  10. Anonymous10:19 am

    Hot blog with appendix!!!

  11. Hi Tony

    I took note of your questions for Parliament. The question about the
    LPKP being put under the PMs department (as opposed to the Ministry of Transport) is a good one.

    I can give you the answer already - putting the LPKP under the PM's
    Department (and Nazri) will allow more direct action and solutions.
    Also, LPKP is likely to be revamped to become this future Public Land Transport Commission that the government has been talking about.

    In addition - it seems that the Ministry of Transport is far more
    concerned with other things - like extracting itself from the PKFZ
    scandal. So, speaking as an advocate, I'm glad that the LPKP is under the JPM and I really hope that Minister Nazri along with Minister Nong Chik realize that the onus is on them to make some real changes to public transport.

    I should have pointed this out earlier, but I hope that you and YB Sivarasa can ask more questions about what happened to the Kota Damansara - Cheras line that the government and Prasarana had once proposed.

    Recent announcements from the government have talked about the
    extensions of the LRT lines to Putra Heights but the Kota Damansara - Cheras line is not mentioned.

    A Kota Damansara - Cheras line (in fact, they are thinking of
    extending it to Sg. Buloh) would run through your area and benefit a
    great deal more people in Petaling Jaya.

    Given the existing density plus the rate of growth, the amount of
    traffic congestion and the various new projects being planned - the
    Kota Damansara (Sg. Buloh?) - Cheras line combined with better, more organized bus absolutely vital for your community. In fact, given the potential for growth, TRANSIT has called for this line to be designed and built to MRT capacity.

    The Kota Damansara (Sg. Buloh?)- Cheras MRT line should be a priority over the extension of the LRT lines to Putra Heights ... and you YBs should be fighting for it.


    Moaz Yusuf Ahmad
    on behalf of TRANSIT

