
Monday, June 01, 2009

"Kaum Pendatang" Again...

What "1Malaysia"?

UMNO mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia's weekend edition, Mingguan Malaysia just carried another editorial which was entitled "Melayu Dikhianati" or "Malays Betrayed".
Persoalannya, kini apakah pengorbanan Melayu dikhianati oleh kaum lain?
Who betrayed them? Apparently it's the "kaum pendatang" (again) who are ungrateful towards all the "kemurahan hati orang Melayu".

They even took an alleged quote from Tun Sambanthan from 1965 (source unknown):
Di manakah anda boleh mendapat layanan politik yang baik untuk kaum pendatang? Di manakah dalam sejarah dunia? Saya bertanya kepada anda. Ini adalah fakta. Siapakah anda untuk menjaga keselamatan kami? ... Persoalannya, kini apakah pengorbanan Melayu dikhianati oleh kaum lain?
The article even went to the extent of comparing ourselves with Burma, on the fact that Indians were chased out of the country!
“Di Burma, seperti yang kita semua sedia maklum, kaum India telah diusir keluar, di Ceylon mereka tidak diberikan taraf warganegara seperti juga di Burma. Saya tahu dan anda juga tahu. Apa yang sedang berlaku di Malaya?
So, Najib, this is your 1Malaysia you have been preaching about? That all minority races are still "kaum pendatang" that should be treated with continued discrimination and disdain but remain eternally grateful to UMNO for all it has done?

Tan Hoon Cheng, a reporter was detained under ISA for merely reporting the "kaum pendatang" comments by a racist UMNO leader in Penang. Now, the editors of Utusan Malaysia are openly preaching "kaum pendatang", will we see equal treatment here?

Najib, you preach your "1Malaysia" concept to the minorities in this country very hard to win back their hearts and sympathies. But behind our backs, via UMNO's very own Utusan Malaysia, you continue to preach hatred, division and discrimination. Your vision and implementation of "1Malaysia" is absolutely disgraceful!


  1. ipohMali9:59 am

    shhhh... (whispering...) you can report the truth of this 'hatred' news... since you know Utusan Malaysia is doing wrong and you reporting it is wrong for causing the 'real' hatred to the public. You might be ISAed for you safety like Tan Hoon Cheng...

  2. When there is a change of federal government in 2013, the Utusan editor will be the first to be ISA-ed!

  3. When can only 1Malaysia be achieved? In a latest segment of BRATS in The Star newspaper, Tan Sri Muhyiddin asked what do u see in the future of, I want to ask him - what have you installed for the future of Malaysia? I really hope change will come, but God knows when...

  4. Anonymous10:54 am

    Minorities (mostly pendatang) in the US are getting fair treatment from the government, especially in California. Mind you.

  5. Yea.... about 40% of the population here are 'Pendatang'. Send these 2nd Class back and kaum 'original' can have the country all by themselves!

    If these type of articles are not Seditious, then I really don't know what is? 1Malaysia is a joke from day one.

    Again, it seems to prove that we have two sets of laws in Bolehland.

    Malaysia Boleh!

  6. Anonymous11:18 am

    That is why I DON'T :
    buy Proton and Naza cars. That includes Hyundai and Kia as they are controlled by 'them'
    pump Petronas, (only Shell owned by others)
    use Telekom, (mobile works better anyway)
    subscribe to Celcom, (Digi and Maxis way to go)
    Fly MAS ( AirAsia & Singapore Airlines practically flies you everywhere)
    and so many more.
    TNB you watch out. I'm still waiting for alternative.

  7. why give a shit to Utusan? look at their last quarter result, the company has chalked up hefty loss of RM7.4 million in one quarter. Even Malay has despised the newspaper....

    Awang Selamat will be out of job son...ka ka ka

  8. See what the Nazi gangs' say in the comments in my blog.

    These are pendatang also:

    - Parameswara was from Sumatra
    - Most Javanese Malays in Johor arrived in Malaysia after the independance.

    As usual that UMNO running dog ignored Malays in Sri Lanka are given citizenship.

    These racists have to learn from Brunei on how to manage race relations.

  9. This Utusan editor should be spat at. He is trying to fan Malay nationalistic feelings of antagonism towards other races. I believe only some Umno Malays might be influenced by this.

  10. Anonymous12:43 pm

    US was built by 'pendatang'. And guess what, one of the minorities just became President.

    Shame on Utusan for not checking their facts and fanning the flames of division. Do I hear "Sedition" "ISA" for Messr Awang Selamat?

  11. 90% of the income taxes paid in this country are by the non-malays. Maybe Mingguan should consider paying more taxes so that these monies can be continued being poured into the drains of PKFZ etc. Probably its take on Burma is a bit correct, in that if the country has been left to Mingguan and its editor, this country would really become the next Burma.
    BN still have not grown up after the Mar 8 loss and at the rate they are going, Isa might be waiting for them after PRU13.

  12. Anonymous1:14 pm

    I appeal to the future Pakatan Home Minister to restrict circulation of Utusan to UMNO party members only.

    Vijay Kumar Murugavell

  13. Malaysia bukan Umnoputra punya tapi Rakyat berbilang kaum punya.
    Semua ada lah pendatang.
    Melayu dari Indonesia
    Cina dari China
    Indian dari India
    Jika tak puas hati balik Indonesia,China & India,
    Bagi Tanah balik ke ORANG ASLI(TRUE BUMIS ) Tuan Rumah Malaysia !

  14. Anonymous2:18 pm

    i) to tiget 10.42am - no we dont isa them. we sue them in court. we dont believe in the isa.

    ii)to truly malaysian 11.43am - spot on, buddy. let them die frothing in the mouth. i am rubbing my hands in anticipation.

    iii) for the rest of us, we must fight this war with them. we need more frontline malays like zaid ibrahim and anwar ibrahim.

    iv) i think utusan is being controlled by khairy jamaluddin to embarass najis. let them fight with each other. it's good.


  15. Anonymous2:23 pm

    The non-malays are repaying the help that malays did to our grandparents by being an abiding citizent and paying taxes.

  16. carling

    i wonder if you have proof for that. i think that is yet another urban legend

    but if you have the figure please post the link here. i want to read it myself

  17. Anonymous2:49 pm

    I am a well travelled person. i travel world wide for business. i was often asked by my counterpart about the chinese and indian in Mlaysia. they relate to me what many, mostly chinese, said abt Malaysia, the land they dare called theirs but talk badly about it to impress foreigners. They are the most well to do in the country, controlled economies, the most to enjoy infrastructures and facilities provided by the gov't, and one most important thing they always took for granted, the peace & harmony and stability in M'sia. yet you dare called yourself truely malaysian.

  18. Anonymous3:21 pm

    just sharing

  19. This speech by Tun Sambanthan which was made in good faith,has been taken out of context by Utusan and some politicians to serve their own greed and to justify their injustices.

    This beautiful speech has all the trappings of a great Malaysian,who wanted unity and respect for each other.

    What the people failed to realize is that,Tun Sambanthan did advise us to recognize the kindness and the magnanimity of the Malays,because during his time,the politicians never called any one'pendatang' or balik Cina/India,there were abundance of camarederie amongst the people of Malaysia.He did not see institutionalized racism then.He never would have imagined that there will be such a thing as 10% discount on properties bought by a certain group even though,some of them are millionaires.He would not have imagined that,1000s of APs will be given to a certain group only.He would not have imagined that,there will be some institutions which will cater to the need of only a certain group of Malaysians.He would not have imagined that,most funds will go to the national schools and some vernacular schools will be in shambles slightly better only than a cow shed.He would not have imagined that,after half a century of Independence,Malaysia still has narly 30,000 stateless indian kids living in abject poverty.He wouldnt have imagined that,the nice Malay brethren would decades after his speech,would blame the vernacular schools for the racial polarisation in our beloved Malaysia.

    He would never have imagined that,our kind Malay brethren would one day,marginalize the non-malays even from the civil service and the uniformed organizations.He would never have imagined that certain so-called criminals will be brutally killed in our prisons without charging them in a court of law.He would never have imagined,after nearly half a century of independence,there are still bonded labours in our estates treating them as slaves.He would have never imagined that the tax money contributed by non-malays faithfully,would be used disproportionately to educate and uplift the std of life of only a certain group of Malaysians.Well the list can go on and on.

    Tun Sambanthan advised us to respect and be thankful to our Malay brethren,but he never said that,injustices should not be questioned.

    May god continue to bless this beautiful land called,Malaysia.

  20. Mr. Awang Selamat still living in his older days whereby those days dont have monorail, lrt, computers so I can excuse him for being left behind...

    Past is past, what important is now and the future of the Malaysia unity. If the malay were so concern about tat betrayal of the "kaum pendatang", why not I suggest that govmnt to put in syllabus in school to educate the "kaum pendatang" children to know their limited rights and be gladful that these children are getting Malaysia birthcert, blue IC and at the end, endup all migrating to Australia, UK, USA, etc which practice more equal rights ALTHOUGH we are "kaum pendatang"!!! "Tak suka? Keluar dari Malaysia" thingy???

    All I can say is Malaysia is hopeless unless there's a reformation. "Kaum Pendatang" whom contributing 90% of taxes but we cant see any temples and kuils are funded by Malaysia govment. These "kaum pendatang" have turn Malaysia into a prosperous country, contributed so much to this country but their equality have been ignored and STILL CALL US "KAUM PENDATANG".

    And for all this sh*t, we only can blame our ancestors, our parents, who brought us here instead of Aust, UK and remain as Malaysian but not truly Malaysian.


  21. Anonymous4:39 pm

    We need to ponder on lots of misunderstanding between the Bumis and the non-Bumis.

    When the Bumis say that they have tolerated and sacrificed a lot for the sake of non-Bumis, they are right. However, the non-Bumis do sacrifice for the sake of Bumis as well.

    The Bumis share their cakes in many privileges with non-Bumis.

    As non-Bumi citizens, we only need to request for better privileges than what we have now. We do not need to question on Bumis' rights and privileges.

    We can fight for more scholarship places, more temples, more churches and even more recruitments in the public sectors.

    I am sure that if all these are granted, Bumis will have smaller shared cakes in those privileges.

    So, why don't the lawmakers in the parliament demand the government to provide us with larger cakes for all these privileges? Only then, everyone will be happy

  22. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Andrew, it's all in your heart. If you're truly Malaysian, then be one!

  23. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Utusan must be making losses to "entice" its readers with this sort of "headline"........!!!

    "NOTHING" elas to report.....???

    "WHY" are they creating racial problem "again"....?????

    "Now who's starting this "racist" issue...???"
    A police report should be made & "shut" it down...!!!

    What the bloody hell...!!!
    They "must" have so much "HATERED" for them to write this...!!

    Are these the teachings of "ISLAM"....?????

    I don't think so...!

  24. If Chinese are 'pendatang', then every single person in Peninsular Malaysia are 'pendatang' too, except Orang Asal(Orang Asli).

  25. Anonymous8:41 pm

    These M people (not all) are really pathetic and desperate. Since they can't grow the fruits themselves, they are now trying to pick the fruits off other people's effort. That's called stealing!

    If M people are really so good and smart, 1) Malacca wouldn't have fell. No, wait a minute, Malacca wasn't founded and expanded by M people! 2) Half of the Tanah M had to be protected by Siam. 3) M had to cooperate with Japanese to chase out British, but then returned without resistance. 4) Steal the oil money from the actual bumiputera of S and S.

    The list goes on, but i think i should give them some face. and dignity. Well, actually to myself. Please wake up my fellow M friends. I felt so small as an M myself.

  26. This is the reason why 1Malaysia is a failure. These kind of issues are just icing on the cake. They get away with such seditious remarks. By equality, the editor should be held for questioning by police & home minister should react. Pls post this to our dear home minister for his comments & ask if it is seditious or not. Why the police don't raid the Utusan head office & take away their computers, etc. Even better, ban publishing for 1 week.

  27. Anonymous12:20 am

    YB Tony

    Awang Selamat is churning out articles using same themes and sounds like a broken record.

    His article of 31 May 2009 was with heading "Melayu dikhianati?"
    An earlier one by him on 7 December 2008, was titiled "Melayu dikhianati".
    Yet another one on the eve of Christmas 2000 , had the heading "Bangsa Melayu dikhianati"
    An article on 29 Nov 2008 was also about the same subject- under title BISIK-BISIK AWANG SELAMAT!

    Which means this writer has been doing it since the days of Dr M as PM. Then Awang stopped for a while, but when Najib was slowly inching his way to become PM, Awang started it again.

    Anyone from Pakatan want to lodge a report with the authorities, if you guys feel so strongly against such articles?

    Let there be some action taken lah. First lodge a report.
    Then leave it to the authorities to follow up.

    Without reporting to the authorities, no use discussing about this online.
    It does not help nor convince the simple rakyat that those who 'champion' for the people, do not even want to do a police report.

    Try walk the talk, for once.

    Whether the law will take its due course, let the enforcers decide.
    But first things first - Anyone want to do the report?

    How about you YB Tony?

  28. Yang "berbudi" itu UMNO kerana akur dengan suruhanjaya Reid, bukannya "Melayu".

  29. marcus6310:42 am

    i think you all are missing the trees for the woods. this editorial was timed for the times, and the target audience is not non-malays, as hardly non-malays will buy this shit of a paper. they are fanning the flames of the malays inside PAS to unite against outside forces, the so-called erdogans. this mouthpiece of umno is going all out to kill off the pas reformists, and install inside pas a puppet regime of umno.
    strategically non-malays should hold off any comments until after the pas elections. let the professionals who are selling the old malays vs new malays theme to
    drive home the point of whether malays as a race, and under pas should move forward or regress and be led by umno. and of course under umno, only a select few top pas leaders will be super rich warlords, same as the umno/bn formula.

  30. Who is pendatang, bumi or non-bumi?

    Some Yunnan tourists complained muzeum in Melaka is copying their costume for Malay exhibits. Local tour guide told them Malay ancestors are just “pendatang” from Yunnan who brought along Yunnan cusume to Malaya.

    If UMNO Nazi argued Malays are settled earlier than other races except orang asli to qualify them as bumi. This time-based argument also have a bunch of fallacies

    I give you an example, the ancestors of Baba Nyonyga were settled in Melaka 600 years ago, in the same period with Melaka first Raja, Parameswara who was a runaway prince from Sumatra. Baba Nyanya shall be undisputed bumi, but they are singled out from bumi status for closely associated with Chinese.

    How about some Chinese in Kelantan, a temple in Gua Musang is 500 years old. Their ancestors already settled in Kelantan at least 500 years ago. How many Malays in Malaysia can claim their ancestors settled in Malaya for over 500 years?

    How many Javanese Malays in Johor can claim their ancestors settled here much earlier than my grandfather?

    How about Indonesian turn Malaysian through naturalization process? They enjoy bumi status instantly. Why? This group of so-called Malays are 100% pendatang, at least I was born in Malaysia by Malaysian citizen parents, I suppose to be more “bumi” than them.

    Bumi status is nothing to do with time-based pendatang, it is a racist-based fascist policy from UMNO Nazi.

    The conclusion is we cannot say bumi is non-pendatang (like former Indonesians) and non-bumi is pendatang (like Baba & Nyonya).

  31. Anonymous5:45 pm

    "Siapa Makan Cili Merah, Dia Yang Rasa Pedas"..

    Time will come soon for truly MALAYSIAN to make a wise decision.

  32. Takeshi997:06 pm

    nkkhoo!! u got all the good facts and points!!

    To add on, as mentioned by our PM "1 MALAYSIA"... how do we become 1 Malaysia when NEP separated us??? everything needs bumi, from education to business to property. To get govment business oso nit bumi company. But in actual facts, mostly all bumi companies is just a puppet of "kaum pendatang" company, just inorder to get govment biznes. What's the point of having this policy?? While, 9 of the top 10 richman in Malaysia is "kaum pendatang", this is not helping much to the bumis. Instead increasing competitiveness are more effective and slap the face of those who are still dreaming...

    The issue here is not "Melayu dikhianati" oleh "kaum pendatang". It should be "Melayu dikhianati oleh kaum melayu sendiri". We all can see for ourselves that Malay themself are not united. If this Mr. Awang Selamat wanted inspired the malays to be more united, wtf!! pls lah dun drag other races into malay's unity problem... it's totally wrong weh~~~~

  33. i'm a malay..i prefer to be called malaysian neway......n i'm am shamed this utusan melayu stil proud to use the word melayu when most of the contents written there is a shame to their own race.....what a pathtic paper..........

  34. Anonymous7:00 pm

    i'm a malay and tired of this racism being directed at my race...
    to the chinese and indian racist,grow up
    the antimalay sentiment is so clear...shame on those idiots
    not all malays are backward and stupid,we noticed this racism and indirect discrimination

  35. Anonymous7:18 pm

    when the jaya supermarket collapses,people were very blame or insults are thrown at them.even the identity of the builders are not highlighted.they even wntd to pin it on goverment,mbpj(eh?)
    no much commotion are made or attacks in comparison to bukit antarabangsa tragedy...
    YB,this is one of the major hidden factors why this country can never be in harmony=> racism !

  36. Anonymous12:19 am

    incidentally, the most powerful nation in the world is made up of pendatangs. we are all in fact kaum pendatang - including our former pm tun dr.m. what was suppose to have made malaysia a great & powerful country made up of pendatangs has been wasted by like people in utusan. 1malaysia was never an issue on the street - only in BN political agendas. we should appreciate the fact that malaysia is what it is today because of the pendatangs. so what if i am called a pendatang - i don't really care. at least i can say that only after 3 generations, we have worked hard for what we have today. if the so called non-pendatangs whom have been on malaysian soil from the dawn of time do not have what the pendatangs have, why are they crying for when they did not work for it? still expecting spoon feed? they only see a "rich" pendatang, but they don't see the suffering, sacrifices or the journey of the "pendatang". so after 50 years of giving by the pendatangs, what are the non-pendatangs unhappy about? saying that, non-pendatangs only exists in BN minds. and why is the writer of the article still not questioned by police or go to sedition trial by the home ministry? why no action taken?

  37. Anonymous12:50 am

    Tuan Blog...
    Parameswara bukan pendatang. Kalau konsep negara, barat yg memecah alam melayu 1824. Pergerakan rumpun melayu (jawa,bugis, jakun, mahmeri, banjar dll) adalah pergerakan dialamnya sendiri "Negara Nusantara". Jika hari ini sekadar orang johor pindah ke perlis tidak ada bezanya dengan orang borneo ke Tanah Melayu. Ini alam melayu...bebas untuk bergerak di nusantara.
    Cina tetap cina-rumpunnya di vietnam, laos, korea dan jepun. India tetap india-rumpunnya di Ceylon, Pakistan, Nepal, sikkim, bamgladesh dll.
    Sebab itu dulu timbul idea untuk Tanah Melayu Merdeka bersama Indonesia dan Brunai. Kenapa tidak ada idea merdeka bersama Burma atau Thailand. Faham tu.
    Biasanya juga golongan minoriti akan dilayan dengan adil jika golongan Majoriti tersebut menguasai ekonomi. Ini dapat dilihat di Singapura, England dll. Sinapura kaum Cina Majoriti dan Kaum Cina juga menguasai ekonomi. Di Amerika, Kulit Putih majoriti dan kulit putih juga yang menguasai ekonomi.
    Nasib ekonomi melayu adalah kerana 500 tahun penjajahan dan dasar british yang divide and rule. Ingat kita baru bebas dari british 52 tahun....apa yang mampu kerajaan buat.
    Cintailah keamanan dan perpaduan. Jadikan peristiwa Sinhalese VS Tamil di Sri Langka sebagai panduan.

    asli mureng

    Percayalah: Per

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