
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Zambry Rendered Me Speechless

I've really got nothing to add after reading Zambry's blog post today. Yes, he compared himself to Mandela and Gandhi, as a truth and freedom fighter. I must thank The Star for highlighting this noble story.
[...] Bagaimanapun saya dan rakan-rakan akan meneruskan perjuangan kami menegakkan keadilan dan membela rakyat. Ini adalah tradisi dan intipati perjuangan Barisan Nasional.

Menegakkan kebenaran bukanlah satu tanggungjawab yang mudah. Ia memerlukan pengorbanan dan kegigihan.

Nelson Mandela misalnya mengorbankan kebebasannya selama 27 tahun demi membebaskan rakyat Afrika Selatan dari cengkaman “apartheid”.

Mahatma Ghandi pula mengorbankan nyawanya untuk memastikan kemerdekaan India serta rakyatnya dapat hidup aman tanpa sempadan kasta dan agama.

Perjuangan menegakkan keberanian ini memerlukan “keberanian”. Mandela pernah berkata : “Saya mempelajari bahawa keberanian bukanlah bermakna tidak punya perasaan takut, tetapi Berjaya mengatasinya. Mereka yang berani bukanlah mereka yang tidak punya perasaan takut tetapi mereka yang mampu menakluki rasa takut itu. (I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. )
Pinch me please.


  1. Anonymous6:58 pm

    I think someone should pinch Zambry, he is still in his own dreamland. If someone going to do that pls pinch it hard because he has a "thick" face! What a joke!

  2. Anonymous7:16 pm

    One word - neurodeficient.

  3. Anonymous7:16 pm

    You have been in Singapore for considerable number of years. Me are in Singapore for long years since 1993.
    I have been thinking....Lets bring the fight up to regional and international level. Starting with Singapore
    Sounds provocative but not physical threaten. It's not Seditious at all. Just highlighting the current events to fellow Singaporeans of actual events and emphasising the possible of having another Idi Amin, Uganda seperated 1.1km causeway
    That's what I am going to do.

    With such events happen, you think Malaysia government would honour all agreements. Starting with

    1) Water - The proposed bridge by Mahathir affecting the water pipes to Singapore

    2) KTM lands

    3) The status of South Ledge

    4) Revisit CLOB issue

    Plenty of things of "awakening" Singaporeans


  4. Speechless Malaysian7:20 pm

    Joke of the year..
    A thieve or snatcher called himself a hero.

  5. Anonymous9:16 pm

    The end product of the NEP's education system further fortfied by UIA's dungu postgraduate climate....The country is being run by monkeys and morons.....but that is not the danger....the real danger is they have no insight that they are monkeys or morons as is the case is with Dr. Zombie, MA, PHD (UIA)

  6. Leithaisor9:27 pm


    You may have been rendered speechless by the gall of the wannabe MB, but I was certainly not!

    Few are in the same league as the likes of Gandhi and Mandela. Zambry? In my opinion, he is not even fit to be their peon or general worker.

    To dare to put himself on par with such great men!

    Those who are truly great will never do so; it is an honour granted by the masses. When people call you Mahatma, it is a true crown. When you call yourself one, you only invite widespread derision on yourself.

    Indeed, it is perhaps a litmus test for imposters and glory-seeking egomaniacs in my opinion that they label themselves with glorious-sounding tags.

    Like Idi Amin pinning a Victoria Cross on himself and elevating his status to President-for-Life, VC. Or some of the local Datuks who are alleged to have paid big sums for such titles.

    There was a little phrase that was popular in my childhood days - Self Praise is International Disgrace...

  7. Anonymous9:43 pm

    At first I thought I was having some sort of nightmare. So I banged myself on the wall thinking that I will wake up. How wrong was I.
    Sigh...........I guess I better cancel my flight overseas for fear if anyone start asking where I came from, or worst, getting pawned by Mandela supporters.

  8. Anonymous10:19 pm

    I think using a depleted uranium bullet also cannot penetrate this man's skin.

    Some people just do not know what is SHAME...

  9. Haha, thanks Tony for joke of the day, or maybe it should be joker of the day...LOL

  10. Zambry's PhD is Permanent head damage. His is in a state of confusion.

  11. Where did Zambry get his PhD from? He should stop insulting Mandela and Gandhi.

  12. Anonymous10:44 pm

    Well, I got a better idea. Zam Zam Ala Kazam or Zambry would be more remembered as Idi Amin from Perak.
    He would be confered as Conqueror of Berak Empire, with Berak Order & Distinquish Berak Order
    His state of denial is exactly like Idi Amin

  13. Not Gandhi10:49 pm

    if i were Ghandi, i would sue that clown for 'memalukan nama saya.' please lah zambry, u r just a political robber. shameless!

  14. Anonymous10:55 pm

    guess too much of toddy for the day. he's getting delusional.

    for goodness sake, dont use their names in vain,
    mr zambry.

  15. my humblest apology. at the risk of sounding a bigot or racist, really, the only similarity i can think of is the "shade" but even that, for great men like Gandhi and Mandela, we don't notice it. For Zambry? Please, to compare himself with greatness like those people is like hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong-sorong. One thing for sure, Gandhi and Mandela is definitely not power crazy nor dazed by power. Please lah, don't embarass us Malaysians anymore.

  16. Does anyone remember Ghandi or Mandela using the police force? No? What does "injustice" means for Zambry when he can easily manipulate the police. That's a joke.

  17. Anonymous8:48 am

    What Zambry said ibears striking similarity with a Hospital Bahagia inmate's claim that he is the next
    saviour of the world. What a megalomaniac!

  18. Anonymous8:52 am

    Only similarity between Zambry and Ghandi and Mandela is the color of his skin.

    But that aside, we know shamelessness is a requisite in BN. That is not my problem with his statement. My problem is its stupid, its mediocre, it has no quality whatsoever in it. It does not work for the most stupid people. It reeks desperation and he has all the advantage and no downside? Why is he so desperate? Why does he think there is actually significant people that would even not laugh at his comparison?

    For a guy with PHD, he is worst than my new grad in stringing together a good idea.

  19. Anonymous8:55 am

    We have great wall in Malaysia and it is Zambry's face, muka tembok

  20. Anonymous10:18 am

    People are calling him Mugabe instead....

    The man is idiot to think such talk don't bommerang back at him.. He is delusional like his boss Najib and those around him that think the PM office is magic...

  21. Emily Pratt1:47 pm

    Mamak Zambry the Melayu wannabe trying to compare himself to Humanity's great.

    Go get a life you Melayu wannabe Mamak!

    Emily Pratt

  22. If Zambry can claim to be like Gandhi, Mandela & King, then I can claim to be like GOD.


  23. Anonymous3:58 pm

    mandela and ghandi are poor n work for people....
    i doubt if he is....
    he will get rich fast

  24. he's not comparing but citing some examples of bravery. where in the words he liken himself as mandela and gandhi. please don't distort his statement, which i understand typical p-r's way to shame somebody.....

  25. Anonymous8:51 pm


    Are you sure Zambry knows shame?

  26. Anonymous9:08 pm


    Did Zambry suffered beatings, physical harm or imprisonments like Gandhi and Mandela?..... No?....... Then any Tom, Dick & Harry cannot claim they are brave like Gandhi & Mandela what.......Use your head a bit-lah.......

  27. Anonymous1:47 am

    Don't be stupid & foolish. He's definitely IDI AMIN


  28. Phoon2:08 am

    - This is unbelievable.

  29. cryptic4:29 am

    if braverY is what is instill within them, why is it that thEy wouldn't aLlow the dissoLution? if its sacrificing fOr the rakyat, Why not seek the people's mandate? i dont think its conquering fear But merely hiding bEhind it. its funny how we aLl know that its fear that is causing aLl these but yet some people still think theY are being brave. how strange.

  30. "Did Zambry suffered beatings, physical harm or imprisonments like Gandhi and Mandela?..... "

    "Don't be stupid & foolish. He's definitely IDI AMIN"

    typical peabrain emo supporters' comment. you don need to have the author undergoes same torture and suffering to cite some good deeds of others. what zambry wrote is he admires the bravery of the said freedom fighters and their sacrifices for the country, but did not specifically said he's in league with them (Jika dibandingkan dengan dua tokoh yang disebutkan tadi, perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang saya serta rakan-rakan lalui tidaklah seteruk mereka.).

    unless your years of experience in overseas screws up your bm and misunderstood the writing, you shouldn't have resorted to this cheapshot to defame other ppl if you still have some integrity.

  31. Anonymous2:51 pm

    typical peabrain emo supporters' comment. you don need to have the author undergoes same torture and suffering to cite some good deeds of others. what zambry wrote is he admires the bravery of the said freedom fighters and their sacrifices for the country, but did not specifically said he's in league with them (Jika dibandingkan dengan dua tokoh yang disebutkan tadi, perjuangan dan pengorbanan yang saya serta rakan-rakan lalui tidaklah seteruk mereka.).[THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF CITING NOBLE LEADERS? HE KNOWS HE FALLS SHORT, YET HE CITED THESE LEADERS? WHAT HE'S TRYING TO SAY? THAT HE FELL SHORT? THAT HE WOULD NOT DISSOLVE THE STATE ASSEMBLY & RETURN THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE? THAT VIOLENCE WAS IMPOSED ON SIVAKUMAR'S DRAGGING? THAT ARREST IS JUSTIFIED JUST BECAUSE ONE WEAR BLACK WHILE HAVING BREAKFAST AT MAMAK STALL? IS HE SAYING HE IS NOT THAT NOBLE AFTER ALL? WHY CAN'T HE CITE STALIN, SADDAM HUSSIEN OR NERO? THESE LEADERS ARE BRAVE TOO, FREEDOM FIGHTERS & SACRIFICED A LOT FOR THEIR COUNTRY TOO. CARE TO EXPLAIN SINCE ALL OF US MISUNDERSTOOD HIS WRITING?]

    unless your years of experience in overseas screws up your bm and misunderstood the writing, you shouldn't have resorted to this cheapshot to defame other ppl if you still have some integrity.[SORRY, I THOUGHT HE DEFAME GANDHI, MANDELA & KING]

  32. Anonymous3:15 pm

    Teng criticised for proposing Perak assembly to be dissolved. NST


    Typical UMNO goons.

  33. Anonymous4:45 pm

    his skin colour is similar to idi amin

  34. Anonymous11:36 pm

    its zambry. no its king. no, its pele. no, its gandhi. no, its mandela.

    WHO I AM?

    OOuch, it was a NIGHTMARE.

  35. Anonymous1:08 am

    I am not sorry that I would have been damned stupid to WASTE my brain cell commenting on your reply on me.
    However, the fighting spirit of me got better of me.

    I am not going to reply point by point of your remar. I have said before it's wasting my precious brain cell

    Kindly check up on Idi Amin & meditate on it. By the way, due to interests that most world leaders have with Idi Amin, the World got to suffer for 6 years.

    Spend time! Meditate & tell us what you have learned.
    I may be a simple man though like Tony Pua, I too studied in UK.


  36. Anonymous10:54 pm

    I wasn't sure to laugh until lau-sai or vomit blood when i read the article. This is surely an egomaniac.

    Firstly, he did not advocate peace. Neither does he share the same wisdom as Gandhi. I think Gandhi would have been offended or give him a kick if he was alive. If he was Gandhi, then wear a robe & walk barefoot. Don't use a car & be a full time vegetarian.

    Secondly, he did not go to jail for over 20 years to free his people from racism (apartheid). Instead, he is part of a party that advocates racism. Mandela also had more hair & well respected in the world arena of leaders...who is this guy???

  37. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL........ *Syafiq pinches Zambry in the ear for comparing himself to the great figures of all time*

    Oh well, at least it's good to read both sides (BN & PR) of the story. But I'm gonna vote for PR anyhow next GE.

    (1 out of the new 500,000 voters next GE. The next generation is here.)

  38. Anonymous5:07 pm

    we all have known what BN and UMNO are all about all these years..
    but what suprised me is what PR are all about: Pas,Dap,Keadilan.
    they are just politicians:similar to BN
    nizar is a stupid politician from my opinion.he was never been respected by DAP,DAP only agree on his appointment because of constitutional of perak that require the MB to be malay.
    he thinks himself as a good leader,he's just a puppet.
