
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Hee Hee Hee!

Hee Yit Foong & Co happily joining Najib's Perak celebration party in Feb '09
(Picture courtesy of The Star)

Have you read reports of Hee Yit Foong's press conference today?

Here's a short excerpt from The Star:
Asked why she did not join another Pakatan party but chose to side with Barisan, she said she did not want to cause a split among the Pakatan partners. “But I would like to stress that I did not leave to join another party,” she added.
Faint! Or this:
"I have never been in contact with Barisan people," she said, adding that she left DAP due to internal problems and because her grouses were being ignored by the party leadership.
Umm... didn't she appear with Datuk Seri Najib himself!? Or how about this:
To a question, she said she chose to be an independent friendly to Barisan because she wanted to ensure she would get allocations to develop her constituency.
Or this in the Malaysiakini report:
Hee said she decided to meet the media today as journalists have been pressing her to explain her actions. "It has nothing to do with the by-elections,” she stressed, referring to Tuesday’s vote in Bukit Gantang in Perak, Bukit Selambau (Kedah) and Batang Ai (Sarawak)."
Really don't know whether to laugh or to cry...


  1. Anonymous11:34 pm

    I think is a good laugh :-)

    Happy Sunday!

  2. Anonymous12:30 am

    Not laugh or cry, but ignore.
    Just ignore her and her stupid explanation, it just makes her looks more idiot than she already is.

  3. Anonymous12:52 am

    Laugh all you want but the fact is DAP has lost her.

    -orang Taiping

  4. wandererAUS12:56 am

    What do you expect that rotten Bitch to say...after taking the haram money.
    Nothing will justify her action and nothing will cleanse her soul!

  5. Anonymous12:57 am

    What a snake.....

  6. you are giving her too much exposure. her picture looked polluting in your blog. once a B#$%^ always a B#$%^, no need to justify herself. ptui!!

  7. Anonymous1:54 am

    she should just find a hole to hide,by next election she is gone!luckily she still able to sleep with her millions.she should join tvb hk acting class before acting.why show passport and bullshit if innocent.

  8. "did not join another Pakatan party"
    - taking her in is akin to taking a fox into your chicken farm

    "I have never been in contact with Barisan people"
    - Hee, you mean the photos in the Star was fixed? you can make more $$$ by suing the papers

    "she chose to be an independent friendly to Barisan because she wanted to ensure she would get allocations to develop her constituency"

    - yeah? is that an afterthought? if you have mentioned it immediately then I would have believed you

    "It has nothing to do with the by-elections,” she stressed, referring to Tuesday’s vote in Bukit Gantang in Perak, Bukit Selambau (Kedah) and Batang Ai (Sarawak)."
    - for once I agree with her. She is irrelevant now as she is finished.
    - she appearing like this, however, might back fire because it reopen wounds

    I am very happy if Hee can come over my area and stand for election next round. I can use some comic reflief

  9. Anonymous2:14 am

    Whatever, laugh or cry, it is important to learn the lessons of the whole episode..... Question is, do you know what the lessons are?

  10. Anonymous2:32 am

    it's ching ming now....

    i'm burning a paper camry tomorrow as a gift to a former state assemblywoman...

    may she drive the paper camry in hell and meet with a horrible accident in the after-life and may her soul rot in hell for eternity.

    and to her apologists,
    "aiya, dont talk like that lah. she's afterall human and human makes mistakes" - i say F u all too. go F yourselves and let me say my piece.

    "aiya, she has to pay off her husband's debts least she didnt join any barisan party..." - i say go F yourselves too. her personal problems should not be solved at the expense of our future. and generations of perakians and malaysians will continue to curse her and her husband (if indeed this debt thingy is true) for eternity.

    tony, pls publish this.


  11. The press conference of Hee is at the perfert timing!

    She will recall back the memory of the Coup De tat for some of the Malaysian(especially the voters in Bukit Gantang) who tends to be forgetful.

  12. hasilox7:18 am

    hee-haw hee-haw hee-haw

    (Btw hee-haw is the sound made by a donkey. It's a dictionary word)

  13. Anonymous8:04 am


  14. Anonymous9:16 am

    The jelapang voters who have voted her must be blue with shame now. DAP is right in rejecting her.

    Glad she found her home though, a place where she belongs, with the bunch of cheaters in BN.

  15. Anonymous9:55 am

    Does she knows no shame? Utterly disgusted with this idiotic woman. I just can't believe the lies and nonsense that spews from her mouth.

  16. Anonymous10:18 am

    What do we expect from a low grade politician .... can't even fool my niece of 9 years... DAP should have picked a better candidate with integrity than this b@#*!.... then such Perak fiasco could have been avoided !

  17. Li Huat Chai10:18 am

    This idiot woman her face makes me vomit !!!

    My advice for her is, enjoy the money that she has received and get lost!!!

    No wonder people want her another leg lamed.

    She should realise the anger of the people towards her.

  18. williem11:03 am

    I hate to even see her photos. This woman is nothing but shit!

  19. Anonymous11:09 am

    a product of DAP?

  20. Anonymous11:10 am

    She's slow....real slow....lucky she left DAP!

  21. Nobody ask her if her camry and her Mercedes are well maintained?

  22. I hope Camry Hee will defend the Jelapang seat against PR in the next GE.

  23. Anonymous12:37 pm

    HeHeHe..What a bloody bullsHEEts..

    It's more fun talking to a Kid.

    mongolian supporter.

  24. Anonymous12:41 pm

    If this IDIOT thinks she has done no wrong why has she not show up anywhere in Jelapang. She would have drown in a hail of seliva. And for that apanama Ckt Jering moron why is he not out campaining. Isn't that place good for him to express himself also.

  25. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Liar, liar, liar, her ass is on fire.

  26. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Just ignore this unfaithful person who was responsible to destroy Democracy in our state Perak for her own selfish gains. There is no future for her in BN our other parties, because she is not trustworhty. Jelapang does not need her services anymore. Thanks Hee, you can go home and rest. Bye Hee.

  27. Anonymous1:00 pm

    I am not from Perak. But I feel injustice is done to Perakians by you. No matter whatever you say, it does not justify the way Perak was grabbed from the true elected representatives just because of you as one main factor! People without any consciouns like u better don't be a representative. Gracefully resign. :(

  28. The headline which published in the STAR on Sunday, "Jelapang rep Hee speaks: No regrets, but says sorry." is already a JOKE.

    If she has no regrets why say sorry?

    Another short excerpt "At a press conference here on Sunday, her first since she resigned in early February, she said, “I never imagined things would be this bad. When other people leave their party it is no big deal, but when I did, the people were in chaos. But I understand the people’s dissatisfaction and I don’t blame them".

    Before she even decided to jump ship as an independent, she should had thought of all the consequences of her actions from A to Z. Now she said she never imagined things would be this bad and the people were in chaos. Another joke.

    No wonder she is "the most hated woman in Malaysia".

  29. Anonymous1:50 pm

    you could either go to sleep or go to work!

  30. At least she got some guts to face the media and some people compared to the other 3 frogs...

  31. Anonymous2:17 pm

    Well designed shitty answer. Really work because I just can't understand what the fark she is talking about.

  32. Anonymous2:41 pm

    well, for a person's with this low I.Q. just can't really blame her on her stupidity. She thinks that everyone is of the same I.Q. as her!

  33. marcus633:28 pm

    i understand well the many expletives all of you have about this retard.
    but emotions aside, imo bn/umno has played this card wrong, and will cost them a swing of 2000 votes in bkt gantang.
    it took some time, but most people have already almost forgotten this dark chapter in perak politics. however, by throwing and recycling this piece of shit back into the limelight, it opens anew old wounds and brings forth another wellspring of emotions from the perakians that could well tsunami bn into the perak river. as is well said, bn never learns and never will. the merdeka center has run many polls and many referendums across the state of perak, and the conclusion is the same - people are angry with the coup, and people are also angry with the 3 shit faces. bringing them back is a bad mistake.

  34. Jelapang voters can revenge on this.
    Jalapang voters can start making unnecessary demands.
    This is a good time to do so.
    As jalapang have all the reasons to do so
    Demand whatever needs to be built and force the hee .
    Drives her insane with demands dont let her sleep in peace.

  35. Hee Hee Hee...Liar Liar Liar!

  36. Anonymous5:14 pm

    She said that she did not realise the situations can be so bad. It goes to show how retarded she is and just think of playing masak2. She is still trying to justify her position and what she said is over small personal matters and if she is a leader, Malaysians will always at wars.

    What is MACCA doing? Why no questioning her and ask if she gets RM from one who give millions for defense contract and NS? It shows that MACCA is only a running dog.

  37. I think I saw you with your wife and daughter yesterday in Carrefour. Wanted to speak to you but not certain if that is you. Anyway, if that was really you i wanted to ask, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN PJ?! Go help in the by-elections!!!"

    But i guess even politicians deserve their Sundays. Take care, Tony :)

  38. Simon H9:11 pm

    Instead of pointing out the fact that the Federal Government do not give fair allocations to opposition constituencies, she'd rather go with them just to secure it ... is that a fair statement, or is it a statement from one who has no integrity? Bending oneself over so that one is in favour, no matter the reason, is totally not acceptable! That statement only shows she chose the corrupt route. What a shame.
    Well Tony, its a relief for DAP not to have her anyway. Something must be done against party hopping! Drop the representation for the constituency and stand for re-election again if one wants to switch party! Don't rob the people of their right to vote! That would stem any 'unethical' frogs in the future. If one wants to be a frog, be a responsible one. Responsible ultimately to the people who voted!
    Gosh, would be better if she kept silent. It really gets on people's nerves!

  39. cakap mesti bikin11:01 pm

    Would be great if YB Fong Poh Kuan of Batu Gajah can give her view on this now. I know there is factions in DAP so it is professional for us to get more info/views for us to decide before we start screaming and condemning Hee.

    Remember innocent until proven guilty? And fair and transparency is what we voted for Pakatan Rakyat.

    I sincerely hope DAP does not sweep under the carpet of this Hee issue such as normally done by UMNO/MCA.

    Ngeh and Nga comment also required!

    I remember YB Fong was reported in the Sun , few days after Hee quits DAP. Fong said it is better DAP to look into internal issues before pointing at others.

  40. Her greediness for money and power has revealed to everyone as earlier. Now, she wants to ask for more embarrassments, thick-skinned!

  41. If she really wants to developer her constituency, I suggest it would be better for her to resign or roll over and die. A by-election will ensure an avalanche of development because who ever wins that sit grabs the state.

    So, ms.Hee, resign for the good of ur constitiency!

  42. Anonymous9:33 am

    The women is a freaking idiot and her BN handlers are even worst. I mean, Jesus, do they expect people not to notice the bad timing each and every time?

    Seriously its a condemnation of human intelligence that PR finding it so hard to keep and win more votes given who BN have working for them.

  43. Anonymous12:47 pm

    dear anon, pls leave God's name if you want to swear, appreciate it a lot. The truth will prevail.

  44. Anonymous1:38 pm

    dicky dickens!!!

  45. Anonymous12:25 am

    she not only has thick skin but also thick skull. it is clear the people of jelapang don't want her. if she is so confident stand down & go for by-election...she will get one vote (from herself). or maybe 2, another from BN. she killed her political career by not stepping down when hopping or leaping out. that's the problem when MPs & family members do not behave...create weakness for BN to attack & hang the carrot. once bite, BN will hook you up nicely. she is good as gone. she may as well migrate to another state or country with all the $$$ she got...unless all used up to pay debts, gambling kind.

  46. Anonymous9:49 pm

    Do not easte your time give her the Silent Treatment. She will go mad. Ramalx

  47. Anonymous6:58 am

    I dont think its Hee! Its a BN ploy! She looks like her! Sound like her! Think like her! Same IC like her!

    Correct! Correct!

  48. Anonymous3:45 pm

    don't show that dirty n ugly h#% yf's photo again....
    Demi tuhan, dia tanggung dosa kita sebanyak 7 generations.

  49. Anonymous12:25 am

    if she is so confident jelapang people still want her, hee should do the honorary thing & do a political kamikaze by resigning to contest again. if not allowed, make it an exception. why not, scared ah? hee hee hee hee.
