
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Bangkitlah Melayu"

Utusan Malaysia, owned by UMNO, is at it again. Today, the above was the big screaming headline.
Bangkitlah Melayu

KUALA LUMPUR 14 April – Orang Melayu perlu bangkit dan bersatu dalam berhadapan dengan tuntutan kaum lain yang kini dilihat semakin keterlaluan.

Mereka juga perlu sedar dan insaf dengan situasi politik semasa yang menyaksikan pelbagai tuntutan hingga boleh menjejaskan kekuatan politik orang Melayu.

Sehubungan itu, orang Melayu diminta tidak tunduk kepada tuntutan keterlaluan tersebut sebalik bangkit bersatu bagi mempertahankan hak dan kepentingan mereka.
Nik Nazmi, ADUN for Seri Setia had the following to say on the above in his Facebook update - "Utusan minta Melayu bangkit bersatu hadapi kaum lain. Saya minta Utusan henti perbodohkan Melayu agar kita dapat bersaing dengan kaum lain."

Will Utusan get a show cause letter for inciting racial sentiments? One Malaysia my foot!


  1. Anonymous6:35 pm

    Surely utusan won't get a show cause letter, the likely hood of some action taken might be you for highlighting the issue. Doesn't this sound familiar.

  2. Anonymous6:38 pm

    boleh la kita panggil mic gerakan ppp jawab......

  3. Anonymous6:40 pm

    Kita kena panggil MIC ,GERAKAN, PPP & parti parti dari sarawak sabah Jawab........

  4. Anonymous7:03 pm

    What is "hak dan kepentingan mereka". If its Hak dan kepentingan UMNO then just say so lar, you shit stirrer Utusan.

  5. 这是“煽动”吗??

  6. Anonymous7:24 pm

    nothing will happen .. end up the same will say .. somebody sabotaje it la .. this excuse that excuse .. Zzz

  7. Anonymous7:56 pm

    If this was written in a Chinese newspaper asking the chinese ppl to 'bangkit', I'm sure the writer would have been slapped with the ISA and sent off to Kamunting before he/she could even say 'whattheheck'.

    Utusan can say whatever they want, and golly gee whiz, they can get away with it! This is the sad reality of Malaysia. Double standards everywhere. Sad & sickening.

  8. anak Malaysia7:58 pm

    Bangkitlah semua rakyat Malaysia untuk menentang Akhbar Utusan yang racis.

  9. Anonymous8:15 pm

    The Malays themselves call it Utusan Meloya - nauseous paper!

    Just wondering aloud if all non-Malays were to print and use our own currency/vouchers to be traded among ourselves, where would UMNO find the dough to feed their gravy train?? Ah, that'll also stop money politics in UMNO.

  10. Anonymous9:27 pm

    If they don't get any action, all malaysian can know who is racist by now? The one who own it as you can see, I cannot tell anyway to prevent get ISA....Malaysia now is crying

  11. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Ramai Melayu yang sudah pun bangkit,itulah sebanya Umno kelihatan goyang kerana ditinggalkan oleh Melayu yg sudah bankit.Kalau lebih ramai Melayu yang bangkit,maka terlepaslah peluang grombolan Umno untuk memunggah kekayaan negara secara tidak sah.

  12. Bercanggah dengan konsep 1 Malysiala UTUSAN!

  13. Anonymous10:12 pm

    apa salahnya kalau utusan syorkan agar melayu bangkit..bangkit bermaksud orang melayu perlu bersatu supaya x dihina oleh kaum lain..kau orang ni x nampak langsung yg melayu skrng ni dihina dari semua arah..x siapa yang nak respek melayu la ni..kalau melayu sendiri yang bahlol terhadap bangsanya sendiri..x juga melayu ni bodoh..bodoh kerana melayu yg bodohkan melayu la..orang lain tepok tanganla..

  14. Anonymous10:15 pm

    apa punya anak Malaysia..apa yg hang dengki sangat dengan Utusannn..dia bela melayu apa...

  15. Anonymous10:18 pm

    What Utusan writes is always the opposite of the PM's 1Malaysia concept.But somehow nobody dares to touch them.Sadly,their editors don't realise they are painting a very bad image of malays to other races as though the malays can't think what is right or wrong.Stop this stupid act-the malays are not stupid please.

  16. OneMalaysia wants Utusan Melayau to apologise for Undermind Malaysian!

    OneMalaysia want Utusan to get a show cause letter for inciting racial sentiments!


  17. Photo of utusan malaysia bangkitlah melayu

    isn't it ironic?

  18. Anonymous11:42 pm

    hey anonymous, bela melayu? aku bela diri sendiri, berkerja keras, cara yang betul, makan gaji, dan bertangung jawab diri sendiri dan 'respect' kepada semua bangsa di negri ini...berapa lama lagi kau nak di bela, atau pun boleh jadi maksud kau bukan bela tapi di beli oleh UMNO, dan Utusan membela kaum UMNO dan Kroni dia saja. Aku dah bangkit tapi kau masih tidur lagi......inilah di gelar melayu bodoh!

  19. Anonymous4:34 am


    anything coming from bn is just pure embellishments - remember tun M's reign - he used to make nice stories about everything that benefit the greedy and boot lickers in the meantime screwing with the public frail sentiments.

    after 20 over years they are still doing it.


  20. Bangkitlah rakyat Malaysia semua, berganding bahu dan bersatu padu dalam berhadapan dengan kemelesetan ekonomi dan kurang kemampuan kita dalam persaingan di gelangang antarabangsa yang kini dilihat semakin serius.

  21. Anonymous7:40 am

    Macam ni lah! Untuk keadilan, BANGKIT MELAYU! BANGKIT CINA! BANGKIT INDIA!

  22. As National Unity Minister, let's see what Koh Tsu Koon has to say and whether he will take any action against UTUSAN.

  23. Anonymous9:34 am

    I don't have a problem with "Bangkitlah Melayu' - meaning get off your ass, focus and get things done right.

    Why it automatically have to mean to be bad to others just show how deep the psychology of quick and easy solutions still imprison many.

    At a time where the verdict is out that Malaysia have run out of easy solutions, its major ideological crier is only upping vitriol on it. That concern me much more about the welfare of the Malays - unchanging in a changing world.

  24. Pal bla bla bla,

    Kookabura The Knave(KTK) of Girlrakan will say something exactly what the Otak Tanda Kosong (OTK) of Malaysian Cabaret Association has said. Maybe, they will promote another new recipe for their Kuih Bangkit.

  25. Koh Tsu Koon, where ru ?

    This comes directly under your jurisdiction....

    Bola dah kecut ka ? makan gaji buta kat JPM ka ?

  26. Anonymous11:37 am

    LOL... good one Tony and Nik!

    It would have been easier to convince the rakyat if he start by convincing his party first.

    They're just muffling the impact of all these "grand" ideas he's putting out.


  27. it's a trap again. we shouldn't do anything. YB should ask PAS/PR Malays to lodge a polis report. then, we will see if the government will take any action on it.

  28. Anonymous12:14 pm

    Apa yang disebarkan oleh utusan selalu bertentangan dengan 1Malaysia PM, jadi kita kena dengar siapa ya?I dah confuse ni.

  29. P130 voter1:10 pm

    Ooi, Kerismuddin, how about ISA the Utusan editor for his own protection eh?

    P130 voter

  30. A true Malaysian1:13 pm

    I reproduce partly here what I wrote in “The Might of the Pen” which I think is appropriate and beneficial to share out what my thought in respect of the headline in Utusan Malaysian “Bangkitlah Melayu”. Below here was I wrote:

    “We Malaysians are born ‘racist’, and we are all ‘racist’ in our own rights. Who is to blame for this ‘racist’ in ourselves? The answer is apparent, and I do not wish to elaborate further, and it is pointless for me to go deep into it.

    When I decided to contribute actively in blogosphere, I decided to use the pseudonym ‘A true Malaysian’ so that, when I write, I don’t regard myself as a Chinese, Malay or Indian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or whatever. I wish to bring this message to all, in particularly, Malaysians of all diversity, to forget what race or religion you are. Each of us can bring in our race or religion strong points to share, but never impose these strong points onto others, i.e. either you take it or leave it. What is the use of spending endless hours in convincing who are the Tuan of the land, or whose religion is more superior or real than the other, or who should be bumiputra or Tuan of this land we are residing at?

    Let say, at the end, you won, but so what next? Will you be so happy to see yourselves win, while your fellow Malaysian of other ethnic lose? Is this what your religion teach you? If yes, then I am sorry, your religion is not a true one. You need to go back and do your soul searching what has gone wrong with your religion. What has gone wrong, yourselves or your religion? Please ask yourselves honestly.”

    So, in having the striking headline “Bangkitlah Melayu”, what is the motive behind? Who is the most “racist” among the racist? What Umno will react if a Chinese daily having a headline “Bangkitlah Cina” or a Tamil daily “Bangkitlah India” and so on and so forth?

    With such mentality, it in fact reflects that Umno is more extreme than PAS. We can see PAS has becoming more liberal or moderate each days after forming Pakatan Rakyat with DAP and PKR. PAS leaders like Nizar, Khalid Samad, Husam and of course Nik Aziz had impressed on the non-Malay Malaysians that they are leaders for all, not just the Malay. I can’t see that happen in Umno leaders.

    Umno / BN, please stop your racist mentality. Malaysian of all diversity want leaders that can lead us as Malaysian, nothing more, nothing less.

  31. Anonymous2:22 pm

    YB, since PR got 2/3 majority in parliament, can PR ask why ISA is not doing anything to Muyideen and Utusan who play racial fire and isn't it a real serious threats to the national security than those detained by ISA who protested peacefully for their rights?To be fair, ISA should tangkap Muhideen and suspend Utusan for trying to instigate hatred amongst races.This new cabinet agenda is to propagate Ketuanan Melayu again albeit without the keris but it is a hard core way to send the message to the Malays to rebel against the non-Malays.We rakyat wants PR to get PM to answer this on why ISA is quiet on this serious threats by Muyideen & Utusan.Is it not double standards if they keep quiet about it??

  32. 比如好像我一样吃的肥肥圆圆的:D被人家骂是猪;)实至名归也。怎能怪别人口出实言??

  33. marcus633:32 pm

    a trend is emerging. lets see if i can give a concise summary here: started with the land grabber muhyiddin (stamford land spore is suing him) condemning the chinese of bkt gantang of not supporting umno even after giving them so much $ to build schools etc. pls note that the chinese have never made any demands. these goodies were offered to them as 'bribes' to get their votes.
    2. umno get their eunuch dogs, 1st mca to demand for 2nd dpm post for CHINESE, 2nd MIC to ask for more cabinet posts for INDIANS
    3. then now, they get their MSM utusan to twist the story into headlines that non-malays are DEMANDING this and that. eh, when did mca and mic ever represent the chinese and indians' voice? and in fact, the non-malay rakyat did not even make any demands?
    4. so what's next? it could go either of 2 ways. umno will get najib to stand up and quash all this nonsense and make him a hero.
    or umno will pursue this agenda further to drive a deeper wedge between the races. umno will wait out a few days to see which direction is more favorable to gain them more support, then they will go with that option.

  34. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Tony ... I'm sick and tired to the core of this "hak" dan "kepentingan" crap. This group of people is saying this as if non-Malay Malaysians have no "hak" and "kepentingan" of their own.

    I'm sick and tired of the race thingie. 1Malaysia? Still pretty much a beautiful dream.

  35. Anonymous9:38 pm


    What Utusan did is no different with what this blog is doing! Let racism flourish..I don't think there's anything wrong for being racist.


  36. So Najib era is not re-emergence of Mahathirism ...yet, more like Pak Lah-ism for starters - the top says nice things but the lower ranks zoom off in different direction.

  37. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Can someone report this to polis for sedition please?

    Better still, everyone in every State report to every polis station we have.

    Make sure they have to reply us. This article surely is sedition.

  38. Anonymous5:20 pm

    go utusan!!
    i thought PR supporters support freedom of speech so let them be
    hyprocrite la u tony pua
    i'm from your area.pj utara
    dont bragged yourself for being from oxford.they favour singaporean scholarships holders because singapore is a big ally of Israel.
    come to PJ and do your work as a fair MP who serve without prejudice.
    please come and serve all even the minorities
    you always blame UMNO for sidelined the minorities but the minorities here in PJ have been sidelined for so long

  39. Anonymous10:29 am

    jgan hina orang melayu seperti di singapura.melayu ada hak kat negara ini.jangan tuntut yang bukan-bukan. minta jadi pm la,hapus keistimewaan melayu la,hapus biasiswa dan macam-macam.andalah chauvinis perkauman .bukan orang melayu yang telah banyak berkorban memberi taraf kewarganegaraan kepada kaum bukan melayu.

  40. L H TAN11:56 am

    Dear All
    If we kept on living in our own cocoon, Malaysia is surely going down in ranking and the FDI.
    Do you know that the business people are leaving to other countries for investment such as Vietnam, Cambodia, China & even Laos.
    Sugar king already sell to the government, what more to improve?
    At the end of the day, because of the sore loser politicians Malaysia will be out of place in the world.
    Well bumiputera will be bumiputera and non-bumi will remain BUT at the end of the day, when one day our Malay / Chinese / Indian minister attended UN, other international conference who can even utter a simple english it is too late to reflect.
    Please save Malaysia.
