
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why SingThe National Anthem?

The Chief Police Officer (CPO) of Selangor, under heavy criticism, retorts to media questioning of police actions by asking "Why Sing The National Anthem?"

Well, the simple answer to his stupid question, if he ever was really looking for an answer, is "Why not?" Is there a law against singing the National Anthem to demonstrate our patriotism to the country, among many many other things? The police seems to have forgotten that the event was held in the interest of, and for the betterment the country.

Fact of the matter is, we have told the crowd to disperse after the anthem is sung, and the police had decided to take action while it was being sung, instead of waiting even a few seconds more.

We took pains to cut short all our speeches, which in total added to no more than 10 minutes (it's all recorded I'm sure, so it's easily verifiable) and told everyone to go home. None of us really have any interest in getting arrested or create problems for the police. But of course, the CPO had to show the nation who's the boss.


  1. That moronic CPO has no respect for the national anthem and he is a shame to the honest man and woman in blue. He should remember that he is a public SERVANT, period.

    The truth will always prevails and at the rate he is going, his true colors will be shown. I will call it "wanking himself on stage for the world to see"

    A blogger was arrested for posting the Malaysian flag upside down in distress. Now, what action will the government take against the police for the total disrespect for the national anthem?
    Is the police giving a bad example for the people to follow?

    Wheb the police bow to their political masters, there is no more integrity left in the force. Shameful!

  2. Anonymous2:02 pm

    My sentiments, exactly!

  3. Knowing the fact that there would be someones recording the candlelight vigle. How can the CPO tell lies like that and worse, not getting any punishment.

    How to trust him again?

    Well, BOLEHMEN can make these MALAYSIA BOLEH things happen in BOLEHLAND...

  4. Maybe we can anticipate another permit we must get for singing the anthem ?

    This will give police another reason to give for not tackling crime "too much paper work lah"

    The reason we are not allowed to sing the anthem any time we like is clear.

    IF we listen to, or sing the anthem too much, we may get too patriotic.

    And patriotism is bad for pendatangs - we may begin to feel we are actually entitled to the rights of a citizen in a democratic country.

    The CPO also said that if criminals were to sing the anthem, should they then stop at attention & not arrest them?

    HELLOO?? Gunakan OTAK boleh ke?

    Differentiate criminals from peaceful citizens.

    Was anyone fr the gathering a known criminal, caught with banned substance, stolen goods or in the act of robbing / stealing / plundering?

    They reported that 1 of the ppl they arrested had a record; but for what? If that person was a robber, thief etc..would we not be told of this in the press??

    Does anyone know what record that person has?

  5. Anonymous3:00 pm

    How dare he challange our right to sing Our National Anthem, Charge him under ISA!!! He even mix up the criminals and a Peaceful Candle light Vigil togather with The Law Makers of Our country!!!!!!!!! How could this happen???? Yet, he is Chief Police Officer!!!!!!!!!

  6. Can TS Khalid fire or at least grill CPO khalid for being a nonsense and bully?!

  7. Anonymous3:39 pm

    I always wondered HOW does a "not so smart" person become a state police chief. A fellow friend answered - who is the minister in charge of the POLIS? I rest my case...

  8. Anonymous4:06 pm

    make police reports against the moronic CPO and see what they are going to they asked us to make police reports. Make as many police reports as per individual and we shall see if they will take action....gues nothing....

    It really sucks...

  9. Anonymous4:10 pm

    YB... show them how you feel by coming for the next vigil. This time bring along your lawyers & camcorders.

  10. Anonymous4:49 pm

    ATTENTION: Tony Pua

    You're a MP (wakil rakyat) & I believe you know the rules. Organizing or participating in any gathering without permit is ILLEGAL!!!

    For such a simple thing which even a kid could understand & you being a so-called SMART GUY can't even understand it ... "What's the point of being a MP?".

    It's totally acceptable for you to get bashed because you are a MP of whom doesn't even know the basics. What I find it humiliating of you is that due to your ignorant wisdom of NOT knowing the rules, you put others in trouble too. If you want to be a FOOLISH HERO (so be it) & don't get others involved with your no brains vigil strategy.

    All the while I thought you're a SMART GUY but what happened to you lately showed me a SMART GUY can be STUPID GUY as well.

  11. Anonymous4:54 pm

    JAHANAM PUNYA Poh Les di Petaling Jaya,

    KAMU ini BIADAP terhadap RAJA..

    Patut dihukum....

    JANGAN LUPA gaji kamu semua ini dibayar oleh rakyat..

    Sampai HATI pulak kamu menzalimi rakyat yg patriotik

    jom....mari kita sama-sama mengutuk tindakan poh les yg bodoh ini

  12. Anonymous5:09 pm

    1) The Candlelight Vigil is a ILLEGAL EVENT!!

    2) Just becos one is singing NEGARAKU, one can do anything??? Can I rob a bank while singing NEGARAKU while all the bank officers stand still. Only GOBLOKING & terry will say "Yes". No brains dudes.

  13. Anonymous5:10 pm

    Malaysia sudah habis,biar la begitu saja dan tengok siapa yang menderita banyak.

  14. Anonymous5:57 pm

    That why ours country crime rate in the cities increase and mak rempit not scare of them.

    This kind of CPO incharge of police force, you think ours nation is secure and safe for us.

    People of Malaysia, if you love Malaysia we should show the power of raykat, don't let the useless police force destroy ours loving country.

  15. For the relevant comments above -

    Do you know how ridiculous it sounds for one to even say that it is illegal for people, families to gather happily and peacefully to light candles without obstructing traffic or posing any other inconvenience to any other persons?

    You might as well as that a birthday picnic celebration at a park is illegal!

    And for those taking the strictly "legal" stance, what does jurisprudence say under natural justice laws about oppressive laws? Do you submit and obey? Or do you make an effort to right what is obviously wrong?

    The ball really is in our own court.

    Tony ;-)

  16. Anonymous6:23 pm

    ATTENTION: Tony,

    1) The bottom line is "NO PERMIT = NO GATHERING". If you want to light candles without any permit, you might as well invite all those participants over to your house. Thus, you can light candles right from your doorway all the way to your bathroom. Moreover, no one gets hurt.

    2) Birthday celebration at a park??? Who are you trying to fool. The purpose of your gathering has a political agenda. Be honest lah, bro!

    3) You have the right to pursue the gathering despite not having any permit. However, when you get bashed, pls. don't cry & complain like a CRY BABY. "You gotta bite the bullet if you wanna be a warrior". Simple as that.

    After hearing all your reasons, I honestly feel they are just a load of crappy excuses. You've really have let me down, brother Tony. You are not that smart afterall (disappointed)

  17. Anonymous6:27 pm

    Malaysian police force is rotten to the core under UMNO/BN. Vote them out!!

  18. Anonymous6:30 pm

    Tony thinks he's made of steel. Knowing very well there's NO PERMIT for the gathering & the police/FRU will come in dirty, Tony still went ahead with it.

    True enough, the cops came in & people were bashed. So, who's fault is it??? It's TONY's FAULT.

    How can we elect a leader like Tony to lead when he's only interested about his own political mission? He can't even be bothered whether innocent people will get injured or not with his so-called ILLEGAL STRATEGIES.

    This showed he's one selfish leader.

  19. Anonymous6:40 pm


    *A good leader is someone who can fight while at the same time protect their followers when plans turn ugly*

    For Tony's case: "He maybe a good fighter but he's certainly USELESS when it comes to protecting his followers when plans turn ugly. This type of people will only make a GOOD FIGHTER but a POOR LEADER"

    Tony should have contingency plan in how to protect his fellow participants when things got ugly. Afterall, he knew very well there's NO PERMIT for it.

    Due to Tony's UNWISE JUDGEMENTS & POOR STRATEGIES, not only he got bashed but also other naive & ignorant participants who thought there will be contigency plans for it.

  20. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Okie..earlier S'gor Police Chief denied that the arrest was made during our national say why sing national athem??no wonder crime rate in msia is so blardy high now. With CPO of a state having such mentality in questioning us as the citizen why sing natioanl athem??so what i can't sing negaraku ya?this is so ridiculous!and to even compare those peaceful loving people there with criminals is totally unacceptable...

  21. yes yb tony, you are right. some people don't use their brain, just because the law says so, they became blind to the fact that law should change with time, depending on situation. correct me if i am wrong, but the illegal assembly law was passed during the emergency (darurat) - and was kept for "convenience" sake. we are not in a state of emergency (though the way things are going, probably that is what many goons wanted)

    come on, anything about 4 (is it 4) is considered illegal, then, all the weddings - especially malays weddin as they generally are held in the open - are illegal assemblies too? don't eat out with friends if more than 4, it's illegal too..

  22. Maybe sing Wee Chee Meng's rap style is OK !

  23. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Looks like the morons from the BN/UMNO apologist camp are in full force in YB Tony Pua's blog with idiotic statements such as illegal demonstrations and giving approval for police brutality.

  24. Anonymous2:24 pm

    Off topic. Tony, crude oil is USD 55.36 now, are we subsidizing the government instead?


  25. Anonymous2:54 pm

    So will polis arrest me if I suddenly feel my great love for my country and start singing the National Anthem in the streets? Or in the loo? Do I need a permit to sing my National Anthem proudly to celebrate being a citizen of my country?

    Polis no respect for National Anthem and no pride of being Malaysian, please charge them in court and deport them out of this country they no respect.

  26. Anonymous3:32 pm

    This is a CPO who lives in glass house but will cast the first stone. Why?

    Because he assume his house will get build by someone else if it come crashing down..

    You know what they say about people who assume are a****...

  27. Anonymous5:14 pm

    I strongly agree with what KY had commented.

    Since it was an illegal assemble, the police force has the right to arrest those ppls for breach of laws...

    Pls do not seek cheap publicity for the sake of making yourself famous...

    Do not get yourself involved again for any illegal assembly...

  28. Anonymous6:33 pm

    Our laws are defined by those in power.

    300 people lighting candles outside a field peacefully is considered an illegal assembly.

    But a few hundred protesting against a Chinese woman becoming a general manger of a state firm is NOT.

  29. Anonymous7:21 pm

    What is going on with PETALING JAYA UTARA MP???

    1) Chew Mei Fun is DUMB & MORONIC. That's why I voted her out.

    2) Tony Pua showed he's just a SELFISH dude who only thinks for himself. Hell, I'm not gonna vote for him in the next G.E.

    I will perhaps spoil my vote (sigh). Sad we have donkeys from both sides. Where have all the capable dudes gone??? We need them here to lift PJU.

  30. Anonymous7:34 pm


    I see you're just a GREEN HAND in Malaysian Politics & I bet this is your 1st such incident with the Police. God, you need training & I really mean TRAINING!!!

    Look at Tian Chua. He had so much of it but yet doesn't complain like a CRYBABY (macam you). He's tough!!! He have the attitude of Hokkien saying "PAK SI BOH CHOW".

    You are different. You want to be a HERO but you can't take PAIN. When you get bashed, you complain & cry under your wife's skirt. That's the wrong way, bro!!!

  31. Anonymous8:49 pm

    I don't know whether it's right to say to all of us pay peanuts, you get monkeys!

    If you compare the monthly basic salaries with other countries like Singapore and Hong Kong, their lowest ranking police officers as constables earn many times higher (HK basic -HK$18000-just google it) than their Malaysian counterparts (which do not even reach RM1000 - can you imagine?). I salute those who are truly dedicated in the profession. But I think the numbers can be counted by fingers alone.

    First thing first, in order to feel secured and get better security in our surrounding areas instead of getting 'monkeys' who only know how to threaten the public and civilians, why not pay some 'respect' to our police force. If they feel respected in the form of incentives and as a public servant, there'd be no doubt that their quality will improve. But as a taxpayer, do we want to pay more taxes to support them? That's the price we need to pay.

    Secondly, we have called our police force as Royal Malaysian Police Force. But the reality is that these law enforcers are no more than a tool for the incumbent government to intimidate the public and serve as escorts on the roads for the high muckamucks within the government or anyone affiliated with them. My opinion is that perhaps by doing so, the police could earn much more than solving cases or on the lookout for criminals or criminals-to-be. This is highly due to the cause that they are on the payroll of JPA, a government arm. By switching the so-called 'employer' of the police force to a viable alternative like parliament, to the King or even an independent body, perhaps we can see the lights in the future in the much-bitched public service in the country.

  32. Anonymous1:43 am

    the whole world now knows that our pdrm is only good at catching innocent & peaceful victims gathered together - save a lot of time & money for them.

    all i can say is that they are buta & pekak to the real crimes out in the streets. why so difficult to catch the mat rempits as if they are using 1000cc super bikes? our traffic police is riding on brand new honda cbr capable of 0-100 in 5 secs but can't catch honda kap-chai 120cc, 0-100 in 12secs ???

  33. Anonymous10:04 am

    He compared peaceful assemblies to armed robbers on the run. Very clever indeed.

    And he gave orders way way in the backline. Very clever indeed.

    His officers in the frontline DON'T feedback to tell him what is happening and advise him how to react! Hahaha what a wonderful Polis force!

  34. Anonymous1:27 am

    It is clear that s'gor cpo & pdrm don't know how to use discretion & benefit of doubt. They just rained on the crowd like mad gorillas on heat. All of them are the ones who should got for NS...for life.
