
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Released from Police Bail

The above is a 7 minute video shot by BK on the night of the his own arrest.

As you would probably have read in the online news reports yesterday, those who were arrested on 10th November for the peaceful candlelight vigil to protest against the Internal Security Act as well as to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the BERSIH rally, have all been released from police bail, after reporting ourselves to the PJ police station yesterday morning.

As the officer-in-charge stated, "we'll call you if you get charged". Otherwise, we don't have to report back to the police station. ;-)


  1. Must be a load off your mind for now, Tony. It is so easy for them to rile up the opposition, what with all the powers at hand.

    Being an MP in Malaysia, especially an opposition one, is arduous, and that is why I always say the least we can do is to give some moral support. Keep it up!

  2. Anonymous11:10 am

    PDRM has a lot of misplace aggression and initiative

    if they put this effort onto real criminals, instead on easier game like national anthem singers, Malaysia will be as safe as Singapore, our politicians' fav foreign bogeyman

    Lee Wee Tak

  3. Even though the cameraman was just across the street, the singing of our national anthem seems to be hardly noticeable in this video (might be due to the quality of the mic on the camera). I think I heard the shout of police brutality but the camera did not catch any scenes of people being beaten up. That footage would have been worth some money.

    One thing that I found interesting was the number of cameras on site. There seemed to be a dozen or so cameramen caught in this video. I wonder who these people are. I myself have chanced upon a few police scenes while on overseas trips. I would also whip out my camera and take a few souvenir shots.

    Thank goodness everyone is now off though.


    If only peace keepers remain as keepers of the peace
    Then they'll be better off as 'spectators' rather than 'aggressors'
    Without innocent peace lovers scattered into pieces
    With the need for any unnecessary 'bail successors'

    (c) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 251108
    Tue. 25th Nov. 2008.

  5. Anonymous3:36 pm

    "we'll call you if you get charged"

    Eh Tony, if not get charged how? got phone call and letter saying "investigations have ended and you are cleared of all wrongdoings."

    Surely the police are civil enough to inform people of "end of investigations" rather than have pending cases which surface only 50 years later with a summon letter on your grave?

  6. Anonymous10:29 pm

    The Police Act states that if i'm not wrong, any gathering > 3 people in any public places requires police permit. This law has yet to be repealed in Parliament and State Assembly by politicians.

    Even gathering inside the house > 3 people after 12pm requires police permit !

    If every citizen gathers in a public place, they would have to haul up everyone !!!

    Worst still when u r hauled up, u r not allowed access to lawyers.

    When lawyers turned up, they get arrested as well !!! Type 20 acivitists and 5 lawyers arrested in the YouTube search engine and you will find out!

    Worst still, when you lodge a police report on sensitive issues, u get arrested as well ! Take a look at Gobind Singh Deo's blog and see how the HINDRAF supporters got arrested ! Plus chemical water !
