
Friday, October 31, 2008

Tony Pua "Slams" The Star?

Thanks to the Star for carrying my statement today, but I must say the headline "DAP slams PAS outburst over bumi equity issue" was certainly made to incite controversy. If you read the report, and my actual statement blogged here, it's criticism yes, but "slam"?

I've "slammed" BN and the Government many times in my statements, I've never read a report entitled "DAP slams the Prime Minister...". Sdr Lim Kit Siang has "slammed" BN, it compoment parties and many of the Ministers, e.g., over the recent Eurocopter and ValueCap controversy cases, but no, no such report of "DAP slams Minister of Finance..."

But giving constructive criticism to our Pakatan partners, it's "slam". Sigh. Well, beggars can't be choosers, The Star gives you publicity, we'll just have to look at it on the bright side ;-)


  1. Anonymous11:32 am

    so now u r complaining about the star.but you said "The Star gives you publicity, we'll just have to look at it on the bright side"
    have u read PAS official stand on this issue? or just got it from the what khalid samad said in his is ok for dap to hentam PAS but if kena sendiri u jump

    PAS opposed the appointment of Mdm Low as the new GM of PKNS on the grounds that she was part of the management team which caused PKNS to lose Billions of Ringgit. In order to ensure an effective change, a new management made up of new people needs to be appointed. PAS’s opposition is NOT based on race.

    Secondly, given the political scenario and how UMNO will exploit the issue for their political ends, the appointment of a Malay as the new GM is wiser. This is so as not to give UMNO the excuse and opportunity to attack us. We all are aware that the main strategy of UMNO in their dealing with PR is to accuse PR of abandoning the Malays. The appointment, at this time, must take into consideration the risks involved by inviting these UMNO attacks when PR being new has yet to successfully dispel the fears of the Malays who are influenced by UMNO’s propaganda.

    In the final analysis, whosoever is appointed must fulfill the requirements of the appointment. If a Malay is appointed but he is not sincere, incapable and untrustworthy, what is the point? This is the first requirement of the appointment. This is as what is required according to verse 58 of Surah An-Nisaa’.

  2. "You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time" - Bob Marley

    In a way, 'they' might be helping Pakatan & DAP even more...

    Cheers ;-)

  3. Anonymous12:34 pm

    Harlo, can you please explain how you propose to further liberalised the economy and how that will automatically increase the bumiputra rate of going towards 30%. Don't just give false hope laaa. Please substatiate rather than jual obat!

  4. As they say, there's no such thing as bad publicity!

  5. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Some people just cant live without the 30% if the birth right for them to argue....that too.....started from on the heading of Star Publication till the racial line discussion and then 30% equity.

    I love my malay friends as much as to the indians and chinese friends. They are the innocent lot but fall into the play of the policiticians.

    Wake up my countrymen, dont fight for nothing here but unite as one, we will change against the system.

    And fool.....if you cant provide even a name to be called upon.....please dont write comments here....u think u still a kid or what?

  6. Anonymous4:49 pm

    publicity is good, but need explanation like Tony pua.

    i definately agree with tony pua acting.

    Cause some people are so nut until believe whatever BN said or whatever BN crony said.

  7. Anonymous5:03 pm

    Now you are DAP publicity chief...better learn how to HANDLE the press. Befriend some journalists or reporters to know why and how they WORK to prevent UNPLEASANT incidents or misreporting....

  8. Anonymous12:19 am

    We should make the Ms much more confident of themselves. The problem is today the gomen is keeping them under the coconut shell. Protect, Protect, Protect makes them uncompetitive. When they are uncompetitive, they are afraid of losing what little they have. Protect somemore, Ketuanan Melayu, scared to loss their coconut trees. Well, the focus of our nation is to equip the Ms, make them confident to take on anyone, more efficient than the Japanese, more creative than the Americans, more business-minded than the Taiwanese. Then they need not talk about STUPID 30%. You can have 20% but that is as good as 90% because the CAKE/PIE is much larger already. Why keep talking 30%. Why not 90%. WAKE UP Gomen and Brudders!

  9. Anonymous1:02 am

    Hey Tony! Check your mailbox. I sent you details on some issue related to melamine and corruption.

  10. Anonymous2:16 am

    Hi, Im Peo. Sorry, i just want to take your attention here. I did send u an email but you didnt reply me. I afraid u failed to received my mail. So i hope you can see my msg here.
    I did read 1 of ur forum " world class university" a few days ago. Then, what u means by " HELP Uni is not offer the same degree as from LSE (London School Of Economics)" ?
    Becoz I planning to study LSE programme in HELP soon. After search your blog, now i worry. And i don quite understand what u r trying to explain in your blog.
    So, can u give me more details ? and why u say so ? Pls reply me by email , ok ?
    This is my email address -
    " "
    Waiting for ur reply. Thanks a lot.

  11. Anonymous2:26 am

    A interesting news that I read about... just to share.

  12. Anonymous9:34 am

    Yes, that struck me too. A very handy, one-size-fits-all word - SLAM!!

    The people at the Star seem to have a very, very limited vocab - did you see, today, that Lim Kit Siang also 'slammed' 2 deputy ministers? We should present Star with a thesaurus - they probably don't know that words like 'respond', 'rebut', 'refute', 'disagree', 'opine' also exist.

    Aother overworked word seems to be 'stunning' - especially on Malaysiakini - every other thing is 'STUNNING'!


  13. I don't know how come The Star misreported the press freedom index conducted by Reporters Without Borders.

    Malaysia dropped 8 places to 132nd but The Star reported improvement of 10 places to 132nd

    More details:

  14. Anonymous9:31 am

    Please explain the logic of golf course in a land scarce Penang. Is that the economic for the poor of the rich?

  15. Anonymous6:12 am

