
Saturday, October 04, 2008

MIC Makan Padi

I had to chuckle when I saw this translated report from the Tamil press in the Star today. It was said that:
The MIC will continue to monitor the development of Tamil schools in the country and extend its help in their growth.

the MIC, through its president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, was looking into the development of all Tamil schools in the country and also ensuring speedier action in rebuilding them.
Umm... yes, they'll certainly keep watch to look out for land allocated for Tamil schools by developers, which can be alienated to MIC, oops, or is it to Samy Vellu?

Can you trust them to look after your padi?


  1. Anonymous3:55 pm

    They(MIC) have been saying the same thing for decades and nothing has changed much. Moreover, more tamil schools are being demolished, closed or relocated to a faraway location.

  2. Anonymous4:46 pm

    It's not that the Imdian community has not been complaining for decades. Just that there is no avenue for them to air their grouses, and the MSM consider it unimportant to highlight.

    Sure, the MIC can say whatever they want to, but who's listening now?

  3. Anonymous6:32 pm

    And that bastard have the cheek to say that the Hindraf's visit to the PM's Hari Raya Open house will affect the release of the Hindraf detainees. What has MIC done so far? MIC has lost all their credibility? Therefore the affected parties have every right to seek every way to get the detainees to be released.

  4. For MIC and Semivelu, the Tamil schools are cashcow for them. They take the allocation for the Tamil schools from the BN Government and use as they like it. They also take the collection from PTAs for the development of the school. Semivelu and MIC are robbers. They have been robbing the Indian community for the last 30 years.

    Semivelu's concern for tamil school is well known, not because of he want to help, but to get his hand on the allocation and the PTA's collection. Traitor.

  5. Anonymous12:07 am

    Whatever he said , no body will care .. MIC is going to be slowly forgotten by Malaysian people .. when the temple demolition issue they bark so loud due to the place happen in Pakatan rakyat states .. before that how many temples has been demolished and the dog just keep quite with a bone on their mouth ..

  6. What is mind boggling is that I don't know anyone who is supporting MIC. I certainly don't have any friends who actually does.How can a political party survive without support? Amazing... and riducules...

  7. Anonymous7:22 am

    You... DAP guys will also use such cheap shot on your opponents. Always put things negatively and one can smell your bad faith from a distant. Samy has done a lot for the Indian community in education, business opportunities, religion etc. I don't think any fair thinking Malaysian can denied it...

  8. Anonymous9:22 am

    Samy Vellu is one stubborn SOB. Basically in the end he believes in feudal politics and he makes no apologies for it. There is nothing intellectual and conscientious about him. The man is a cynic through and through.

    Feudal lords don't leave. You have to pry what he owns from his cold-dead hands..

  9. Anonymous10:21 am

    Concerned Malaysian

    Yes MIC has done alot for the Indians. So why don't you ask Hindraf to shut and go to hell. Why Hindraf deny it? Why UMNO has to put Hindraf to ISA if MIC has done a lot? Maybe alot to dip into the kitty?

  10. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Lembu punya susu, Samy punya nama ..... and that is literally what Samy did ... 6 acres of school land was given to Effingham Tamil School in Bandar Utama. But, Samy just gave 3 acres to school and pocket the other 3 acres as owner and MIC as trustee -all done efficiently within 24 hrs - five years ago. When this outrageous act was exposed by The Sun and investigated by Pakatan Rakyat's state government of Selangor, Samy claimed that it is an administrative error ..... administrative error my foot .... this is corruption of the highest order! Stealing land from the people! Can this guy be really trusted? Where is the efficient ACA ... where?

  11. Anonymous10:39 pm

    concerned malaysian

    is it not a FACT that Samy took this piece of land meant for a Tamil school? Just answer this and dont try to beat round the bush. Paid to defend the undefendable by Samy?

  12. Anonymous8:46 pm

    anonymous 10:39pm,

    Samy has spent over 30 years helping the Indian community and can you disregard all that just because of one incident (that is, if it is proven true?). By the way, you can't help people by just providing lip services, you need money to help people. Tell me, where did PKR get all the money to finance the last general election? If you look at the banners, posters etc, they seemed to have a lot of that. I wonder what promises and favours were expected from PKR/Pakatan if they won. Did you get where I am arriving friend, politic is the same, no matter from which angle you look at..

  13. Why are you being Samy's ball carrier?

    If he took the land then he should fall under the same law as everyone else. I thought that was already fait accompli when another of his ball carrier (already rich too by the looks of him) said MIC lawyers in the process of "rectifying the mistake" in the title deed.

    What are you trying to imply that PKR financed its campaign illegally? They made illegal promises? You have any proof or evidence? The last GE BN (MIC included) used more campaign merchandise than allowed - somehow that must have slipped under your radar right? Just answer me this - in the past 30 years, how much has BN swindled the rakyat? If this single Samy case is already worth RM50 million, the amount involved is certainly no chicken feed. And I am talking facts, not assumptions nor innuendoes!

    No I don't get where you are arriving at. But most probably I know where you are coming from (BN). Specifically MIC (read 1st para).
