
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gerakan Bravado

Recently, clearly still stunned from the outcome of the March 8th elections, minority parties in Barisan Nasional such as MCA, MIC and Gerakan are beginning to be more vocal, and offering more palatable soundbites.

For example, at the recently concluded Gerakan national conference, Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon today suggested that the "Barisan Nasional (BN) set up a special task force to review the Internal Security Act (ISA), Printing Presses and Publications Act and the Universities and University Colleges Act in order to strengthen the parliamentary democratic system."
He made it clear that his party was against all laws of detention without trial and called for their abolishment as one of the five resolutions on strengthening democracy and human rights passed at the national delegates (NDC) conference today.
There's no question about the statement above. As a responsible parliamentarian, it must be supported wholeheartedly.

The question then is, with all these "talk", what is Gerakan going to do about it?

Firstly, all UMNO leaders have shown total disregard to the comments made by the Gerakan President. I've not seen any, none who has not resigned from the cabinet positions anyway, Minister or UMNO leader who has come out to support, or even offer sympathy and empathy to the views presented by Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon.

Tan Sri Koh himself, has even highlighted previously that "the party will review its role in the Barisan Nasional (BN). And if the review finds Gerakan no longer has a "meaningful" role in BN, then it would pull out of the coalition."

So, may I asked the honourable President, does Gerakan still have a meaningful role in Barisan Nasional? One would have expected a more sincere and sympathetic response from their UMNO masters, in the light of the damage in the last general elections, but no, absolutely none at all.

Secondly, will the lone representative from Gerakan among the backbenchers in Parliament, use the opportunities presented by the Budget as well as the subsequent DNA and UUCA bill debate to forcefully, without unnecessary and face-saving disclaimers, reject these bills. Will Gerakan exercise their so-called "louder conscience" in Parliament and vote accordingly? Or will they in my opinion, remain as empty vassals, and remain subservient to UMNO in perpetuity.

In the interest of Malaysia and Malaysians, I hope for the former, but in reality, as much as I'm reluctant to pass judgement prematurely, it is only likely to be the latter.


  1. Anonymous1:08 pm

    gambling is not healthy but I would bet my last dollar that Gerakan will toe the line set by UMNO. Nothing has changed except for the rhetoric being louder in sound.
    a leopard doesnt lose its spot, does it. Tony, lets get ready for GE13 and kick out the corrupt and arrogant BN.

  2. Anonymous1:11 pm

    Will the voices of such BN's slave component parties be entertained by their evil UMNO boss? I am really doubtful about it.

  3. Anonymous4:26 pm

    Why is Gerakan, MCA and MIC only voicing out dissastisfaction now? Where were they during the HINDRAF and BERSIH rally?

    Pakatan should think twice before allowing these hypocrites in if they ever should choose to come knocking on PR's door.

  4. Anonymous6:02 pm

    do not care what mca, mic or gerakan voice... mostly all bullshit and try to get people trust or whatever.

    At the same time, i would like to say about Pakatan also, Our opposition leader everytime said change government, change, change...
    I really hope it change, but do it faster, dont wait wait.. now i start to think that opposition also same like BN people... talk talk talk...

    Where is the ACTION????

    Transaction of govenrment from BN to Pakatan wont affect much of economy, if the new coming PM maintain the existing government worker and head.

  5. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Gerakan Wayang.

    KTK of Gerakan also wanna call flip flop "BAPA DEMOKRASI"

    That, is............



  6. NATO - No Action Talk Only

  7. It is a good changes now in BN,but I was wondering why only umno president and deputy president is to be PM and DPM of Malaysia? why can not be someone else from BN component party like Sabah or sarawak who is also bumi? Or this is non negotiable deal in BN.

  8. Anonymous10:10 am

    Actually you make a good point that there is a clear opportunity for Gerakan to redeem itself - the DNA bill, UUCA bill. Its not even a choice really, they have to vote against it or rather it makes no sense for them to vote for it. They are just bad laws...

    If they can't vote against bad laws, what hope is there?

    The truth is Gerakan members has already turn the corner for leaving the party, they have in fact given up on the leaders and just waiting. How else can you explain KTK not being contested and Lim Si Pin, whose main program is ISO 9000 got voted in as Youth Chief?

    If they don't do the right thing with the simplest of things, the members will be gone on their own...

  9. Anonymous1:07 pm

    I am suprise how Keng Yaik's son won the youth election in Gerakan. The kedah candidate Tan Keng Liang who defends Malaysian rights lost. He whack UMNO and BN. He even say PM appointment must get the view of all BN component parties. But he lost!!! Very sad!!!

  10. Of course lah. Now they weak mah! When they strong, they act cocky and ignore us. They MCA, MIC and Gerakan 'Tak Boleh Harap'!

  11. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Most of the readers who commented here are really pro-Opposition. Let me put it this way, all politicians are the same - dirty and selfish, pursuit of self-interest. What can PR do esp they are in control of the 5 states, basically Nothing! Marriage of Convenience - again selfish political pursuit. One must understand the game rationally and not being emotion to the shouting of Opposition or BNs.
