
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Statement by JIM on ISA

Free Teresa, Abolish ISA! Sign the petition here!

The following is a statement by Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) which is one of the country's leading Islamic movement.
Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia atau JIM, mengasaskan kewujudannya dengan menghayati pengertian al-islah yang membawa maksud pembaikan, pembaharuan serta mewujudkan perdamaian.
They have just released a statement which not only condemned the use of the Internal Security Act as unislamic, but also reaffirmed the position that Teresa Kok was never involved in the so-called "azan" issues in Kota Damansara and Kinrara mosques.

Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia
14 September 2008


Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) mengecam undang-undang tanpa bicara seperti Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dan penggunaannya ke atas Ahli Parlimen Seputeh yang juga Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Teresa Kok, wartawan akhbar Sin Chew Daily Tan Hoon Cheng dan pengendali laman blog Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

JIM ingin menegaskan bahawa prinsip keadilan amatlah penting dalam perundangan. ISA menyalahi prinsip keadilan kerana mereka yang ditahan dinafikan hak untuk “tidak bersalah sehingga disabitkan kesalahannya”, dinafikan hak bela diri, dinafikan khidmat guaman dan boleh ditahan selama-lamanya tanpa dihadapkan ke mahkamah.

Walaupun wartawan Tan Hoon Cheng kemudiannya telah dibebaskan selepas 16 jam ditahan, namun JIM mempersoalkan penahanan tersebut atas kononnya untuk melindungi beliau daripada ancaman ke atas keselamatan beliau. Ini menurut Menteri Dalam Negeri, Syed Hamid Albar dalam sidang akhbar di Ibupejabat Polis Bukit Aman pada 13 September 2008. Bukankah suatu yang amat pelik apabila seseorang ditahan di bawah ISA untuk menyelamatkan beliau daripada ancaman keselamatan sedangkan lazimnya seseorang ditahan kerana beliau dituduh memudaratkan keselamatan negara?

Apakah dengan ini wartawan tersebut perlu berterima kasih kepada Kerajaan atau sepatutnya menyaman Kerajaan kerana merampas hak kebebasan beliau sebagai warganegara dengan alasan yang tidak munasabah langsung?

Perbuatan menuduh tanpa sebarang bukti adalah perbuatan yang haram dari sudut Syariah, kerana ianya sendiri merupakan sebab utama kepada keadaan huru-hara di kalangan masayarakat yang hilangnya kepercayaan antara satu sama lain.

Firman Allah s.w.t. dalam surah Al-Hujurat ayat 6, penyebaran perkhabaran dan maklumat yang tidak sahih lagi meragukan menyebabkan berlakunya pertimbangan yang tidak adil, lantaran mengundang kepada musibah fitnah yang melanda masyarakat.

Riwayat hadith Ibnu Majah dan Abu Dawud menyebutkan bahawa kadi yang menetapkan hukuman kepada seseorang bedasarkan sumber-sumber bukti yang tidak benar akan dicampakkan ke dalam api neraka sewajarnya cukup menjadi pengajaran bagi kerajaan untuk mengutamakan prinsip keadilan Islam yang rasional berbanding dengan sentimen-sentimen perkauman yang rapuh dalam menjaga kemaslahatan masyarakat.

JIM mengesyorkan mana-mana pihak yang terkesan dengan sebaran awam yang dianggap menghina Islam supaya tampil proaktif dalam memberikan penjelasan yang bernas terhadap isu-isu yang dibahaskan. Islam tertegak di atas nas dan dalil Al-Quran dan Sunnah yang jelas. Tuntutan untuk mengemukakan hujah-hujah Islam secara berhikmah dan beradab sudah termaktub di dalam riwayat hadith-hadith yang sahih.

JIM memandang penahanan wartawan Tan Hoon Cheng seolah-olah beliau bertanggungjawab ke atas kontroversi kenyataan perkauman Ahmad Ismail sebagai tidak wajar kerana Ahmad Ismail dan pengikut beliau sendiri yang sengaja memberikan provokasi perkauman tanpa sebarang kawalan emosi di hadapan wartawan-wartawan.

Penahanan Ahli Parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok pula merupakan satu ketidakadilan kerana dakwaan bekas Menteri Besar Selangor keatasnya telah dinafikan sekeras-kerasnya. Malah, masjid di Damansara yang dikatakan disuruh perlahankan bunyi azannya telah memberi penjelasan bahawa azan tidak berbunyi dengan kuat kerana alat pembesar suara azannya mengalami kesulitan teknikal, bukannya kerana ditentang penduduk bukan Islam.

Penduduk bukan Islam di kawasan perumahan sekitar sebuah masjid di Puchong pula dilaporkan hanya memohon supaya diperlahankan penggunaan pembesar suara untuk majlis kuliah bacaan ayat al-Quran, bukannya azan itu sendiri.

JIM berpendirian jelas bahawa apa juga alasan yang dinyatakan kerajaan atas episod penahanan terbaru ini samada sebagai “pencetus polemik ketakutan” atau “pencetus kegawatan”, ianya seharusnya boleh ditangani dengan pelbagai akta lain yang sedia ada.

Tindakan menggertak dan menangkap blogger, wartawan, para pengkritik dasar kerajaan khususnya dari kalangan parti pembangkang tanpa hujah yang konkrit hanya akan mengundang kemusykilan rakyat terhadap motif dan keikhlasan kerajaan dalam melaksanakan perubahan pasca Pilihan raya Umum ke-12 terutamanya dalam konteks lanskap politik negara kini. Tindakan ini hanyalah mengesahkan lagi bahwa ISA digunakan untuk tujuan politik parti pemerintah.

JIM amat kesal dengan tindakan parti politik pemerintah yang sanggup memainkan isu sensitif seperti perkauman dan agama demi untuk menutup pelbagai kelemahan kepimpinan sedia ada. Sebaliknya, adalah lebih baik pihak kerajaan berusaha menyelesaikan pelbagai kemelut yang terjadi di dalam negara sekarang ini tanpa menggadaikan suasana keamanan yang sedia ada. Hentikan politik perkauman, fitnah dan tuduh menuduh tanpa bukti lagi tanpa bicara dan kembalilah kepada Syariat Islam.

JIM menggesa Kerajaan untuk membebaskan Teresa Kok, Raja Petra dan tahanan-tahanan ISA yang lain dengan serta merta atau dakwa mereka di mahkamah. Nasib tahanan yang ditahan dalam tempoh yang lama sehingga 7 tahun juga perlu dibela.

Sebagai anggota aktif gabungan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI), JIM menyeru rakyat yang prihatin untuk turut tampil membantah ISA dan penahanan berhubungnya melalui program-program yang dianjurkan oleh GMI. Dalam tuntutan keadilan dan kebenaran, tidak ada batasan agama, kaum atau budaya.

Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh
Timbalan Presiden


  1. If I am a member in the CEC of DAP,
    I'll immediately to contact YB Nik Aziz and request him to issue a statement on the "Azan allegation" made by K Toyo and the government to use ISA to arraest YB Teresa Kok.

  2. Anonymous6:07 pm

    I need translation

  3. Jom lakukan HARTAL untuk selamatkan negara tercinta ini.


    Let's do HARTAL for our beloved country.


  4. Anonymous6:35 pm

    Islam is very clear on detention without trial. It is the "Muslims" who are going against the very teachings of Islam. These are the same "Muslims" who think that to swear by holding the Quran is better than to uphold what is written in the Quran. God help us all.

  5. So it is now confirmed beyond any doubt that the Cops arrested Teresa using the ISA, based on a lie.

    Not only must the Cops release Teresa immediately and apologise, they must go toyol hunting.

  6. Anonymous7:37 pm

    I feel that Tan Hoon Cheng should consult legal advice against the the authorities as well as the real perpatraitor of her arrest. In the first place she didn't committed any wrong doing. I believe reporting the comments made by so call politician is not against any law. It's only right to take this up to tell them that this abuse of power and intimidation of fear is dead wrong. Yet they give one lame excuse after another just because they feel they are controlling the police and manipulate and interpret law to their liking. I feel these action must be met with proper consequences. This needs to be done to tell them not to take the people for granted.

  7. Anonymous8:55 pm

    aiyah you people are so stupid lah.raja petra,teresa kok and reporter tan are not UMNO members lah!under ahmad badawi`s law only non umno members go under ISA.please ask them to join as UMNO members,than khairi will recomend to pak lah to punish them under party people dont know ha khairi in the 4 th floor is more powerfull mah.the botak syed hamid said he also dont know who order the arrest mah.we are now the police state mah.badawi has given billion in 2009 budget,so police must show their masters the umno that they are beholden to them and so they acted without badawi`s order,so the umno master will reward them in his next budget(2010).you know the army general`s warning-so the police try to take over or coup d`tat before the army.the IGP want to show to the badawi that there are more reliable and powerfull than najib and his army people.

  8. Anonymous10:22 pm

    sue. sue. sue. sue the botox man with the statement from j-i-m. this is what malaysia is all about. we are all bros & sis. when datuk botox go bankrupt, no money for botox, then we see his true ugly face. unless he manage to escape back to dumai or sumatera somewhere. bet his his botox now starting to melt after his false allegations failed to make any impact on racial instability. actually, all BN MPs have mental instability. that's why the whole country is going nowhere. if rpk, teresa & ms.tan were BN members, they would be punished with 3 years suspension or go holiday camp. like those MPs that went to Taiwan. it was actually a punishment in BN's terms.

  9. Anonymous10:23 pm

    If STAR still has some credibility, they will print this statement by JIM on front page.

  10. Anonymous11:06 pm

    I am surprised at what has been done so far. Instead of going back to basics and cleaning up its act, the ruling government is fighting fire with all these futile attempts.
    Okay, lets be fair. These fire fighting are due to constant pressure from the opposition, but do you blame them? That is what being the opposition is about! The best thing you could do is going back to basics and work from there. That gives you the opportunity to look back calmly and logically into time, to see where things went wrong and hence give you a better chance of coming back stronger. I feel that the ruling government is in the state of constant paranoia (and denial) now.
    If you are losing out in support from the public, you have only yourself to blame. It means you are not doing as well as the other person. Spring cleaning is overdue and you are going about cleaning the wrong way.
    The public urges the ruling government to NOT vent your anger and frustration over the problems it has got itself into. Instead be the kid who fell off the bike. Get up and cycle again. If a kid can do it, why can't all of us??? Get rid of the ego. We all make mistakes from time to time. What counts is acknowledging them and acting on them.
    PLS FREE US! LET MALAYSIA SHOW ITS BEST TO THE WORLD! Do start with the detainees, they deserve much more respect as a loyal citizen serving our nation.
    Concerned ...

  11. Anonymous11:28 pm

    I could not find this particular 'penyata media' in the JIM webpage, was it removed already ??

  12. Surely the police have all the facts and know that T Kok is not involved! I suspect they are acting on orders from above. The release of the reporter is a case in point. It was the Minister Syed Albar who claimed that the police acted on their own! It was the PM who said that "they" were acting based on "konkrit" evidence! SO if you have to release someone after 24 hours...what "konkrit" evidence are you talking about. I am positive the police are not that dumb. It is politicians trying to act like they know about law enforcement that make the police look dumb. The police should resist this. Arrest by all means..but arrest the people who are causing the problem. Surely the police can do this..or dont tell me ..

  13. Anonymous11:52 pm

    everyone if you take a step back and help me understand what i have to do as a non-muslim in this country.... i have to keep my peace and shut my mouth when i honestly believe the azan has breached the reasonableness level ie it has become under the legal definition, a public nuisance.
    2. does this mean that in any case or perhaps all cases, the azan will never be public nuisance albeit hitting right on target all description, definition of it being public nuisance.
    3. does it mean that i am not allowed to request the mosque to show some consideration as to the volume of the speakers no matter how polite i request.
    4. does this mean that i am not allowed to inform the mosque of the traffic obstruction that cars of muslims who come for friday prayers due to some indiscriminate parking and request for the mosque to inform their patrons to park the cars properly.

    is this stirring racial issue? is this creating an chaos or an insurgence in the country that ISA should be used?

    all that should be required from all is to act fairly and to exercise reasonableness in their action or reaction. for whatever religion this is the value all have preached and therefore should be accorded.

  14. problem is... will it get reported in the malay newspaper???

    or they will continue to do what their best, to keep on reporting the false allegation that chinese are againse islam to stir up the religious issue... (with the goverment approval and support of course)

  15. Good evening Tony,

    Last Friday, my heart was really so broken to see the draconion ISA in action. I could see the direction where the ISA action is heading; that is to further divide the people and instill hatred among the races. The intention is to create chaos and intimidate the rakyat to keep the ministers' place in the cabinet! They are afraid of losing your job.

    Today, I am so happy to see so many Malaysians regardless of race and religious belief united in the stand to abolish ISA and resist racism. Most important, Malaysian rakyat are more mature, intelligent and rational than the crafty but silly politicians whom were elected to govern our country with the trust to run it fairly and wisely through such economically difficult times. Instead they turn the country into a circus. They don't care a hoot the negative impact of their stupendous acts within the international community, shaking foreign investors' confidences and chasing them off to invest in our neighbouring countries. Malaysians have been really betrayed by our own government.

    Here, I would like to thank all right minded Malaysians for staying calm in facing such strong provocations from our very own government. We should be proud of ourselves for our good conduct as Malaysians for Malaysia. We accept our differences and we are united despite our differences.

    This is the new dawn of Malaysia Truly Asia

  16. Anonymous1:01 am

    Thanks for this "Kenyataan Media from Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia". It make me feel better. There is still good and brave muslims who stand up to justice.

    People from all faith must pray everyday, these trouble water will go away soon. Give all Malaysian the feeling of security and belonging and please don't let Malaysian end up like Phillipines or Indonesia. Please take that envy and hate from every Malaysian heart. Accept each others differences, and work together to face globalisation. Stop bitting each other.

    I want to say this, the next time when other race and foreigners asked why I don't read chinese or know the history of china. I am going to reply I am a Malay. How am I going to know. I am not from China and had my education in Sekolah Kebangsaan, I look like I am from China only. I am 100% Malay-chinese.

    I remember my first oversea assignment in Bangkok. They were very curious how a malay from Malaysia look like. The first question was, you are a malay and a muslim. I said I am Malaysian chinese and buddist. They were so surprised that there are other race and religion in Malaysia and we could live as neighbour. Please don't let this beautiful view that other have on us go away.

  17. Anonymous1:36 am

    Raja Petra had been charged with sedition and his court case is pending. So, if they can prove he is really guilty, why not just put him on trial straightaway instead of wasting time with this ISA detention?

    The official explanation by the Home Minister that Miss Tan Hoon Cheng was detained under ISA for 24 hours to protect her against a death threat certainly would stretch anyone's credibility and it looks more like a scare tactic to bring her in for questioning.

    I was surprised that Ms. Teresa Kok has been targeted too since there doesn't seem to be any earlier news about the allegations which was made against her.

    The ISA was meant to use against really dangerous people who want to organise violent riots, or stage bombings or a bloody coup, but it appears to have turned into some kind of a political weapon of convenience...

  18. Anonymous5:26 am

    Why the petition does not include Raja Petra? Also, why the candle light vigil is not organized together with Raja Petra group? With the inclusion of Raja Petra supporters, I believe this will help attract bigger crowd. Lastly, this will make it less political.

  19. Anonymous9:01 am

    Teresa Kok will be released and my bet is soon. The issue is why is this being done? The whole thing makes no sense to me. There IS NO CASE at all.

    The only possible reason to do is to send a message to Khir Toyo not to challenge Badawi and KJ OR to weaken the Badawi administration itself. But it makes no sense either because its pathetic and would be exposed quite easily if one dig deep enough.

    Again, something is very wrong about this whole thing. Its not what it seems. There are more going on than it appears...

  20. Anon 5.26

    The petition includes Raja Petra, Hindraf 5 etc.

    And by abolishing ISA, all gets released as well.


  21. Anonymous10:21 am


    Please do us this favour. Once PR takes over, please ensure that the ISA is abolished forever and please give that Syed Hamid a fair trail. DO NOT use the ISA on that man.

    The likes of Syed Hamid must answer to the Malaysian public for what he has done. And if he is found guilty, send him to Sg Buloh prison.

    We must take this country back from UMNO-BN. We must ensure there is a future for our children in this country.


    This is so Malaysia right now!

  23. Anonymous1:30 pm

    remember to sign the petition for YB Teresa Kok.

  24. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Totally crap! that's the only word to describe what Syed Hamid Albar's press conference was all about. If he doesn't know anything about the detention orders and it's all about the police, then obviously, Raja Petra, Teresa Kok and Ms Tan were illegally detained. For persons to be detained under ISA, it has to be approved by the Minister first! Duh! How bright our ministers???!! Please ABOLISH ISA NOW!

  25. Muslim NGO: Use of ISA is ‘un-Islamic’

    Pak Lah: This is Islam Hadhari!

  26. Anonymous6:21 pm

    The only thing can do now is get the Enough MPs and go see the king.

    I believe King will do voice somethings. "TUMBANGKAN BN" indirectly the ISA will be gone.

    At here hope the MP in BN who got HUMANITY, stand up fight! or join PKR or DAP.
    Leave the BN, I personal will not vote(guarantee not vote)on BN in next election!!!!

  27. It is crystal clear that the gomen had created another blunder in this isa issue. The only honourable thing to do is to release them with immediate effect. Be brave to admit when mistake had been made.

  28. Anonymous10:18 pm

    Anonymous said…

    After 51 years MALAYSIA IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE but backwards because of the Oppression from the UMNO goons’ divide and rule fear tactics the Rakyats have matured & you must see all this coming because All The Rakyats of Malaysia are all fed-up & can no longer with-stand the hypocrisies, bullshits, lies and deceits of these UMNO Clowns now in Power ok???

    We urge all BN Components MPs with a conscience to do the necessary to make possible a New Malaysia for all Rakyats of Malaysia so that all our children and their children & their children’s children’s future will be safe and secured in the Country we all love and not be intimidated by those UMNO Clowns now in power with their oppressive & fear tactics and in the verge of making Malaysia a Police State if left unchecked otherwise. Save RPK as he is the midst of a conspiracy of the real murderers of Altantuya to silence him for good, instead of being C4ed he could be poisoned and worse off if he is on hunger strike by himself. The Acting IGP is defending the Police position after being made the tools of UMNO's fear tactics & so he is now making lame excuses for being the Stringed Puppet to be easily manipulated by the Puppeteer, power that be.

    Moronic PeeM and Botak Home Minister last minutes’ attempts to cling on power by using the fear tactics of using the ISA at their whims and fancies selectively against dissent & tried to deny their own actions as they now have no balls to face the wrath of the all the Rakyats of Malaysia.

    All Rakyats of Malaysia will see to that these Clowns will be thrown out soon come the New Dawn of Malaysia & that all Rakyats of Malaysia will welcome the New Malaysia on Malaysia Day 916, 2008 for a Malaysia for All Malaysians.

    Justice MUST BE DONE for Altantuya and for all those detained under ISA without the trial nor the rights of appeal. Light-up a Candle in the Lantern of the Mid-Autumn Festival for them all to usher in the NEW DAWN OF MALAYSIA COME 916, 2008
    Zymian // Sep 14, 2008 at 4:07 pm

    We are indeed witnessing an attempt by certain hardcore Umno operatives to create unrest amongst the various races. Remember, it is to create the perfect pretence for the UMNO led government to impose emergency law and thus roll back their losses in the last elections!
    The ISA arrests are only part of the plan. There will be further provocations! They are desperately hoping that enough unrest and conflict will arise so that they may use even more hardliner’s tactics with the security forces.
    I sincerely hope our fellow citizens will remain calm. Fight, I say…but fight smart. Use the net, use it to spread the word that violence and conflict is to be avoided.
    The UMNO hardliners (Dr M, Toyo) have run out of ideas. In their desperation, they have become more ruthless. We just need to stay the course….and these jokers will self destruct.

  29. Anonymous10:37 pm

    If the mainstream media, eg STAR, NST & Berita Harian, has any dignity about reporting the truth as they claim to be, they should publish this letter by JIM. With permission of course. Datuk Wong Chun Wai wrote a convincing piece about the arrest of Ms. Tan/Sin Chew Jit Poh. So, is Datuk Wong going to practice what he preaches? Or he is just another procastinator?
