
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Forum: Abolish ISA!

Free RPK, Free Hindraf 5, Free All Detainees!

The Internal Security Act under Article 149 of the Malaysian Constitution permits the detention, at the discretion of the Home Minister, without charge or trial of any person in respect of whom the Home Minister was satisfied that such detention was necessary.

A week ago, we have witnessed yet again, the abuse of the ISA in the case of the detention of Raja Petra Kamarudin – Editor of Malaysia Today, Tan Hoon Cheng - Journalist, Sin Chew Jit Poh and Teresa Kok Suh Sim - Member of Parliament, Seputeh.

To demonstrate stand on the abolishment of the ISA and to show our solidarity and support with all ISA detainees and their families, we are organising a forum with invited speakers with details as follows:
Date: 23 Sep 2008 (Tue)
Time: 8:00 pm
Venue: KL & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jln Maharajalela, Kuala Lumpur
Admission is Free; Bring Friends
The panel of Distinguished Speakers include:
  • Lim Guan Eng, Penang Chief Minister, DAP MP Bagan, ADUN Air Itam
  • Teresa Kok, Selangor State Exco, DAP MP Seputeh/ADUN Kinrara
  • A. Sivanesan, Perak State Exco, DAP ADUN Sungkai
  • Khalid Samad, PAS MP Shah Alam
  • Nurul Izzah binti Anwar, PKR MP Lembah Pantai
  • Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bar Council President
  • Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
Moderator: Teo Nie Ching, DAP MP Serdang
The wives of some of the current ISA detainees, Raja Petra Kamaruddin, M Manoharan (DAP ADUN Kota Alam Shah) and V Ganabathirao will be present and be given an opportunity to speak. We should all be there to give the all the moral support we can! Forward to all your friends!

Abolish ISA or Abolish BN!


  1. Anonymous3:05 am

    "The Internal Security Act under Article 149 of the Malaysian Constitution permits the detention, at the discretion of the Home Minister, without charge or trial of any person in respect of whom the Home Minister was satisfied that such detention was necessary."

    However, when obvious blunders have been made in the detention of Tan Hoon Cheng and Teresa Kok, the Home Minister explained defensively that the decision to detain or release them under ISA, belonged to the police, who may or may not need to inform or consult him.

    He must be falling back on the following:
    Section 73(1) Internal Security Act 1960: "Any police officer may without warrant arrest and detain pending enquiries any person in respect of whom he has reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify his detention under section 8; and that he has acted or is about to act or is likely to act in any manner prejudicial to the security of Malaysia or any part thereof or to maintenance of essential services therein or to the economic life thereof."

    It appears that the ISA is open to a rather wide interpretation when it comes to implementation or execution. So, the Home Minister is obviously able to 'technically' avoid responsibility when the Act has been clearly abused, and he'll most likely to escape, because in 1989, the powers of the Minister under the legislation was made immune to judicial review by virtue of amendments to the Act, only allowing the courts to examine and review technical matters pertaining to the ISA arrest.

    This law was made when clearly there were terrorists in our midst, trying to overthrow our government by violent force. Sadly, it is now being abused as a tool by those who desperately believe that it is their divine right to stay in power.

  2. Anonymous11:00 am

    I sense there is a hidden agenda behind the recent arrests and detentions of: Teresa, news reporter and bloggers. The real purpose of the authority in invoking the ISA, et al. is, of course, NOT to contain "threats to the country's security" as claimed. Let's see what those arrests and detentions have actually 'achieved'. Strategically, they serve to be the background, or a camouflage if you like, for the subsequent invoking of it in the arrest of Anwar, if 'needed'. Technically, they have managed to confuse the public, and a number of different arrests would serve to keep the public to become even more confused. So, the logic in invoking those Acts has actually been successfully fuzzied up. Subsequently, when there comes the 'need' to arrest Anwar by invoking the Act, it wont seem very poignant any more, it would 'fuse' nicely with the background. And it would likewise be classified as a 'national security' matter, and would seem less like a 'politically motivated' matter.

  3. Repressive laws are designed to assist the ruling class in safeguarding the interests of capitalism. So far UMNO/BN has been using it to strengthen the rule of capitalism to oppress the working class and others in society. It would be necessary to fight to change these laws but it should go together with the need to transform the capitalist system that support and propagate these repressive laws. The democratic socialism that prioritizes the fundamental needs of working class and others in society would be the alternative.

  4. Anonymous12:33 pm

    Solution for Syed Albar is very simple.

    Option 1. Acknowledge he was wrong and accetp the consequence of that mistake.

    Option 2. Sack the police officer (i.e Deputy IG Ismail) for making this mistakae.

    If you say you are responsible then some one else was.

    Either way, someone has to take responsibility. Dont care how the real culprit was. An example must be set.

    End result:

    Option 1: a politician take the fall. In future, all politicians will takes extra care.

    Option 2: Police ooficer take the fall. In future, all police officers will be very careful when sleeping with politicans.



    Although Teresa Kok already released, but please sign it anyway since many others like Raja Petra Kamaruddin, P Uthayakumar, M Manoharan, R Kenghadharan, V Ganabatirau, T Vasanthakumar and many more still being detained under the ISA. Thanks for understanding. Thanks for signing.

  6. Anonymous4:54 pm

    Hello YB,

    have been a regular reader of your blog already. Our CM's state constituency is Air Puteh not Air Itam. Just a minor mistake I would like to touch on.

    Really nice blog you have here, at least its really neat.


  7. 升旗山 区 国会议 员刘镇东 on TV2 What say you 2008-09-21
    你怎么說 再益辞职 内部改革 希望何生 Ikut Suka Aku BN 1/5 =
    你怎么說 再益辞职 内部改革 希望何生 Ikut Suka Aku BN 2/5 =
    你怎么說 再益辞职 内部改革 希望何生 Ikut Suka Aku BN 3/5 =
    你怎么說 再益辞职 内部改革 希望何生 Ikut Suka Aku BN 4/5 =
    你怎么說 再益辞职 内部改革 希望何生 Ikut Suka Aku BN 5/5 =


  8. Anonymous12:30 am

    Nowadays, the Malaysian government defends itself from the criticism of the U.S. government on the use of ISA by reminding the Americans of their Patriot Act, their version of the ISA.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong; since the U.S. government has implemented the Patriot Act after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it has never been used against the political opposition in America (despite controversies about the mostly Muslim non-American detainees who are being held at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba).
    American Democrat politicians have been critical of the Republican party's President G.W.Bush concerning his administration's policies, but no way would Bush silence his critics by using the Patriot Act, because it would obviously be undemocratic.
    However, in Malaysia, the ISA, which was originally meant to lock up armed revolutionaries bent on overthrowing the government by force through violence and chaos, has evidently been used to suppress the political opposition which has been democratically elected in the first place.
    It's clear that the act gives too much power to the home minister & the police, who should, on their part, have earlier conducted a more thorough investigation before deciding to detain anyone under the act, given that the consequence is no trivial matter.
    They may say that it's better to sacrifice the personal rights & liberties of a few individuals for the overall safety and security of the entire country, but that would mean that some of us would have to be considered guilty until proven innocent when everyone of us is entitled to the other way round.
    So, after 51 years of independence, how can we just accept that kind of thinking by our government & law enforcement?

  9. Anonymous8:08 am

    When Teresa described the food served to her during her ISA detention, it reminded me of the stories by my grandparents of what they had to live on during the World War 2 Japanese Occupation.
    Now, over sixty years later, Ibrahim Ali & Mohd 'Mike Tyson' Taib criticises Teresa over her comments about the ISA detention food.
    If Ibrahim Ali was willing the accept the food served to him when he was under ISA detention, that is his personal opinion, but does that mean every former & current ISA detainee will have to agree with Ibrahim & accept that too?
    Mohd Taib says that Teresa is acting arrogantly over this food issue which is an insult to the poor who would sometimes have to eat plain rice with just salt.
    I think that Teresa, in her capacity as an elected official, wants to only highlight that ISA detainees are not getting basically a proper balanced diet, and she's not demanding for some sort of high class restaurant meal.
    This is already the 21st century and 51 years after our nation's independence, but unfortunately we still have people like Ibrahim Ali and Mohd Taib think that the government is not wrong in serving ISA detainees food that bears some semblance to what the occupying Japanese Imperial Army served to their POWs during their World War 2 occupation.
    Also, since Mohd Taib compares the food eaten by the poor to that served to ISA detainees, he himself insults the poor.

  10. Anonymous11:41 am

    Anonymous said…

    We call upon all the Rakyats of Malaysia to sign a Petition to be sent to the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong to release RPK from his detention under ISA because there is a hidden agenda of a conspiracy of using his detention to silence him so that he could not further release more evidences against the real C4 murderers of Altantuya because all the accused persons were all fall guys of the real murderers because they all did not have a real & logical motive to commit the murder of the Mongolian Lady.


    It is very easy to generate Police Reports against DSAI by using Penang Mamak Umno’s 25 Members headed by Wan Abidin Zain, who claimed to be non-partisan, using their uneasiness that most Penangites will now be boycotting Nasi Kandar one more round???

    It is very Sad that the legacy of Malaysian Independence is reduced by this Moronic Flip Flop Coward into great disrepute and a laughing stock of the whole world and knowing very well that the UMNO Government has technically collapsed and they lost the locus standi to govern but yet he has decided to shamelessly still cling on to power via dubious means like hiding himself via using of the ISA and we cannot imagine that the Malaysia Moronic Flip Flop Coward has now stoop so low and using the Police Deputy IGP as his willing tools especially the Deputy IGP’s clearly taking side as the Police must be neutral and should be not politiking for him.

    The Coward Moronic Flip Flop Chicken dare not meet DSAI face to face to settle matters but chose hiding under the use of ISA and that is what you have as a disgraceful cowardice leader for UMNO.

    After 51 years MALAYSIA IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE but backwards because of the Oppression from the UMNO goons’ divide and rule fear tactics the Rakyats have matured & you must see all this coming because All The Rakyats of Malaysia are all fed-up & can no longer with-stand the hypocrisies, bullshits, lies and deceits of these UMNO Clowns now in Power ok???

    We urge all BN Components MPs with a conscience to do the necessary to make possible a New Malaysia for all Rakyats of Malaysia so that all our children and their children & their children’s children’s future will be safe and secured in the Country we all love and not be intimidated by those UMNO Clowns now in power with their oppressive & fear tactics and in the verge of making Malaysia a Police State if left unchecked otherwise. Save RPK as he is the midst of a conspiracy of the real murderers of Altantuya to silence him for good, instead of being C4ed he could be poisoned and worse off if he is on hunger strike by himself. The Acting IGP is defending the Police position after being made the tools of UMNO’s fear tactics & so he is now making lame excuses for being the Stringed Puppet to be easily manipulated by the Puppeteer, power that be. The Deputy IGP must be held personally responsible for the safety of RPK who has been heard to be tortured otherwise he must be made to eat his own medicine come the New Dawn of Malaysia.

    Moronic PeeM and Botak Home Minister last minutes’ attempts to cling on power by using the fear tactics of using the ISA at their whims and fancies selectively against dissent & tried to deny their own actions as they now have no balls to face the wrath of the all the Rakyats of Malaysia. ONE DAY THE MORONIC BOTAK AND FLIP FLOP AND C4 MUST BE MADE TO TASTE THEIR OWN MEDICINE OK?

    All Rakyats of Malaysia will see to that these Clowns will be thrown out soon come the New Dawn of Malaysia & that all Rakyats of Malaysia will welcome the New Malaysia on Malaysia Day 916, 2008 for a Malaysia for All Malaysians.

    Justice MUST BE DONE for Altantuya and for all those detained under ISA without the trial nor the rights of appeal. Light-up a Candle in the Lantern of the Mid-Autumn Festival for them all to usher in the NEW DAWN OF MALAYSIA COME 916, 2008

  11. Anonymous3:15 pm

    Dear YB Tony Pua,

    Just to highlight that YAB Lim Guan Eng is the ADUN for Air Putih ( not ADUN for Air Itam as stated. FYI, ADUN for Air Itam is YB Wong Hon Wai (

