
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Avril Lavigne Too Sexy

You must be kidding me. Avril Lavigne has attitude. She wears the grunge look with dark eye-shadows. Yes, I'm a fan. But Avril Lavigne "too sexy"? Unbelievable.

Unfortunately, our very own Minister of Culture and Heritage agrees with the PAS Youth leadership that Avril is inappropriate for Malaysian youth. So permit has been denied for the concert, and I should think, unless you are Tom Jones or Cliff Richard, one should just forget about visiting Malaysia.

In fact, I think sooner or later, the famous Hong Kong and Taiwan artistes will be banned as well, for as far as I can tell, singers like Jolin Tsai or Karen Mok and many others dresses much more sexily than Avril Lavigne (without in my opinion being inappropriate).

Malaysian Artistes’ Association (Karyawan) describing the move as “ridiculous”.
“Their narrow-mindedness will definitely not get the support of the rakyat. They are always looking at the world through blinkers. They cannot see any other point of view except theirs.”
We can forget about Malaysia becoming a "cultural and entertainment" centre in the region, and one of the biggest victims will be our tourism industry in itself. Of course, that obviously isn't the concern of PAS Youth. Inul was asked to be banned. Same for Gwen Stefani. They even our very own Malaysian Ella and Mas Idayu's concert, much to the consternation of Selangor's Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm quite certain that after watching these concerts I won't suddenly get the urge to consume drugs, rob banks, go on a murder rampage or even cheat on my wife. And I don't even drink! So what's the problem?

I wonder if these PAS Youth members even looked out of the windows in their house? Or more pertinently, do they have windows?


  1. Anonymous11:50 am

    i dont know what the heck is wrong with some people.Avril is "sexy"?.I understand if Avril wears something as what Mariah Carey wears.But Avril isnt like that.i'm not even a fan of Avril but i know how she dress herself.She's unlike Britney Spears.

    i bet the only entertainment they agree upon is Nasyid.there's nothing wrong with that but we must keep in mind that Malaysia is a multiracial nation.Different people with different needs.

    I'm absolutely sure i wont go on a mass murdering after enjoying myself at a concert.

  2. It's a big dissapointment for many Malaysians. And it's a bigger dissapointment for me to see how conservative Malaysia are. It's already 2008. Malaysia have to move on. If not, we'll be left far behind. This concert should not be banned as it may improve our tourism too, I believe.

  3. I concur with you on this issue, Tony

  4. Anonymous12:18 pm


    I do sense you are not being fair here, ultimately, the source that banned Avril is the Govt, BeeEnd and UMNO, why do you still harp on PAS ????

    Dont they have a right to say they feel Avril concert should not go on or you expect them to shut up and agree totally?

    They are well within their rights to suggest Avril be banned but if you want to blame somebody, psl direct it to the right cause of the ban.

  5. Anonymous12:22 pm

    These politicians are all trying to be more "Islamic" than their opponents. Why don't these people go ride camels instead of cars which was invented by the evil western colonialist.

  6. Then what is considered suitable for malaysian youths? Bands from middle-east covering themselves from head to toes, singing religious songs?

  7. Anonymous1:05 pm

    Sorry guys, Tom Jones and Cliff Richard also cannot. One might cause the women in the audience to throw their underwear on the stage and the other is gay.

  8. Anonymous1:09 pm

    It seems as if the government is succumbing to the "unnecessary pressures" in order to please certain counterparts.. Do correct me if i am wrong.

    It is not right & NEVER right to judge a singer/actress/ basically anyone just because of the image portrayed by them. The image is all for the purpose for fans to identify with the band / singer..As long as it's nothing overboard, i do not see the rationale in denying Malaysian's an equal opportunity to attend whoever's concert they like listening to...

    For heaven's sake.. we are no longer 3-year old kids who can't differentiate between good or bad! Do we need these people to decide for us on something as menial as this?!

  9. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Should invite Edison Chen and Chua Soi Lek in Concert!

  10. to be fair, it is only those in power that has myopic views. people on the ground, a big majority do not have big issues between one another, it is only the rabble rouser who created all the discord.

    all these holier than thou people are so deprived that they will go berserk the minute they sees some blonde hair and some hand's skin. that is why they don't allow this in malaysia, they just can't control themselves from doing drugs, raping etc after watching concert. it applies to them only, but they are shifting the blame to the rakyat. sheesh...


  11. "Hong Kong and Taiwan artistes will soon be banned?"

    "You must be kidding"

    Then, what will happen on "Astro On-Demand"?

    should me start dumping Astro shares before the Government terminating it license?

  12. Anonymous2:11 pm

    haiya tony, you are stupid la...their dissatisfaction is legal la. they don't run amok or hurt anyone.

    i have seen avril before...yes, she is skimpy. i think when your wife starts running naked in your neighbourhood or show her boops or pussy to other people, then it might be too much for you. if you say that is too much...then you should see new zealanders, they allow boops on the bikes parade in auckland yesterday. so, where do we go from here? what is your limit? don't forget, what is moderate for you may not be moderate for other 62% of malaysia's population, and their number is increasing!

  13. Mmmmm... did they ban Celine Dion ah? ;)

    Avril Lavigne wears even full cloak lor... Or did thet mess up Avril Lavigne with Rihanna? :P

    Sad... I love Rihanna more...~~

  14. Anonymous2:35 pm

    Haiya, whats the fuss if Avril cannot have a concert here. Those who want to see her can always go to Singapore to see her.

    Anyway, the problem with the people who issues the permit has always been "their" taste. They always let their "taste" get in the way. Who would be stupid enuf to expect to get a permit for a rock concert in Malaysia. The permit givers only appreciate wholesome ones like Celine Dion, or Donny & Marie, or Tom Jones or Engelbert Humperdick (if they are still alive). Even Rock FM got shelved a few years ago. For them, rock music is rebel music, so no good! You should thank your lucky stars for Youtube!

  15. daniel said...

    Sorry guys, Tom Jones and Cliff Richard also cannot. One might cause the women in the audience to throw their underwear on the stage and the other is gay.


    Hmmm... Who is gay?? @@

    By the way... this blog post could end up a title, "Malaysian MP said Tom Jones/Cliff Richard is perfect role model"


  16. i'm not a fan of avril at all. in fact don't know any of her songs at all but i am very angry at the PAS youth and the home minster of culture reaction and had blog out my anger.

  17. Anonymous3:09 pm

    Hello, u celebrate merdeka not at 31st of August ha? Is Avril's concert part of Bulan Kemerdekaan program (check out the concert's venue, it's at STADIUM MERDEKA!).

    In the eyes of many Malays, Merdeka is about being free from Western imperialism, and we are bringing one just 2 days b4 31st of August.

  18. Anonymous4:27 pm

    one thing for sure, our youths are smarter now.. They are more open and know how to differenciate between right and wrong.
    It's not like they are going to start doing inappropriate things after watching the concert.
    PAS seems to grade Malaysian youths as little beings with no brain at all.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Haiya, whats the fuss if Avril cannot have a concert here. Those who want to see her can always go to Singapore to see her.

    Anyway, the problem with the people who issues the permit has always been "their" taste. They always let their "taste" get in the way. Who would be stupid enuf to expect to get a permit for a rock concert in Malaysia. The permit givers only appreciate wholesome ones like Celine Dion, or Donny & Marie, or Tom Jones or Engelbert Humperdick (if they are still alive). Even Rock FM got shelved a few years ago. For them, rock music is rebel music, so no good! You should thank your lucky stars for Youtube!

    2:35 PM


    Your comment makes me think of Dolly Parton all a sudden... Will Malaysia Government ban her concert (if there is any)?

  20. I think some Tourism minister forgot to plan well and Avril rejected them. They then propogade that as if PAS youth is to be blamed. Of course, PAS youth seemed to like these attentions.

  21. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Just sinply cannot fathom. John F Kennedy Jr is considered as sexiest man even with clothes on? So must he hide behind a veil? About this Singer, it is normal when she wears skimmpy clothes and that is the fans' expectation just like China wanted a presentable person during the Olympic Games (China looks at the community rather as a individual(Western freedom and meism because it is a COMMUNIST country. Of course when she comes here, we expect her to do as Malaysians (conservative) do.

  22. Dear Tony,

    What you see or perceive as correct may not be by others. It is as simple as that. PAS is merely stating their disagreement with the concert because of the attire. So far from what I see, they have been consistent with what they are fighting for... the eastern values.

    Malaysia is not the same as Singapore, please understand that.

  23. Anonymous7:46 pm

    just too easy to get "them" turn on..

    naked animal is not allowed next time, perhaps..

    anything also can related to "sex"
    is their brain damage!

  24. Anonymous9:25 pm

    This PAS guys must have cum watching Avril sings!

    Their resistance is so low!

    Their urge is too high!

    SUPER MAN! that's why they got 4wives

  25. Anonymous6:46 am

    The emperor of China got more wives and concubines,,,POWER!

  26. Anonymous9:03 am

    Whoever that says Avril is too sexy, it's best they stay at home. Do not visit any places in other than their kampung.

    Cause they will be turn on by the ladies in Malaysia.

  27. Anonymous9:16 am

    easy...if you don't like, just go to singapore. you can even pack all your stuffs, no one cares. don't expect the majority to listen to your perverted needs. stupid MP!

  28. let them ban la... youtube , concert and everything they think is not good for the youth...
    maybe ban the internet too coz they can watch porn online and they can learn to make bomb online too...

    to PAS youth - All you need is Al-Quran.

  29. Anonymous10:58 am

    Hallelujah ~~~~~!
    Anything could happen on this Bolehland ~~~!!!

  30. If we go by this, I think we should be scrapping Miss Malaysia too?

  31. Anonymous11:50 am

    what's being said by them reflects how and what they are thinking everytime they look at women.
    Macam ni ka nak jadi pemimpin?! More concern about the issue of women,
    Hancur Malaysia!

  32. Anonymous3:15 pm

    agree with you. hancur malaysia...better migrate lorrr

  33. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Someone must have mistaken AL for Shakira or Beyonce lah!

    AL was never known for sexy, 2 words come to mind to described these people who find's AL sexy.....cock eyed!

  34. Anonymous6:55 pm

    If you think AL is too sexy you should see some of the Bollywood movies in the afternoons. They are steaming hot. I mean, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being less sexy, the Bollywood dances and movies are 9. AL would only manage a 3 in my books. The Bollywood dances are more sexy than Inul's of Indonesia and yet approved by the government to be broadcast nationwide. Its all BN politics lah!

  35. Anonymous1:31 am

    How come there was not a single noise made when the Pussycat Dolls came to KL recently. I was watching the news... waiting. Nothing. Is that because they came under two powerful conglomerate companies (Astro and Genting) and the MSM had to refrain from stirring things up?

  36. Anonymous5:42 am

    But why MCA supports UMNO and DAP supports PAS. MCA formed Coalition Govt with UMNO while DAP formed Coalition Govt with PAS, even in Perak where DAP has the most number of ADUNs? Both are crazy of power?

  37. Anonymous2:51 pm

    Please tell your strange bed fellows PAS and Pas Youths to cool down. Don't get too sexcited over caucasian women. Do appreciate female talents.

    If your strange bed fellows PAS and Pas Youths cannot tahan and must tembak, please lah go to the master bedroom and do it quietly.
    You know like what Mahathir used to demonstrate explicitly with his hand and fingers.

    Note: Read master bedroom as masterbed room.

    PAS and Pas Youths: Don't be the moral guardians of Malaysians.

  38. Personally, it just shows how sexist our policy makers are. (Whenever women are blamed for rape, that is how I will always feel. It's the men with shoddy pants that must be punished!)

    After all is said and done, I dare say that during Avril's performance, one will be able to find all the Malaysian races represented. AND enjoying themselves!

    If the needs of the majority are all that matters, let's just throw diversity to the wind and become a bigger apartheid state than South Africa used to be.

    Seriously... live and let live.

  39. Anonymous9:47 pm

    I think Malaysians had better grow up. It is not about Avril being "sexy"... It is what she stands for which is decadence and immorality. You can see her on TV, on internet and listen to her songs - no ban on all of that - but she represents a decadent lifestyle which is not only unIslamic but also goes against Easterm values. So PAS is right on this one. I think the Chinese and Indian non-Muslims should realise they are living in a Muslim majority nation in which the constitution maintains the special position of Islam. End of story!
