
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Blogs in Parliament

Blogs are all-rage now, it appears.

Fong Chan Onn (ALOR GAJAH), probably one of the last persons you'd expect to raise questions with regards to blogs, raised the following question today during Question Time:
[Adakah] Kementerian ingin menjadikan blog sebagai media alternatif untuk menyebar matlumat mengenai rancangan-rancangan Kerajaan memandangkan cara ini adalah sangat popular di kalangan orang muda?
The new Minister of Information, Ahmad Shabery Cheek responded quickly by saying "yes", they intend to do so, and the recent "Blog" programme on RTM is very popular and achieve very high ratings.

Unfortunately, both supplementary questions went to Barisan Nasional MPs (PONTIAN, the other) instead of the usual 1 to each side of the bench. The Speaker appeared a little embarrassed by the error, as it was followed by whistles of disapproval from the opposition bench. Both active Yang Berblogs in the house stood and didn't get our questions asked. I was planning to be cheeky and get the Speaker's attention that the Father of Malaysia's Blogs (Bapak Blog Malaysia), JELUTONG, should be given the chance to ask a question! ;-)

OK, so I chickened out. ;-)

Anyway, this was my intended question:
Adakah Kementerian Penerangan tidak lagi berpolisi di mana media massa arus utama (mainstream media) tidak dibenarkan mengangkat berita ataupun "source" daripada Internet dan Blog?

Dan adakah ini bermakna kerajaan tidak lagi menganggap penulis blog sebagai "penembak curi" ataupun "suri rumahtangga yang mengganggur" sepertimana diperinci oleh Menteri Penerangan yang lalu?
You are welcome to help me dig up the links to the articles whereby the former Minister of Information controversially claimed bloggers comprised largely of unemployed housewives! Heh...


  1. Anonymous11:31 am

    yes, I was surprised that the Speaker ignored two bloggers who stood up three times for supplementary questions! :)

  2. well, that is a good move for the goverment to start using technology to reach a wider (and new) target audience. But if such is implemented, judging that netizens are prone to be more on the pro-opposition side, they have to really thread on the matter.

    But still it's a step for change for the governmenet, i guess the ARE indeed realizing something needs to be done and they are doing something about it. I'm going to say: about time!

  3. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Thank you, YB.

    Will publish extract of your post and post it in my website at
    and link readers to your weblog.

    Keep up the good work and we look forward to highlight more posts that tickle the rakyat's minds.

  4. Anonymous2:56 pm

    A better question to ask is if the DNA of the BN govt is designed against the use of blogs, how does the govt expect using blogs to be any use other than worsen the state of mind of the converted and perverted???

  5. Anonymous5:06 pm

    Your site is amazing. Can you put up an RSS for it?

  6. Anonymous6:36 pm

    You mean Fong Po Kuan of course.

  7. Anonymous9:57 pm

    Looks like we have another Minister of Disinformation...oops sorry Misinformation.

  8. Anonymous1:02 am

    Wow! Everyone is a blogger now! And bloggers are cool people. Govt are cool people too!

  9. Dear YB ! I will be most obliged if you could ask the question published below for me in Parliament.


    I refer to the High Court at Kuala Lumpur Originating Petition No. D2-26-41 OF 2001 ; Lim Choi Yin v. McLaren Saksama (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd and to the adjudicating Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali, of said Petition. According to CHARGES made by one Yap Chong Yee husband of Petitioner Lim Choi Yin, Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali had 1st approved all 6 Respondents’ application for security for costs in the sum of Rm.60,000 and upon payment of said security for costs of said Rm.60,000, Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali followed up the receipt of said Rm.60,000 by the approval to Respondent Stephen Lim Cheng Ban a 2nd and subsequent application by Respondent Stephen Lim Cheng Ban for an Order to strike out said Petition.

    The second and subsequent Application for an order to strike out said Petition was made even without there being any court order for the SETTING ASIDE of the 1st order for securing said Rm/60,000 for security for costs pursuant to the 1st order made by Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali. That being the facts of the case my question directed to the attention of the Malaysian Attorney General Tan Seri……. Are the following :

    (1)Was not the conduct of Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s approval of Mr Stephen Lim Cheng Ban’s 2nd and subsequent application to strike out said Petition, while the said cash of Rm60,000 security for costs was still held in the hands of all 6 respondents to the petition, pursuant to the order made by Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali to petitioner to provide security for costs constitute ABUSE OF POWER ?
    Will the Attorney General investigate Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali for the criminal charge of ABUSE OF POWER & MALFEASANCE and will the Attorney General, if upon investigation find that sufficient evidence exist to support a criminal Charge against Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali for abuse of power and/or FOR MALFEASANCE proceed to lay criminal charges against Judge Zainon for a criminal prosecution ?

    (2)Is it not the case that while Respondent Stephen Lim Cheng Ban and the other 5 respondents hold on to the security for costs pursuant to Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s order to Petitioner to provide security for costs and in the absence of any Order to set aside the 1st Order for security for costs, the conduct of Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali together with the conduct of the 6 respondents IN TAKING AND KEEPING SAID RM.60,000 not amount to committing the criminal offence of obtaining money under false pretences ? And further, do the facts not indicate that Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali together with the 6 respondents had acted with a common intention to induce Petitioner to pay said Rm.60,000 while not intending that upon payment of said Rm.60,000 THERE WILL BE A COURT TRIAL OF SAID PETITION ? The being the case do the facts not constitute a conspiracy to obtain money under false pretences ? The facts speak for themselves as an investigation will prove.
    Will the Attorney General investigate said 2 police reports and if the investigation give up facts that will support criminal charges against the said parties, will the Attorney General lay criminal charges against such persons ?
    Petitioner’s husband Yap Chong Yee had formally filed 2 police reports at the Balai Polis Jln. Tun H S Lee, in the first police report Yap Chong Yee had CHARGED the respondents Stephen Lim Cheng Ban, Wong Kem Chen and Kwong Sea Yoon with PERJURY, for having lied in their supporting affidavits applying for security for costs.
    In the second police report Yap Chong Yee had Charged Stephen Lim Cheng Ban with FORGERY, PERJURY AND FABRICATION OF EVIDENCE, contained in his supporting affidavits applying for leave to strike out said petition.
    Both police reports were annexed to Petitioner’s affidavits as exhibits supporting Petitioner’s application for leave to cross examine said 3 respondents for PERJURY & FORGERY and both of Petitioner’s applications were refused leave to cross examine said Respondents, by Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali. The refusal by Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali to allow Petitioner leave to cross examine Respondent Stephen Lim and made in the face of the existence of 2 FORMAL POLICE REPORTS THAT CHARGED STEPHEN LIM CHENG BAN with Perjury & forgery constitutes the charge of MALFEASANCE, AIDING & ABETTING Stephen Lim Cheng Ban to commit the criminal offences of PERJURY & FORGERY.
    Will the Attorney General investigate these criminal charges that are made against Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali and if sufficient evidence is uncovered that will support criminal charges, will the Attorney General prefer criminal charges against Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali; will the attorney General formally charge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali with the said criminal offences ?

  10. Anonymous8:21 am

    Anyhow, if BN-gov tell people not to believe everything in the blogs, we shall also not believe everything the BN-gov blogs. Frankly, previously, they were too busy plotting how to suck more tax-$ then to blog. Now they are caught via the recent GE, they start to blog hoping to win more power next GE...& then suck tax-$ again. They really think by blogging they will win voters confidence? It's the contents & the dialogues in the blogs that matters, not the blogs itself. BN-gov have really missed the point here.

    The same mentality went to the space program. Just because China, USA, Russia all have space program...we also must have one. China have their security reasons for the space program just like the US did in JFK era when Russian went to space. It was driven by cold war era. Now all the space programs are funded for advance research which both US & European SA & Russia share in common. What is our purpose for space program when we can't even provide basic essentials to the poor community? Yet, the BN-gov claim to be champions of the poor with so many billions or funds claimed to have been set aside...but where has it gone? Our priorities are wrong.

  11. Anonymous10:29 am

    I think the government's decision to blog is just to keep up with the changing environment and there's nothing wrong in that. Any change for the better should be postively received by the public. And i dont see anything wrong with blogging as long as they write what is true and important.
