
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Questions for Parliament

To all readers who contributed comments and questions to be submitted for the next parliamentary session. The response was just amazing, and I had to take quite a bit of time going through the questions/comments.

Unfortunately, I can only submit 15 questions, 10 of which are meant to be responded to orally during Parliamentary Q & A sessions, while the remainder 5 will be given written responses. In addition, each question limited to 40 words.

Parliamentary Q & A sessions are held every morning from 10am for about 2hours (from 14 May) before they are adjourned to debate other issues such as new acts, laws or amendments.

Between 30th April and 13th May, parliamentarians will debate on the Royal Address which is scheduled to be given by Yang DiPertuan Agung on the 29th April.

Hence, for those who raised issues not covered by my list of questions here, be rest assured that there are plenty of other opportunities for me to raise some of them either as part of the debate of the royal address or on various bills being proposed by the government.

Well, here are my questions which are submitted to the Parliament office today ;-)

Pertanyaan Bagi Mesyaurat Pertama, Penggal Pertama, Parlimen Kedua Belas

Soalan Jawab Lisan

  1. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pendidikan menjelaskan sama ada SRJK(C) Damansara yang lama akan dibuka semula; dan apakah cadangan kementerian untuk menubuhkan lebih SRJK(C) dan SRJK(T) dengan cara yang lebih tersusun mengikut permintaan rakyat Malaysia.

  2. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan kedudukan perekrutan anggota polis yang amat diperlukan untuk mengurangkan kes jenayah yang amat serius; dan apakah jumlah anggota polis terkini mengikut pecahan tanggungjawab mereka.

  3. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pengajian Tinggi mengenai kedudukan kontrak naib-canselor Universiti Malaya. Adakah seorang naib-canselor baru akan dilantik, dan apakah cara pemilihan yang akan digunakan untuk mengenal pasti seorang akademik yang bertaraf “world class” untuk memulihkan mutu pengajian tinggi di Malaysia.

  4. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pengajian Tinggi menjelaskan dengan teliti cara pelajar-pelajar STPM dan matrikulasi

    a. Berlayak meneruskan pengajian di universiti awam
    b. Diperuntukkan ke universiti-universiti dan kursus-kursus yang tertentu

    Apakah kriteria yang digunakan selain daripada pencapaian akademik mereka?

  5. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pendidikan menjelaskan dengan teliti cara pengiraan mata aktiviti ko-kuriculum bagi pelajar-pelajar untuk tujuan permohonan universiti awam. Siapakah yang menentukan mata aktiviti ini, dan apakah langkah yang diambil kementerian untuk menjamin proses tersebut adil dan saksama.

  6. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Perindustrian (MITI) melaporkan jumlah “Approved Permit (AP)” kereta impot yang dikeluarkan pada 2007 berbanding dengan tahun-tahun yang lalu; apakah anggaran jumlah AP yang akan dikeluar pada tahun ini dan adakah MITI bercadang melelong AP supaya hasil dikutip kerajaan dapat ditingkatkan?

  7. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan mengulaskan strategi dan langkah-langkah kerajaan untuk menghadapi masalah kekurang hasil dari pendapatan industry minyak apabila Malaysia menjadi sebuah Negara pengimpot minyak dalam masa 2-3 tahun; dan kehabisan rizab minyak dalam masa 19 tahun.

  8. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kerja Raya melaporkan pendapatan, keuntungan kumulatif syarikat-syarikat konsesi tol; dan adakah kerajaan akan mengambil langkah tertentu untuk merunding semula ciri-ciri kontrak yang tidak menyimbang dan membebankan orang ramai?

  9. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pendidikan mengulaskan strategi kerajaan untuk menarik graduan-graduan yang lebih bermutu untuk berkhidmat dalam bidang pengajaran supaya anak-anak Malaysia akan mendapat mutu pengajaran yang lebih tinggi. Adakah gaji guru-guru akan ditingkatkan untuk tujuan tersebut?

  10. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Dalam Negeri memberikan laporan nilai, matlumat dan kedudukan project mega “Sistem Immigresen ‘Single Platform’” (SIM). Adakah projek sensitif keselamatan dalam negeri ini diberi kepada sebuah syarikat yang kurang berpengalaman dalam bidang sistem immigresen, yang dimiliki oleh warganegara asing pada masa kontrak ditetapkan?

Soalan Jawab Bertulis

  1. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menjelaskan strategi kerajaan untuk meningkatkan daya menarik pelaburan apabila menghadapi persaingan dari negara jiran yang mempunyai sistem cukai lebih menarik seperti Singapura (18%), Hong Kong (17%), dan juga Negara Eropah seperti Ireland (12.5%), Poland dan Rep. Slovak (19%), Hungary (16%).

  2. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Kewangan menerangkan dengan teliti kaedah penggiraan kadar inflasi Negara, termasuklah jenis dan harga barang ataupun servis yang diliputi untuk mendapatkan kadar 2% bagi tahun 2007.

  3. Tony Pua meminta Perdana Menteri melaporkan statistik penerima biasiswa tempatan dan luar negeri Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awan mengikut kursus yang diuntukkan dan gred SPM ataupun STPM / Matrikulasi yang dicapai

  4. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar menjelaskan garis panduan untuk pembinaan dan pembangunan di sekitar cerun bukit yang curam, terutamanya di kawasan Bukit Gasing dan Bukit Damansara.

  5. Tony Pua meminta Menteri Belia dan Sukan melaporkan kedudukan siasatan pembelian alat-alat pelengkapan seperti pemutar skru, buku teknikal dan jek kereta dengan harga yang keterlaluan. Apakah tindakan yang diambil untuk menghukum pihak yang bertanggungjawab?


  1. Dear Tony,

    Ask for the growth in money supply. It has a close correlation with inflation. I believe the money growth was more than 14% over the past couple of years. Therefore an inflation of 2% per annum is not realistic.

    My interest is in finance and economics. If you need help in undertaking research in this area, feel free to contact me.


  2. Anonymous7:30 am

    Tony, I'm disappointed so far with DAP & Keadilan (I'm not interested in Pas since I never trust their double-face!) backing off from radical approaches in highly fundamental issues which are distressing the rakyat, as the opposition had promised firmly and radically before the election:

    1.Backing off when challenged by the arrogant Musa Hasan, who refused to acknowledge and apologize to the rakyat, for getting violent crime rate especially against Malaysian women skyrocketing during his tenure in the police force. This has little to do with rakyat's fault as he claimed it is or about "politicizing the issue by opposition", but mainly with police corruption; that include impacting upon the circumstance where both foreign workers and locals have become so arrogant in not respecting the laws (nor the women) of this country since they see police force as corruptible and incompetent besides. So your argument about having an increase of personnel in the police force is simply not enough; when the fundamental core of police corruption is not challenged radically nor imbalance of female high-ranking personnel and non-Malays in the force addressed as radically.

    2. Environmental issues should not just address such narrow environmental concern especially in rich class areas that you mentioned; but instead should be very concerned with the bigger picture of massive rainforest and traditional farmland's destruction such as the Penan Borneo's areas and may more other rural, traditional and poor communities, for logging and biofuel and rubber plantations.

    3. The whole system of recruiting foreign workers should be overhauled and not shout down as in recent case; because it's based on injustice, corruption and massive and dangerous abuse of power by Umno, in exchange for their votes for Umno, that include selling citizenship and "indigenous" identity to Muslim foreign workers from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan (where many are bringing their sexist and extremely male chauvinists and violent attitude towards Malaysian women),not just for the foreign workers but also for the rakyat. Where many are exploited in low wage work or simply unable to get employment including in factories due to the competition with the foreign workers. Where's the radical approach promises by DAP & Keadilan to bring in minimum wage anyway, which will resolve such exploitation partly?

    Lastly, do please listen carefully to the rakyat, and not take us for granted, who voted the opposition in; for justice sake mainly. And we prefer that the opposition becomes more justice-hungry rather than power-hungry like the BN!

    A Rakyat,

    Noor Aza Othman.

  3. yippee! one of Lulu's questions is posted!

    for soal-jawab bertulis #5, if you can still afford the words [i understand there is a word count limitation], could you add in bukit antarabangsa? they've suffered the most due to the hill slope development, and tragically are living examples of what can go wrong.

  4. Hi Noor Aza,

    Eh... don't get upset so fast-lah ;-)

    This is question time for us, to obtain vital statistics. Not the avenue to "hit hard" with our policies and suggestions. That will follow during the supplementary questions to the replies given by the ministers or debated during the other sessions ;-)

    Plus, there are 82 opposition MPs, I'm not going to repeat the questions that other MPs are likely to ask (hence "wasting" a question).

    Tony ;-)

  5. Anonymous10:01 am


    Great Questions !
    Hope that this is just the start of good things to come out of Parliament.
    Hopefully we can start to get the real picture of what is happening in the country which will allow for better laws, policy formulation and use of tax-payer dollars.
    It was so interesting to read the contributions from all the other readers of your blog. Truly gave me a sense that there are lots of people concerned about how things work in the country and are interested in making it better.
    From your response to Noor Aza above, can we assume that there was coordination between the new Pakataan Rakyat MP's to ensure no overlap or 'wastage' of questions????

  6. Anonymous10:46 am


    In relation to Question 9 - for Oral Response about recruiting teachers and pay etc etc.
    I think you may find the following document an interesting point for reference if you have not already read it (am attaching the PDF link for your reference).

    Its from McKinsey Consultancy which explains in detail the HOW and WHY some school systems in the world succeed with comparative data.
    It is interesting how it notes that while pay /remuneration is a critical component it is actually not the most important.
    Think the facts may be helpful for you to build your argument etc etc in Parliament.
    Anyway this is my area of interest from days in Singapore and now am involved in Teacher Training /Education.
    Am completing my MEd with UWA and if you need other Education related data -information would be willing to help out.
    I can be contacted at

  7. YB Pua,

    I'm just curious. Are these questions coordinated with the other 81 Pakatan Takyaat's MPs. It seemed that you are touching on quite a number of areas. I thought that the Pakatan MPs should "specialised" so that they can be "experts" in their respective fields to have more impact on the respective Ministries.

    Just my thoughts.

  8. Everybody though opposition is SUPERMAN/LADY, we need immediate result after BN LOSS. HA..HA.. No such thing. 1st Parliament not even start, be patient. If after one or two years, still no improvement in Selangor, Perak....then we can start comments and angry. All the Malaysians now smart, if opposition no result....MALAYSIAN KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT ELECTION.

  9. Anonymous11:41 am

    Hi Tony, on the matter of 'wasting questions'; is there a possibility of the opposition bench or maybe within the DAP to set up a question bank and/or to co-ordinate the questions posted so that extra questions can be distributed to other MPs who has quota to spare and the chance of similar questions lessened?

  10. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Hi Tony

    I hope to meet you in person during the 2nd parliamentary session where we will be submitting a Bill to the Dewan Rakyat for approval. Not sure whether its wrong protocol wise to take a photo with you when I see you but it will be great if I am allowed.

    See you there!

  11. Anonymous12:28 pm

    Hi YB Tony,

    “(Bernama) PUTRAJAYA, April 8 -- The government has allocated RM5.8 bilion to build more than 23,000 units of staff quarters for civil servants working in the federal government's administrative capital here.

    They are building 23,000 units of Gomen quarters for which we the Taxpayer must pay RM5.8 billion. Almost all are apartments. Lets do some arithmetic. I am not not so good in mathematics (integration, advanced calculus, etc.) but I am quite good in arithmetic.

    23,000 houses = RM5,800,000,000. This means the average cost of each Gomen quarters = RM 5,800,000,000 / 23,000 = RM252,173.00 per apartment.

    Satu lagi project BN!

  12. There's no ism like Showism

  13. Anonymous1:56 pm

    Tony pua meminta kerajaan jangan degil dan terus berkhidmat untuk rakyat

  14. Anonymous3:10 pm

    Hello All

    The educational system of
    Finland is reputed to be one of
    the world's best. Check it out!

  15. Anonymous6:36 pm

    New Cabinet:

    Prime Minister - Anwar

    Deputy Prime Minister - Lim Kit Siang

    Culture Minister - Farish Noor

    Defence Minister -

    Education Minister - Nga Kor Ming

    Environment Minister - Teresa Kok

    Finance Minister - Tony Pua

    Foreign Minister - Ramasamy

    Health Minister -

    Home Minister - Ronnie Liu

    Information Minister - Jeff Ooi

    Law Minister - Teng Chang Khim

    Manpower Minister -

    Sports Minister -

    Technology Minister -

    Trade Minister -

    Transport Minister - Liew Chin Tong

    (Penang Chief Minister - Lim Guan Eng)

  16. Hey Tony,

    Thanks for forwarding my questions [written questions 2&3]. You probably had that in mind anyway. But Thanks!

    I ll be looking forward towards the answers. If you re looking for volunteers for economists to do data-crunching analysis for you, please contact my email...i ll be more than glad to help you to process any sort of hard-data you can get hold off.

    Some of the oral questions are ongoing political issues that DAP champions. glad to see them being "remembered". You might want to relate the question on toll concessionaire to Gamuda's owned/operated LDP, since that's in your constituent. i say ABOLISH LDP!

  17. Anonymous10:32 pm


    Good proposed cabinet! If this is true, all corrupted BN politicians will be exiled and Malaysia will overtake Singaore within 10 years for sure! Let us make this dream come true one day!!

  18. Anonymous11:17 pm


    A word of caution.

    I am not very familiar with parliamentary proceedings, but you better check whether you are allowed to ask questions that are not originated from your constituency. You don't want the questions to be censured or brushed aside if they tell you the questions are not relevant to the people you represent, or whatever else they can use against you.

  19. Hi rcchia,

    Don't worry. If we are only allowed to ask questions in our constituency, then it'll make for a terrible parliament ;-)

    The only thing we can't ask in Parliament is state matters such as land alienation etc.

    ;-) Tony

  20. Just a side track to this,

    Regarding the money needed by Pakatan Rakyat government, can i suggest this?

    All citizens of PR states do not pay your 2007 income tax to the LHDN.

    Pakatan Rakyat state government, please open an account under Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Selangor (for Selangor),Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Perak (for Perak) and etc respectively.

    All citizens of Pr States then pay your 2007 tax to these accounts. After all, if we don't pay tax to LHDN for a year, we will just get fine

    But if everyone of us staying in PR states pay taxes to the states government, then the PR government can use the money as a bargaining collateral against the BN Federal government. Show them how co - operative the rakyat are and what the rakyat's wishes are.

  21. hi, when is the opposition coming out with shadow cabinet? We know it's been busy for you guys. However, this is one of the more important things that need to be done.

    If there's a shadow cabinet, the opposition can watch the government more closely & the questions ask will become more focus.

  22. YB Tong,

    You are great putting the questions you wanted to ask on your blog... I hope the others in Pakatan Rakayat will also do the same. Maybe we should round up the IT and other professionals / experts in the country to do National service for the MPs in Pakatan Rakayat. It was great to some Rakayat wanting to offer help by churning out some important numbers... very noble and humble of them...

  23. Anonymous5:52 am

    Hi YB (Yang Berhormat & Yang Berkhidmat) Tony Pua, great questions there & keep up the good work.

    Just 1 comment, I think it should be 'Menteri PELAJARAN' instead of 'Menteri Pendidikan':
    'Tony Pua meminta Menteri Pendidikan menjelaskan.....'

    vonnephuayc & deskohck ;-)

  24. Anonymous6:11 am

    I wish you can read the following article in China Press (10.4.2008): Should we be the good citizen and pay the summons for the mistakes that we have made or wait for the summons to be cancelled by Pakatan Rakyat?












  25. Anonymous6:17 am

    Another article in Nanyang (22.3.2008) for your party to rethink.

    经济眼:欢迎惠及全民的新措施 2008/03/21 17:51:58



    由于雪兰莪州内自来水供应量是全马最高,2005年占全国总水供应量的31.68% ,每天供水量为37亿4千万公升,自来水供应覆盖率占城市人口100% ,乡村区也高达99.5% ,平均只有低于0.5% 的雪州人民尚未取得自来水供应,可见首20立方公尺免费自来水供应的新措施,最能惠及全雪州500多万人民。


    这项措施将使雪州政府减少一笔不菲的财政收入,虽然我们担心它对雪州的财政将有一定影响,可是我们看看过去雪兰莪州被拖欠的税金、被拖欠水费年年倍增,而常年因偷水、破坏水表、水管破裂,蒙受损失自来水量(失水量)每天多达14亿1千400万公升,是总供水量的37.8% ,占全国总失水量的32.12% (全国最高失水量的州属依次为沙巴、森美兰、彭亨、吉打和吉兰丹)。如果新政府能提高行政效率,勤加催收欠单,尽快维修水表爆管,将自来水流失量减到比联邦政府所订下的目标更低(联邦政府订下目标为2010年减至23% ),相信还是足以填补这个财政缺口。






  26. YB Tony,

    I had wanted this question asked:

    Why isn't the important elements of the Federal Constitution ever taught in school, especially in the secondary school.

    In light of the infantile and frivolous things children are learning in their Civic classes, it is shocking that student go through std 1 to undergraduate WITHOUT knowing anything about the Federal Constitution.

  27. Hi Mr. Pua,

    I'm ignorant of Parliament's rules or protocol, but perhaps it would be appropriate to start your questions with `Wakil PJ Utara bertanya.....'

    There are tiny errors here and there in your Q-list but these do not affect the meaning. If you need help in editing the Bahasa Melayu questions for future sessions, just let me know.

    Best wishes in your opening session of Parliament. Go kick some a**!

  28. Anonymous11:44 pm

    BN is still living in denial. They only truly control Pahang, Johor, Malacca & Negri-9 but still think big-headed. Sabah/Sarawak still rocky in many ways. Perlis & Terengganu not truly under AAB-Umno control.

    Now Tourism Minister use same formula like wang-ehsan for tourist activity under her umbrella to control the funds through her new cronies...she must be eyeing another bungalow somewhere in Desaru/KotaTinggi or new Merc R-class. She signs the cheques of all taxpayers & talk like the $ belong to her, like her father company like that. ai...perkara biasa lah. She want to act like Rafidah Aziz now.

    Also very dissapointed with Transport Minister statement that "his excellency" will report on the PKFZ scandal at his own other words, it will go with him. This was BN-style talk & still BN-style talk. Most people earlier would have said, wah, this guy got balls, go & dig out, use to speak his mind for MCA (blah blah blah)...then suddenly turn around & criticize YAB LKS pulak. At least YAB LKS has done his job. Datuk OTK talk only & criticized other already. We see no report, mean job not done lah. Easy as that. Now that he is a full minister, become L-C-L-Y already. Datuk OTK has lost my vote of confidence today. His true colour is out now. True hypocrite.

  29. Anonymous4:13 am

    A week ago I saw you Questions to Parliament was posted in your blog. As I was trying to have another look at your Questions, they have already disappeared. Why? May I know? You should keep those good Questions posted and be proud of them, and for others to read!

  30. Anonymous10:55 pm

    Pleased that Question 4 was raised questioning the government's method of evaluating applications for university admission. I believe there are two areas where we can focus here

    - Provide greater transparency in terms of admission criteria to public universities. This includes requirements for financial aid/scholarships.

    - Have a systematic/independent commission to evaluate and ranked all public universities in Malaysia in terms of their education quality and research excellence. Also, provide this document to all Malaysians so that they can make an informed decision as well as encourage universities to continously improve their standards

    - Setup a cluster of universities in Malaysia that will attract and develop top talents in the country. If need be, increase the admission requirements and provide financial aid to these individuals to pursue their study there. While in the university, provide the highest quality of education and emphasis to these bright students.

  31. Anonymous3:02 pm

    Hi Tony,
    Bravo for your Questions. I suggest for the question 4 that which the Government can give a real transperant table with all the statistic that show which Uni with the courses and the average score and marks for the criteria to enter the courses. Hopefully with the ratio of races also. Then we as the student only have a clear view to not apply for the course that u r not qualify for....
    As i remembered during my time, there is some unoficial statistical count come from a handbook. But it is not officially. we hope government will have a transparent statistic in a handbook for easier applicant's reference.
