
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An Insult to the Handicap?

BUKIT GELUGOR (Karpal Singh) was making various points via "Points of Order" during the Question Time proceedings.

While I won't go into the merits of the standing orders debate (i.e., rules and regulations of parliament), which I'm still grappling with, Ibrahim Ali of PASIR MAS, the self-proclaimed independent MP who stood on the PAS ticket, raised his voice in the Dewan, and told Karpal to shut up for supposedly wasting time, and added that if he wanted to speak in the Dewan, he should "stand up".

I didn't hear it myself, but apparently, the infamous KINABATANGAN, supported PASIR MAS as well.

If the above wasn't an unparliamentary insult, in particular to the handicapped community in Malaysia, then I don't know what is.

However, despite being pressed by various DAP MPs in the Dewan, the Speaker refused to request that these MPs "tarik balik" or withdraw their comments. He just polite requested that MPs should not mention unparliamentary words in the Dewan. I thought it was clearly unacceptable, and sets a bad precendent for future debates.


  1. Anonymous12:30 pm

    The member for Pasir Mas is famous for his leaping and I bet Pas must be making a grave mistake for allowing him to stand on their ticket.See what this traitor had done what all the opposition members supported Tan Seng Giau whereas he did the opposite!This type of MP is an oppotunist and would do anything for his own political gain.Beware!!Hope you guys would teach him a lesson later in Parliament.

  2. Anonymous12:38 pm

    Hi Tony,

    Heck we should care with those irrelevant people. you should be bold and courages to stand on whatever convictions you have for the sake of the people. Be polite does not has to be soft but constructive and sensible. Enjoy!

  3. Dear YB Tony,

    I watched the 'chaotic' scene of big boys shouting this morning and thanks for 'blogging' from Parliament. I was trying to look out for you and Jeff.
    My only hope and wish is the new YBs from Pakatan Raakyat are not caught up with the BN Kiasus (they are still drinking milk and throwing tantrums). Like the invited guest in RTM 1 said that the mannerisms of MPs are a concern. With new young YBs added on, it is hope the scene will changed. She did mention about the education level of YBs which is very important ... however I did notice the 'Hound dog' from Oxford very rude and fiery with finger pointing. Trying to fight for his SURVIVAL in Parliament.
    Please please Pakatan Rakaayat MPs you can be ASSERTIVE in your point of view but don't be like BN babies throwing TANTRUMS. If you could sit back and watch and ignore 'bad comments'... see what happens? It will only reflect on the person who made that statement.
    "It takes a bigger monkey or idiot to know another one?"

    Look at YB Haji Awang, the manner he spoke so calm...
    Fire leads to no where, it burns... Learn the Tai-chi move and ward off. U will still be standing upright because of your horse stand but the other person fall flat on the mud.
    So if no one pay attention to unpleasant comments... the person who make the comments will have to retract it himself because whatever he said nobody hear it. Malu nya... by screaming back, the person has terima the 'stuphid' comment. So why does Bukit Glugor wants to terima and waste his energy on a small worm?
    I hope you all have seen how RPK spoke on RTM with all the facts at the finger tips and it automatically made the host look lost and he better think twice or prepare himself well if he wants to host Blog again... "so don't fight Yang Berhormats in Pakatan Raayat because you all are A Class Above above the BN Bayis s s s ... asking for milk...(mak nak

    Please tell Uncle Lim and especially Uncle Karpal...
    Don't take in the NEGATIVE ENERGY and let the Pakatan Energy drain... You guys are there to "JUST Change for Malaysia... and we will rise and see the sun (no need to fight with words... action (get all of them to sing the song that you composed before Parliament starts every morning)
    We want more than 5 years of Pakatan Raayat.

    Wish you all well and happy always.

  4. Dear YB ,

    PAS made the biggest mistake by giving Ibrahim to contect under PAS . In 2004 he lost as ind calon . I bet he will jump boat to BN soon


  5. i thought they should have a better parliment now, but obviously they still act like a monkey in the circus...
    shouldn't all MP(especially those BN's MP) behave themselves?

  6. Anonymous1:31 pm

    Well done tony and jeff updating us the latest hot news within parliament itself...i strongly believe this is a breakthrough in Malaysia history....together we march on!

    Canaan, Kepong

  7. Ibrahim Ali is trying to act smart !

    Unwanted by UMNO, he stood on a PAS ticket and now sabotaging the party.

    Ibrahim Ali should resign and re join UMNO where he belongs.

    Retarded animals like him belong only in UMNO. Pave way for a by election Ibrahim ...........

  8. Anonymous2:00 pm

    It's your own fault that you accept frogs. Sometimes, they jump back at you. And Jelutong can you please explain why your good friend from Bukit Gelugor, who is supposedly a learned person and experienced MP, called Kinabatangan a "BigFoot"..

    Before you ask to be respected, learn to respect others!

  9. this is what i call blogging from the parliment, immediate new indeed

  10. First world infrastructure, but third world parliament? well, at least not as bad as in Taiwan when they resort to physical violence..

  11. Anonymous2:36 pm

    Ibrahim Ali is to Pasir Mas what Mugabe is to Zimbabwe.

  12. It's good to detect in the beginning the possible symptom of terminal illness that certain 'independent' body carries lest it may cause damage without proper precaution, now it can be isolated just in case it will rot to the core by the 'independent' body itself. We certainly hope it is self destructive as such could have very selfish motive.

  13. I'm feeling weird when people trying to give the impression that "fighting" in the parliament is bad... but instead they overlook the "freedom-ness" and the substance from such fighting...

    I'm not saying I agreed that YB Bukit Gelugor calling Big Foot is correct.... I'm just arguing that, isn't it important to have soalan tambahan? Isn't it important for MPs to respect the handicapped? Bear in mind handicapped or disabled is not banned from being elected to the house of reps, and when someone asking a handicapped rep to stand up... is it a little bit too much?

    So some of the people actually argued that the MPs (particularly DAP MPs for i don't know what reason) should not "care" about such issues?

  14. Anonymous4:47 pm

    it's good that you notice such things tony. good job! :) its interesting that we get these "live feeds" from you from the parliament ;)

  15. Time to get rid of the monkeys dressed up as BN MP's - they can only make noises and threats without any sense of decency. Screw the anti-hopping law for the moment, and rid our country from these monkeys who care only to enrich themselves. The real talents in our country lie in the current opposition side of the parliament. Enough is enough! Time for a change.

  16. Hello there, I saw the Parliament live telecast and it's definitely a new experience for me, so perhaps what I'm about to say springs from naivete, but, for example, I really felt that in those beginning 30 mins that we saw, Karpal Singh's presence was a major liability. (And then at one point his son stepped in to help also ... which just doesn't send the right message although it is within his rights.) I was anxious to get to the part where they debate about the Questions but the Opposition MPs were insisting on peraturan mesyuarat stuff which DID feel trivial (can't remember what now ... something about seating positions?). Where is the political value in that? I'm still trying to figure it out? How is it scoring points with the audience|rakyat, whether in the short term or long?

    As such I actually sympathise with Pandikar Amin. I can see his point, it is perhaps more important to get into the questions rather than waste time. But YBs refuse to listen to him. Or maybe they're just testing to see whether he'll budge? Newbie eh ...

    And then there's Gombak with 'hey how come they get 6 questions and we only get 4 sedangkan ...'. Again, perhaps it is within his rights to ask that, but boy did that sound like kindergarten (maybe up to Std 3 at the most).

    As for the PM's answer ... boy, I'd fall asleep in Parlimen if I was listening to that! I'd rather have the soalan tambahans - but it seems unreasonable to demand that after spending so many minutes on ... I dunno what.

    I was hoping to read your opinions about today's session. I'll continue trawling through the political blogs to get a general feel.

  17. Anonymous5:55 pm

    With all due respect to all members of parliament, I really wish all would focus their valuable time on important matters that affects the average Malaysian - cost of living, transportation,etc. Forget who is from which party and work together. People want constructive actions/decisions taken.

  18. Yes u should should at this Kinabatangan Mp, this sucker is useless, if he have block i will sure shoot him up site down, i think the local voter is blind why such quality people can put into parlimen, i must find a way to make him month shut, this sucker really wasting tax payer money, next election DAP or PR should send powerful man to beat him down

  19. Anonymous6:38 pm

    so karpal singh calling kinabatangan "BIGFOOT" is fine?

  20. Anonymous7:00 pm

    the problem with mr singh is his enthusiasm to show everyone that he is a lawyer and he knows everything there is to know about the law. in that he assumes the rest as ignorant fools who knows nothing .... have some respects to those non-law experts in the house and stop to object to minor technical abuses ..... be simple and direct to the point ...

  21. Anonymous7:03 pm

    That's not an insult. That's a joke. They have been doing such act for long la!Takkan tak biasa kot? Anyway, if this small thing you guys in the Parliament took seriously, then when you all gonna arise the rakyat's matter? Oh come on..

  22. Anonymous7:14 pm

    It's an insult to the handicapped, including myself. and to all right-thinking Malaysans.

  23. Anonymous9:08 pm

    too bad i missed the debate today... interesting!
    but glad to know the first hand (though now is considered quite late already) news from the Paliarment. i think, since 'kurang ajar' cannot be used to label those who themselves are rude and kurang ajar, the word UNCIVILISED is much more appropriate, since they at that AGE with those 'qualifications' and 'status' ain't know nothing about respecting others. Oh, come on, even small kids know not to look down on disabled people, what's more to those Wakil Rakyat? i think those who don't know this basis are NOT ELIGIBLE to be the wakil rakyat. i really cannot imagine what impact they could give to the people if they themselves don't behave in their utterances, bahaviours and actions.

  24. Anonymous9:28 pm

    View the video here:

  25. This issue started when Bukit Gelugor MP asked the Kinabatangan to shut his mouth..
    Look at Karpal words..he called the Bung Mokhtar as a bigfoot..
    We should respect someone else is we want someone else to respect us..
    and another more,i dont understand why that paralyze still want to be the MP even he know his own condition..
    He is useless!!

    About the Pasir Mas MP, he talked according to the fact..

  26. Anonymous10:50 pm

    In principle, yes, he should have been made to retract or apologise.
    In practical, Speaker already allowed, so let's carry on. No point going down to his level. Even the great Karpal, I'm sure by now, is not surprised by these idiotic comments. But now at least you guys know who the wolf in sheep's clothing is! Take care and good luck. Blaze the way ahead for a new Malaysia!

  27. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Dear YB Tony,

    This is a democratic country and MPs are human. Don't expect them to behave like angels. Furthermore there are standing orders that governs the parlimentary sitting. The Speaker must be able to ensure that rules and order are being observed. Otai Mps like Karpal and Bung should control their emotions and become good role model.

  28. Anonymous11:12 pm

    The PR MPs shouldn't had reacted in the like manner when the BN MPs were being provocative and acted like unduly, rowdy school children.

    They should have behaved in a more dignified manner and showed decorum in the House.

    It is hope the opposition MPs can behave diffrently from today onward. Even if provocative behaviour and abusive language are thrown at them, they should react with controlled language and manner. Don't fall for their bait. This will surely stun the BN MPs. Show contrast, assure the people they ahd voted correctly.

  29. Anonymous11:44 pm

    I do hope Tony Pua can bring up the slow connection of streamyx to the parliment. Thanks very much. From,

  30. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Hi, Tony.
    Today's session in Parliament sounds like one big joke. What a waste of time for PR MPs to raise a ruckus over small matters - honestly, all that are non-issues to the rakyat.
    Message to the Opposition MPs - please STAY FOCUSSED; do what it takes to achieve your stated goals; be constructive; do not open your mouth in Parliament unless what you say will contribute to making Malaysia a better place. Tony, we are pinning our hopes on the new generation of leaders like yourself to show how it can be done.
    Message for Mr Singh - Do not oppose just for the sake of it, treat others with civility and respect, try to bring out the best in the other person (you seem hell-bent on doing just the opposite). Another point, I hope ALL the MPs, PR included, will rise above partisan politics and vote according to conscience. Expecting PR to vote en bloc is just as bad as BN cracking the whip to force its MPs to vote en bloc - that's how we got the OSA, remember?

  31. Anonymous12:17 am

    Opposition MP should be calm even when being hurled with criticisms, then only can they earn respect from their BN counterparts. In my opinion, Mr. Karpal shouldnt have took the time to argue, he should have just focused on what he had wanted to say. If the MPs wanted to act like children, just let them be.

    On a disabled front; i still find it highly amusing. Can't believe there'll still be childish rudeness among grown men.

  32. Anonymous12:38 am

    Hmmm ,
    Parlimen supposedly to be a sacred place to the country and the image of the nation
    what is suprising is , these top elites should be the role model of the people , imagine these MPss are suposedly well educated and manner
    SHUDUP!!! , that is cool , an expression i will always use in any conversation , and i guess it reflects how polite we are the MALAYSIANS
    keep it up MPss , u can do it!!!

  33. Dear Tony,
    Please advice Mr Karpal to not fall into his own trap. Pakatan Rakyat should not clean their dirty linens in the public. Any differences should be sorted out closed doors and gentlemently. We voted for a change, not to see the same old story or situation UMNO did to MCA and MIC. Let's get our senses together and work for a new Malaysia. Please, if Pakatan Rakyat is to form a new government, DAP, PKR & PAS MUST give in and compromise together. If not, Pakatan Rakyat will only last for one term. This is reality folks!

  34. Anonymous1:53 am

    Many of you have unrealistic expectations or no previous knowledge of parliamentary proceedings. This is just a typical day at the Parliament.

  35. Anonymous3:41 am

    i agree with andy - let's not take the bait and get on with things.

    No one is saying that it is right to insult the handicapped but wouldn't the better thing to do be to deal with it in another way rather than waste precious parliamentary time on this. Po Kuan sounded so shrill it was cringing to watch.

    Does Karpal want to get a debate going or indulge in showing how well versed he is with the standing orders? Of course getting the basics right is important - maybe these can be done at the end of the session or by Pakatan sending a direct memo to the speaker to get these things right.

    So far it is clear that this speaker is worse than the previous one but the public have eyes - they can see. However, when PR descend to the level of objecting to things like over limit word questions then it is really off putting - the better thing to do then is to say to the speaker that maybe the 40 word limit is not so practical and shouldn't be applied for future questions. Instead of making it a them vs us game, be constructive and show all of us why more PR MPs is worth the while.

    Remember - you guys are being measured on a different scale (whether that is right or wrong is another issue) so any missteps and misjudgment will have a bigger impact than what the BN MPs and that is because the public don't expect anything at all from the BN MPs but have very high hopes for you guys. All of you, especially a veteran like Karpal, must really step up to the plate.

  36. Anonymous8:56 am

    I hate Ibrahim respect for him at all!

  37. Anonymous9:00 am

    when they stand and fight for things such as broken rules in parliament, the people complain its unnecessary and does not precede the importance of rakyat questions.

    if they instead go straight for the big questions which is the main reason we have a parliament, the people will criticize that no one stand up against the speaker on his fairness and MPs who do not follow rules such as 'Bigfoot'.

    whatever the case, the definite solution is not obvious. what is obvious is that people are hardest to satisfy.

    and the extreme case is exhibited from 'Blog Shooter'.

  38. Anonymous9:20 am

    KABUTZALWAYZ said... <<<< no wonder you made such irrational comments, when i clicked on ur profile i understand why

    Made the right choice to send the opposition leaders to represent us. If they dun speak up for us, then who will?

    Way to go, Uncle Lim, Uncle Singh and team. Waiting to hear from your juniors too....

    Great job Tony and Jeff for an making an effort to blog!!

  39. Anonymous9:27 am

    I agree that PAS made a wrong move in allowing Ibrahim Ali to contest under the PAS ticket. He should be consider under PAS in th Parliament and not independent because he used PAS's ticket to win. This is unfair to the opposition.

  40. Anonymous10:27 am

    and you thought things would change now that you are in the Parliment? You founded your own company for a reason ~ because you are not sheep. Now you are back in the barn. Now how long b4 u call it quits?

  41. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Let the BN monkeys make a fool of themselves in Parliament again and again! Let the rakyat see their true colours. The next General Elections let them be wiped off!!!

    I think Pasir Mas should join BN too.

  42. Anonymous1:39 pm

    We do not use the word "handicap" anymore. The acceptable terms are "disabled people/person" or "people/person with disabilities."

    My takes on the Ibrahim Ali's and Bung Moktar's antics is here:

  43. YB Tony, it's awesome what you're doing. and what you pointed out is eye opening too. i'm bookmarking your blog! :D

  44. To called bung a bigfoot is fair to him. In the dewan he is a bigfoot, out of dewan (Kinabatangan, Sabah) he is a beast surrounded by the beauty. Well done Uncle Karpal.

  45. Anonymous6:12 pm

    I wonder what this nincoompoop Kabutzawayz is talking about! He must be talking rubbish and stating that the froggie from Pasir Mas talking facts about Kapal Singh, I bet he must be out of his mind.This dude is not sympathetic and making fun on a handicap-gosh!he should be ashamed of himself!

  46. Anonymous11:18 pm

    i really do not understand most of us... The fact that both set of people (BNs and the opps)says something stupid shows that I was wrong to opt for the expected changes... By right, i can see there will no changes... at least by keeping at what it is i feel safer...

    long Live Act 153!!!!

  47. Anonymous12:59 pm

    I watched the live telecast and was very annoyed and disappointed by the petty technicalities raised by Karpal. He is such an experienced opposition veteran and he made such a fool of himself and of the whole pakatan rakyat on the live telecast. We voted MPs who would go to parliament to raise issues concerning the people, progress, development etc and not dwell into technicalities such as raising one's hand to take an oath. Don't tell me Bukit Gelogor's people would greatly benefit if the BN MP's raised their hands to take their oath. Where is the relevant to the people / voters when these stupid issues are raised. No doubt I was annoyed by the so called "Independent" MP who raised such remark about Karpal but who wouldn't retaliate when the whole parliament was concentrating on such stupid technicalities.

    I thought we voted for a better party but all these petty things make us feel sick for voting for you all. I'm a strong supporter of the Pakatan Rakyat but I hope all these "over the hill" MPs know when to let go and allow all the younger MPs go and raise more productive issues. I respect Karpal for his services all these years but he should stop making silly comments like that. It will make people remember him for all the bad remarks instead of all the good things he has done in the past.

  48. A Great Speech in Parliament From Unexpected Quarters!

    One the morning of 30th April as I was driving to work, I prayed to God for several things to be raised during the nation's historic 12th parliamentary session: The end of corruption, the restoration of the independence of the judiciary and the removal of unjust laws that infringe on the basic rights of all law-abiding citizens.

    When I read the headlines in the two mainstream media the next day, I was at first sorely disappointed that the session was marred by disputes over points of order and name calling between the two parties.

    Didn't God answer my prayers as He usually does? Reading further (and we need to look hard for the real news buried in the manistream media though less so with the new media), I was surprised to see that Ong Ka Ting made a terrific speech about the one of the most important issues that turned the heavens against this nation's administrators: that is the unfair subjection of non-muslims (former converts or either parents who converted) against their free will to Shariah laws versus civil laws in several cases in recent years. This was the speech I expected the Opposition to give as the most powerful attack against the government, who is ultimately responsible for the erosion of religious freedom and rights as enshrined in the constitution.

    I can see why OKT is motivated to stand up forcefully for the religious rights of the non-muslims, perhaps for the first time in his career. Let us now see whether he or the other MCA leaders will pursue these important issues that are dear to the hearts of many worshippers in this great country.

    However, a speech will remain a mere speech unless it is followed up by committed action. He certainly has stolen the thunder from the opposition while BN and PR were entangled in a war of words.

    If MPs like OKT can continue to stand up for the people regardless of partisan political affiliations, my prediction for Malaysia in the next six months is that we will have a new era of political language. And the Rakyat and God will be the judge as to whether these reformist impulses are sincere and effective in protecting citizens from unjust laws and a unfair judiciary.

    Whether OKT survives a leadership crisis in MCA is irrelevant. “Dear parliamentarians, the whole world is watching what you say, what you decide to do and what you will actually do. Not only for your constituents but also for the silent minority”

    The best line from the new cartoon film Horton is: "A person is a person, no matter how small." Can Malaysia live up to the principle of equal rights for all citizens or are some persons more important than others because of their colour, their politics or their religion?

  49. Anonymous8:01 am

    I manage to see the video of the live session in YouTube last night, and I personally feel that the Speaker sounds very arrogant!

  50. Anonymous11:58 pm

    I went to the 3oth April Parliament sitting with few NGOs...
    It was a big difference from what the newspaper reported, which keep on highlighting that Karpal Singh is to be blamed for calling KinaBinatang "Big Foot".

    In the Parliament, Ibrahim Ali even scold Fong Po Kuan "Shut Up" when she asked him to retract and apologise to Karpal. Then he told her... "ni usik sikit-sikit dah nak marah"

    When Ong Ka Ting was speaking, KinaBinatang asking for interruption, OKT didn't allow,.... Then kinaBinatang said "apala... kita kan kawan... kawan patut bagi kawana la"
    Then when Karpal Singh seeking permission for interruption, OKT also didn't allow...
    Then again the KinaBinatang said "dia tu, u tak bagi tak apa... dia bukan kawan... tapi saya kawan u.. u patut bagi"

    See... how silly they are~~!!

    Edmund Hiew
